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celltechnology NADPH 100 说明书

更新时间:2017-08-02      点击次数:1853

世界*实验材料供应商 Cell Technology正式授权上海起发为其中国代理, Cell Technology在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为的产品和服务,上海起发一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务,签约 Cell Technology就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获

Cell Technology中国代理, Cell Technology上海代理, Cell Technology北京代理,Cell Technology广东代理, Cell Technology江苏代理Cell Technology湖北代理,Cell Technology天津,Cell Technology黑龙江代理,Cell Technology内蒙古代理,Cell Technology吉林代理,Cell Technology福建代理, Cell Technology江苏代理, Cell Technology浙江代理, Cell Technology四川代理,


Cell Technology成立于1998年,致力于为研究院、生物技术公司及制药企业的科研人员研发生产*的细胞功能研究用试剂与试剂盒。这些检测试剂与试剂盒可以实现不破坏细胞形态和结构的情况下原位检测细胞成分,研究细胞内发生的特定事件.Cell Technology发布了通过测定胞内活性caspase及线粒体膜电位研究细胞凋亡的一系列试剂。随着公司研发团队的持续努力,我们又推出了一系列高特异性的caspase检测试剂,以及cathepsin检测的试剂和ELISA试剂盒。目前Cell Technology提供的检测试剂和ELISA试剂盒涵盖Caspase、NOS、ROS、线粒体膜电位、信号通路和蛋白磷酸化等多个研究领域,产品倍各大高校、研究机构、生物技术企业和制药企业采用。


Cell Technology主要产品简介

1、Fluoro Cholesterol:高灵敏、一步检测生物样本中总胆固醇含量,可用于细胞代谢与药物作用的研究。

2、Fluoro NADP:检测组织或细胞提取液内NADP/NADPH含量,与NAD/NADH检测无交叉,可用于细胞死亡、抗氧化/氧化应激、能量代谢及线粒体功能研究。

3、Fluoro Sarcosine:定量检测细胞、血清及组织提取物中的肌氨酸含量。

4、Fluoro IndoBlu:定量检测细胞中IndoBlu的含量,适用于细胞增殖研究。

5、Fluoro Lactate:定量检测生物样本中 L-lactate的含量。

6、Fluoro Phosphate:定量检测生物样本中的磷含量,灵敏度可达200nM。






Fluoro NADP

Fluorescent NADP/NADPH Detection Kit - Detection of NADP/NADPH in tissue extracts /cell samples

  • 产品编号:NADPH 100-2
  • 产品名称:Fluoro NADP™ Fluorescent NADP/NADPH Detection Kit - Detection of NADP/NADPH in tissue extracts /cell samples/荧光NADP/NADPH检测试剂盒
  • 产品规格:100Test
Fluoro NADP™ NEW!
Fluorescent NADP/NADPH Detection Kit - Detection of NADP/NADPH in tissue extracts /cell samples
Key Benefits:
  • Detection of NADP/NADPH activity in cells or tissue extracts
  • Detection of NADP/NADPH levels in antioxidation and oxidative stress
  • Detection of NADP/NADPH levels in cell death, energy metabolism, and mitochondria function
  • Species Independent - NADP/NADPH detection in Bacterial, fungal and plant cells
  • Highly Sensitive – Detects up to 4nM NADP and NADPH
  • Highly Specific - No Cross reactivity with NAD/NADH
  • Easy to Use – 96 well Fluorescent Plate reader readout

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP+) is used in anabolic reactions, such as lipid and nucleic acid synthesis, which require NADPH as a reducing agent. NADPH is the reduced form of NADP+, and NADP+ is the oxidized form of NADPH. In cells, NADPH plays the role of a carrier of reducing power and is primarily involved in maintaining optimal redox metabolism. A simplified assay for the measurement of NAD and NADP is critical to understanding the roles of these pyridine nucleotides in normal and abnormal cells.

NADPH is produced in the oxidative phase of the pentose phosphate pathway in cells, a multifunctional pathway whose primary purpose is to generate reducing power in the form of NADPH. NADPH is a cofactor for enzymes that synthesize energy-rich molecules and provide the reducing equivalents for the oxidation-reduction involved in protecting the cell from the toxicity of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and NADPH oxidase-dependent ROS generation. Both NAD and NADP have been shown to influence hemoglobin affinity for oxygen in erythrocytes. In plant cells, NADPH is used as the reducing power for the biosynthetic reactions in the Calvin cycle of photosynthesis (1-2). 

Cell Technology’s Fluoro NADP/NADPH provides a highly reliable, sensitive fluorometric assay for the quantification of NADP, NADPH and their ratio in biological samples.

Assay Principle
The Fluoro NADP/NADPH detection kit utilizes a non-fluorescent detection reagent, which is oxidized in the presence NADPH to produce its fluorescent analog and NADP. NADP is further converted to NADPH via an enzyme-coupled reaction. The enzyme reaction specifically reacts with NADP/NADPH and not with NAD/NADH.


1. NADPH + non-fluorescent detection reagent + electron coupler → fluorescent analog + NADP

2. NADP + enzyme coupled reaction →  NADPH (then proceeds to reaction 1).

   Excitation: 530-570nm and Emission at 590-600nm
1. Comprehensive Invited Review WEIHAI YING. NAD /NADH and NADP /NADPH in Cellular Functions and Cell Death: Regulation and Biological Consequences. ANTIOXIDANTS &REDOX SIGNALING Volume 10,Number 2,2008.

2. Bedard K and Krause KH. The NOX family of ROS-generating NADPH oxidases: physiology and pathophysiology.Physiol Rev 87:245 –313,2007.

3. Lowry, Oliver H., Passonneau, Janet V. and Rock, Martha K. The Stability of Pyridine Nucleotides. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 236, #10, 1961.
Kit contents (for 100 assays)
1. Enzyme Mix 170μL                          Part # 6022 .......................... 4-8C 

2. NADP/NADPH Lysis Solution 12.5mL   Part# 3050 ............................4-8C

3. NADP Extraction Buffer 22 mL           Part# 3046 (Green label) ..........4-8C

4. NADPH Extraction Buffer 22 mL         Part# 3047 (Magenta label)........4-8C

5. Reaction Buffer 11 mL.                    Part# 3049 ............................4-8C 

6. Standard curve diluent 15 ml.            Part # 3052............................4-8C

7. NADPH Detection reagent 110 μL       Part # 4019...........................-20C 

8. 3X Substrate Mix 6mL                     Part # 3048........................... -20C 

9. NADPH Standard- 3 vials dried          Part# 7014.............................-20C 
The following kits are available:
Catalog # Size Price (US$)
NADPH 100-2100 Tests6930.00







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6:我们*代理的品牌有:Antibody Research Corporation,arcticzymes,Biorelevant,AmberGen, Inc. ,clemente-associates,clodronaiposomes,Columbia Biosciences,enzyme research,Gene Bridges GmbH,Genovis,AmberGen, Inc.  Biotechnology GmbH,Haematologic Technologies HTI Haemtech,hookelabs,Immudex,Innovative Research of America,inspiralis ,List Biological Laboratories, Inc.,lumafluor,Microsurfaces,multiplicom,nanotools,Pel-Freez Biologicals,pentapharm,progen,Protein Ark,QA-Bio,Inc,QA-Bio,IncQuickZyme Biosciences,Teknova,TriLink BioTechnologies, Inc.,Zyagen Laboratories 等

7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,Midland BioProducts Corporationam,sigma;neb,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等知名*批发,欢迎合作。

