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Molecular Innovations2019年价格表

更新时间:2019-04-04      点击次数:4208


Molecular Innovations成立于1990年,是研究抗体,蛋白质和ELISA试剂盒的主要制造商。我们专注于凝血和溶栓试剂,包括PAI-1,tPA,尿激酶,凝血因子,玻连蛋白,纤维蛋白原,纤维连接蛋白,肾素原/肾素,前激肽释放酶,激肽释放酶,白蛋白,纤溶酶原,纤溶酶,抗纤溶酶,凝血酶,抗凝血酶,复合因子,补体成分3,和免疫球蛋白。我们遍布的客户包括制药和生物技术公司以及主要研究机构。

Molecular Innovations2019年价格表


6XDYEMantisGreen 6X Loading Dye4.0 ml935
6X-HISCPAIHuman PAI-1 (stable mutant - N-terminal poly-histidine tag)0.5 mg12155
6X-HISHPAI-AHuman PAI-1 (wild type active fraction - N-terminal poly-histidine tag)0.5 mg12155
6X-HISRPAI-ARat PAI-1 (wild type active fraction - N-terminal poly-histidine tag)0.5 mg15640
AHT-GFArmenian Hamster IgG, Protein G Purified50 mg8330
AHTIGGKTArmenian Hamster Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit1 kit6885
ANHTAnhydrotrypsin0.1 mg5950
ANHT-IImmobilized Anhydrotrypsin1.0 ml9860
APAIHuman PAI -1 Elastase specific mutant0.5 mg12155
ASBSARabbit anti BSA antiserum1.0 ml3825
ASBSA-GFRabbit anti BSA IgG fraction1.0 mg3825
ASBSA-GF-BIORabbit anti BSA IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg4760
ASBSA-GF-FITCRabbit anti BSA IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled1.0 mg4760
ASBSA-GF-HRPRabbit anti BSA IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg4760
ASBSA-GF-HTRabbit anti BSA, affinity purified0.1 mg5695
ASBSA-GF-HT-BIOBiotin-labeled Rabbit anti BSA, affinity purified0.1 mg6885
ASCKPG-GFAnti Chicken Plasminogen IgG1.0 mg5950
ASHA2APRabbit anti human antiplasmin antiserum1.0 ml5950
ASHA2AP-GFRabbit anti human antiplasmin IgG fraction1.0 mg5950
ASHA2AP-GF-BIORabbit anti human antiplasmin IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg7990
ASHA2AP-GF-FITCRabbit anti human antiplasmin IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg7990
ASHA2AP-GF-HRPRabbit anti human antiplasmin IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg7990
ASHA2AP-GF-HTRabbit anti human antiplasmin, affinity purified0.1 mg6120
ASHA2AP-GF-HT-BIORabbit anti human antiplasmin, affinity purified, biotin labeled0.1 mg6120
ASHATF-GF-HTRabbit anti human amino terminal fragment of uPA, affinity purified0.02 ml7990
ASHATIIIRabbit anti human antithrombin III antiserum1.0 ml5185
ASHATIII-GFRabbit anti human antithrombin III IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
ASHATIII-GF-BIORabbit anti human antithrombin III IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
ASHATIII-GF-FITCRabbit anti human antithrombin III IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
ASHATIII-GF-HRPRabbit anti human antithrombin III IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
ASHATIII-GF-HTRabbit anti human antithrombin III, affinity purified0.1 mg6035
ASHCB-ASAnti-Cathepsin B, Human Liver, Rabbit Standard Antisera1.0 ml4505
ASHCD-ASAnti-Cathepsin D, Human Liver, Rabbit Standard Antisera1.0 ml5015
ASHCG-ASAnti-Cathepsin G, Human Neutrophil, Rabbit Standard Antisera1.0 ml4505
ASHCH-ASAnti-Cathepsin H, Human Liver, Rabbit Standard Antisera1.0 ml5015
ASHEC-GFAnti-Catalase, Human Erythrocyte, Rabbit IgG Fraction1.0 ml4505
ASHFBGNRabbit anti human fibrinogen antiserum1.0 ml5950
ASHFBGN-GFRabbit anti human fibrinogen IgG fraction1.0 mg5950
ASHFBGN-GF-BIORabbit anti human fibrinogen IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg7990
ASHFBGN-GF-FITCRabbit anti human fibrinogen IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg7990
ASHFBGN-GF-HRPRabbit anti human fibrinogen IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg7990
ASHFBGN-GF-HTRabbit anti human fibrinogen, affinity purified0.1 mg7990
ASHFBNRabbit anti human fibronectin antiserum1.0 ml5185
ASHFBN-GFRabbit anti human fibronectin IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
ASHFBN-GF-BIORabbit anti human fibronectin IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
ASHFBN-GF-FITCRabbit anti human fibronectin IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
ASHFBN-GF-HRPRabbit anti human fibronectin IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
ASHFBN-GF-HTRabbit anti human fibronectin, affinity purified0.1 mg6035
ASHFVIIRabbit anti human Factor VII antiserum1.0 ml5695
ASHFVII-GFRabbit anti human Factor VII IgG fraction1.0 mg5695
ASHFVII-GF-BIORabbit anti human Factor VII IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHFVII-GF-FITCRabbit anti human Factor VII IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHFVII-GF-HRPRabbit anti human Factor VII IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHFVII-GF-HTRabbit anti human Factor VII IgG fraction, affinity purified0.1 mg6630
ASHFXRabbit anti human factor X antiserum1.0 ml5695
ASHFX-GFRabbit anti human factor X IgG fraction1.0 mg5695
ASHFX-GF-BIORabbit anti human factor X IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHFX-GF-FITCRabbit anti human factor X IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHFX-GF-HRPRabbit anti human factor X IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHFX-GF-HTRabbit anti human factor X IgG fraction, affinity purified0.1 mg6630
ASHMPO-GFAnti-Myeloperoxidase, Human Neutrophil, Rabbit IgG Fraction1.0 ml5015
ASHNE-ASAnti-Elastase, Human Neutrophil, Rabbit Standard Antisera1.0 ml5015
ASHPA-ASAnti-Amylase, Human Pancreas, Rabbit Standard Antisera1.0 ml5015
ASHPAIRabbit anti human PAI-1 antiserum1.0 ml6290
ASHPAI-GFRabbit anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction1.0 mg6290
ASHPAI-GF-BIORabbit anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHPAI-GF-FITCRabbit anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHPAI-GF-HRPRabbit anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHPAI-GF-HTRabbit anti human PAI-1, affinity purified0.1 mg7990
ASHPK-GFAnti-Kallikrein, Human Plasma, Rabbit IgG Fraction1.0 ml5015
ASHPRENRabbit anti human prorenin antiserum1.0 ml5695
ASHPREN-GFRabbit anti human prorenin IgG fraction1.0 mg5695
ASHPREN-GF-BIORabbit anti human prorenin IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHPREN-GF-FITCRabbit anti human prorenin IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHPREN-GF-HRPRabbit anti human prorenin IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHPREN-GF-HTRabbit anti human prorenin IgG fraction, high titer0.1 mg6630
ASHPTRabbit anti human prothrombin antiserum1.0 ml5185
ASHPT-GFRabbit anti human prothrombin IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
ASHPT-GF-BIORabbit anti human prothrombin IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
ASHPT-GF-FITCRabbit anti human prothrombin IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
ASHPT-GF-HRPRabbit anti human prothrombin IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
ASHPT-GF-HTRabbit anti human prothrombin IgG fraction, affinity purified0.1 mg6035
ASHTPARabbit anti human tPA antiserum1.0 ml6290
ASHTPA-GFRabbit anti human tPA IgG fraction1.0 mg6290
ASHTPA-GF-BIORabbit anti human tPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHTPA-GF-FITCRabbit anti human tPA IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHTPA-GF-HRPRabbit anti human tPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6630
ASHTPA-GF-HTRabbit anti human tPA, affinity purified0.1 mg7310
ASHTRYP-GFAnti-Trypsin, Human Pancreas, Rabbit IgG Fraction1.0 ml5355
ASHUPARabbit anti human uPA antiserum1.0 ml6290
ASHUPA-GFRabbit anti human uPA IgG fraction1.0 mg6290
ASHUPA-GF-BIORabbit anti human uPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6545
ASHUPA-GF-FITCRabbit anti human uPA IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled1.0 mg6545
ASHUPA-GF-HRPRabbit anti human uPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6545
ASHUPA-GF-HTRabbit anti human uPA, affinity purified0.1 mg7990
ASHVNRabbit anti human vitronectin antiserum1.0 ml5950
ASHVN-GFRabbit anti human vitronectin IgG fraction1.0 mg5950
ASHVN-GF-BIORabbit anti human vitronectin IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg7990
ASHVN-GF-FITCRabbit anti human vitronectin IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg7990
ASHVN-GF-HRPRabbit anti human vitronectin IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg7990
ASHVN-GF-HTRabbit anti human vitronectin IgG fraction, affinity purified0.1 mg7990
ASMA2APRabbit anti mouse antiplasmin antiserum1.0 ml5950
ASMA2AP-GFRabbit anti mouse antiplasmin IgG fraction1.0 mg5950
ASMA2AP-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse antiplasmin IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg7310
ASMA2AP-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse antiplasmin IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg7310
ASMA2AP-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse antiplasmin IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg7310
ASMA2AP-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse antiplasmin IgG fraction, affinity purified0.1 mg7310
ASMA2AP-GF-HT-BIORabbit anti mouse antiplasmin IgG fraction, affinity purified, biotin-labeled0.1 mg12155
ASMATIIIRabbit anti mouse antithrombin III antiserum1.0 ml5185
ASMATIII-GFRabbit anti mouse antithrombin III IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
ASMATIII-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse antithrombin III IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
ASMATIII-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse antithrombin III IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
ASMATIII-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse antithrombin III IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
ASMATIII-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse antithrombin III, affinity purified0.1 mg6035
ASMATIII-GF-HT-BIORabbit anti mouse antithrombin III, biotin labeled affinity purified0.1 mg6885
ASMFBGNRabbit anti mouse fibrinogen antiserum1.0 ml5185
ASMFBGN-GFRabbit anti mouse fibrinogen IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
ASMFBGN-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse fibrinogen IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6885
ASMFBGN-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse fibrinogen IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6885
ASMFBGN-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse fibrinogen IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6885
ASMFBGN-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse fibrinogen, affinity purified0.1 mg6885
ASMFBNRabbit anti mouse fibronectin antiserum1.0 ml5185
ASMFBN-GFRabbit anti mouse fibronectin IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
ASMFBN-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse fibronectin IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
ASMFBN-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse fibronectin IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
ASMFBN-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse fibronectin IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
ASMFBN-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse fibronectin, affinity purified0.1 mg6035
ASMFXIIRabbit anti mouse factor XII antiserum1.0 ml7905
ASMFXII-GFRabbit anti mouse factor XII IgG fraction1.0 mg7905
ASMFXII-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse factor XII IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg8670
ASMFXII-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse factor XII IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg8670
ASMFXII-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse factor XII IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg8670
ASMFXII-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse factor XII, affinity purified0.1 mg6035
ASMFXII-GF-HT-BIORabbit anti mouse factor XII, biotin labeled affinity purified0.1 mg6885
ASMPAIRabbit anti mouse PAI-1 antiserum1.0 ml6545
ASMPAI-GFRabbit anti mouse PAI-1 IgG fraction1.0 mg6545
ASMPAI-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse PAI-1 IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6885
ASMPAI-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse PAI-1 IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled1.0 mg6885
ASMPAI-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse PAI-1 IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6885
ASMPAI-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse PAI-1, affinity purified0.1 mg7990
ASMPLGRabbit anti mouse plasminogen antiserum1.0 ml5950
ASMPLG-GFRabbit anti mouse plasminogen IgG fraction1.0 mg5950
ASMPLG-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse plasminogen IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6800
ASMPLG-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse plasminogen IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled1.0 mg6800
ASMPLG-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse plasminogen IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6800
ASMPLG-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse plasminogen, affinity purified0.1 mg6800
ASMPRENRabbit anti mouse prorenin/renin antiserum1.0 ml5185
ASMPREN-GFRabbit anti mouse prorenin/renin IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
ASMPREN-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse prorenin/renin IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
ASMPREN-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse prorenin/renin IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
ASMPREN-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse prorenin/renin IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
ASMPREN-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse prorenin/renin IgG fraction, High Titer0.1 mg6885
ASMPREN-GF-HT-BIOBiotin labeled Rabbit anti mouse prorenin/renin IgG fraction, High Titer0.1 mg6885
ASMTPARabbit anti mouse tPA antiserum1.0 ml7990
ASMTPA-GFRabbit anti mouse tPA IgG fraction1.0 mg7990
ASMTPA-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse tPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg8670
ASMTPA-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse tPA IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled1.0 mg8670
ASMTPA-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse tPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg8670
ASMTPA-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse tPA, affinity purified0.1 mg5950
ASMUPARabbit anti mouse uPA antiserum1.0 ml5185
ASMUPA-GFRabbit anti mouse uPA IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
ASMUPA-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse uPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg8670
ASMUPA-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse uPA IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled1.0 mg8670
ASMUPA-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse uPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg8670
ASMUPA-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse uPA, affinity purified0.1 mg8670
ASMVNRabbit anti mouse vitronectin antiserum1.0 ml5950
ASMVN-GFRabbit anti mouse vitronectin IgG fraction1.0 mg5950
ASMVN-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse Vitronectin IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg7990
ASMVN-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse Vitronectin IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg7990
ASMVN-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse Vitronectin IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg7990
ASMVN-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse Vitronectin IgG fraction, affinity purified0.1 mg7990
ASPFBGNRabbit anti porcine fibrinogen antiserum1.0 ml3825
ASPFBGN-GFRabbit anti porcine fibrinogen IgG fraction1.0 mg3825
ASPFBGN-GF-BIORabbit anti porcine fibrinogen IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg4760
ASPFBGN-GF-FITCRabbit anti porcine fibrinogen IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg4760
ASPFBGN-GF-HRPRabbit anti porcine fibrinogen IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg4760
ASPFBGN-GF-HTRabbit anti porcine fibrinogen, affinity purified0.1 mg3825
ASRPAIRabbit anti rat PAI-1 antiserum1.0 ml6545
ASRPAI-GFRabbit anti rat PAI-1 IgG fraction1.0 mg6545
ASRPAI-GF-BIORabbit anti rat PAI-1 IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6885
ASRPAI-GF-FITCRabbit anti rat PAI-1 IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled1.0 mg6885
ASRPAI-GF-HRPRabbit anti rat PAI-1 IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6885
ASRPAI-GF-HTRabbit anti rat PAI-1, affinity purified0.1 mg7310
ASRPLM-GF-HTRabbit anti rat plasmin, affinity purified0.1 mg6800
ASRUPA-GF-HTAffinity Purified Rabbit Anti Rat uPA0.1 mg8670
ASSBTI-GFAnti-Trypsin Inhibitor, Soybean, Rabbit IgG Fraction25 mg7480
AVI-HRPAvidin, HRP Labeled0.01 ml510
AVI-PLATEAvidin Coated Plate5 plates2210
BCT-IImmobilized bovine chymotrypsin5.0 ml3825
BFBGNBovine Fibrinogen25 mg2805
BFBGN-FITCFITC Labeled Bovine Fibrinogen10 mg2805
BFXBovine Factor X0.1 mg5440
BFXABovine Factor Xa0.1 mg5440
BL21Mix and Go Competent Cells Strain BL21(DE3)1.0 ml1700
BPLGBovine plasminogen1.0 mg3060
BPLMBovine plasmin1.0 mg4080
BSA12C8D4Anti BSA, Clone 12C8D41.0 mg3825
BSA9E2C2Anti BSA, Clone 9E2C21.0 mg3825
BTAQTaqCurate Blended High Fidelity DNA Polymerase200 units1955
BTHROM-IImmobilized bovine thrombin1.0 ml3400
BTRYP-IImmobilized bovine trypsin5.0 ml3825
BV-GFBovine IgG, Protein G Purified50 mg1105
BVNBovine multimeric vitronectin0.1 mg3995
CCL17Human CCL170.025 mg5780
CCL2Human CCL20.025 mg4505
CCL20Human CCL200.025 mg4505
CCL21Human CCL210.025 mg4505
CDNAReality Reverse Transcriptase cDNA Synthesis Kit100 rxn7395
CKPGChicken plasminogen1.0 mg4080
CKPLA-SER-PGPlasminogen Depleted Chicken Serum10 ml4420
CKPLMChicken plasmin1.0 mg6035
CPAIHuman PAI-1 (stable mutant form)0.5 mg12155
CPAI-P1NBDHuman PAI-1 stable mutant NBD labeled at the scissile bond of the reactive loop0.5 mg12155
CPAI-P9NBDHuman PAI-1 stable mutant NBD labeled at the reactive center loop0.5 mg12155
CPAI-Q123KHuman PAI-1 (stable vitronectin reduced binding mutant)0.5 mg12155
