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TriLink N-6001 说明书

更新时间:2017-08-01      点击次数:2371

世界*实验材料供应商 TriLink正式授权上海起发为其中国代理, TriLink在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海起发一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,签约 TriLink就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

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TriLink BioTechnologies——高品质常规/特殊核苷酸产品
TriLink BioTechnologies公司是世界的核酸修饰技术领域的,成立于1996年,总部设在San Diego,California。TriLink公司致力于高品质核酸修饰产品的研发和生产,提供包括核苷酸、常规及核苷三磷酸特殊修饰的寡核苷酸定制(oligonucleotides),m RNA合成,CleanAmp?PCR产品,phosphoramidites和其他小分子在内的众多产品。近二十年来,TriLink一直是诊断和OEM市场核酸产品供应的行业,产品应用于基因治疗,核苷类化疗,寡核苷酸治疗和诊断领域。此外,TriLink还可提供特殊核苷酸、m RNA定制,合同研究服务和ISO/ QSR标准的cGMP生产设施。TriLink完善的产品及研发服务解决方案有助于推动药物发现和生物医学研究。

经过18年的发展, TriLink已经成为高品质RNA合成领域的,为广大科研工作者提供的mRNA及长链RNA(长可达几个Kb),并且定制修饰。同时我们也提供成品mRNA产品,包括报告基因及 mRNA表达因子。


ppGpp, Magic Spot, Guanosine tetraphosphate 


Extinction Coefficient: 13,600 Lmol-1cm-1 at 252 nm
Molecular Weight: 603.2 g/mol (free acid)
Molecular Formula: C10H17N5O17P4 (free acid)
Salt Form: Lithium
Purity Specification: ≥85% by AX-HPLC

Shipped at 100 mM in H2O.
1 µmole: 10 µL
5 µmole: 50 µL
10 µmole: 100 µL

Guanosine-3',5'-Bisdiphosphate (also known as guanosine tetraphosphate, ppGpp or “magic spot*”), is a guanosine analogue containing a diphosphate moiety at both the 5' and 3' hydroxyls. Within the cell, ppGpp regulates transcription of genes affecting important bacterial metabolic processes, such as cell division, motility and adaptation (Potrykus, K., et al., Lemke, J.J., et al.) When prokaryotes and certain plants become nutritionally deficient, amino acid starvation is a direct consequence. During amino acid starvation, guanosine tetraphosphate is an important signal to start the stringent response mechanism. The result of the ppGpp signal is a stop in protein synthesis, leading to adjustments in gene expression levels and causing cells to remain dormant until normal nutritional levels are restored (Artsimovitch, I., et al.) In particular, ppGpp strongly inhibits the synthesis of components of the translation machinery such as tRNA and rRNA (Paul, B.J., et al., Gralla, J.D., et al.) while simultaneously stimulating the transcription of genes involved in amino acid biosynthesis (Artsimovitch, I., et al.). This ppGpp-mediated mechanism prevents the outflow of unnecessary energy resources to help bacteria survive until adequate amino acid levels are reached.


Synthesis of ppGpp

Guanosine tetraphosphate is synthesized from ATP and GDP during the stringent response mechanism (Figure 1). The RelA and SpoT proteins play a critical role in maintaining the appropriate levels of ppGpp (reviewed in (Potrykus, K., et al.)). Once synthesized, the ppGpp transcription factor binds to the RNA polymerase (Vrentas, C.E., et al.) to regulate the transcription of certain promoters in a process that, in E. coli, is assisted by protein DksA, Figure 2 (Paul, B.J., et al.). In the presence of ppGpp, tRNA and rRNA synthesis is reduced in favor of transcription of amino acid biosynthetic genes. Although the global role of ppGpp is understood, the mechanism by which ppGpp contributes to the regulation of certain promoters has not been fully characterized and varies among different bacteria (Bernardo, L.M., et al.) Molecular mechanisms of ppGpp are still being studied to better understand how different bacteria adapt to extreme circumstances through the stringent response.

Stringent Response

While ppGpp plays a critical role in cellular survival in vivo, several groups have contributed to our current knowledge of how guanosine tetraphosphate interacts with the RNA polymerase and other transcription factors by in vitro experiments (Lemke, J.J., Vrentas, C.E., Powell, B.S., deLivron, M.A. et al.). Most notably, Richard Gourse’s laboratory at the University of Wisconsin focuses on understanding RNA transcription regulation and the role that ppGpp plays in modulating the response to changing environmental conditions. A well-characterized transcription assay to examine the effects of added ppGpp concentration on promoter activity during in vitro transcription is described in Paul et al. Herein, we provide some general guidelines to follow in any in vitro transcription assay in which the amount of ppGpp is varied to evaluate its effect on the cellular stringent response.


* Potrykus and Cashel noted two spots appeared in autoradiograms from extracts of E. coliresponding to the stress of aminoacid starvation. According to Irina Artsimovitch of Ohio State University, these spots were tagged as 'magic' because “Microbiologists have wondered for half-century how this small molecule with a relatively simple structure could have such a profound effect on regulating a cell’s survival.”

Basic experimental parameters for an in vitro transcription assay using ppGpp: 

This assay is a basic tool for the study of ppGpp in cell metabolic aspects that are sensitive to changes in the nutrient availability. One of Dr. Gourse’s basic protocols described in Schneider et al. involves the preparation of a reaction mixture that combines the appropriate reaction buffer, a DNA template (supercoiled plasmid or linear), an unbalanced pool of NTPs (where the concentration of UTP is very low), and the RNA polymerase of interest in the presence or absence of ppGpp. The transcription reaction is then incubated for the appropriate time and at the appropriate temperature, quenched using an EDTA and formamide solution, and analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to determine transcription yield. Other notable variations on this protocol have also been described in Krásný and Gourse, Vrentras et al., Paul et al., Carmona et al., and Bernardo et al. 



TriLink N-6001 大量现货







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6:我们*代理的品牌有:Antibody Research Corporation,arcticzymes,Biorelevant,AmberGen, Inc. ,clemente-associates,clodronaiposomes,Columbia Biosciences,enzyme research,Gene Bridges GmbH,Genovis,AmberGen, Inc.  Biotechnology GmbH,Haematologic Technologies HTI Haemtech,hookelabs,Immudex,Innovative Research of America,inspiralis ,List Biological Laboratories, Inc.,lumafluor,Microsurfaces,multiplicom,nanotools,Pel-Freez Biologicals,pentapharm,progen,Protein Ark,QA-Bio,Inc,QA-Bio,IncQuickZyme Biosciences,Teknova,TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc.,Zyagen Laboratories 等

7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,Midland BioProducts Corporationam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等知名*批发,欢迎合作。
