Gene Bridges是一家依托欧洲分子生物技术实验室(EMBL),成立于2000年6月的高科技生物科技公司,该公司拥有的技术Red/ET基因重组技术可实现DNA任意位点的克隆/亚克隆,以及精准的克隆出如BACs或大肠杆菌染色体的超长NDA分子,已经为多个制药企业、生物技术公司及科研院所提供大量的基因克隆及超过500个已结题的DNA修饰项目。
Gene Bridges公司的专业团队拥有娴熟的技术人员及深悉分子及微生物技术、小鼠基因组学、转基因技术、生物化学、代谢工程及工业化的资深科学家。力求为生命科学研究领域及产业化提供优质的真核/原核基因重组、表达产品与服务。
genebridges 部分产品目录
For all types of BAC modifications
For advanced BAC modification using a counter-selection cassette, also for bacterial chromosomes
For subcloning of DNA fragments from BACs and cosmids
For fast and simple integration of FRT-sites into large vector plasmids at any intended position (for generation of transgenic mouse models)
For fast and simple integration of loxP-sites into large vector plasmids at any intended position (for generation of transgenic mouse models)
For fast knockouts or modifications of genes on the E. coli chromosome
Direct cloning-proficient E. coli strain for linear plus linear homologous recombination
Recombineering-proficient E. coli strain for linear plus circular homologous recombination