CPAI-QRHuman PAI-1 (stable vitronectin binding negative mutant)0.5 mg12155
CPAI-TPAHuman PAI-1 tPA complex0.1 mg5950
CPAI-UPAHuman PAI-1 uPA complex0.1 mg5950
CRP16B2Anti Human CRP, Clone 16B20.1 mg3400
CTICorn Trypsin Inhibitor1.0 mg1360
CTI-IImmobilized corn trypsin inhibitor1.0 ml8415
CTI-LCorn Trypsin Inhibitor, Lyophilized1.0 mg1360
CTNT1D7Anti Human cTnT, Clone 1D70.1 mg3400
CTNT3B10Anti Human cTnT, Clone 3B100.1 mg3400
CTNT8C11Anti Human cTnT, Clone 8C110.1 mg3400
CXCL11Human CXCL110.025 mg4505
CXCL12AHuman CXCL12 Alpha0.025 mg4505
CXCL12BHuman CXCL12 Beta0.025 mg4505
CXCL14Human CXCL140.025 mg6970
CXCL5Human CXCL50.025 mg4505
CYFVIIIKT-TOTCyno monkey Factor VIII total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
CY-GFCyno Monkey IgG, Protein A Purified10 mg3060
CYIGGKTCyno Monkey Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit1 kit6545
CYPAICyno Monkey PAI-1 (wild type active fraction)0.5 mg15640
CYPAI-CCyno Monkey PAI-1 (elastase cleaved wild type)0.5 mg15640
CYPAI-LCyno Monkey PAI-1 (wild type latent fraction)0.5 mg15640
CYPLGCyno monkey plasminogen1.0 mg6800
CYPLGKT-TOTCyno monkey plasminogen total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
CYSACyno Albumin10 mg3400
CY-SER-GFCyno Monkey IgG Depleted Serum50 ml11305
DFBGNDog Fibrinogen1.0 mg1530
DFBGN-FITCFITC Labeled Dog Fibrinogen1.0 mg8755
D-FPIPR-pNAChromogenic substrate for thrombin25 mg3995
DG-GFCanine (Dog) IgG, Protein A Purified100 mg4335
DK-GFDonkey IgG, Protein G Purified50 mg1445
DNTPdNTP Deoxynucleotide Solution Mix1.0 ml1105
DPAIKTActive canine (dog) PAI-1 functional assay ELISA kit1 Kit8415
DPAIKT-TOTCanine (dog) PAI-1 total antigen assay ELISA kit1 Kit8415
DPLGCanine (dog) plasminogen1.0 mg6800
DPREN-HISDog Prorenin, C-terminal 8x His tag0.1 mg8245
DREN-HISDog Renin, C-terminal 8x His tag0.1 mg8245
DSAAlbumin, Dog Plasma100 mg3400
DUPAActive Dog Urokinase0.05 mg4590
D-VLK-pNAChromogenic substrate for plasmin25 mg3995
ECOTINEcotin (E. coli serine protease inhibitor)1.0 mg10625
ECV-IIE. Carinatus Viper Venom Prothrombin Activator0.1 mg4590
ELAS-IImmobilized porcine pancreatic elastase1.0 ml5950
EQPKPrekallikrein, Horse Plasma0.1 mg8670
EQPKAKallikrein, Horse Plasma0.1 mg11390
EQPLGEquine (horse) plasminogen1.0 mg3060
EQSAAlbumin, Horse Plasma100 mg3400
FIBHuman Fibrinogen25 mg1700
FIB-BIOBiotin Labeled Human Fibrinogen10 mg1700
FIB-CNBRHuman Fibrinogen, Cyanogen Bromide Digestion1.0 mg1700
FIB-FITCFITC Labeled Human Fibrinogen10 mg1700
FIX13F42F6Anti Human Factor IX, Clone 13F42F61.0 mg8670
FL-INFPRFluorescein-Phe-Pro-Arg-CMK0.1 mg4845
FPAIHuman PAI -1 Cathepsin G specific mutant0.5 mg12155
FPRCK-TPAHuman sc-tPA, ATA-FPR-CMK inactivated0.1 mg6885
FV12C5Anti Human Factor V, Clone 12C50.1 mg3400
FV12C5-BIOAnti Human Factor V, Biotin Labeled Clone 12C50.1 mg5185
FV14G5Anti Human Factor V, Clone 14G50.1 mg3400
FV14G5-BIOAnti Human Factor V, Biotin Labeled Clone 14G50.1 mg5185
FVII11G42D8Anti Human Factor VII, Clone 11G42D81.0 mg8670
FVII11G42D8-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Human Factor VII, Clone 11G42D81.0 mg10370
FVIII12H12Anti Human Factor VIII, Clone 12H120.1 mg3400
FVIII14E8Anti Human Factor VIII, Clone 14E80.1 mg3400
FVIII15D9Anti Human Factor VIII, Clone 15D90.1 mg3400
FVIII1C2Anti Human Factor VIII, Clone 1C20.1 mg3400
FVIII9C8Anti Human Factor VIII, Clone 9C80.1 mg3400
FX3C8B9Anti Human Factor X, Clone 3C8B91.0 mg8670
FX4E3F8Anti Human Factor X, Clone 4E3F81.0 mg8670
FXI14F8Anti Human Factor XI, Clone 14F80.1 mg3400
FXI2B11Anti Human Factor XI, Clone 2B110.1 mg3400
FXI9C9E10Inhibitory anti Human Factor XI, Clone 9C9E100.1 mg6800
FXII11B9Anti Human Factor XII, Clone 11B90.1 mg3400
FXII11E3Anti mouse factor XII, clone 11E30.1 mg5185
FXII15G5Anti mouse factor XII, clone 15G50.1 mg5185
FXII20B2Anti Human Factor XII, Clone 20B20.1 mg3400
FXII20B2-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Human Factor XII, Clone 20B20.1 mg5185
FXII20C8Anti Human Factor XII, Clone 20C80.1 mg3400
FXII22H6Anti mouse factor XII, clone 22H60.1 mg5185
FXII23E10Anti mouse factor XII, clone 23E100.1 mg5185
FXII2A6Anti mouse factor XII, clone 2A60.1 mg5185
FXII2D10Inhibitory anti mouse factor XII, clone 2D100.1 mg5185
FXII5B5Anti mouse factor XII, clone 5B50.1 mg5185
FXII6G8Anti mouse factor XII, clone 6G80.1 mg5185
GAM-HRPAnti Mouse IgG, HRP Labeled0.01 ml510
GAR-HRPAnti Rabbit IgG, HRP Labeled0.01 ml510
GASRbPAIGoat anti rabbit PAI-1 antiserum1.0 ml6290
GASRbPAI-GFGoat anti rabbit PAI-1 IgG fraction1.0 mg6290
GASRbPAI-GF-BIOGoat anti rabbit PAI-1 IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6885
GASRbPAI-GF-FITCGoat anti rabbit PAI-1 IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled1.0 mg6885
GASRbPAI-GF-HRPGoat anti rabbit PAI-1 IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6885
GASRbPAI-GF-HTGoat anti rabbit PAI-1, affinity purified0.1 mg7990
GGACKGlu-Gly-Arg-Chloromethylketone5.0 mg4335
GGACK-BIOBiotin Labeled Glu-Gly-Arg-Chloromethylketone1.0 mg8670
GGACK-FITCFluorescein Labeled Glu-Gly-Arg-Chloromethylketone1.0 mg10370
GLYCPAIHuman PAI-1 (Glycosylated - stable mutant)0.5 mg16575
GLYDPAI-I91LGlycosylated Canine (Dog) PAI-1 Stable Mutant0.5 mg16575
GLYDPAI-LGlycosylated Canine (Dog) PAI-1 Wild Type Latent Fraction0.5 mg16575
GLYHPAI-AGlycosylated Human PAI-1 (active form)0.5 mg16575
GLYHPAI-A-AF488Glycosylated Human PAI-1 (Alexa Fluor 488 labeled active form)0.5 mg16575
GLYHPAI-LGlycosylated Human PAI-1 (latent form)0.5 mg16575
GLYMPAI-I91LGlycosylated Mouse PAI-1 (stable mutant)0.5 mg16575
GLYRPAI-I91LGlycosylated Rat PAI-1 (stable mutant)0.5 mg16575
GP2B3AHuman GPIIbIIIa1.0 mg6205
GT-GFGoat IgG, Protein G Purified50 mg1445
H14H7Mouse monoclonal to mouse PAI-11.0 mg10115
H14H7-BIOMouse monoclonal to mouse PAI-1, biotin labeled0.15 mg9605
H27B6Mouse monoclonal to mouse tPA1.0 mg10115
H34G6Mouse monoclonal to mouse PAI-11.0 mg10115
H4B3Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to mouse PAI-11.0 mg10115
H6C5Mouse monoclonal to mouse tPA1.0 mg10115
H77A10Mouse monoclonal to mouse uPA1.0 mg10115
H77B6Mouse monoclonal to mouse uPA1.0 mg10115
HA1ACAlpha-1 Antichymotrypsin, Human Plasma0.5 mg4760
HA1ATAlpha-1-Antitrypsin, Human Plasma5.0 mg4760
HA1GPAlpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein, Human Plasma10 mg4335
HA2APHuman alpha 2 antiplasmin1.0 mg7905
HA2APKT-TOTHuman antiplasmin total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
HA2GPAlpha-2-HS-Glycoprotein, Human Plasma1.0 mg4165
HA2MGAlpha-2-Macroglobulin, Human Plasma5.0 mg5610
HA2MGKTHuman Alpha-2-Macroglobulin ELISA Kit1 kit6885
HAP1E94Anti Human Antiplasmin1.0 mg7990
HAPCHuman Activated Protein C0.1 mg5440
HAPO-A1Apolipoprotein A1, Human Plasma, HDL1.0 mg5270
HAPOA1KTHuman Apolipoprotein A1 ELISA Kit1 kit8415
HAPO-A2Apolipoprotein A2, Human Plasma, HDL1.0 mg5270
HAPO-BApolipoprotein B, Human Plasma, LDL1.0 mg4845
HAPOBKTHuman Apolipoprotein B ELISA Kit1 kit8415
HAPO-C1Apolipoprotein C1, Human Plasma, VLDL0.2 mg4845
HAPO-C2Apolipoprotein C2, Human Plasma, VLDL0.1 mg4845
HAPO-C3Apolipoprotein C3, Human Plasma, VLDL0.2 mg5440
HAPOC3KTHuman Apolipoprotein C3 ELISA Kit1 kit6885
HAPO-EApolipoprotein E, Human Plasma, VLDL0.05 mg4505
HAPOEKTHuman Apolipoprotein E ELISA Kit1 kit6120
HAPO-HApolipoprotein H, Human Plasma0.1 mg4165
HAPOTFApotransferrin, Human Plasma100 mg4080
HASHFV-GFHorse anti-Human Factor V1.0 mg2890
HATFAmino terminal fragment of human uPA0.1 mg7990
HATIIIHuman Antithrombin III1.0 mg2720
HATIII-IImmobilized human antithrombin1.0 ml5100
HATIIIKT-TOTHuman Antithrombin III total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
HB101Mix and Go Competent Cells Strain HB1011.0 ml1700
HBTHuman beta-thrombin1.0 mg10115
HC1INHHuman C1 Inhibitor1.0 mg4250
HC1INHKT-TOTHuman C1 Inhibitor Total Antigen ELISA Kit1 kit6885
HC3KTHuman Complement C3 ELISA kit1 kit5185
HCBCathepsin B, Human Liver0.025 mg4845
HCDCathepsin D, Human Liver0.025 mg4080
HCGHuman Cathepsin G0.5 mg4760
HCHCathepsin H, Human Liver0.025 mg4420
HCLCathepsin L, Human Liver0.025 mg5270
HCPCeruloplasmin, Human Plasma1.0 mg4080
HCPKTHuman Ceruloplasmin ELISA Kit1 kit5185
HCSCathepsin S, Human Spleen0.025 mg4080
HCTChymotrypsin, Human Pancreas0.1 mg4080
HECCatalase, Human Erythrocyte1.0 mg4505
HFBNHuman Fibronectin1.0 mg3060
HFIBKTHuman fibrinogen total antigen assay ELISA kit1 Kit5015
HFIB-TOT-PLATEHuman Fibrinogen Antigen Capture Plate1 plate2210
HFIIHuman Prothrombin9.0 mg3910
HFIIIRecombinant Human Tissue Factor0.025 mg7310
HFIXHuman Factor IX0.5 mg5440
HFIXAHuman Factor IXa-beta0.5 mg7310
HFIXA-FL-INFPRHuman Factor IXa, Active Site Labeled with Fluorescein0.1 mg5780
HFIXKT-TOTHuman Factor IX total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit5525
HFVHuman Factor V0.05 mg6375
HFVAHuman Factor Va0.05 mg6375
HFVIIHuman Factor VII0.1 mg4590
HFVIIAHuman Factor VIIa0.1 mg5440
HFVIIIKT-TOTHuman Factor VIII total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
HFVIIKT-TOTHuman Factor VII total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
HFVKT-TOTHuman Factor V total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
HFXHuman Factor X0.5 mg5440
HFXAHuman Factor Xa0.5 mg6545
HFXA-BHuman Factor Xa-beta0.5 mg9095
HFXA-BIOHuman Factor Xa, Active Site Labeled with Biotin0.1 mg6035
HFXIHuman coagulation Factor XI0.1 mg3740
HFXIAHuman coagulation Factor XIa0.1 mg4590
HFXIIHuman coagulation Factor XII0.5 mg5440
HFXIIAHuman coagulation Factor alpha-XIIa0.5 mg6375
HFXIIABHuman coagulation Factor beta-XIIa0.1 mg3655
HFXIIAB-BIOHuman Factor beta-XIIa, Biotin Labeled0.05 mg8670
HFXIIAB-INSRecombinant human Factor beta-XIIa0.05 mg5695
HFXIIA-INSRecombinant human Factor XIIa0.05 mg5695
HFXIIIHuman coagulation Factor XIII0.25 mg6630
HFXIIIAHuman coagulation Factor XIIIa0.25 mg7480
HFXII-INSRecombinant human Factor XII0.05 mg5695
HFXIIKT-TOTHuman Factor XII total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit4845
HFXIKT-TOTHuman Factor XI total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
HFXKT-TOTHuman Factor X total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
HGCGGC Globulin, Human Plasma, Mixed Type1.0 mg4080
HGPGHuman Glu plasminogen1.0 mg3060
HGPG-FITCFITC Labeled Human Plasminogen1.0 mg4080
HGTHuman gamma-thrombin1.0 mg10115
HHCIIHuman Heparin Cofactor II0.1 mg7650
HHDLLipoprotein, High Density, Human Plasma5.0 mg6035
HHPHaptoglobin, Human Plasma5.0 mg4675
HHPXKTHuman Hemopexin ELISA Kit1 kit8075
HK-HMWKininogen, Single Chain HMW, Human Plasma1.0 mg5100
HK-LMWKininogen, LMW, Human Plasma0.1 mg4080
HKNGKT-TOTHuman Kininogen total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit5185
HK-TCKininogen, Two Chain HMW, Human Plasma1.0 mg4250
HLDLLipoprotein, Low Density, Human Plasma5.0 mg6035
HLPLA2Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2, Human Recombinant0.005 mg5185
HLTFKTHuman Lactoferrin ELISA Kit1 kit5950
HMFBNHamster Fibronectin1.0 mg6035
HNEHuman Neutrophil Elastase0.5 mg5015
HNE-LHuman Neutrophil Elastase, Lyophilized0.5 mg9095
HPAI-A335EHuman PAI-1 substrate form P12 glutamate mutant0.5 mg12155
HPAI-AVIHuman PAI-1 (Neutrophil Elastase inhibitor)0.5 mg12155
HPAI-I91LHuman PAI-1 (point mutation stable form)0.5 mg12155
HPAIKTActive human PAI-1 functional assay ELISA kit1 Kit8075
HPAIKT-NPActive Human PAI-1 Functional Assay ELISA Kit for Non Plasma Samples1 Kit8075
HPAIKT-TOTHuman PAI-1 total antigen assay ELISA kit1 Kit8075
HPAI-P1NBDHuman PAI-1 NBD labeled at the scissile bond of the reactive loop0.5 mg12155
HPAI-P9NBDHuman PAI-1 NBD labeled at the reactive center loop0.5 mg12155
HPAI-Q123KHuman PAI-1 (vitronectin reduced binding mutant)0.5 mg12155
HPAI-QRHuman PAI-1 (vitronectin binding negative mutant, wild type active fraction)0.5 mg12155
HPAI-R76E-I91LPAI-1 mutant - stable, no LRP binding0.5 mg12155
HPAI-RRHuman PAI-1 (substrate form - P12 Arginine P14 Arginine double mutant)0.5 mg12155
HPAI-T333RHuman PAI-1 substrate form P14 arginine mutant0.5 mg12155
HPAI-TOT-PLATEHuman PAI-1 Antigen Capture Plate1 plate2210
HPAITPAKT-COMHuman PAI-1 tPA complex antigen assay ELISA kit1 Kit8075
HPAIUPAKT-COMHuman PAI-1 uPA complex antigen assay ELISA kit1 Kit8075
HPAI-YSYtPA Specific Human PAI-10.5 mg12155
HPAPKT-COMHuman plasmin antiplasmin complex total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
HPCHuman Protein C0.1 mg4590
HPCR-HISHuman Protein C Receptor, C-terminal 6x His tag0.05 mg7820
HPF4Human Platelet Factor 40.1 mg4335
HPF4-RHuman Platelet Factor 4, Recombinant0.2 mg17340
HPKPrekallikrein, Human Plasma1.0 mg7310
HPKAKallikrein, Human Plasma1.0 mg8500
HPKA-BIOHuman Kallikrein, Biotin Labeled0.1 mg6885
HPKA-BIO-LHuman Kallikrein, Biotin Labeled, Lyophilized0.1 mg6885
HPKKT-TOTHuman Prekallikrein total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
HPLA-SCHuman plasma, sodium citrate10 ml510
HPLA-SC-C1INHHuman C1 Inhibitor Depleted Plasma5.0 ml21845
HPLA-SC-FBNFibronectin Depleted Human Plasma, Na Citrate10 ml3400
HPLA-SC-PAIHuman PAI-1 depleted plasma, sodium citrate10 ml5015
HPLA-SC-PAI-tPAHuman PAI-1/tPA double Depleted Plasma10 ml10370
HPLA-SC-PGPlasminogen Depleted Human Plasma, Na Citrate25 ml7905
HPLA-SC-PRENHuman Renin/Prorenin double Depleted Plasma10 ml5185
HPLA-SC-tPAHuman tPA depleted plasma, sodium citrate10 ml5015
HPLA-SER-GFHuman IgG Depleted Serum100 ml5185
HPLA-SER-GFAHuman IgA Depleted Serum5 ml5185
HPLGKT-TOTHuman plasminogen total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit4420
HPL-IImmobilized human plasmin1.0 ml5950
HPLMHuman Lys plasmin1.0 mg4080
HPLM-INInactivated Human Plasmin1.0 mg7990
HPRENHuman Prorenin, Native0.1 mg3995
HPREN-HISHuman Prorenin, C-terminal 8x His tag0.1 mg3995
HPRENKTHuman Prorenin ELISA Kit1 kit8075
HPRENKT-NPHuman Prorenin ELISA Kit for Non Plasma Samples1 kit8075
HPRLHuman Prolactin0.05 mg4845
HPRLKTHuman Prolactin ELISA Kit1 kit5185
HPRLRHuman Prolactin Receptor0.02 mg4845
HPRLR-FCHuman Prolactin Receptor, chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein0.1 mg5185
HPSHuman Protein S1.0 mg10965
HPTKT-TOTHuman Prothrombin total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit5185
HPZHuman Protein Z0.5 mg12750
HREN-HISHuman Renin, C-terminal 8x His tag0.1 mg3995
HSAAlbumin, Human Plasma100 mg1700
HSAKTHuman Albumin ELISA Kit1 kit6120
HS-GFHorse IgG, Protein G Purified50 mg1445
HSIGGKTHorse Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit1 kit6885
HSPATransthyretin/Prealbumin, Human Plasma1.0 mg3910
HTAQTaqTivate Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase500 units3145
HTAQGREENTaqTivate Hot Start Taq MantisGreen Master Mix100 rxn1955
HTAQMIXTaqTivate Hot Start Taq Master Mix100 rxn1955
HTATKT-COMHuman Thrombin Antithrombin Complex total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
HTFTransferrin, Human Plasma100 mg4080
HT-GFHamster IgG, Protein G Purified10 mg1105
HTHROM-AHuman alpha-thrombin1.0 mg4250
HTPAHuman tissue plasminogen activator, >85% single chain0.1 mg3825
HTPA2A153Mouse monoclonal to human tPA1.0 mg7565
HTPA-ALANon-enzymatic Human tPA0.1 mg5695
HTPA-ALANCNon-enzymatic non-cleavable Human tPA0.1 mg5695
HTPA-FITCHuman tissue plasminogen activator, single chain, FITC labeled0.1 mg7650
HTPA-IImmobilized human tissue plasminogen activator, single chain1.0 ml9860
HTPAKTActive human tPA functional assay ELISA kit1 kit8075
HTPAKT-TOTHuman tPA total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8075
HTPA-NCNon-cleavable Human tPA0.1 mg5695
HTPA-TCHuman tissue plasminogen activator, >95% two chain0.1 mg5695
HTPA-TOT-PLATEHuman tPA Antigen Capture Plate1 plate2210
HTPA-TRHuman tissue plasminogen activator, single chain, Texas Red0.1 mg6885
HTRYPTrypsin, Human Pancreas0.1 mg5355
HTSPHuman Thrombospondin0.025 mg4165
HU-FABIgG, Fab Fragment, Human Plasma5.0 mg5015
HU-FCIgG, Fc Fragment, Human Plasma5.0 mg5015
HU-GFIgG, Human Plasma50 mg1870
HU-GF-EDIgG, Human Plasma, Low Endotoxin50 mg6885
HU-IGAIgA, Human Plasma5.0 mg2380
HU-IGA1MIgA1, Human Myeloma Plasma5.0 mg4845
HU-IGA2MIgA2, Human Myeloma Plasma5.0 mg5865
HUIGAKTHuman Immunoglobulin A ELISA Kit1 kit5695
HU-IGDIgD, Human Plasma0.025 mg4080
HU-IGDMIgD, Human Myeloma Plasma0.1 mg4845
HU-IGEIgE, Human Plasma0.1 mg9690
HUIGEKTHuman Immunoglobulin E ELISA Kit1 kit3995
HU-IGEMIgE, Human Myeloma Plasma0.1 mg5865
HU-IGG1IgG1, Human Plasma1.0 mg7140
HU-IGG1MIgG1, Human Myeloma Plasma5.0 mg4760
HU-IGG2IgG2, Human Plasma1.0 mg7140
HU-IGG2MIgG2, Human Myeloma Plasma5.0 mg5015
HU-IGG3IgG3, Human Plasma1.0 mg7140
HU-IGG4MIgG4, Human Myeloma Plasma1.0 mg7140
HUIGGKTHuman Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit1 kit3995
HU-IGMIgM, Human Plasma5.0 mg4845
HUIGMKTHuman Immunoglobulin M ELISA Kit1 kit5695
HU-IGMMIgM, Human Myeloma Plasma5.0 mg4845
HU-MUIgM, Mu Chain, Human Plasma5.0 mg7140
HUPA3A108Mouse monoclonal to human uPA, clone 3A1081.0 mg7565
HUPA3A108-FITCFITC labeled mouse monoclonal to human uPA, clone 3A1080.1 mg5185
HUPA3G65Mouse monoclonal to human uPA, clone 3G651.0 mg7565
HUPA3G65-FITCFITC labeled mouse monoclonal to human uPA, clone 3G650.1 mg5185
HUPA-IImmobilized human urokinase1.0 ml9860
HUPAKTActive human uPA functional assay ELISA kit1 kit8075
HUPAKT-TOTHuman uPA total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8075
HUPA-PLATEHuman Urokinase Coated Plate5 plates3485
HU-SIGASecretory IgA, Human Colostrum5.0 mg7140
HVLDLLipoprotein, Very Low Density, Human Plasma1.0 mg5440
HVNHuman monomeric vitronectin0.5 mg15215
HVN1D144Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to human vitronectin1.0 mg8670
HVN1E934Mouse monoclonal to human vitronectin1.0 mg7990
HVN1H820Mouse monoclonal to human vitronectin1.0 mg7990
HVN2C323Mouse monoclonal to human vitronectin1.0 mg7990
HVN4A132Mouse monoclonal to human vitronectin1.0 mg7990
HVN-BIOBiotin labeled human monomeric vitronectin0.1 mg9860
HVNKT-TOTHuman vitronectin total antigen assay ELISA kit1 Kit8075
HVN-TOT-PLATEHuman Vitronectin Antigen Capture Plate1 plate2210
HVN-UHuman multimeric vitronectin0.1 mg3995
HVN-U-BIOBiotin labeled human multimeric vitronectin0.1 mg5950
HVWFHuman von Willebrand Factor0.1 mg7310
HVWF-F8Human von Willebrand Factor, Factor VIII Free0.1 mg10030
HVWFKT-TOTHuman von Willebrand Factor total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit6885
INFFRCKATA-Phe-Phe-Arg-CMK0.1 mg5950
INFPRCKATA-Phe-Pro-Arg-CMK0.1 mg5950
KNG15C7Anti Human Kininogen, Clone 15C70.1 mg3400
KNG15G5Anti Human Kininogen, Clone 15G50.1 mg3400
KNG16E4Anti Human Kininogen, Clone 16E40.1 mg3400
KNG17A12Anti Human Kininogen, Clone 17A120.1 mg3400
KNG17E10Anti Human Kininogen, Clone 17E100.1 mg3400
KNG17E10-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Human Kininogen, Clone 17E100.1 mg5185
KNG17F8Anti Human Kininogen, Clone 17F80.1 mg3400
LADDER-HHigh Range DNA Ladder0.5 ml1700
LADDER-LLow Range DNA Ladder0.5 ml1700
LADDER-MMid Range DNA Ladder0.5 ml1700
MA-124K1Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to rat PAI-11.0 mg15215
MA-14D5Mouse monoclonal to human PAI-11.0 mg15215
MA-1H10Anti Human VLDL receptor, clone 1H101.0 mg8585
MA-1H5Anti Human VLDL receptor, clone 1H51.0 mg8585
MA2AP-FLAGMouse alpha 2 antiplasmin, Flag tag0.1 mg8670
MA2AP-HISMouse alpha 2 antiplasmin, His tag0.1 mg5695
MA2APKT-TOTMouse antiplasmin total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
MA-31C9Mouse monoclonal to human PAI-11.0 mg15215
MA-32K3Mouse monoclonal to rat PAI-11.0 mg15215
MA-33B8Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to human PAI-1 clone 33B81.0 mg15215
MA-33H1F7Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to human PAI-11.0 mg15215
MA-6Mouse monoclonal to human 85 kDa LRP, Clone 61.0 mg8585
MA-6-BIOBiotin labeled Anti Human 85 kDa LRP, Clone 60.1 mg3995
MA-6-FITCFITC labeled Anti Human 85 kDa LRP, Clone 60.1 mg3995
MA-5F3Anti Human VLDL receptor, clone 5F31.0 mg8585
MA-7F1Mouse monoclonal to human RAP1.0 mg8585
MA-7F1-BIOBiotin labeled Anti Human RAP0.1 mg3995
MA-7F1-FITCFITC labeled Anti Human RAP0.1 mg3995
MA-8B8Mouse monoclonal to human 85 kDa LRP, Clone 8B81.0 mg8585
MA-8B8-BIOBiotin labeled Anti Human 85 kDa LRP, Clone 8B80.1 mg3995
MA-8B8-FITCFITC labeled Anti Human 85 kDa LRP, Clone 8B80.1 mg3995
MA-8G1Mouse monoclonal to human 515 kDa LRP1.0 mg8585
MA-8G1-BIOBiotin labeled Anti Human 515 kDa LRP0.1 mg3995
MA-8G1-FITCFITC labeled Anti Human 515 kDa LRP0.1 mg3995
MA-8H9D4Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to human PAI-1 clone 8H9D41.0 mg16915
MA-HFIIAnti-Human Prothrombin0.1 mg3655
MA-HPC-1Anti-Human Protein C, Clone 10.1 mg3655
MA-HPC-2Anti-Human Protein C, Clone 20.1 mg3655
MA-HPS-2Anti-Human Protein S0.1 mg3655
MA-HTAFI-1Anti-Human TAFI, Clone 10.1 mg3655
MA-HTAFI-2Anti-Human TAFI, CLone 20.1 mg3655
MA-HTAFI-3Anti-Human TAFI, Clone 30.1 mg3655
MA-HTAFI-4Anti-Human TAFI, Clone 40.1 mg3655
MA-HTFAnti-Human Tissue Factor0.1 mg3655
MA-HTFPIAnti-Human Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor0.1 mg3655
MA-HTHROMAnti-Human Thrombin0.1 mg3655
MA-MFIX-1Anti-Mouse Factor IX, Clone 10.1 mg4080
MA-MFIX-2Anti-Mouse Factor IX, Clone 20.1 mg4080
MA-MFVIIAnti-Mouse Factor VII0.1 mg4080
MA-MFVIIIAnti-Mouse Factor VIII0.1 mg4080
MA-MFX-1Anti-Mouse Factor X, Clone 10.1 mg4080
MA-MFX-2Anti-Mouse Factor X, Clone 20.1 mg4080
MA-MPC-1Anti-Mouse Protein C, Clone 10.1 mg4080
MA-MPC-2Anti-Mouse Protein C, Clone 20.1 mg4080
MA-MPGAnti-Mouse Plasminogen0.1 mg4080
MA-MPTAnti-Mouse Prothrombin0.1 mg4080
MAP25C3Mouse monclonal to mouse antiplasmin1.0 mg10115
MAP27C9Inhibitory mouse monclonal to mouse antiplasmin clone 27C91.0 mg10115
MAP4H9Inhibitory mouse monclonal to mouse antiplasmin clone 4H91.0 mg10115
MATFAmino terminal fragment of Mouse uPA0.05 mg5695
MATF-AF750Amino terminal fragment of Mouse uPA, Alexa Fluor 750 Labeled0.05 mg8670
MATIIIMouse Antithrombin III1.0 mg7735
MC1INH-HISMouse C1 Inhibitor, His tag0.1 mg6885
MC1INH-KO-SCMouse C1 Inhibitor genetically deficient plasma, sodium citrate0.05 ml3400
MC3KTMouse Complement C3 ELISA kit1 kit6375
MCRPKTMouse CRP ELISA Kit1 kit5185
MEPO-FCMouse Erythropoietin, chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein0.1 mg5185
MFBGNMouse Fibrinogen1.0 mg1445
MFBGN-FITCFITC Labeled Mouse Fibrinogen1.0 mg8755
MFBGN-FNMouse Fibrinogen, Fibronectin Depleted1.0 mg8755
MFBGNKTMouse fibrinogen total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit5185
MFBGN-TOT-PLATEMouse Fibrinogen Antigen Capture Plate1 plate2210
MFBNMouse Fibronectin1.0 mg6035
MFIIMouse Prothrombin0.1 mg3655
MFIXMouse Factor IX0.05 mg14110
MFIXAMouse Factor IXa0.05 mg8585
MFIX-KO-SCMouse Factor IX genetically deficient plasma, sodium citrate0.05 ml3400
MFXMouse Factor X0.1 mg11560
MFXAMouse Factor Xa0.05 mg8755
MFX-HISMouse Factor X, C-terminal 8x His tag0.1 mg4845
MFXIIRecombinant Mouse Coagulation Factor XII0.05 mg5695
MFXIIARecombinant Mouse Coagulation Factor XIIa0.05 mg6885
MFXII-KO-SCMouse Factor XII genetically deficient plasma, sodium citrate0.05 ml3400
MFXIIKT-TOTMouse Factor XII total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
MFXKT-TOTMouse Factor X total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
MIL17AKTMouse IL-17A total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit5270
MIL2-FCMouse IL-2, chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein0.05 mg2210
MIL2KTMouse IL-2 total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit5270
MK-IGMMonkey IgM0.1 mg4845
MKIGMKTMonkey Immunoglobulin M ELISA Kit1 kit6375
MMIXTicTaqGo Detergent Free Multiplex Master Mix100 rxn3910
MPAIMouse PAI-1 (wild type active fraction)0.5 mg12155
MPAI-BIOMouse PAI-1 (Biotin labeled active fraction)0.5 mg12155
MPAI-I91LMouse PAI-1 (stable mutant)0.5 mg12155
MPAI-KO-BRMouse PAI-1 genetically deficient brain1 Brain1700
MPAI-KO-HTMouse PAI-1 genetically deficient heart1 Heart1700
MPAI-KO-KDMouse PAI-1 genetically deficient kidney1 Kidney935
MPAI-KO-LGMouse PAI-1 genetically deficient lung1 Lobe1700
MPAI-KO-LRMouse PAI-1 genetically deficient liver1 Liver1700
MPAI-KO-SCMouse PAI-1 genetically deficient plasma, sodium citrate0.05 ml935
MPAI-KO-SPMouse PAI-1 genetically deficient spleen1 Spleen1700
MPAIKTActive mouse PAI-1 functional assay ELISA kit1 Kit8075
MPAIKT-TOTMouse PAI-1 total antigen assay ELISA kit1 Kit8075
MPAI-LMouse PAI-1 (wild type latent form)0.5 mg12155
MPAI-L-BIOMouse PAI-1 (Biotin labeled latent fraction)0.5 mg12155
MPAI-TOT-PLATEMouse PAI-1 Antigen Capture Plate1 plate2210
MPAI-TPAMouse PAI-1 tPA complex0.1 mg6885
MPC-HISMouse Protein C, C-terminal 8x His tag0.05 mg12070
MPEMouse pancreatic elastase0.1 mg11305
MPF4-RMouse Platelet Factor 4, Recombinant0.1 mg17340
MPKRecombinant Mouse Prekallikrein0.1 mg8585
MPKARecombinant Mouse Kallikrein0.1 mg9605
MPK-KO-SCMouse Prekallikrein genetically deficient plasma, sodium citrate0.05 ml3400
MPKKT-TOTMouse Prekallikrein total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
MPK-MABPACKAnti Mouse Prekallikrein MAb Sample Pack1 pack8670
MPLA-SCMouse plasma, sodium citrate10 ml2550
MPLA-SC-PAIMouse PAI-1 depleted plasma, sodium citrate10 ml8925
MPLA-SER-PGPlasminogen Depleted Mouse Serum10 ml4420
MPLGMouse plasminogen1.0 mg6800
MPLGKT-TOTMouse plasminogen total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit6120
MPLMMouse plasmin1.0 mg8075
MPN1Mouse Protease Nexin 1, native recombinant0.1 mg9860
MPOMyeloperoxidase1.0 mg10710
MPREN-HISMouse Prorenin, C-terminal 8x His tag0.1 mg5525
MPRENKT-TOTMouse Prorenin/Renin Total Antigen ELISA Kit1 kit8075
MPRLMouse Prolactin0.05 mg4845
MPRLKTMouse Prolactin ELISA Kit1 kit7905
MPRLR-FCMouse Prolactin Receptor, chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein0.1 mg5185
MPTKTMouse Prothrombin ELISA kit1 kit6885
MPTKT-TOTMouse Prothrombin total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit5525
MSAAlbumin, Mouse Plasma100 mg3400
MSAKTMouse Albumin ELISA Kit1 kit6120
MSBC-GFBalb C Mouse IgG, Protein A Purified10 mg3060
MSC57BL6-GFC57BL6 Mouse IgG, Protein A Purified10 mg6885
MSCD1-GFCD1 Mouse IgG, Protein A Purified10 mg3060
MS-GFMouse IgG, Protein A Purified10 mg1360
MS-GF-EDMouse IgG, Protein A Purified, Low Endotoxin50 mg6885
MSIGAKTMouse Immunoglobulin A ELISA Kit1 kit6035
MSIGGKTMouse Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit1 kit3995
MSIGMKTMouse Immunoglobulin M ELISA Kit1 kit6120
MS-TL-CBMouse Cerebellum Tissue Lysate0.2 mg1785
MS-TL-CCMouse Cerebral Cortex Tissue Lysate0.2 mg1785
MS-TL-KDMouse Kidney Tissue Lysate0.2 mg1785
MTHROMMouse Thrombin0.05 mg4590
MTPAActive mouse tPA, recombinant0.1 mg5695
MTPA-ALANCNon-enzymatic non-cleavable Mouse tPA0.1 mg5695
MTPA-BIOBiotin labeled Mouse tPA0.05 mg5695
MTPA-FITCFluorescein labeled Mouse tPA0.05 mg5695
MTPAKTActive mouse tPA functional assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
MTPAKT-TOTMouse tPA total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
MTPA-NCNon-cleavable Mouse tPA0.1 mg5695
MTPA-S481ANon-enzymatic Mouse tPA0.1 mg5695
MTPA-TCActive mouse tPA, two chain recombinant0.1 mg7480
MTPA-TOT-PLATEMouse tPA Antigen Capture Plate1 plate2210
MTPO-FCMouse Thrombopoietin, chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein0.1 mg5185
MUPAActive Mouse Urokinase, HMW0.05 mg5015
MUPA-AF700Active Mouse Urokinase, Alexa Fluor 700 Labeled0.05 mg8670
MUPA-BIOMouse HMW tc-uPA, biotin conjugate0.05 mg8670
MUPA-FITCMouse HMW tc-uPA, fluorescein conjugate0.05 mg8670
MUPA-INInactivated Mouse Urokinase0.05 mg8670
MUPAKTActive mouse uPA functional assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
MUPAKT-TOTMouse uPA total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
MUPA-LMWActive Mouse Urokinase, LMW0.05 mg9010
MUPA-TOT-PLATEMouse uPA Antigen Capture Plate1 plate2210
MVNMouse multimeric vitronectin0.1 mg4590
MVNKT-TOTMouse vitronectin total antigen assay ELISA kit1 Kit8075
MVN-TOT-PLATEMouse Vitronectin Antigen Capture Plate1 plate2210
MZPIMouse Protein Z-Dependent Protease Inhibitor, native recombinant0.1 mg9860
NTAF488CPAIHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal Alexa Fluor 488 labeled stable mutant)0.5 mg16575
NTAF488PAI-AHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal Alexa Fluor 488 labeled, active fraction)0.5 mg16575
NTAF488PAI-LHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal Alexa Fluor 488 labeled, latent fraction)0.5 mg16575
NTAF594CPAIHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal Alexa Fluor 594 labeled stable mutant)0.5 mg16575
NTAF594PAI-AHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal Alexa Fluor 594 labeled, active fraction)0.5 mg16575
NTAF594PAI-LHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal Alexa Fluor 594 labeled, latent fraction)0.5 mg16575
NTAQTaqRobat Native Taq DNA Polymerase500 units1955
NTAQGREENTaqRobat Native Taq MantisGreen 2X Master Mix500 rxn3740
NTAQMIXTaqRobat Native Taq 2X Master Mix500 rxn3740
NTBIOCPAIHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal biotin labeled stable mutant)0.5 mg12155
NTBIOMPAI-I91LMouse PAI-1 (N-terminal biotin labeled stable mutant)0.5 mg15640
NTBIOPAI-AHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal biotin labeled, active fraction)0.5 mg12155
NTBIOPAI-LHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal biotin labeled, latent fraction)0.5 mg12155
NTCYSCPAIHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal cysteine stable mutant)0.5 mg12155
NTCYSCPAI-R76EHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal cysteine LRP non-binding stable mutant)0.5 mg12155
NTCYSCPAI-T333RHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal cysteine substrate form stable mutant)0.5 mg12155
NTCYSPAI-AHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal cysteine, active fraction)0.5 mg12155
NTCYSPAI-LHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal cysteine mutant, latent fraction)0.5 mg12155
NTFLCPAIHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal fluorescein labeled stable mutant)0.5 mg12155
NTFLPAI-AHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal fluorescein labeled, active fraction)0.5 mg12155
NTFLPAI-LHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal fluorescein labeled, latent fraction)0.5 mg12155
PAI3A120Mouse monoclonal to human PAI-11.0 mg7990
PAI3C311Mouse monoclonal to human PAI-11.0 mg7990
PAI3E529Mouse monoclonal to human PAI-11.0 mg7990
PAI-AHuman PAI-1 (wild type active fraction)0.5 mg12155
PAI-A-ANPeptide annealed human PAI-10.5 mg12155
PAI-CHuman PAI-1 (wild type - elastase cleaved)0.5 mg12155
PAI-LHuman PAI-1 (wild type latent fraction)0.5 mg12155
PATIIIPorcine Antithrombin III1.0 mg7735
PEP-1Ac-TVASSSTA Octapeptide5.0 mg8500
PFBGNPorcine Fibrinogen25 mg4420
PFBGN-FITCFITC Labeled Porcine Fibrinogen10 mg4420
PFBGNKTPorcine fibrinogen total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit5185
PFUPerfectPfu High Fidelity DNA Polymerase200 units1955
PK10G3Anti Human Prekallikrein, Clone 10G30.1 mg8670
PK10G3-IImmobilized monoclonal antibody to human prekallikrein and kallikrein1.0 ml2210
PK11H4Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 11H40.1 mg5185
PK11H4-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 11H40.1 mg6035
PK13G5Inhibitory Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 13G50.1 mg5185
PK13G5-BIOBiotin Labeled Inhibitory Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 13G50.1 mg6035
PK14E3Inhibitory Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 14E30.1 mg5185
PK14E3-BIOBiotin Labeled Inhibitory Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 14E30.1 mg6035
PK20E7Anti Human Prekallikrein, Clone 20E70.1 mg3400
PK20E7-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Human Prekallikrein, Clone 20E70.1 mg5185
PK3A10Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 3A100.1 mg5185
PK3A10-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 3A100.1 mg6035
PK5G7Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 5G70.1 mg5185
PK5G7-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 5G70.1 mg6035
PK7G2Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 7G20.1 mg5185
PK7G2-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 7G20.1 mg6035
PLG11B5B2Anti Human Plasminogen, Clone 11B5-B21.0 mg8670
PLG13C3B10Anti Human Plasminogen, Clone 13C3-B101.0 mg8670
PLG1C10F2Anti Human Plasminogen, Clone 1C10-F21.0 mg8670
PLG2F6C6Anti Human Plasminogen, Clone 2F6-C61.0 mg8670
PLG4G6B11Anti Human Plasminogen, Clone 4G6-B111.0 mg8670
PLG9F9C4Anti Human Plasminogen, Clone 9F9-C41.0 mg8670
PLG-MABPACKAnti Human Plasminogen MAb Sample Pack1 pack8670
POPAIPorcine PAI-1 (wild type active form)0.5 mg12155
POPAIKTActive porcine PAI-1 functional assay ELISA kit1 Kit8075
POPAI-TPAPorcine PAI-1 tPA complex0.05 mg6885
POPAITPAKT-COMPorcine PAI-1 tPA complex antigen assay ELISA kit1 Kit8415
POPLGPorcine (pig) plasminogen1.0 mg4080
PPACKPhe-Pro-Arg-Chloromethylketone5.0 mg2805
PPACK2Phe-Phe-Arg-Chloromethylketone10 mg5780
PPACK-BIOBiotin Labeled Phe-Pro-Arg-Chloromethylketone1.0 mg8670
PPACK-FITCFluorescein Labeled Phe-Pro-Arg-Chloromethylketone1.0 mg10370
PPEPorcine pancreatic elastase10 mg3825
PPN-IImmobilized porcine pepsin5.0 ml2975
PREN4B5E3Inhibitory monoclonal antibody to human prorenin, clone 4B5-E30.1 mg2465
PREN4B5E3-BIOMonoclonal antibody to human prorenin, biotin labeled0.1 mg7310
PREN4B5E3-FITCMonoclonal antibody to human prorenin, FITC labeled0.1 mg7310
PREN6E2B7Monoclonal antibody to human prorenin, clone 6E2-B70.1 mg2465
PREN7D3E3Monoclonal antibody to human renin and prorenin, clone 7D3-E30.1 mg2465
PRL11F9Anti Human Prolactin, Clone 11F9D50.1 mg3400
PRL13G4Anti Human Prolactin, Clone 13G4C70.1 mg3400
PRL16F4Anti Human Prolactin, Clone 16F4E9G100.1 mg3400
PRL3F6Anti Human Prolactin, Clone 3F6G110.1 mg3400
PRL3G11Anti Human Prolactin, Clone 3G11B6E80.1 mg3400
PRL5F3Anti Human Prolactin, Clone 5F3E40.1 mg3400
PRL7C11Anti Human Prolactin, Clone 7C11E2F30.1 mg3400
PSA14E7Anti Human PSA, Clone 14E70.1 mg3400
PSA14E7-BIOBiotin-labeled Anti Human PSA, Clone 14E70.1 mg10030
PSA16G3Anti Human PSA, Clone 16G30.1 mg3400
PSA18D11Anti Human PSA, Clone 18D110.1 mg3400
PSA18D4Anti Human PSA, Clone 18D40.1 mg3400
PSA18D4-BIOBiotin-labeled Anti Human PSA, Clone 18D40.1 mg10030
PTPAActive porcine tPA, recombinant0.1 mg5695
PTPAKTActive porcine tPA functional assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
PUPAActive Porcine Urokinase0.05 mg4590
PVNPorcine multimeric vitronectin0.1 mg3995
PYFIPyFi High Fidelity DNA Polymerase200 units1955
QMIXTaqCelerate qPCR Master Mix100 rxn2635
RAPHuman RAP0.5 mg9775
RAP-FITCFITC Labeled Human RAP0.1 mg4335
RAP-LELow Endotoxin Human RAP0.5 mg12155
RAP-SMHuman RAP Stable Mutant0.5 mg12155
RATIIIRat Antithrombin III1.0 mg6460
RBATIIIRabbit Antithrombin1.0 mg6460
RbFBGNRabbit Fibrinogen25 mg4590
RbFBGN-FITCFITC Labeled Rabbit Fibrinogen10 mg4420
RBFBGNKTRabbit fibrinogen total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
RB-GFRabbit IgG, Protein A Purified500 mg3400
RB-GF-BIOBiotin labeled rabbit IgG1.0 mg3400
RB-GF-EDLow Endotoxin Rabbit IgG, Protein A Purified50 mg6885
RB-GF-FITCFITC labeled rabbit IgG1.0 mg3400
RBIGGKTRabbit Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit1 kit6885
RbPAIRabbit PAI-1 (wild type active)0.5 mg12155
RbPAI-I91LRabbit PAI-1 (stable mutant)0.5 mg12155
RbPAIKTActive rabbit PAI-1 functional assay ELISA kit1 Kit8075
RbPAIKT-TOTRabbit PAI-1 total antigen assay ELISA kit1 Kit8075
RbPAI-LRabbit PAI-1 (wild type latent)0.5 mg12155
RbPAI-L-BIORabbit PAI-1 (Biotin labeled latent fraction)0.5 mg12155
RbPLA-SC-PAIRabbit PAI-1 depleted plasma, sodium citrate10 ml6035
RbPLGRabbit plasminogen1.0 mg6035
RbPLMRabbit plasmin1.0 mg7565
RbSAAlbumin, Rabbit Plasma500 mg3400
RbTPAActive rabbit tPA, recombinant0.1 mg5695
RbTPAKTActive rabbit tPA functional assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
RbUPAActive Rabbit Urokinase0.05 mg5015
RbVNRabbit multimeric vitronectin0.1 mg3995
RFBGNRat Fibrinogen1.0 mg4420
RFBGN-FITCFITC Labeled Rat Fibrinogen1.0 mg8755
RFBGNKTRat fibrinogen total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit5185
RFIIRat Prothrombin0.1 mg3655
RFIXRat Factor IX0.05 mg6375
RFIXARat Factor IXa0.05 mg8585
RFXRat Factor X0.1 mg10965
RFXARat Factor Xa0.1 mg10370
RFXIIRecombinant Rat Coagulation Factor XII0.1 mg6885
RFXIIARecombinant Rat Coagulation Factor XIIa0.1 mg7820
RFXIIKT-TOTRat Factor XII total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
RPAIRat PAI-1 (wild type active form)0.5 mg12155
RPAI-AF488Rat PAI-1 (Alexa Fluor 488 labeled wild type active form)0.5 mg13855
RPAI-BIORat PAI-1 (Biotin labeled active fraction)0.5 mg12155
RPAI-I91LRat PAI-1 (stable mutant)0.5 mg12155
RPAI-I91L-BIORat PAI-1 (Biotin labeled stable mutant)0.5 mg12155
RPAIKTActive rat PAI-1 functional assay ELISA kit1 Kit8075
RPAIKT-TOTRat PAI-1 total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8075
RPAI-LRat PAI-1 (wild type latent form)0.5 mg12155
RPAI-L-AF488Rat PAI-1 (Alexa Fluor 488 labeled wild type latent form)0.5 mg13855
RPAI-L-BIORat PAI-1 (Biotin labeled latent fraction)0.5 mg12155
RPAI-P1NBDRat PAI-1 (NBD labeled at the scissile bond of the reactive center loop)0.5 mg15640
RPAI-P9NBDRat PAI-1 NBD labeled at the reactive center loop0.5 mg15640
RPAI-TOT-PLATERat PAI-1 Antigen Capture Plate1 plate2210
RPERat pancreatic elastase0.1 mg5695
RPLA-EDTA-ANG-FRat Renin Substrate Plasma, Female, Sodium EDTA1.0 ml8670
RPLA-EDTA-ANG-MRat Renin Substrate Plasma, Male, Sodium EDTA1.0 ml8670
RPLA-SCRat plasma, sodium citrate10 ml2550
RPLA-SC-LRat PAI-1 latent plasma, sodium citrate10 ml3400
RPLA-SC-PAIRat PAI-1 depleted plasma, sodium citrate10 ml6970
RPLA-SC-PRENRat Renin/Prorenin Double Depleted Plasma10 ml5525
RPLA-SER-GFRat IgG Depleted Serum10 ml5185
RPLGRat plasminogen1.0 mg6035
RPLMRat plasmin1.0 mg7565
RPREN1G5Monoclonal antibody to rat renin and prorenin, clone 1G50.1 mg3400
RPREN2C6Monoclonal antibody to rat prorenin, clone 2C60.1 mg3400
RPREN-HISRat Prorenin, C-terminal 8x His tag0.1 mg7480
RPRENKT-TOTRat Prorenin/Renin Total Antigen ELISA Kit1 kit8075
RPRLRat Prolactin0.05 mg4845
RPRLKTRat Prolactin ELISA Kit1 kit7905
RPRLRRat Prolactin Receptor0.02 mg4845
RPRLR-FCRat Prolactin Receptor, chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein0.1 mg5185
RSAAlbumin, Rat Plasma100 mg3400
RSFVIIIKT-TOTRhesus monkey Factor VIII total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
RS-GFRhesus Monkey IgG, Protein A Purified10 mg3400
RSIGGKTRhesus Monkey Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit1 kit6545
RT-GFRat IgG, Protein A Purified10 mg1360
RTHROMRat Thrombin0.1 mg7310
RTIGGKTRat Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit1 kit3995
RTIGMKTRat Immunoglobulin M ELISA Kit1 kit5695
RT-LP-BRRat Brain Lyophilized Powder1000 mg1700
RT-LP-KDRat Kidney Lyophilized Powder1000 mg1700
RT-LP-LRRat Liver Lyophilized Powder1000 mg1700
RTPAActive rat tPA, recombinant0.1 mg5695
RTPAKTActive rat tPA functional assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
RTPAKT-TOTRat tPA total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
RTPA-TCActive rat tPA, two chain recombinant0.1 mg7480
RT-TL-BRRat Brain Tissue Lysate0.2 mg1785
RT-TL-CCRat Cerebral Cortex Tissue Lysate0.2 mg1785
RT-TL-HTRat Heart Tissue Lysate0.2 mg1785
RT-TL-KDRat Kidney Tissue Lysate0.2 mg1785
RT-TL-LGRat Lung Tissue Lysate0.2 mg1785
RT-TL-LRRat Liver Tissue Lysate0.2 mg1785
RUPAActive Rat Urokinase, HMW0.05 mg5015
RUPAKTActive rat uPA functional assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
RUPAKT-TOTRat uPA total antigen assay ELISA kit1 kit8415
RVNRat multimeric vitronectin0.1 mg4590
RVV-VRussells Viper Venom Factor V Activator1.0 mg9095
RVV-XRussells Viper Venom Factor X Activator1.0 mg10795
S119C-L-NBDHuman PAI-1 (NBD labeled vitronectin reporter mutant latent fraction)0.5 mg12155
S119C-NBDHuman PAI-1 (NBD labeled vitronectin reporter mutant)0.5 mg12155
SASDUPASheep anti dog uPA antiserum1.0 ml5695
SASDUPA-GFSheep anti dog uPA IgG fraction1.0 mg5695
SASDUPA-GF-BIOSheep anti dog uPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6630
SASDUPA-GF-FITCSheep anti dog uPA IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6630
SASDUPA-GF-HRPSheep anti dog uPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6630
SASHCII-GFSheep anti-Heparin Cofactor II1.0 mg2890
SASHCRPSheep anti human CRP antiserum1.0 ml3825
SASHCRP-GFSheep anti human CRP IgG fraction1.0 mg3825
SASHCRP-GF-BIOSheep anti human CRP IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHCRP-GF-FITCSheep anti human CRP IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHCRP-GF-HRPSheep anti human CRP IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHCRP-GF-HTSheep anti-human CRP, affinity purified0.1 mg3825
SASHCRP-GF-HT-BIOSheep anti-human CRP, biotin labeled affinity purified0.1 mg4760
SASHCTNTSheep anti human cTnT antiserum1.0 ml3825
SASHCTNT-GFSheep anti human cTnT IgG fraction1.0 mg3825
SASHCTNT-GF-BIOSheep anti human cTnT IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHCTNT-GF-FITCSheep anti human cTnT IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHCTNT-GF-HRPSheep anti human cTnT IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHFII-GFSheep anti-Human Prothrombin1.0 mg2890
SASHFII-GF-HTSheep anti-Human Prothrombin - Affinity Purified0.1 mg2890
SASHFIXSheep anti human Factor IX antiserum1.0 ml3825
SASHFIX-GFSheep anti-Human Factor IX IgG Fraction1.0 mg3825
SASHFIX-GF-HTSheep anti human factor IX IgG fraction, Affinity purified0.1 mg4760
SASHFV-GFSheep anti-Human Factor V1.0 mg2890
SASHFVII-GFSheep anti-Human Factor VII1.0 mg2890
SASHFVIII-GFSheep anti-Human Factor VIII1.0 mg2890
SASHFX-GFSheep anti-Human Factor X1.0 mg2890
SASHFXIISheep anti human factor XII antiserum1.0 ml3825
SASHFXII-GFSheep anti human factor XII IgG fraction1.0 mg3825
SASHFXII-GF-BIOSheep anti human factor XII IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHFXII-GF-FITCSheep anti human factor XII IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHFXII-GF-HRPSheep anti human factor XII IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHFXII-GF-HTSheep anti human factor XII IgG fraction, Affinity purified0.1 mg4760
SASHFXIII-GFSheep anti-Human Factor XIII1.0 mg2890
SASHPAISheep anti human PAI-1 antiserum1.0 ml3825
SASHPAI-GFSheep anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction1.0 mg3825
SASHPAI-GF-BIOBiotin labeled sheep anti human PAI-1 IgG1.0 mg4760
SASHPAI-GF-FITCSheep anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHPAI-GF-HRPSheep anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHPAI-GF-HTSheep anti-human PAI-1, affinity purified0.1 mg3825
SASHPC-GFSheep anti-Human Protein C1.0 mg2890
SASHPLGSheep anti human plasminogen antiserum1.0 ml3400
SASHPLG-GFSheep anti human plasminogen IgG fraction1.0 mg3400
SASHPLG-GF-BIOSheep anti human plasminogen IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHPLG-GF-FITCSheep anti human plasminogen IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHPLG-GF-HRPSheep anti human plasminogen IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHPLG-GF-HTSheep anti-human plasminogen, affinity purified0.1 mg3825
SASHPLM-GF-HTSheep anti-human plasmin, affinity purified0.1 mg3825
SASHPSASheep anti human PSA antiserum1.0 ml3825
SASHPSA-GFSheep anti human PSA IgG fraction1.0 mg3825
SASHPSA-GF-BIOSheep anti human PSA IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHPSA-GF-FITCSheep anti human PSA IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHPSA-GF-HRPSheep anti human PSA IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg4760
SASHPSA-GF-HTSheep anti human PSA IgG fraction, high titer0.1 mg4760
SASHPS-GFSheep anti-Human Protein S1.0 mg2890
SASHPZ-GFSheep anti-Human Protein Z1.0 mg2890
SASHRAPSheep anti human RAP antiserum1.0 ml3825
SASHRAP-GFSheep anti human RAP IgG fraction1.0 mg3825
SASHRAP-GF-BIOSheep anti human RAP IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg5185
SASHRAP-GF-FITCSheep anti human RAP IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg5185
SASHRAP-GF-HRPSheep anti human RAP IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg5185
SASHRENSheep anti human renin antiserum1.0 ml5185
SASHREN-GFSheep anti human renin IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
SASHREN-GF-BIOSheep anti human renin IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
SASHREN-GF-FITCSheep anti human renin IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
SASHREN-GF-HRPSheep anti human renin IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
SASHREN-GF-HTSheep anti human renin IgG fraction, affinity purified0.1 mg6885
SASHREN-GF-HT-BIOBiotin labeled affinity purified sheep anti human renin0.1 mg6885
SASHREN-GF-HT-IImmobilized affinity purified sheep anti human prorenin/renin1.0 ml5185
SASHTAFI-GFSheep anti-Human TAFI1.0 mg2890
SASHTF-GFSheep anti-Human Tissue Factor1.0 mg2890
SASHTFPI-GFSheep anti-Human Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor1.0 mg2890
SASHTHROM-GFSheep anti-Human Thrombin1.0 mg2890
SASHTPASheep anti human tPA antiserum1.0 ml3825
SASHTPA-GFSheep anti human tPA IgG fraction1.0 mg3825
SASHTPA-GF-BIOSheep anti human tPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg5185
SASHTPA-GF-FITCSheep anti human tPA IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg5185
SASHTPA-GF-HRPSheep anti human tPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg5185
SASHTPA-GF-HTSheep anti human tPA, affinity purified0.1 mg7310
SASHUPASheep anti human uPA antiserum1.0 ml3825
SASHUPA-GFSheep anti human uPA IgG fraction1.0 mg3825
SASHUPA-GF-BIOSheep anti human uPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg5185
SASHUPA-GF-FITCSheep anti human uPA IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg5185
SASHUPA-GF-HRPSheep anti human uPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg5185
SASHVWF-GFSheep anti-Human vWF1.0 mg3655
SASHZPISheep anti human ZPI antiserum1.0 ml5695
SASHZPI-GFSheep anti human ZPI IgG fraction1.0 mg5695
SASHZPI-GF-BIOSheep anti human ZPI IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
SASHZPI-GF-FITCSheep anti human ZPI IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
SASHZPI-GF-HRPSheep anti human ZPI IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMFIXSheep anti mouse factor IX antiserum1.0 ml5185
SASMFIX-GFSheep anti mouse factor IX IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
SASMFIX-GF-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti mouse factor IX1.0 mg6035
SASMFIX-GF-FITCFITC Labeled Anti mouse factor IX1.0 mg6035
SASMFIX-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse Factor IX IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMFXSheep anti mouse factor X antiserum1.0 ml5695
SASMFX-GFSheep anti mouse factor X IgG fraction1.0 mg5695
SASMFX-GF-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti mouse factor X1.0 mg6630
SASMFX-GF-FITCFITC Labeled Anti mouse factor X1.0 mg6630
SASMFX-GF-HRPHRP Labeled Anti mouse factor X1.0 mg6630
SASMFX-GF-HTAffinity purified sheep anti mouse factor X0.1 mg5695
SASMFX-GF-IAImmuno absorbed sheep anti mouse Factor X0.1 mg5695
SASMNSPSheep anti mouse neuroserpin antiserum1.0 ml5695
SASMNSP-GFSheep anti mouse neuroserpin IgG fraction1.0 mg5695
SASMNSP-GF-BIOBiotin labeled sheep anti mouse neuroserpin1.0 mg6035
SASMNSP-GF-FITCFITC labeled sheep anti mouse neuroserpin1.0 mg6035
SASMNSP-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse neuroserpin IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMNSP-GF-HTAffinity purified sheep anti mouse neuroserpin0.1 mg5185
SASMNSP-GF-HT-BIOBiotin labeled affinity purified sheep anti mouse neuroserpin0.5 mg8670
SASMPCSheep anti mouse Protein C antiserum1.0 ml5185
SASMPC-GFSheep anti mouse Protein C IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
SASMPC-GF-BIOSheep anti mouse Protein C IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMPC-GF-FITCSheep anti mouse Protein C IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMPC-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse Protein C IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMPN1Sheep anti mouse Protease Nexin 1 antiserum1.0 ml5695
SASMPN1-GFSheep anti mouse Protease Nexin 1 IgG fraction1.0 mg5695
SASMPN1-GF-BIOSheep anti mouse Protease Nexin 1 IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMPN1-GF-FITCSheep anti mouse Protease Nexin 1 IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMPN1-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse Protease Nexin 1 IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMPTSheep anti mouse prothrombin antiserum1.0 ml5185
SASMPT-GFSheep anti mouse prothrombin IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
SASMPT-GF-BIOSheep anti mouse prothrombin IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMPT-GF-FITCSheep anti mouse prothrombin IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMPT-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse prothrombin IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMPT-GF-HTSheep anti mouse prothrombin IgG fraction, affinity purified0.1 mg6035
SASMPT-GF-HT-BIOSheep anti mouse prothrombin, biotin labeled affinity purified0.1 mg6885
SASMTPASheep Anti Mouse and Rat tPA antiserum1.0 ml3825
SASMTPA-GFSheep Anti Mouse and Rat tPA IgG fraction1.0 mg3825
SASMTPA-GF-BIOSheep Anti Mouse and Rat tPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg5185
SASMTPA-GF-FITCSheep Anti Mouse and Rat tPA IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg5185
SASMTPA-GF-HRPSheep Anti Mouse and Rat tPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg5185
SASMTPA-GF-HTAffinity purified sheep anti mouse tPA0.1 mg3825
SASMTPA-GF-HT-BIOAffinity purified sheep anti mouse tPA, biotin labeled0.5 mg8670
SASMTPOSheep anti mouse thrombopoietin antiserum1.0 ml5185
SASMTPO-GFSheep anti mouse thrombopoietin IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
SASMTPO-GF-BIOSheep anti mouse thrombopoietin IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMTPO-GF-FITCSheep anti mouse thrombopoietin IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMTPO-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse thrombopoietin IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMUPASheep anti mouse uPA antiserum1.0 ml3825
SASMUPA-GFSheep anti mouse uPA IgG fraction1.0 mg3825
SASMUPA-GF-BIOSheep anti mouse uPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg5185
SASMUPA-GF-FITCSheep anti mouse uPA IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg5185
SASMUPA-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse uPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg5185
SASMUPARSheep anti mouse uPAR antiserum1.0 ml5695
SASMUPAR-GFSheep anti mouse uPAR IgG fraction1.0 mg5695
SASMUPAR-GF-BIOSheep anti mouse uPAR IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6630
SASMUPAR-GF-FITCSheep anti mouse uPAR IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6630
SASMUPAR-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse uPAR IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6630
SASMZPISheep anti mouse ZPI antiserum1.0 ml5695
SASMZPI-GFSheep anti mouse ZPI IgG fraction1.0 mg5695
SASMZPI-GF-BIOSheep anti mouse ZPI IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMZPI-GF-FITCSheep anti mouse ZPI IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
SASMZPI-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse ZPI IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
SASRbFBGN-GFSheep Anti Rabbit Fibrinogen IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
SASRbTPASheep Anti Rabbit tPA antiserum1.0 ml5185
SASRbTPA-GFSheep Anti Rabbit tPA IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
SASRbTPA-GF-BIOSheep Anti Rabbit tPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
SASRbTPA-GF-FITCSheep Anti Rabbit tPA IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
SASRbTPA-GF-HRPSheep Anti Rabbit tPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
SASRbUPASheep Anti Rabbit uPA antiserum1.0 ml5695
SASRbUPA-GFSheep Anti Rabbit uPA IgG fraction1.0 mg5695
SASRbUPA-GF-BIOSheep Anti Rabbit uPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6630
SASRbUPA-GF-FITCSheep Anti Rabbit uPA IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6630
SASRbUPA-GF-HRPSheep Anti Rabbit uPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6630
SASRRENSheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin antiserum1.0 ml5185
SASRREN-GFSheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin IgG fraction1.0 mg5185
SASRREN-GF-BIOSheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin IgG fraction, biotin labeled1.0 mg6035
SASRREN-GF-FITCSheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin IgG fraction, FITC labeled1.0 mg6035
SASRREN-GF-HRPSheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin IgG fraction, HRP labeled1.0 mg6035
SASRREN-GF-HTSheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin IgG fraction, High Titer0.1 mg6035
SASRREN-GF-HT-BIOBiotin-labeled sheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin IgG fraction, High Titer0.1 mg6035
SASRREN-GF-HT-IImmobilized affinity purified sheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin1.0 ml5185
SASRRENPS-GF-HTSheep anti rat prorenin prosegment, affinity purified0.1 mg5185
SAVI-HRPStreptavidin, HRP Labeled0.01 ml510
SBTI-IImmobilized soybean trypsin inhibitor10 ml6885
SHFBGNSheep Fibrinogen100 mg3400
SHFBGN-FITCFITC Labeled Sheep Fibrinogen10 mg2805
SH-GFSheep IgG, Protein G Purified50 mg1105
SMUPAR-HISSoluble Mouse uPAR, His-tagged0.1 mg9860
SW-GFSwine IgG, Protein G Purified1 gram3825
TAFIHuman Thrombin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor0.1 mg7310
TAT1F7F8Anti Human Thrombin Antithrombin Complex1.0 mg5185
TMBTMB Substrate for ELISA50 ml935
TPA-PLATEtPA Coated Plate5 plates2210
UPA-HTCHuman HMW Urokinase0.1 mg4760
UPA-HTC-BIOHuman HMW urokinase, biotin labeled0.1 mg7990
UPA-HTC-FITCHuman HMW urokinase, fluorescein labeled0.1 mg7990
UPA-HTC-HRPHuman HMW urokinase, HRP conjugate0.1 mg7990
UPA-HTC-INSRecombinant Human HMW Urokinase, Insect Cell0.1 mg3995
UPA-LMWHuman LMW urokinase0.1 mg6035
UPA-LMW-FITCHuman LMW urokinase, fluorescein labeled0.1 mg7990
UPA-LMW-HRPHuman LMW urokinase, HRP conjugate0.1 mg7990
UPA-PLATEUrokinase Coated Plate5 plates2210
VWF25E9Anti Human Factor vWF, Clone 25E90.1 mg3400
VWF31F5Anti Human Factor vWF, Clone 31F50.1 mg3400
WASHWash Buffer, 10X Concentrate50 ml935
XCL1Human XCL10.025 mg5780
XCL2Human XCL20.025 mg5780
6XDYEMantisGreen 6X Loading Dye8.0 ml1700
6X-HISCPAIHuman PAI-1 (stable mutant - N-terminal poly-histidine tag)1.0 mg19890
6X-HISHPAI-AHuman PAI-1 (wild type active fraction - N-terminal poly-histidine tag)1.0 mg19890
6X-HISRPAI-ARat PAI-1 (wild type active fraction - N-terminal poly-histidine tag)1.0 mg25160
AHT-GFArmenian Hamster IgG, Protein G Purified100 mg15725
AHTIGGKTArmenian Hamster Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit5 kits30515
ANHTAnhydrotrypsin1.0 mg47430
ANHT-IImmobilized Anhydrotrypsin10 ml78370
APAIHuman PAI -1 Elastase specific mutant1.0 mg22695
ASBSARabbit anti BSA antiserum10 ml30005
ASBSA-GFRabbit anti BSA IgG fraction10 mg30005
ASBSA-GF-BIORabbit anti BSA IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg37655
ASBSA-GF-FITCRabbit anti BSA IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled10 mg37655
ASBSA-GF-HRPRabbit anti BSA IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg37655
ASBSA-GF-HTRabbit anti BSA, affinity purified1.0 mg45305
ASBSA-GF-HT-BIOBiotin-labeled Rabbit anti BSA, affinity purified1.0 mg55080
ASCKPG-GFAnti Chicken Plasminogen IgG10 mg47430
ASHA2APRabbit anti human antiplasmin antiserum10 ml47430
ASHA2AP-GFRabbit anti human antiplasmin IgG fraction10 ml47430
ASHA2AP-GF-BIORabbit anti human antiplasmin IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg63495
ASHA2AP-GF-FITCRabbit anti human antiplasmin IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg63495
ASHA2AP-GF-HRPRabbit anti human antiplasmin IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg63495
ASHA2AP-GF-HTRabbit anti human antiplasmin, affinity purified1.0 mg50235
ASHA2AP-GF-HT-BIORabbit anti human antiplasmin, affinity purified, biotin labeled1.0 mg50235
ASHATF-GF-HTRabbit anti human amino terminal fragment of uPA, affinity purified0.1 ml47940
ASHATIIIRabbit anti human antithrombin III antiserum10 ml41140
ASHATIII-GFRabbit anti human antithrombin III IgG fraction10 mg41140
ASHATIII-GF-BIORabbit anti human antithrombin III IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
ASHATIII-GF-FITCRabbit anti human antithrombin III IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
ASHATIII-GF-HRPRabbit anti human antithrombin III IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
ASHATIII-GF-HTRabbit anti human antithrombin III, affinity purified1.0 mg48110
ASHCB-ASAnti-Cathepsin B, Human Liver, Rabbit Standard Antisera10 ml37145
ASHCD-ASAnti-Cathepsin D, Human Liver, Rabbit Standard Antisera10 ml37145
ASHCG-ASAnti-Cathepsin G, Human Neutrophil, Rabbit Standard Antisera10 ml37145
ASHCH-ASAnti-Cathepsin H, Human Liver, Rabbit Standard Antisera10 ml37145
ASHEC-GFAnti-Catalase, Human Erythrocyte, Rabbit IgG Fraction10 ml37145
ASHFBGNRabbit anti human fibrinogen antiserum10 ml47430
ASHFBGN-GFRabbit anti human fibrinogen IgG fraction10 mg47430
ASHFBGN-GF-BIORabbit anti human fibrinogen IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg74800
ASHFBGN-GF-FITCRabbit anti human fibrinogen IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg74800
ASHFBGN-GF-HRPRabbit anti human fibrinogen IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg74800
ASHFBGN-GF-HTRabbit anti human fibrinogen, affinity purified1.0 mg74800
ASHFBNRabbit anti human fibronectin antiserum10 ml41140
ASHFBN-GFRabbit anti human fibronectin IgG fraction10 mg41140
ASHFBN-GF-BIORabbit anti human fibronectin IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
ASHFBN-GF-FITCRabbit anti human fibronectin IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
ASHFBN-GF-HRPRabbit anti human fibronectin IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
ASHFBN-GF-HTRabbit anti human fibronectin, affinity purified1.0 mg48110
ASHFVIIRabbit anti human Factor VII antiserum10 ml45305
ASHFVII-GFRabbit anti human Factor VII IgG fraction10 mg45305
ASHFVII-GF-BIORabbit anti human Factor VII IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg53040
ASHFVII-GF-FITCRabbit anti human Factor VII IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg53040
ASHFVII-GF-HRPRabbit anti human Factor VII IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg53040
ASHFVII-GF-HTRabbit anti human Factor VII IgG fraction, affinity purified1.0 mg53040
ASHFXRabbit anti human factor X antiserum10 ml45305
ASHFX-GFRabbit anti human factor X IgG fraction10 mg45305
ASHFX-GF-BIORabbit anti human factor X IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg53040
ASHFX-GF-FITCRabbit anti human factor X IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg53040
ASHFX-GF-HRPRabbit anti human factor X IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg53040
ASHFX-GF-HTRabbit anti human factor X IgG fraction, affinity purified1.0 mg53040
ASHMPO-GFAnti-Myeloperoxidase, Human Neutrophil, Rabbit IgG Fraction10 ml37145
ASHNE-ASAnti-Elastase, Human Neutrophil, Rabbit Standard Antisera10 ml37145
ASHPA-ASAnti-Amylase, Human Pancreas, Rabbit Standard Antisera10 ml37145
ASHPAIRabbit anti human PAI-1 antiserum10 ml50235
ASHPAI-GFRabbit anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction10 mg50235
ASHPAI-GF-BIORabbit anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg53040
ASHPAI-GF-FITCRabbit anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled10 mg53040
ASHPAI-GF-HRPRabbit anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg53040
ASHPAI-GF-HTRabbit anti human PAI-1, affinity purified1.0 mg63495
ASHPK-GFAnti-Kallikrein, Human Plasma, Rabbit IgG Fraction10 ml37145
ASHPRENRabbit anti human prorenin antiserum10 ml45305
ASHPREN-GFRabbit anti human prorenin IgG fraction10 mg45305
ASHPREN-GF-BIORabbit anti human prorenin IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg53040
ASHPREN-GF-FITCRabbit anti human prorenin IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg53040
ASHPREN-GF-HRPRabbit anti human prorenin IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg53040
ASHPREN-GF-HTRabbit anti human prorenin IgG fraction, high titer1.0 mg53040
ASHPTRabbit anti human prothrombin antiserum10 ml41140
ASHPT-GFRabbit anti human prothrombin IgG fraction10 mg41140
ASHPT-GF-BIORabbit anti human prothrombin IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
ASHPT-GF-FITCRabbit anti human prothrombin IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
ASHPT-GF-HRPRabbit anti human prothrombin IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
ASHPT-GF-HTRabbit anti human prothrombin IgG fraction, affinity purified1.0 mg48110
ASHTPARabbit anti human tPA antiserum10 ml50235
ASHTPA-GFRabbit anti human tPA IgG fraction10 mg50235
ASHTPA-GF-BIORabbit anti human tPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg55590
ASHTPA-GF-FITCRabbit anti human tPA IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled10 mg55590
ASHTPA-GF-HRPRabbit anti human tPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg55590
ASHTPA-GF-HTRabbit anti human tPA, affinity purified1.0 mg57885
ASHTRYP-GFAnti-Trypsin, Human Pancreas, Rabbit IgG Fraction10 ml37145
ASHUPARabbit anti human uPA antiserum10 ml50235
ASHUPA-GFRabbit anti human uPA IgG fraction10 mg50235
ASHUPA-GF-BIORabbit anti human uPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg52275
ASHUPA-GF-FITCRabbit anti human uPA IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled10 mg52275
ASHUPA-GF-HRPRabbit anti human uPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg52275
ASHUPA-GF-HTRabbit anti human uPA, affinity purified1.0 mg63495
ASHVNRabbit anti human vitronectin antiserum10 ml47430
ASHVN-GFRabbit anti human vitronectin IgG fraction10 mg47430
ASHVN-GF-BIORabbit anti human vitronectin IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg63495
ASHVN-GF-FITCRabbit anti human vitronectin IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg63495
ASHVN-GF-HRPRabbit anti human vitronectin IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg63495
ASHVN-GF-HTRabbit anti human vitronectin IgG fraction, affinity purified1.0 mg63495
ASMA2APRabbit anti mouse antiplasmin antiserum10 ml47430
ASMA2AP-GFRabbit anti mouse antiplasmin IgG fraction10 mg47430
ASMA2AP-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse antiplasmin IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg63495
ASMA2AP-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse antiplasmin IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg63495
ASMA2AP-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse antiplasmin IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg63495
ASMA2AP-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse antiplasmin IgG fraction, affinity purified1.0 mg63495
ASMA2AP-GF-HT-BIORabbit anti mouse antiplasmin IgG fraction, affinity purified, biotin-labeled1.0 mg106250
ASMATIIIRabbit anti mouse antithrombin III antiserum10 ml41140
ASMATIII-GFRabbit anti mouse antithrombin III IgG fraction10 mg41140
ASMATIII-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse antithrombin III IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
ASMATIII-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse antithrombin III IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
ASMATIII-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse antithrombin III IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
ASMATIII-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse antithrombin III, affinity purified1.0 mg48110
ASMATIII-GF-HT-BIORabbit anti mouse antithrombin III, biotin labeled affinity purified1.0 mg55080
ASMFBGNRabbit anti mouse fibrinogen antiserum10 ml41140
ASMFBGN-GFRabbit anti mouse fibrinogen IgG fraction10 mg41140
ASMFBGN-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse fibrinogen IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg55080
ASMFBGN-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse fibrinogen IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg55080
ASMFBGN-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse fibrinogen IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg55080
ASMFBGN-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse fibrinogen, affinity purified1.0 mg55080
ASMFBNRabbit anti mouse fibronectin antiserum10 ml41140
ASMFBN-GFRabbit anti mouse fibronectin IgG fraction10 mg41140
ASMFBN-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse fibronectin IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
ASMFBN-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse fibronectin IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
ASMFBN-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse fibronectin IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
ASMFBN-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse fibronectin, affinity purified1.0 mg48110
ASMFXIIRabbit anti mouse factor XII antiserum10 ml62730
ASMFXII-GFRabbit anti mouse factor XII IgG fraction10 mg62730
ASMFXII-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse factor XII IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg69020
ASMFXII-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse factor XII IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg69020
ASMFXII-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse factor XII IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg69020
ASMFXII-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse factor XII, affinity purified1.0 mg48110
ASMFXII-GF-HT-BIORabbit anti mouse factor XII, biotin labeled affinity purified1.0 mg55080
ASMPAIRabbit anti mouse PAI-1 antiserum10 ml52275
ASMPAI-GFRabbit anti mouse PAI-1 IgG fraction10 mg52275
ASMPAI-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse PAI-1 IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg55080
ASMPAI-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse PAI-1 IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled10 mg55080
ASMPAI-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse PAI-1 IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg55080
ASMPAI-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse PAI-1, affinity purified1.0 mg63495
ASMPLGRabbit anti mouse plasminogen antiserum10 ml47430
ASMPLG-GFRabbit anti mouse plasminogen IgG fraction10 mg47430
ASMPLG-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse plasminogen IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg61030
ASMPLG-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse plasminogen IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled10 mg61030
ASMPLG-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse plasminogen IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg61030
ASMPLG-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse plasminogen, affinity purified1.0 mg61030
ASMPRENRabbit anti mouse prorenin/renin antiserum10 ml41140
ASMPREN-GFRabbit anti mouse prorenin/renin IgG fraction10 mg41140
ASMPREN-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse prorenin/renin IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
ASMPREN-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse prorenin/renin IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
ASMPREN-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse prorenin/renin IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
ASMPREN-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse prorenin/renin IgG fraction, High Titer1.0 mg55080
ASMPREN-GF-HT-BIOBiotin labeled Rabbit anti mouse prorenin/renin IgG fraction, High Titer1.0 mg55080
ASMTPARabbit anti mouse tPA antiserum10 ml63495
ASMTPA-GFRabbit anti mouse tPA IgG fraction10 mg63495
ASMTPA-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse tPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg69020
ASMTPA-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse tPA IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled10 mg69020
ASMTPA-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse tPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg69020
ASMTPA-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse tPA, affinity purified1.0 mg47940
ASMUPARabbit anti mouse uPA antiserum10 ml47940
ASMUPA-GFRabbit anti mouse uPA IgG fraction10 mg47940
ASMUPA-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse uPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg69020
ASMUPA-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse uPA IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled10 mg69020
ASMUPA-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse uPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg69020
ASMUPA-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse uPA, affinity purified1.0 mg69020
ASMVNRabbit anti mouse vitronectin antiserum10 ml47430
ASMVN-GFRabbit anti mouse vitronectin IgG fraction10 mg47430
ASMVN-GF-BIORabbit anti mouse Vitronectin IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg63495
ASMVN-GF-FITCRabbit anti mouse Vitronectin IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg63495
ASMVN-GF-HRPRabbit anti mouse Vitronectin IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg63495
ASMVN-GF-HTRabbit anti mouse Vitronectin IgG fraction, affinity purified1.0 mg63495
ASPFBGNRabbit anti porcine fibrinogen antiserum10 ml30005
ASPFBGN-GFRabbit anti porcine fibrinogen IgG fraction10 mg30005
ASPFBGN-GF-BIORabbit anti porcine fibrinogen IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg37655
ASPFBGN-GF-FITCRabbit anti porcine fibrinogen IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg37655
ASPFBGN-GF-HRPRabbit anti porcine fibrinogen IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg37655
ASPFBGN-GF-HTRabbit anti porcine fibrinogen, affinity purified1.0 mg30005
ASRPAIRabbit anti rat PAI-1 antiserum10 ml52275
ASRPAI-GFRabbit anti rat PAI-1 IgG fraction10 mg52275
ASRPAI-GF-BIORabbit anti rat PAI-1 IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg55080
ASRPAI-GF-FITCRabbit anti rat PAI-1 IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled10 mg55080
ASRPAI-GF-HRPRabbit anti rat PAI-1 IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg55080
ASRPAI-GF-HTRabbit anti rat PAI-1, affinity purified1.0 mg61030
ASRPLM-GF-HTRabbit anti rat plasmin, affinity purified1.0 mg61030
ASRUPA-GF-HTAffinity Purified Rabbit Anti Rat uPA1.0 mg69020
ASSBTI-GFAnti-Trypsin Inhibitor, Soybean, Rabbit IgG Fraction50 mg11645
AVI-HRPAvidin, HRP Labeled0.05 ml1785
AVI-PLATEAvidin Coated Plate25 plates9605
BCT-IImmobilized bovine chymotrypsin15 ml8670
BFBGNBovine Fibrinogen100 mg9605
BFBGN-FITCFITC Labeled Bovine Fibrinogen40 mg9605
BFXBovine Factor X1.0 mg27030
BFXABovine Factor Xa1.0 mg27030
BL21Mix and Go Competent Cells Strain BL21(DE3)2.0 ml3230
BPLGBovine plasminogen10 mg24395
BPLMBovine plasmin10 mg32130
BSA12C8D4Anti BSA, Clone 12C8D410 mg30005
BSA9E2C2Anti BSA, Clone 9E2C210 mg30005
BTAQTaqCurate Blended High Fidelity DNA Polymerase500 units3910
BTHROM-IImmobilized bovine thrombin10 ml27200
BTRYP-IImmobilized bovine trypsin15 ml8670
BV-GFBovine IgG, Protein G Purified100 mg1700
BVNBovine multimeric vitronectin1.0 mg31365
CCL17Human CCL170.1 mg14450
CCL2Human CCL20.1 mg11815
CCL20Human CCL200.1 mg11815
CCL21Human CCL210.1 mg11815
CDNAReality Reverse Transcriptase cDNA Synthesis Kit200 rxn14365
CKPGChicken plasminogen10 mg36040
CKPLA-SER-PGPlasminogen Depleted Chicken Serum50 ml17425
CKPLMChicken plasmin10 mg49895
CPAIHuman PAI-1 (stable mutant form)1.0 mg19890
CPAI-P1NBDHuman PAI-1 stable mutant NBD labeled at the scissile bond of the reactive loop1.0 mg22695
CPAI-P9NBDHuman PAI-1 stable mutant NBD labeled at the reactive center loop1.0 mg22695
CPAI-Q123KHuman PAI-1 (stable vitronectin reduced binding mutant)1.0 mg19890
CPAI-QRHuman PAI-1 (stable vitronectin binding negative mutant)1.0 mg19890
CPAI-TPAHuman PAI-1 tPA complex1.0 mg49895
CPAI-UPAHuman PAI-1 uPA complex1.0 mg49895
CRP16B2Anti Human CRP, Clone 16B21.0 mg26095
CTICorn Trypsin Inhibitor10 mg12750
CTI-IImmobilized corn trypsin inhibitor10 ml67320
CTI-LCorn Trypsin Inhibitor, Lyophilized10 mg12750
CTNT1D7Anti Human cTnT, Clone 1D71.0 mg26095
CTNT3B10Anti Human cTnT, Clone 3B101.0 mg26095
CTNT8C11Anti Human cTnT, Clone 8C111.0 mg26095
CXCL11Human CXCL110.1 mg11815
CXCL12AHuman CXCL12 Alpha0.1 mg11815
CXCL12BHuman CXCL12 Beta0.1 mg11815
CXCL14Human CXCL140.1 mg17000
CXCL5Human CXCL50.1 mg11815
CYFVIIIKT-TOTCyno monkey Factor VIII total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
CY-GFCyno Monkey IgG, Protein A Purified50 mg8330
CYIGGKTCyno Monkey Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit5 kits30515
CYPAICyno Monkey PAI-1 (wild type active fraction)1.0 mg25160
CYPAI-CCyno Monkey PAI-1 (elastase cleaved wild type)1.0 mg29580
CYPAI-LCyno Monkey PAI-1 (wild type latent fraction)1.0 mg25160
CYPLGCyno monkey plasminogen10 mg54400
CYPLGKT-TOTCyno monkey plasminogen total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
CYSACyno Albumin50 mg15640
CY-SER-GFCyno Monkey IgG Depleted Serum100 ml22185
DFBGNDog Fibrinogen10 mg12155
DFBGN-FITCFITC Labeled Dog Fibrinogen10 mg85425
D-FPIPR-pNAChromogenic substrate for thrombin100 mg12580
DG-GFCanine (Dog) IgG, Protein A Purified1000 mg41820
DK-GFDonkey IgG, Protein G Purified100 mg2295
DNTPdNTP Deoxynucleotide Solution Mix2.0 ml2040
DPAIKTActive canine (dog) PAI-1 functional assay ELISA kit5 Kits34000
DPAIKT-TOTCanine (dog) PAI-1 total antigen assay ELISA kit5 Kits34000
DPLGCanine (dog) plasminogen10 mg54400
DPREN-HISDog Prorenin, C-terminal 8x His tag1.0 mg65535
DREN-HISDog Renin, C-terminal 8x His tag1.0 mg65535
DSAAlbumin, Dog Plasma200 mg6035
DUPAActive Dog Urokinase0.1 mg8245
D-VLK-pNAChromogenic substrate for plasmin100 mg12580
ECOTINEcotin (E. coli serine protease inhibitor)5.0 mg42245
ECV-IIE. Carinatus Viper Venom Prothrombin Activator1.0 mg27370
ELAS-IImmobilized porcine pancreatic elastase10 ml47940
EQPKPrekallikrein, Horse Plasma1.0 mg69020
EQPKAKallikrein, Horse Plasma1.0 mg90610
EQPLGEquine (horse) plasminogen10 mg24395
EQSAAlbumin, Horse Plasma200 mg6035
FIBHuman Fibrinogen100 mg6120
FIB-BIOBiotin Labeled Human Fibrinogen50 mg6630
FIB-CNBRHuman Fibrinogen, Cyanogen Bromide Digestion10 mg10370
FIB-FITCFITC Labeled Human Fibrinogen50 mg6630
FIX13F42F6Anti Human Factor IX, Clone 13F42F610 mg68850
FL-INFPRFluorescein-Phe-Pro-Arg-CMK1.0 mg38335
FPAIHuman PAI -1 Cathepsin G specific mutant1.0 mg22695
FPRCK-TPAHuman sc-tPA, ATA-FPR-CMK inactivated1.0 mg55080
FV12C5Anti Human Factor V, Clone 12C51.0 mg26095
FV12C5-BIOAnti Human Factor V, Biotin Labeled Clone 12C51.0 mg41140
FV14G5Anti Human Factor V, Clone 14G51.0 mg26095
FV14G5-BIOAnti Human Factor V, Biotin Labeled Clone 14G51.0 mg41140
FVII11G42D8Anti Human Factor VII, Clone 11G42D810 mg68850
FVII11G42D8-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Human Factor VII, Clone 11G42D810 mg77605
FVIII12H12Anti Human Factor VIII, Clone 12H121.0 mg26095
FVIII14E8Anti Human Factor VIII, Clone 14E81.0 mg26095
FVIII15D9Anti Human Factor VIII, Clone 15D91.0 mg26095
FVIII1C2Anti Human Factor VIII, Clone 1C21.0 mg26095
FVIII9C8Anti Human Factor VIII, Clone 9C81.0 mg26095
FX3C8B9Anti Human Factor X, Clone 3C8B910 mg68850
FX4E3F8Anti Human Factor X, Clone 4E3F810 mg68850
FXI14F8Anti Human Factor XI, Clone 14F81.0 mg26095
FXI2B11Anti Human Factor XI, Clone 2B111.0 mg26095
FXI9C9E10Inhibitory anti Human Factor XI, Clone 9C9E101.0 mg52105
FXII11B9Anti Human Factor XII, Clone 11B91.0 mg26095
FXII11E3Anti mouse factor XII, clone 11E31.0 mg41140
FXII15G5Anti mouse factor XII, clone 15G51.0 mg41140
FXII20B2Anti Human Factor XII, Clone 20B21.0 mg26095
FXII20B2-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Human Factor XII, Clone 20B21.0 mg39440
FXII20C8Anti Human Factor XII, Clone 20C81.0 mg26095
FXII22H6Anti mouse factor XII, clone 22H61.0 mg41140
FXII23E10Anti mouse factor XII, clone 23E101.0 mg41140
FXII2A6Anti mouse factor XII, clone 2A61.0 mg41140
FXII2D10Inhibitory anti mouse factor XII, clone 2D101.0 mg41140
FXII5B5Anti mouse factor XII, clone 5B51.0 mg41140
FXII6G8Anti mouse factor XII, clone 6G81.0 mg41140
GAM-HRPAnti Mouse IgG, HRP Labeled0.05 ml1785
GAR-HRPAnti Rabbit IgG, HRP Labeled0.05 ml1785
GASRbPAIGoat anti rabbit PAI-1 antiserum10 ml50235
GASRbPAI-GFGoat anti rabbit PAI-1 IgG fraction10 mg50235
GASRbPAI-GF-BIOGoat anti rabbit PAI-1 IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg55080
GASRbPAI-GF-FITCGoat anti rabbit PAI-1 IgG fraction, fluorescein labeled10 mg55080
GASRbPAI-GF-HRPGoat anti rabbit PAI-1 IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg55080
GASRbPAI-GF-HTGoat anti rabbit PAI-1, affinity purified1.0 mg63495
GGACKGlu-Gly-Arg-Chloromethylketone25 mg10965
GGACK-BIOBiotin Labeled Glu-Gly-Arg-Chloromethylketone5.0 mg36550
GGACK-FITCFluorescein Labeled Glu-Gly-Arg-Chloromethylketone5.0 mg41735
GLYCPAIHuman PAI-1 (Glycosylated - stable mutant)1.0 mg26520
GLYDPAI-I91LGlycosylated Canine (Dog) PAI-1 Stable Mutant1.0 mg26520
GLYDPAI-LGlycosylated Canine (Dog) PAI-1 Wild Type Latent Fraction1.0 mg26520
GLYHPAI-AGlycosylated Human PAI-1 (active form)1.0 mg26520
GLYHPAI-A-AF488Glycosylated Human PAI-1 (Alexa Fluor 488 labeled active form)1.0 mg26520
GLYHPAI-LGlycosylated Human PAI-1 (latent form)1.0 mg26520
GLYMPAI-I91LGlycosylated Mouse PAI-1 (stable mutant)1.0 mg26520
GLYRPAI-I91LGlycosylated Rat PAI-1 (stable mutant)1.0 mg26520
GP2B3AHuman GPIIbIIIa2.0 mg10625
GT-GFGoat IgG, Protein G Purified100 mg2295
H14H7Mouse monoclonal to mouse PAI-110 mg68000
H14H7-BIOMouse monoclonal to mouse PAI-1, biotin labeled1.0 mg69700
H27B6Mouse monoclonal to mouse tPA10 mg68000
H34G6Mouse monoclonal to mouse PAI-110 mg68000
H4B3Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to mouse PAI-110 mg68000
H6C5Mouse monoclonal to mouse tPA10 mg68000
H77A10Mouse monoclonal to mouse uPA10 mg68000
H77B6Mouse monoclonal to mouse uPA10 mg68000
HA1ACAlpha-1 Antichymotrypsin, Human Plasma1.0 mg7310
HA1ATAlpha-1-Antitrypsin, Human Plasma10 mg7480
HA1GPAlpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein, Human Plasma25 mg6800
HA2APHuman alpha 2 antiplasmin10 mg69020
HA2APKT-TOTHuman antiplasmin total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
HA2GPAlpha-2-HS-Glycoprotein, Human Plasma5.0 mg8160
HA2MGAlpha-2-Macroglobulin, Human Plasma10 mg9350
HA2MGKTHuman Alpha-2-Macroglobulin ELISA Kit5 kits30515
HAP1E94Anti Human Antiplasmin10 mg67150
HAPCHuman Activated Protein C1.0 mg21845
HAPO-A1Apolipoprotein A1, Human Plasma, HDL2.5 mg9180
HAPOA1KTHuman Apolipoprotein A1 ELISA Kit5 kits34000
HAPO-A2Apolipoprotein A2, Human Plasma, HDL2.5 mg9180
HAPO-BApolipoprotein B, Human Plasma, LDL2.5 mg8670
HAPOBKTHuman Apolipoprotein B ELISA Kit5 kits34000
HAPO-C1Apolipoprotein C1, Human Plasma, VLDL0.5 mg8670
HAPO-C2Apolipoprotein C2, Human Plasma, VLDL0.25 mg8670
HAPO-C3Apolipoprotein C3, Human Plasma, VLDL0.5 mg9435
HAPOC3KTHuman Apolipoprotein C3 ELISA Kit5 kits30515
HAPO-EApolipoprotein E, Human Plasma, VLDL0.1 mg6715
HAPOEKTHuman Apolipoprotein E ELISA Kit5 kits28815
HAPO-HApolipoprotein H, Human Plasma0.5 mg18275
HAPOTFApotransferrin, Human Plasma1000 mg7310
HASHFV-GFHorse anti-Human Factor V5 mg6375
HATFAmino terminal fragment of human uPA1.0 mg63495
HATIIIHuman Antithrombin III10 mg21675
HATIII-IImmobilized human antithrombin10 ml45305
HATIIIKT-TOTHuman Antithrombin III total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
HB101Mix and Go Competent Cells Strain HB1012.0 ml3230
HBTHuman beta-thrombin2.0 mg19975
HC1INHHuman C1 Inhibitor5.0 mg11815
HC1INHKT-TOTHuman C1 Inhibitor Total Antigen ELISA Kit5 kits30515
HC3KTHuman Complement C3 ELISA kit5 kits24905
HCBCathepsin B, Human Liver0.1 mg10795
HCDCathepsin D, Human Liver0.1 mg9945
HCGHuman Cathepsin G1.0 mg9095
HCHCathepsin H, Human Liver0.1 mg12495
HCLCathepsin L, Human Liver0.1 mg13685
HCPCeruloplasmin, Human Plasma5.0 mg13260
HCPKTHuman Ceruloplasmin ELISA Kit5 kits24905
HCSCathepsin S, Human Spleen0.1 mg9945
HCTChymotrypsin, Human Pancreas0.5 mg11900
HECCatalase, Human Erythrocyte5.0 mg10795
HFBNHuman Fibronectin10 mg24395
HFIBKTHuman fibrinogen total antigen assay ELISA kit5 Kits22950
HFIB-TOT-PLATEHuman Fibrinogen Antigen Capture Plate5 plates9605
HFIIHuman Prothrombin90 mg37400
HFIIIRecombinant Human Tissue Factor0.1 mg21930
HFIXHuman Factor IX2.5 mg21930
HFIXAHuman Factor IXa-beta2.5 mg23715
HFIXA-FL-INFPRHuman Factor IXa, Active Site Labeled with Fluorescein1.0 mg47940
HFIXKT-TOTHuman Factor IX total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits24310
HFVHuman Factor V0.25 mg24650
HFVAHuman Factor Va0.25 mg24650
HFVIIHuman Factor VII1.0 mg30175
HFVIIAHuman Factor VIIa1.0 mg36550
HFVIIIKT-TOTHuman Factor VIII total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
HFVIIKT-TOTHuman Factor VII total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
HFVKT-TOTHuman Factor V total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits41735
HFXHuman Factor X5 mg31705
HFXAHuman Factor Xa1.0 mg11645
HFXA-BHuman Factor Xa-beta1.0 mg16490
HFXA-BIOHuman Factor Xa, Active Site Labeled with Biotin1.0 mg48110
HFXIHuman coagulation Factor XI1.0 mg24310
HFXIAHuman coagulation Factor XIa1.0 mg27370
HFXIIHuman coagulation Factor XII1.0 mg9095
HFXIIAHuman coagulation Factor alpha-XIIa1.0 mg10030
HFXIIABHuman coagulation Factor beta-XIIa1.0 mg17425
HFXIIAB-BIOHuman Factor beta-XIIa, Biotin Labeled0.1 mg15640
HFXIIAB-INSRecombinant human Factor beta-XIIa0.1 mg10285
HFXIIA-INSRecombinant human Factor XIIa0.1 mg10285
HFXIIIHuman coagulation Factor XIII1.0 mg15130
HFXIIIAHuman coagulation Factor XIIIa1.0 mg18275
HFXII-INSRecombinant human Factor XII0.1 mg10285
HFXIIKT-TOTHuman Factor XII total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits21845
HFXIKT-TOTHuman Factor XI total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
HFXKT-TOTHuman Factor X total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
HGCGGC Globulin, Human Plasma, Mixed Type5.0 mg8075
HGPGHuman Glu plasminogen10 mg24395
HGPG-FITCFITC Labeled Human Plasminogen10 mg32130
HGTHuman gamma-thrombin2.0 mg19975
HHCIIHuman Heparin Cofactor II1.0 mg64005
HHDLLipoprotein, High Density, Human Plasma10 mg9945
HHPHaptoglobin, Human Plasma10 mg7310
HHPXKTHuman Hemopexin ELISA Kit5 kits33575
HK-HMWKininogen, Single Chain HMW, Human Plasma5.0 mg22695
HK-LMWKininogen, LMW, Human Plasma0.5 mg11900
HKNGKT-TOTHuman Kininogen total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits24905
HK-TCKininogen, Two Chain HMW, Human Plasma5.0 mg13345
HLDLLipoprotein, Low Density, Human Plasma10 mg9945
HLPLA2Lipoprotein-Associated Phospholipase A2, Human Recombinant0.02 mg8670
HLTFKTHuman Lactoferrin ELISA Kit5 kits28815
HMFBNHamster Fibronectin10 mg48110
HNEHuman Neutrophil Elastase1.0 mg9605
HNE-LHuman Neutrophil Elastase, Lyophilized1.0 mg16320
HPAI-A335EHuman PAI-1 substrate form P12 glutamate mutant1.0 mg19890
HPAI-AVIHuman PAI-1 (Neutrophil Elastase inhibitor)1.0 mg20825
HPAI-I91LHuman PAI-1 (point mutation stable form)1.0 mg19890
HPAIKTActive human PAI-1 functional assay ELISA kit5 Kits33575
HPAIKT-NPActive Human PAI-1 Functional Assay ELISA Kit for Non Plasma Samples5 Kits33575
HPAIKT-TOTHuman PAI-1 total antigen assay ELISA kit5 Kits33575
HPAI-P1NBDHuman PAI-1 NBD labeled at the scissile bond of the reactive loop1.0 mg22695
HPAI-P9NBDHuman PAI-1 NBD labeled at the reactive center loop1.0 mg22695
HPAI-Q123KHuman PAI-1 (vitronectin reduced binding mutant)1.0 mg19890
HPAI-QRHuman PAI-1 (vitronectin binding negative mutant, wild type active fraction)1.0 mg19890
HPAI-R76E-I91LPAI-1 mutant - stable, no LRP binding1.0 mg19890
HPAI-RRHuman PAI-1 (substrate form - P12 Arginine P14 Arginine double mutant)1.0 mg19890
HPAI-T333RHuman PAI-1 substrate form P14 arginine mutant1.0 mg19890
HPAI-TOT-PLATEHuman PAI-1 Antigen Capture Plate5 plates9605
HPAITPAKT-COMHuman PAI-1 tPA complex antigen assay ELISA kit5 Kits33575
HPAIUPAKT-COMHuman PAI-1 uPA complex antigen assay ELISA kit5 Kits33575
HPAI-YSYtPA Specific Human PAI-11.0 mg19890
HPAPKT-COMHuman plasmin antiplasmin complex total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
HPCHuman Protein C1.0 mg24565
HPCR-HISHuman Protein C Receptor, C-terminal 6x His tag0.1 mg15385
HPF4Human Platelet Factor 40.5 mg12835
HPF4-RHuman Platelet Factor 4, Recombinant1.0 mg34765
HPKPrekallikrein, Human Plasma5.0 mg31025
HPKAKallikrein, Human Plasma5.0 mg39865
HPKA-BIOHuman Kallikrein, Biotin Labeled1.0 mg24310
HPKA-BIO-LHuman Kallikrein, Biotin Labeled, Lyophilized1.0 mg24310
HPKKT-TOTHuman Prekallikrein total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
HPLA-SCHuman plasma, sodium citrate100 ml4335
HPLA-SC-C1INHHuman C1 Inhibitor Depleted Plasma10 ml43520
HPLA-SC-FBNFibronectin Depleted Human Plasma, Na Citrate100 ml27200
HPLA-SC-PAIHuman PAI-1 depleted plasma, sodium citrate100 ml39780
HPLA-SC-PAI-tPAHuman PAI-1/tPA double Depleted Plasma100 ml86275
HPLA-SC-PGPlasminogen Depleted Human Plasma, Na Citrate100 ml26180
HPLA-SC-PRENHuman Renin/Prorenin double Depleted Plasma100 ml40120
HPLA-SC-tPAHuman tPA depleted plasma, sodium citrate100 ml39780
HPLA-SER-GFHuman IgG Depleted Serum500 ml20570
HPLA-SER-GFAHuman IgA Depleted Serum25 ml20570
HPLGKT-TOTHuman plasminogen total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits20060
HPL-IImmobilized human plasmin10 ml47430
HPLMHuman Lys plasmin10 mg32130
HPLM-INInactivated Human Plasmin10 mg63495
HPRENHuman Prorenin, Native1.0 mg35360
HPREN-HISHuman Prorenin, C-terminal 8x His tag1.0 mg35360
HPRENKTHuman Prorenin ELISA Kit5 kits33575
HPRENKT-NPHuman Prorenin ELISA Kit for Non Plasma Samples5 kits33575
HPRLHuman Prolactin1.0 mg34765
HPRLKTHuman Prolactin ELISA Kit5 kits24310
HPRLRHuman Prolactin Receptor1.0 mg69615
HPRLR-FCHuman Prolactin Receptor, chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein1.0 mg40035
HPSHuman Protein S2.0 mg20060
HPTKT-TOTHuman Prothrombin total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits24905
HPZHuman Protein Z1.0 mg23715
HREN-HISHuman Renin, C-terminal 8x His tag1.0 mg35360
HSAAlbumin, Human Plasma200 mg3060
HSAKTHuman Albumin ELISA Kit5 kits28815
HS-GFHorse IgG, Protein G Purified100 mg2295
HSIGGKTHorse Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit5 kits30515
HSPATransthyretin/Prealbumin, Human Plasma5.0 mg8330
HTAQTaqTivate Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase1000 units6120
HTAQGREENTaqTivate Hot Start Taq MantisGreen Master Mix500 rxn6885
HTAQMIXTaqTivate Hot Start Taq Master Mix500 rxn6885
HTATKT-COMHuman Thrombin Antithrombin Complex total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
HTFTransferrin, Human Plasma1000 mg11900
HT-GFHamster IgG, Protein G Purified50 mg4250
HTHROM-AHuman alpha-thrombin10 mg20060
HTPAHuman tissue plasminogen activator, >85% single chain1.0 mg10795
HTPA2A153Mouse monoclonal to human tPA10 mg63920
HTPA-ALANon-enzymatic Human tPA1.0 mg45305
HTPA-ALANCNon-enzymatic non-cleavable Human tPA1.0 mg45305
HTPA-FITCHuman tissue plasminogen activator, single chain, FITC labeled1.0 mg60690
HTPA-IImmobilized human tissue plasminogen activator, single chain10 ml78795
HTPAKTActive human tPA functional assay ELISA kit5 kits33575
HTPAKT-TOTHuman tPA total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits33575
HTPA-NCNon-cleavable Human tPA1.0 mg45305
HTPA-TCHuman tissue plasminogen activator, >95% two chain1.0 mg45305
HTPA-TOT-PLATEHuman tPA Antigen Capture Plate5 plates9605
HTPA-TRHuman tissue plasminogen activator, single chain, Texas Red1.0 mg55080
HTRYPTrypsin, Human Pancreas0.5 mg17765
HTSPHuman Thrombospondin0.1 mg8160
HU-FABIgG, Fab Fragment, Human Plasma10 mg7310
HU-FCIgG, Fc Fragment, Human Plasma10 mg7310
HU-GFIgG, Human Plasma1000 mg6460
HU-GF-EDIgG, Human Plasma, Low Endotoxin1000 mg34765
HU-IGAIgA, Human Plasma10 mg4675
HU-IGA1MIgA1, Human Myeloma Plasma10 mg7310
HU-IGA2MIgA2, Human Myeloma Plasma10 mg9010
HUIGAKTHuman Immunoglobulin A ELISA Kit5 kits27030
HU-IGDIgD, Human Plasma0.1 mg9945
HU-IGDMIgD, Human Myeloma Plasma0.5 mg12495
HU-IGEIgE, Human Plasma0.5 mg39100
HUIGEKTHuman Immunoglobulin E ELISA Kit5 kits18360
HU-IGEMIgE, Human Myeloma Plasma1.0 mg46240
HU-IGG1IgG1, Human Plasma5.0 mg23035
HU-IGG1MIgG1, Human Myeloma Plasma10 mg6970
HU-IGG2IgG2, Human Plasma5.0 mg23035
HU-IGG2MIgG2, Human Myeloma Plasma10 mg7310
HU-IGG3IgG3, Human Plasma5.0 mg23035
HU-IGG4MIgG4, Human Myeloma Plasma5.0 mg23035
HUIGGKTHuman Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit5 kits18360
HU-IGMIgM, Human Plasma10 mg8160
HUIGMKTHuman Immunoglobulin M ELISA Kit5 kits27030
HU-IGMMIgM, Human Myeloma Plasma10 mg8160
HU-MUIgM, Mu Chain, Human Plasma10 mg11645
HUPA3A108Mouse monoclonal to human uPA, clone 3A10810 mg63920
HUPA3A108-FITCFITC labeled mouse monoclonal to human uPA, clone 3A1081.0 mg40035
HUPA3G65Mouse monoclonal to human uPA, clone 3G6510 mg63920
HUPA3G65-FITCFITC labeled mouse monoclonal to human uPA, clone 3G651.0 mg40035
HUPA-IImmobilized human urokinase10 ml78795
HUPAKTActive human uPA functional assay ELISA kit5 kits33575
HUPAKT-TOTHuman uPA total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits33575
HUPA-PLATEHuman Urokinase Coated Plate25 plates15385
HU-SIGASecretory IgA, Human Colostrum10 mg11645
HVLDLLipoprotein, Very Low Density, Human Plasma5.0 mg10880
HVNHuman monomeric vitronectin1.0 mg27455
HVN1D144Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to human vitronectin10 mg69020
HVN1E934Mouse monoclonal to human vitronectin10 mg63495
HVN1H820Mouse monoclonal to human vitronectin10 mg63495
HVN2C323Mouse monoclonal to human vitronectin10 mg63495
HVN4A132Mouse monoclonal to human vitronectin10 mg63495
HVN-BIOBiotin labeled human monomeric vitronectin1.0 mg86275
HVNKT-TOTHuman vitronectin total antigen assay ELISA kit5 Kits33575
HVN-TOT-PLATEHuman Vitronectin Antigen Capture Plate5 plates9605
HVN-UHuman multimeric vitronectin1.0 mg31365
HVN-U-BIOBiotin labeled human multimeric vitronectin1.0 mg47940
HVWFHuman von Willebrand Factor0.5 mg28730
HVWF-F8Human von Willebrand Factor, Factor VIII Free0.5 mg34170
HVWFKT-TOTHuman von Willebrand Factor total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits30515
INFFRCKATA-Phe-Phe-Arg-CMK1.0 mg47430
INFPRCKATA-Phe-Pro-Arg-CMK1.0 mg47430
KNG15C7Anti Human Kininogen, Clone 15C71.0 mg26095
KNG15G5Anti Human Kininogen, Clone 15G51.0 mg26095
KNG16E4Anti Human Kininogen, Clone 16E41.0 mg26095
KNG17A12Anti Human Kininogen, Clone 17A121.0 mg26095
KNG17E10Anti Human Kininogen, Clone 17E101.0 mg26095
KNG17E10-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Human Kininogen, Clone 17E101.0 mg39440
KNG17F8Anti Human Kininogen, Clone 17F81.0 mg26095
LADDER-HHigh Range DNA Ladder1.0 ml3230
LADDER-LLow Range DNA Ladder1.0 ml3230
LADDER-MMid Range DNA Ladder1.0 ml3230
MA-124K1Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to rat PAI-110 mg135150
MA-14D5Mouse monoclonal to human PAI-110 mg135150
MA-1H10Anti Human VLDL receptor, clone 1H1010 mg68340
MA-1H5Anti Human VLDL receptor, clone 1H510 mg68340
MA2AP-FLAGMouse alpha 2 antiplasmin, Flag tag1.0 mg76670
MA2AP-HISMouse alpha 2 antiplasmin, His tag1.0 mg45305
MA2APKT-TOTMouse antiplasmin total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
MA-31C9Mouse monoclonal to human PAI-110 mg135150
MA-32K3Mouse monoclonal to rat PAI-110 mg135150
MA-33B8Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to human PAI-1 clone 33B810 mg135150
MA-33H1F7Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to human PAI-110 mg135150
MA-6Mouse monoclonal to human 85 kDa LRP, Clone 610 mg68340
MA-6-BIOBiotin labeled Anti Human 85 kDa LRP, Clone 61.0 mg31365
MA-6-FITCFITC labeled Anti Human 85 kDa LRP, Clone 61.0 mg31365
MA-5F3Anti Human VLDL receptor, clone 5F310 mg68340
MA-7F1Mouse monoclonal to human RAP10 mg68340
MA-7F1-BIOBiotin labeled Anti Human RAP1.0 mg31365
MA-7F1-FITCFITC labeled Anti Human RAP1.0 mg31365
MA-8B8Mouse monoclonal to human 85 kDa LRP, Clone 8B810 mg68340
MA-8B8-BIOBiotin labeled Anti Human 85 kDa LRP, Clone 8B81.0 mg31365
MA-8B8-FITCFITC labeled Anti Human 85 kDa LRP, Clone 8B81.0 mg31365
MA-8G1Mouse monoclonal to human 515 kDa LRP10 mg68340
MA-8G1-BIOBiotin labeled Anti Human 515 kDa LRP1.0 mg31365
MA-8G1-FITCFITC labeled Anti Human 515 kDa LRP1.0 mg31365
MA-8H9D4Inhibitory mouse monoclonal to human PAI-1 clone 8H9D410 mg152150
MA-HFIIAnti-Human Prothrombin0.5 mg7310
MA-HPC-1Anti-Human Protein C, Clone 10.5 mg7310
MA-HPC-2Anti-Human Protein C, Clone 20.5 mg7310
MA-HPS-2Anti-Human Protein S0.5 mg7310
MA-HTAFI-1Anti-Human TAFI, Clone 10.5 mg7310
MA-HTAFI-2Anti-Human TAFI, CLone 20.5 mg7310
MA-HTAFI-3Anti-Human TAFI, Clone 30.5 mg7310
MA-HTAFI-4Anti-Human TAFI, Clone 40.5 mg7310
MA-HTFAnti-Human Tissue Factor0.5 mg7310
MA-HTFPIAnti-Human Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor0.5 mg7310
MA-HTHROMAnti-Human Thrombin0.5 mg7310
MA-MFIX-1Anti-Mouse Factor IX, Clone 10.5 mg8075
MA-MFIX-2Anti-Mouse Factor IX, Clone 20.5 mg8075
MA-MFVIIAnti-Mouse Factor VII0.5 mg8075
MA-MFVIIIAnti-Mouse Factor VIII0.5 mg8075
MA-MFX-1Anti-Mouse Factor X, Clone 10.5 mg8075
MA-MFX-2Anti-Mouse Factor X, Clone 20.5 mg8075
MA-MPC-1Anti-Mouse Protein C, Clone 10.5 mg8075
MA-MPC-2Anti-Mouse Protein C, Clone 20.5 mg8075
MA-MPGAnti-Mouse Plasminogen0.5 mg8075
MA-MPTAnti-Mouse Prothrombin0.5 mg8075
MAP25C3Mouse monclonal to mouse antiplasmin10 mg74800
MAP27C9Inhibitory mouse monclonal to mouse antiplasmin clone 27C910 mg74800
MAP4H9Inhibitory mouse monclonal to mouse antiplasmin clone 4H910 mg74800
MATFAmino terminal fragment of Mouse uPA0.1 mg9860
MATF-AF750Amino terminal fragment of Mouse uPA, Alexa Fluor 750 Labeled0.1 mg15640
MATIIIMouse Antithrombin III10 mg61370
MC1INH-HISMouse C1 Inhibitor, His tag1.0 mg55080
MC1INH-KO-SCMouse C1 Inhibitor genetically deficient plasma, sodium citrate0.1 ml5185
MC3KTMouse Complement C3 ELISA kit5 kits31280
MCRPKTMouse CRP ELISA Kit5 kits24565
MEPO-FCMouse Erythropoietin, chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein1.0 mg40035
MFBGNMouse Fibrinogen10 mg13515
MFBGN-FITCFITC Labeled Mouse Fibrinogen10 mg85425
MFBGN-FNMouse Fibrinogen, Fibronectin Depleted10 mg85425
MFBGNKTMouse fibrinogen total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits23545
MFBGN-TOT-PLATEMouse Fibrinogen Antigen Capture Plate5 plates9605
MFBNMouse Fibronectin10 mg48110
MFIIMouse Prothrombin1.0 mg18275
MFIXMouse Factor IX0.1 mg27370
MFIXAMouse Factor IXa0.25 mg37825
MFIX-KO-SCMouse Factor IX genetically deficient plasma, sodium citrate0.1 ml5185
MFXMouse Factor X1.0 mg110925
MFXAMouse Factor Xa0.1 mg16405
MFX-HISMouse Factor X, C-terminal 8x His tag1.0 mg38335
MFXIIRecombinant Mouse Coagulation Factor XII0.1 mg8585
MFXIIARecombinant Mouse Coagulation Factor XIIa0.1 mg10285
MFXII-KO-SCMouse Factor XII genetically deficient plasma, sodium citrate0.1 ml5185
MFXIIKT-TOTMouse Factor XII total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
MFXKT-TOTMouse Factor X total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
MIL17AKTMouse IL-17A total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits23970
MIL2-FCMouse IL-2, chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein1.0 mg31280
MIL2KTMouse IL-2 total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits23970
MK-IGMMonkey IgM1.0 mg8160
MKIGMKTMonkey Immunoglobulin M ELISA Kit5 kits31280
MMIXTicTaqGo Detergent Free Multiplex Master Mix500 rxn17340
MPAIMouse PAI-1 (wild type active fraction)1.0 mg22695
MPAI-BIOMouse PAI-1 (Biotin labeled active fraction)1.0 mg22695
MPAI-I91LMouse PAI-1 (stable mutant)1.0 mg22695
MPAI-KO-BRMouse PAI-1 genetically deficient brain2 Brains3230
MPAI-KO-HTMouse PAI-1 genetically deficient heart2 Hearts3230
MPAI-KO-KDMouse PAI-1 genetically deficient kidney2 Kidneys1700
MPAI-KO-LGMouse PAI-1 genetically deficient lung1 Whole Lung3230
MPAI-KO-LRMouse PAI-1 genetically deficient liver2 Livers3230
MPAI-KO-SCMouse PAI-1 genetically deficient plasma, sodium citrate0.1 ml1700
MPAI-KO-SPMouse PAI-1 genetically deficient spleen2 Spleens3230
MPAIKTActive mouse PAI-1 functional assay ELISA kit5 Kits33575
MPAIKT-TOTMouse PAI-1 total antigen assay ELISA kit5 Kits33575
MPAI-LMouse PAI-1 (wild type latent form)1.0 mg22695
MPAI-L-BIOMouse PAI-1 (Biotin labeled latent fraction)1.0 mg22695
MPAI-TOT-PLATEMouse PAI-1 Antigen Capture Plate5 plates9605
MPAI-TPAMouse PAI-1 tPA complex1.0 mg55080
MPC-HISMouse Protein C, C-terminal 8x His tag0.1 mg23630
MPEMouse pancreatic elastase1.0 mg101235
MPF4-RMouse Platelet Factor 4, Recombinant1.0 mg69615
MPKRecombinant Mouse Prekallikrein1.0 mg33150
MPKARecombinant Mouse Kallikrein1.0 mg38335
MPK-KO-SCMouse Prekallikrein genetically deficient plasma, sodium citrate0.1 ml5185
MPKKT-TOTMouse Prekallikrein total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
MPK-MABPACKAnti Mouse Prekallikrein MAb Sample Pack10 packs68850
MPLA-SCMouse plasma, sodium citrate100 ml17765
MPLA-SC-PAIMouse PAI-1 depleted plasma, sodium citrate100 ml87125
MPLA-SER-PGPlasminogen Depleted Mouse Serum50 ml17425
MPLGMouse plasminogen10 mg54400
MPLGKT-TOTMouse plasminogen total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits28815
MPLMMouse plasmin10 mg70040
MPN1Mouse Protease Nexin 1, native recombinant1.0 mg78795
MPOMyeloperoxidase2.0 mg18360
MPREN-HISMouse Prorenin, C-terminal 8x His tag1.0 mg47940
MPRENKT-TOTMouse Prorenin/Renin Total Antigen ELISA Kit5 kits33575
MPRLMouse Prolactin1.0 mg34765
MPRLKTMouse Prolactin ELISA Kit5 kits31875
MPRLR-FCMouse Prolactin Receptor, chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein1.0 mg40035
MPTKTMouse Prothrombin ELISA kit5 kits27795
MPTKT-TOTMouse Prothrombin total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits24310
MSAAlbumin, Mouse Plasma1000 mg17340
MSAKTMouse Albumin ELISA Kit5 kits28815
MSBC-GFBalb C Mouse IgG, Protein A Purified50 mg5185
MSC57BL6-GFC57BL6 Mouse IgG, Protein A Purified50 mg27795
MSCD1-GFCD1 Mouse IgG, Protein A Purified50 mg5185
MS-GFMouse IgG, Protein A Purified50 mg1955
MS-GF-EDMouse IgG, Protein A Purified, Low Endotoxin1000 mg51425
MSIGAKTMouse Immunoglobulin A ELISA Kit5 kits28815
MSIGGKTMouse Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit5 kits18360
MSIGMKTMouse Immunoglobulin M ELISA Kit5 kits28815
MS-TL-CBMouse Cerebellum Tissue Lysate0.4 mg2805
MS-TL-CCMouse Cerebral Cortex Tissue Lysate0.4 mg2805
MS-TL-KDMouse Kidney Tissue Lysate0.4 mg2805
MTHROMMouse Thrombin0.25 mg18275
MTPAActive mouse tPA, recombinant1.0 mg45305
MTPA-ALANCNon-enzymatic non-cleavable Mouse tPA1.0 mg45305
MTPA-BIOBiotin labeled Mouse tPA0.1 mg9520
MTPA-FITCFluorescein labeled Mouse tPA0.1 mg9520
MTPAKTActive mouse tPA functional assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
MTPAKT-TOTMouse tPA total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
MTPA-NCNon-cleavable Mouse tPA1.0 mg45305
MTPA-S481ANon-enzymatic Mouse tPA1.0 mg45305
MTPA-TCActive mouse tPA, two chain recombinant1.0 mg59245
MTPA-TOT-PLATEMouse tPA Antigen Capture Plate5 plates9605
MTPO-FCMouse Thrombopoietin, chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein1.0 mg40035
MUPAActive Mouse Urokinase, HMW0.1 mg9010
MUPA-AF700Active Mouse Urokinase, Alexa Fluor 700 Labeled0.1 mg15640
MUPA-BIOMouse HMW tc-uPA, biotin conjugate0.1 mg15640
MUPA-FITCMouse HMW tc-uPA, fluorescein conjugate0.1 mg15640
MUPA-INInactivated Mouse Urokinase0.1 mg15640
MUPAKTActive mouse uPA functional assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
MUPAKT-TOTMouse uPA total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
MUPA-LMWActive Mouse Urokinase, LMW0.1 mg15895
MUPA-TOT-PLATEMouse uPA Antigen Capture Plate5 plates9605
MVNMouse multimeric vitronectin1.0 mg36295
MVNKT-TOTMouse vitronectin total antigen assay ELISA kit5 Kits33575
MVN-TOT-PLATEMouse Vitronectin Antigen Capture Plate5 plates9605
MZPIMouse Protein Z-Dependent Protease Inhibitor, native recombinant1.0 mg78795
NTAF488CPAIHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal Alexa Fluor 488 labeled stable mutant)1.0 mg26520
NTAF488PAI-AHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal Alexa Fluor 488 labeled, active fraction)1.0 mg26520
NTAF488PAI-LHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal Alexa Fluor 488 labeled, latent fraction)1.0 mg26520
NTAF594CPAIHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal Alexa Fluor 594 labeled stable mutant)1.0 mg26520
NTAF594PAI-AHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal Alexa Fluor 594 labeled, active fraction)1.0 mg26520
NTAF594PAI-LHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal Alexa Fluor 594 labeled, latent fraction)1.0 mg26520
NTAQTaqRobat Native Taq DNA Polymerase1000 units3400
NTAQGREENTaqRobat Native Taq MantisGreen 2X Master Mix1000 rxn7225
NTAQMIXTaqRobat Native Taq 2X Master Mix1000 rxn7225
NTBIOCPAIHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal biotin labeled stable mutant)1.0 mg22695
NTBIOMPAI-I91LMouse PAI-1 (N-terminal biotin labeled stable mutant)1.0 mg29580
NTBIOPAI-AHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal biotin labeled, active fraction)1.0 mg22695
NTBIOPAI-LHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal biotin labeled, latent fraction)1.0 mg22695
NTCYSCPAIHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal cysteine stable mutant)1.0 mg19890
NTCYSCPAI-R76EHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal cysteine LRP non-binding stable mutant)1.0 mg19890
NTCYSCPAI-T333RHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal cysteine substrate form stable mutant)1.0 mg19890
NTCYSPAI-AHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal cysteine, active fraction)1.0 mg19890
NTCYSPAI-LHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal cysteine mutant, latent fraction)1.0 mg19890
NTFLCPAIHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal fluorescein labeled stable mutant)1.0 mg22695
NTFLPAI-AHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal fluorescein labeled, active fraction)1.0 mg22695
NTFLPAI-LHuman PAI-1 (N-terminal fluorescein labeled, latent fraction)1.0 mg22695
PAI3A120Mouse monoclonal to human PAI-110 mg63920
PAI3C311Mouse monoclonal to human PAI-110 mg63920
PAI3E529Mouse monoclonal to human PAI-110 mg63920
PAI-AHuman PAI-1 (wild type active fraction)1.0 mg19890
PAI-A-ANPeptide annealed human PAI-11.0 mg22695
PAI-CHuman PAI-1 (wild type - elastase cleaved)1.0 mg22695
PAI-LHuman PAI-1 (wild type latent fraction)1.0 mg19890
PATIIIPorcine Antithrombin III10 mg61370
PEP-1Ac-TVASSSTA Octapeptide10. mg14535
PFBGNPorcine Fibrinogen100 mg16575
PFBGN-FITCFITC Labeled Porcine Fibrinogen40 mg16575
PFBGNKTPorcine fibrinogen total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits23545
PFUPerfectPfu High Fidelity DNA Polymerase500 units3400
PK10G3Anti Human Prekallikrein, Clone 10G31.0 mg68850
PK10G3-IImmobilized monoclonal antibody to human prekallikrein and kallikrein5.0 ml9180
PK11H4Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 11H41.0 mg41140
PK11H4-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 11H41.0 mg48110
PK13G5Inhibitory Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 13G51.0 mg41140
PK13G5-BIOBiotin Labeled Inhibitory Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 13G51.0 mg48110
PK14E3Inhibitory Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 14E31.0 mg41140
PK14E3-BIOBiotin Labeled Inhibitory Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 14E31.0 mg48110
PK20E7Anti Human Prekallikrein, Clone 20E71.0 mg26095
PK20E7-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Human Prekallikrein, Clone 20E71.0 mg39440
PK3A10Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 3A101.0 mg41140
PK3A10-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 3A101.0 mg48110
PK5G7Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 5G71.0 mg41140
PK5G7-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 5G71.0 mg48110
PK7G2Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 7G21.0 mg41140
PK7G2-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti Mouse Prekallikrein, Clone 7G21.0 mg48110
PLG11B5B2Anti Human Plasminogen, Clone 11B5-B210 mg68850
PLG13C3B10Anti Human Plasminogen, Clone 13C3-B1010 mg68850
PLG1C10F2Anti Human Plasminogen, Clone 1C10-F210 mg68850
PLG2F6C6Anti Human Plasminogen, Clone 2F6-C610 mg68850
PLG4G6B11Anti Human Plasminogen, Clone 4G6-B1110 mg68850
PLG9F9C4Anti Human Plasminogen, Clone 9F9-C410 mg68850
PLG-MABPACKAnti Human Plasminogen MAb Sample Pack10 packs68850
POPAIPorcine PAI-1 (wild type active form)1.0 mg22695
POPAIKTActive porcine PAI-1 functional assay ELISA kit5 Kits33575
POPAI-TPAPorcine PAI-1 tPA complex0.1 mg10285
POPAITPAKT-COMPorcine PAI-1 tPA complex antigen assay ELISA kit5 Kits34000
POPLGPorcine (pig) plasminogen10 mg36040
PPACKPhe-Pro-Arg-Chloromethylketone25 mg6205
PPACK2Phe-Phe-Arg-Chloromethylketone100 mg47940
PPACK-BIOBiotin Labeled Phe-Pro-Arg-Chloromethylketone5.0 mg36550
PPACK-FITCFluorescein Labeled Phe-Pro-Arg-Chloromethylketone5.0 mg41735
PPEPorcine pancreatic elastase20 mg6205
PPN-IImmobilized porcine pepsin15 ml7735
PREN4B5E3Inhibitory monoclonal antibody to human prorenin, clone 4B5-E31.0 mg19550
PREN4B5E3-BIOMonoclonal antibody to human prorenin, biotin labeled1.0 mg57885
PREN4B5E3-FITCMonoclonal antibody to human prorenin, FITC labeled1.0 mg57885
PREN6E2B7Monoclonal antibody to human prorenin, clone 6E2-B71.0 mg19550
PREN7D3E3Monoclonal antibody to human renin and prorenin, clone 7D3-E31.0 mg19550
PRL11F9Anti Human Prolactin, Clone 11F9D51.0 mg26095
PRL13G4Anti Human Prolactin, Clone 13G4C71.0 mg26095
PRL16F4Anti Human Prolactin, Clone 16F4E9G101.0 mg26095
PRL3F6Anti Human Prolactin, Clone 3F6G111.0 mg26095
PRL3G11Anti Human Prolactin, Clone 3G11B6E81.0 mg26095
PRL5F3Anti Human Prolactin, Clone 5F3E41.0 mg26095
PRL7C11Anti Human Prolactin, Clone 7C11E2F31.0 mg26095
PSA14E7Anti Human PSA, Clone 14E71.0 mg26095
PSA14E7-BIOBiotin-labeled Anti Human PSA, Clone 14E71.0 mg77180
PSA16G3Anti Human PSA, Clone 16G31.0 mg26095
PSA18D11Anti Human PSA, Clone 18D111.0 mg26095
PSA18D4Anti Human PSA, Clone 18D41.0 mg26095
PSA18D4-BIOBiotin-labeled Anti Human PSA, Clone 18D41.0 mg77180
PTPAActive porcine tPA, recombinant1.0 mg45305
PTPAKTActive porcine tPA functional assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
PUPAActive Porcine Urokinase0.1 mg8245
PVNPorcine multimeric vitronectin1.0 mg31365
PYFIPyFi High Fidelity DNA Polymerase500 units3910
QMIXTaqCelerate qPCR Master Mix500 rxn8670
RAPHuman RAP1.0 mg17000
RAP-FITCFITC Labeled Human RAP0.5 mg17085
RAP-LELow Endotoxin Human RAP1.0 mg22015
RAP-SMHuman RAP Stable Mutant1.0 mg22015
RATIIIRat Antithrombin III10 mg51595
RBATIIIRabbit Antithrombin10 mg51595
RbFBGNRabbit Fibrinogen100 mg15725
RbFBGN-FITCFITC Labeled Rabbit Fibrinogen40 mg16575
RBFBGNKTRabbit fibrinogen total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
RB-GFRabbit IgG, Protein A Purified1000 mg5695
RB-GF-BIOBiotin labeled rabbit IgG10.0 mg27200
RB-GF-EDLow Endotoxin Rabbit IgG, Protein A Purified1000 mg34765
RB-GF-FITCFITC labeled rabbit IgG10.0 mg27200
RBIGGKTRabbit Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit5 kits30515
RbPAIRabbit PAI-1 (wild type active)1.0 mg22695
RbPAI-I91LRabbit PAI-1 (stable mutant)1.0 mg22695
RbPAIKTActive rabbit PAI-1 functional assay ELISA kit5 Kits33575
RbPAIKT-TOTRabbit PAI-1 total antigen assay ELISA kit5 Kits33575
RbPAI-LRabbit PAI-1 (wild type latent)1.0 mg22695
RbPAI-L-BIORabbit PAI-1 (Biotin labeled latent fraction)1.0 mg22695
RbPLA-SC-PAIRabbit PAI-1 depleted plasma, sodium citrate100 ml48110
RbPLGRabbit plasminogen10 mg49895
RbPLMRabbit plasmin10 mg63920
RbSAAlbumin, Rabbit Plasma1000 mg6035
RbTPAActive rabbit tPA, recombinant1.0 mg45305
RbTPAKTActive rabbit tPA functional assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
RbUPAActive Rabbit Urokinase0.1 mg9010
RbVNRabbit multimeric vitronectin1.0 mg31365
RFBGNRat Fibrinogen10 mg42755
RFBGN-FITCFITC Labeled Rat Fibrinogen10 mg85425
RFBGNKTRat fibrinogen total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits23545
RFIIRat Prothrombin1.0 mg18275
RFIXRat Factor IX0.25 mg25755
RFIXARat Factor IXa0.25 mg37825
RFXRat Factor X0.5 mg45730
RFXARat Factor Xa1.0 mg100640
RFXIIRecombinant Rat Coagulation Factor XII1.0 mg60945
RFXIIARecombinant Rat Coagulation Factor XIIa1.0 mg62050
RFXIIKT-TOTRat Factor XII total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
RPAIRat PAI-1 (wild type active form)1.0 mg22695
RPAI-AF488Rat PAI-1 (Alexa Fluor 488 labeled wild type active form)1.0 mg24395
RPAI-BIORat PAI-1 (Biotin labeled active fraction)1.0 mg22695
RPAI-I91LRat PAI-1 (stable mutant)1.0 mg22695
RPAI-I91L-BIORat PAI-1 (Biotin labeled stable mutant)1.0 mg22695
RPAIKTActive rat PAI-1 functional assay ELISA kit5 Kits33575
RPAIKT-TOTRat PAI-1 total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits33575
RPAI-LRat PAI-1 (wild type latent form)1.0 mg22695
RPAI-L-AF488Rat PAI-1 (Alexa Fluor 488 labeled wild type latent form)1.0 mg24395
RPAI-L-BIORat PAI-1 (Biotin labeled latent fraction)1.0 mg22695
RPAI-P1NBDRat PAI-1 (NBD labeled at the scissile bond of the reactive center loop)1.0 mg29580
RPAI-P9NBDRat PAI-1 NBD labeled at the reactive center loop1.0 mg29580
RPAI-TOT-PLATERat PAI-1 Antigen Capture Plate5 plates9605
RPERat pancreatic elastase0.5 mg25585
RPLA-EDTA-ANG-FRat Renin Substrate Plasma, Female, Sodium EDTA10 ml69615
RPLA-EDTA-ANG-MRat Renin Substrate Plasma, Male, Sodium EDTA10 ml69615
RPLA-SCRat plasma, sodium citrate100 ml17765
RPLA-SC-LRat PAI-1 latent plasma, sodium citrate100 ml27200
RPLA-SC-PAIRat PAI-1 depleted plasma, sodium citrate100 ml55760
RPLA-SC-PRENRat Renin/Prorenin Double Depleted Plasma100 ml43945
RPLA-SER-GFRat IgG Depleted Serum50 ml20570
RPLGRat plasminogen10 mg49895
RPLMRat plasmin10 mg63920
RPREN1G5Monoclonal antibody to rat renin and prorenin, clone 1G51.0 mg26095
RPREN2C6Monoclonal antibody to rat prorenin, clone 2C61.0 mg26095
RPREN-HISRat Prorenin, C-terminal 8x His tag1.0 mg59245
RPRENKT-TOTRat Prorenin/Renin Total Antigen ELISA Kit5 kits33575
RPRLRat Prolactin1.0 mg34765
RPRLKTRat Prolactin ELISA Kit5 kits31875
RPRLRRat Prolactin Receptor1.0 mg69615
RPRLR-FCRat Prolactin Receptor, chiMAX Fc Fusion Protein1.0 mg40035
RSAAlbumin, Rat Plasma200 mg6035
RSFVIIIKT-TOTRhesus monkey Factor VIII total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
RS-GFRhesus Monkey IgG, Protein A Purified50 mg8670
RSIGGKTRhesus Monkey Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit5 kits30515
RT-GFRat IgG, Protein A Purified50 mg1955
RTHROMRat Thrombin0.5 mg31025
RTIGGKTRat Immunoglobulin G ELISA Kit5 kits18360
RTIGMKTRat Immunoglobulin M ELISA Kit5 kits27030
RT-LP-BRRat Brain Lyophilized Powder2000 mg2805
RT-LP-KDRat Kidney Lyophilized Powder2000 mg2805
RT-LP-LRRat Liver Lyophilized Powder2000 mg2805
RTPAActive rat tPA, recombinant1.0 mg45305
RTPAKTActive rat tPA functional assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
RTPAKT-TOTRat tPA total antigen assay ELISA kit5 kits34000
RTPA-TCActive rat tPA, two chain recombinant1.0 mg59245
RT-TL-BRRat Brain Tissue Lysate0.4 mg2805
RT-TL-CCRat Cerebral Cortex Tissue Lysate0.4 mg2805
RT-TL-HTRat Heart Tissue Lysate0.4 mg2805
RT-TL-KDRat Kidney Tissue Lysate0.4 mg2805
RT-TL-LGRat Lung Tissue Lysate0.4 mg2805
RT-TL-LRRat Liver Tissue Lysate0.4 mg2805
RUPAActive Rat Urokinase, HMW0.1 mg9010
RUPAKTActive rat uPA functional assay ELISA kit5 Kits34000
RUPAKT-TOTRat uPA total antigen assay ELISA kit5 Kits34000
RVNRat multimeric vitronectin1.0 mg36295
RVV-VRussells Viper Venom Factor V Activator10 mg72335
RVV-XRussells Viper Venom Factor X Activator10 mg85680
S119C-L-NBDHuman PAI-1 (NBD labeled vitronectin reporter mutant latent fraction)1.0 mg22695
S119C-NBDHuman PAI-1 (NBD labeled vitronectin reporter mutant)1.0 mg22695
SASDUPASheep anti dog uPA antiserum10 ml45305
SASDUPA-GFSheep anti dog uPA IgG fraction10 mg45305
SASDUPA-GF-BIOSheep anti dog uPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg53040
SASDUPA-GF-FITCSheep anti dog uPA IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg53040
SASDUPA-GF-HRPSheep anti dog uPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg53040
SASHCII-GFSheep anti-Heparin Cofactor II5.0 mg6375
SASHCRPSheep anti human CRP antiserum10 ml30005
SASHCRP-GFSheep anti human CRP IgG fraction10 mg30005
SASHCRP-GF-BIOSheep anti human CRP IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg37655
SASHCRP-GF-FITCSheep anti human CRP IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg37655
SASHCRP-GF-HRPSheep anti human CRP IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg37655
SASHCRP-GF-HTSheep anti-human CRP, affinity purified1.0 mg30005
SASHCRP-GF-HT-BIOSheep anti-human CRP, biotin labeled affinity purified1.0 mg37655
SASHCTNTSheep anti human cTnT antiserum10 ml30005
SASHCTNT-GFSheep anti human cTnT IgG fraction10 mg30005
SASHCTNT-GF-BIOSheep anti human cTnT IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg37655
SASHCTNT-GF-FITCSheep anti human cTnT IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg37655
SASHCTNT-GF-HRPSheep anti human cTnT IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg37655
SASHFII-GFSheep anti-Human Prothrombin5.0 mg6375
SASHFII-GF-HTSheep anti-Human Prothrombin - Affinity Purified0.5 mg7310
SASHFIXSheep anti human Factor IX antiserum10 ml30005
SASHFIX-GFSheep anti-Human Factor IX IgG Fraction10 mg30005
SASHFIX-GF-HTSheep anti human factor IX IgG fraction, Affinity purified1.0 mg37655
SASHFV-GFSheep anti-Human Factor V5 mg6375
SASHFVII-GFSheep anti-Human Factor VII5 mg6375
SASHFVIII-GFSheep anti-Human Factor VIII5 mg6375
SASHFX-GFSheep anti-Human Factor X5 mg6375
SASHFXIISheep anti human factor XII antiserum10 ml30005
SASHFXII-GFSheep anti human factor XII IgG fraction10 mg30005
SASHFXII-GF-BIOSheep anti human factor XII IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg37655
SASHFXII-GF-FITCSheep anti human factor XII IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg37655
SASHFXII-GF-HRPSheep anti human factor XII IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg37655
SASHFXII-GF-HTSheep anti human factor XII IgG fraction, Affinity purified1.0 mg37655
SASHFXIII-GFSheep anti-Human Factor XIII5 mg6375
SASHPAISheep anti human PAI-1 antiserum10 ml30005
SASHPAI-GFSheep anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction10 mg30005
SASHPAI-GF-BIOBiotin labeled sheep anti human PAI-1 IgG10 mg37655
SASHPAI-GF-FITCSheep anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg37655
SASHPAI-GF-HRPSheep anti human PAI-1 IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg37655
SASHPAI-GF-HTSheep anti-human PAI-1, affinity purified1.0 mg30005
SASHPC-GFSheep anti-Human Protein C5 mg6375
SASHPLGSheep anti human plasminogen antiserum10 ml27200
SASHPLG-GFSheep anti human plasminogen IgG fraction10 mg27200
SASHPLG-GF-BIOSheep anti human plasminogen IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg37655
SASHPLG-GF-FITCSheep anti human plasminogen IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg37655
SASHPLG-GF-HRPSheep anti human plasminogen IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg37655
SASHPLG-GF-HTSheep anti-human plasminogen, affinity purified1.0 mg30005
SASHPLM-GF-HTSheep anti-human plasmin, affinity purified1.0 mg30005
SASHPSASheep anti human PSA antiserum10 ml30005
SASHPSA-GFSheep anti human PSA IgG fraction10 mg30005
SASHPSA-GF-BIOSheep anti human PSA IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg37655
SASHPSA-GF-FITCSheep anti human PSA IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg37655
SASHPSA-GF-HRPSheep anti human PSA IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg37655
SASHPSA-GF-HTSheep anti human PSA IgG fraction, high titer1.0 mg37655
SASHPS-GFSheep anti-Human Protein S5 mg6375
SASHPZ-GFSheep anti-Human Protein Z5.0 mg6375
SASHRAPSheep anti human RAP antiserum10 ml30005
SASHRAP-GFSheep anti human RAP IgG fraction10 mg30005
SASHRAP-GF-BIOSheep anti human RAP IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg41140
SASHRAP-GF-FITCSheep anti human RAP IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg41140
SASHRAP-GF-HRPSheep anti human RAP IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg41140
SASHRENSheep anti human renin antiserum10 ml41140
SASHREN-GFSheep anti human renin IgG fraction10 mg41140
SASHREN-GF-BIOSheep anti human renin IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
SASHREN-GF-FITCSheep anti human renin IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
SASHREN-GF-HRPSheep anti human renin IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
SASHREN-GF-HTSheep anti human renin IgG fraction, affinity purified1.0 mg55080
SASHREN-GF-HT-BIOBiotin labeled affinity purified sheep anti human renin1.0 mg55080
SASHREN-GF-HT-IImmobilized affinity purified sheep anti human prorenin/renin10 ml43605
SASHTAFI-GFSheep anti-Human TAFI5.0 mg6375
SASHTF-GFSheep anti-Human Tissue Factor5.0 mg6375
SASHTFPI-GFSheep anti-Human Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor5.0 mg6375
SASHTHROM-GFSheep anti-Human Thrombin5 mg6375
SASHTPASheep anti human tPA antiserum10 ml30005
SASHTPA-GFSheep anti human tPA IgG fraction10 ml30005
SASHTPA-GF-BIOSheep anti human tPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 ml41140
SASHTPA-GF-FITCSheep anti human tPA IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 ml41140
SASHTPA-GF-HRPSheep anti human tPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 ml41140
SASHTPA-GF-HTSheep anti human tPA, affinity purified1.0 mg57885
SASHUPASheep anti human uPA antiserum10 ml30005
SASHUPA-GFSheep anti human uPA IgG fraction10 mg30005
SASHUPA-GF-BIOSheep anti human uPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg41140
SASHUPA-GF-FITCSheep anti human uPA IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg41140
SASHUPA-GF-HRPSheep anti human uPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg41140
SASHVWF-GFSheep anti-Human vWF5.0 mg7310
SASHZPISheep anti human ZPI antiserum10 ml45305
SASHZPI-GFSheep anti human ZPI IgG fraction10 mg45305
SASHZPI-GF-BIOSheep anti human ZPI IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
SASHZPI-GF-FITCSheep anti human ZPI IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
SASHZPI-GF-HRPSheep anti human ZPI IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
SASMFIXSheep anti mouse factor IX antiserum10 ml41140
SASMFIX-GFSheep anti mouse factor IX IgG fraction10 mg41140
SASMFIX-GF-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti mouse factor IX10 mg48110
SASMFIX-GF-FITCFITC Labeled Anti mouse factor IX10 mg48110
SASMFIX-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse Factor IX IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
SASMFXSheep anti mouse factor X antiserum10 ml45305
SASMFX-GFSheep anti mouse factor X IgG fraction10 mg45305
SASMFX-GF-BIOBiotin Labeled Anti mouse factor X10 mg53040
SASMFX-GF-FITCFITC Labeled Anti mouse factor X10 mg53040
SASMFX-GF-HRPHRP Labeled Anti mouse factor X10 mg53040
SASMFX-GF-HTAffinity purified sheep anti mouse factor X1.0 mg45305
SASMFX-GF-IAImmuno absorbed sheep anti mouse Factor X1.0 mg45305
SASMNSPSheep anti mouse neuroserpin antiserum10 ml45305
SASMNSP-GFSheep anti mouse neuroserpin IgG fraction10 mg45305
SASMNSP-GF-BIOBiotin labeled sheep anti mouse neuroserpin10 mg48110
SASMNSP-GF-FITCFITC labeled sheep anti mouse neuroserpin10 mg48110
SASMNSP-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse neuroserpin IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
SASMNSP-GF-HTAffinity purified sheep anti mouse neuroserpin1.0 mg49895
SASMNSP-GF-HT-BIOBiotin labeled affinity purified sheep anti mouse neuroserpin5.0 mg68850
SASMPCSheep anti mouse Protein C antiserum10 ml41140
SASMPC-GFSheep anti mouse Protein C IgG fraction10 mg41140
SASMPC-GF-BIOSheep anti mouse Protein C IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
SASMPC-GF-FITCSheep anti mouse Protein C IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
SASMPC-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse Protein C IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
SASMPN1Sheep anti mouse Protease Nexin 1 antiserum10 ml45305
SASMPN1-GFSheep anti mouse Protease Nexin 1 IgG fraction10 mg45305
SASMPN1-GF-BIOSheep anti mouse Protease Nexin 1 IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
SASMPN1-GF-FITCSheep anti mouse Protease Nexin 1 IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
SASMPN1-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse Protease Nexin 1 IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
SASMPTSheep anti mouse prothrombin antiserum10 ml41140
SASMPT-GFSheep anti mouse prothrombin IgG fraction10 mg41140
SASMPT-GF-BIOSheep anti mouse prothrombin IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
SASMPT-GF-FITCSheep anti mouse prothrombin IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
SASMPT-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse prothrombin IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
SASMPT-GF-HTSheep anti mouse prothrombin IgG fraction, affinity purified1.0 mg48110
SASMPT-GF-HT-BIOSheep anti mouse prothrombin, biotin labeled affinity purified1.0 mg55080
SASMTPASheep Anti Mouse and Rat tPA antiserum10 ml30005
SASMTPA-GFSheep Anti Mouse and Rat tPA IgG fraction10 mg30005
SASMTPA-GF-BIOSheep Anti Mouse and Rat tPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg41140
SASMTPA-GF-FITCSheep Anti Mouse and Rat tPA IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg41140
SASMTPA-GF-HRPSheep Anti Mouse and Rat tPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg41140
SASMTPA-GF-HTAffinity purified sheep anti mouse tPA1.0 mg30005
SASMTPA-GF-HT-BIOAffinity purified sheep anti mouse tPA, biotin labeled5.0 mg68850
SASMTPOSheep anti mouse thrombopoietin antiserum10 ml41140
SASMTPO-GFSheep anti mouse thrombopoietin IgG fraction10 mg41140
SASMTPO-GF-BIOSheep anti mouse thrombopoietin IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
SASMTPO-GF-FITCSheep anti mouse thrombopoietin IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
SASMTPO-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse thrombopoietin IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
SASMUPASheep anti mouse uPA antiserum10 ml30005
SASMUPA-GFSheep anti mouse uPA IgG fraction10 mg30005
SASMUPA-GF-BIOSheep anti mouse uPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg41140
SASMUPA-GF-FITCSheep anti mouse uPA IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg41140
SASMUPA-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse uPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg41140
SASMUPARSheep anti mouse uPAR antiserum10 ml45305
SASMUPAR-GFSheep anti mouse uPAR IgG fraction10 mg45305
SASMUPAR-GF-BIOSheep anti mouse uPAR IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg53040
SASMUPAR-GF-FITCSheep anti mouse uPAR IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg53040
SASMUPAR-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse uPAR IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg53040
SASMZPISheep anti mouse ZPI antiserum10 ml45305
SASMZPI-GFSheep anti mouse ZPI IgG fraction10 mg45305
SASMZPI-GF-BIOSheep anti mouse ZPI IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
SASMZPI-GF-FITCSheep anti mouse ZPI IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
SASMZPI-GF-HRPSheep anti mouse ZPI IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
SASRbFBGN-GFSheep Anti Rabbit Fibrinogen IgG fraction10 mg41140
SASRbTPASheep Anti Rabbit tPA antiserum10 ml41140
SASRbTPA-GFSheep Anti Rabbit tPA IgG fraction10 mg41140
SASRbTPA-GF-BIOSheep Anti Rabbit tPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
SASRbTPA-GF-FITCSheep Anti Rabbit tPA IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
SASRbTPA-GF-HRPSheep Anti Rabbit tPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
SASRbUPASheep Anti Rabbit uPA antiserum10 ml45305
SASRbUPA-GFSheep Anti Rabbit uPA IgG fraction10 mg45305
SASRbUPA-GF-BIOSheep Anti Rabbit uPA IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg53040
SASRbUPA-GF-FITCSheep Anti Rabbit uPA IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg53040
SASRbUPA-GF-HRPSheep Anti Rabbit uPA IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg53040
SASRRENSheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin antiserum10 ml41140
SASRREN-GFSheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin IgG fraction10 mg41140
SASRREN-GF-BIOSheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin IgG fraction, biotin labeled10 mg48110
SASRREN-GF-FITCSheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin IgG fraction, FITC labeled10 mg48110
SASRREN-GF-HRPSheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin IgG fraction, HRP labeled10 mg48110
SASRREN-GF-HTSheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin IgG fraction, High Titer1.0 mg48110
SASRREN-GF-HT-BIOBiotin-labeled sheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin IgG fraction, High Titer1.0 mg48110
SASRREN-GF-HT-IImmobilized affinity purified sheep anti rat and mouse prorenin and renin10 ml43605
SASRRENPS-GF-HTSheep anti rat prorenin prosegment, affinity purified1.0 mg41140
SAVI-HRPStreptavidin, HRP Labeled0.05 ml1785
SBTI-IImmobilized soybean trypsin inhibitor50 ml30515
SHFBGNSheep Fibrinogen1000 mg27200
SHFBGN-FITCFITC Labeled Sheep Fibrinogen40 mg9605
SH-GFSheep IgG, Protein G Purified100 mg1700
SMUPAR-HISSoluble Mouse uPAR, His-tagged1.0 mg78795
SW-GFSwine IgG, Protein G Purified2 grams6885
TAFIHuman Thrombin Activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitor0.5 mg36550
TAT1F7F8Anti Human Thrombin Antithrombin Complex10 mg41140
TMBTMB Substrate for ELISA1000 ml4420
TPA-PLATEtPA Coated Plate25 plates9605
UPA-HTCHuman HMW Urokinase1.0 mg40205
UPA-HTC-BIOHuman HMW urokinase, biotin labeled1.0 mg63495
UPA-HTC-FITCHuman HMW urokinase, fluorescein labeled1.0 mg63495
UPA-HTC-HRPHuman HMW urokinase, HRP conjugate1.0 mg63495
UPA-HTC-INSRecombinant Human HMW Urokinase, Insect Cell1.0 mg36975
UPA-LMWHuman LMW urokinase1.0 mg48110
UPA-LMW-FITCHuman LMW urokinase, fluorescein labeled1.0 mg63495
UPA-LMW-HRPHuman LMW urokinase, HRP conjugate1.0 mg63495
UPA-PLATEUrokinase Coated Plate25 plates9605
VWF25E9Anti Human Factor vWF, Clone 25E91.0 mg26095
VWF31F5Anti Human Factor vWF, Clone 31F51.0 mg26095
WASHWash Buffer, 10X Concentrate1000 ml4420
XCL1Human XCL10.1 mg14450
XCL2Human XCL20.1 mg14450





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