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更新时间:2020-10-09      点击次数:1532



除了我们生物标本和样品制备业务外,BioChain还涉足临床应用,提供癌症和生殖健康方面的临床基因组学诊断产品和临床试验服务。BioChain致力于通过我们的持续过程改进计划以具竞争力的价格获得质量的产品和服务。BioChain建立了全面的质量保证计划,以满足客户的满意,并为我们的内部生产设施维持ISO9001:2015和ISO 13485:2016认证。


K6330400LDH Cytotoxicity Assay Kit400 assays4454biochain2021Ambient Temperature
KC310100Mitochondria Activity Assay Kit1 kit6052biochain2021Ambient Temperature
C1236161Dia-10cDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Lymph Node10 rxn5899biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236108Dia-10cDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Whole Eye10 rxn5899biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236024Dia-10cDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Bone Marrow10 rxn6307biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236003SubDia-10cDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Subcutaneous Adipose10 rxn6307biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236003VisDia-10cDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Visceral Adipose10 rxn6307biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236035DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Brain40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236090DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Colon40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236106DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Esophagus40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236122DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Heart40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236142DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Kidney40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236149DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Liver40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236152DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Lung40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236188DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Pancreas40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236171DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Skeletal Muscle40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236218DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Skin40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236101DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Duodenum40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236227DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Ileum40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236230DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Jejunum40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236246DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Spleen40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236248DiacDNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Stomach40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734010cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Bladder40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734035cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Brain40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734089cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Cecum40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734106cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Esophagus40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734122cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Heart40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734142cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Kidney40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734149cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Liver40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734152cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Lung40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734188cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Pancreas40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734206cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Rectum40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734171cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734226cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Small Intestine40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734248cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Stomach40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734260cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Testis40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1734160cDNA - Dog Normal Tissue: Trachea40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236122Hd-3cDNA - Congenital heart disease: Heart40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236013Hd-2cDNA - hypertension: Artery40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236122Hd-2cDNA - hypertension: Heart40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236126Hd-2cDNA - hypertension: Heart Atrium, left40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236127Hd-2cDNA - hypertension: Heart Atrium, right40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236138Hd-2cDNA - hypertension: Heart Ventricle, left40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236139Hd-2cDNA - hypertension: Heart Ventricle, right40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236130Hd-2cDNA - hypertension: Interventricular Septum40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236142Hd-2cDNA - hypertension: Kidney40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236020Hd-2cDNA - hypertension: Vein40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236012Hd-4cDNA - Arteriosclerosis: Aorta40 rxn13481biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236013Hd-4cDNA - Arteriosclerosis: Artery40 rxn13481biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236122Hd-6cDNA - Congestive Heart Failure: Heart40 rxn13481biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236122Hd-5cDNA - Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis: Heart40 rxn13481biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234003-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Adipose10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234013-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Blood Vessel: Artery10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234020-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Blood Vessel: Vein10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234024-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Bone Marrow10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234036-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Amygdala10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234040-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebellum (left)10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234041-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebellum (right)10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234042-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebral Cortex10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234045-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Corpus Callosum10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234063-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Olfactory (region)10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234071-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Pons10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234082-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Vermis Cerebelli10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234115-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Fallopian Tube10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234123-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Aorta Valve10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234161-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lymph Node10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234148-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Peripheral Blood Leukocyte10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234212-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Salivary Gland10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234101-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Duodenum10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234250-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Cardia10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234251-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Corpus10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234252-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Fundus10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234253-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Pylorus10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234261-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Theca10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234263-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Throat10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234267-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Tongue10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234268-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Tonsil10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234160-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Trachea10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234276-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus: Corpus10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234278-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus: Fundus10 rxn3213biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234052-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Hippocampus10 rxn3910biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234068-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Pituitary10 rxn3910biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234004cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Adrenal40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234010cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Bladder40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234035cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234039cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebellum40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234086cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Breast40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234090cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234091cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon Ascending40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234092cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon Descending40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234095cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon Sigmoid40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234096cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon Transverse40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234106cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Esophagus40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234122cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234126cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Atrium (left)40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234127cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Atrium (right)40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234138cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Ventricle (left)40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234139cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Ventricle (right)40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234142cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Kidney40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234149cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234150cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver: Left Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234151cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver: Right Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234152cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234155cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Left Lower Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234156cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Left Upper Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234157cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Right Lower Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234158cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Right Middle Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234159cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Right Upper Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234188cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Pancreas40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234200cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Placenta40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234201cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Prostate40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234206cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Rectum40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234171cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234218cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Skin40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234226cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234227cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Ileum40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234230cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Jejunum40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234234cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Spinal Cord40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234246cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Spleen40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234248cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234260cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Testis40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234265cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Thyroid40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234274cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234275cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus: Cervix40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234110-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Eye: Retina10 rxn7021biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234108-10cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Whole Eye10 rxn7021biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234183cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Ovary40 rxn15742biochain2021Dry Ice
C1234264cDNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Thymus40 rxn15742biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235004-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Adrenal10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235010-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Bladder10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235023-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Bone10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235035-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Brain10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235161-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Lymphoma10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235161A-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Lymphoma,  Hodgkin's Disease10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235161B-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Lymphoma,  Non-Hodgkin's Disease10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235218A-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Melanoma10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235164-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Mesenchymoma10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235178-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Nose10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235188-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Pancreas10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235201-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Prostate10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235206-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Rectum10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235171-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Skeletal Muscle10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235218-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Skin10 rxn4114biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235183-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Ovary10 rxn7871biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235189-10cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Parathyroid10 rxn7871biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235086cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Breast40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235090cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Colon40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235142cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Kidney40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235149cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Liver40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235152cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Lung40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235248cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Stomach40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1235274cDNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Uterus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236035LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Brain40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236090LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Colon40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236169LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Diaphragm40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236106LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Esophagus40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236122LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Heart40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236142LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Kidney40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236149LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Liver40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236152LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Lung40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236161LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Lymph Node40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236188LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Pancreas40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236218LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Skin40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236226LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Small Intestine40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236101LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Small Intestine: Duodenum40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236227LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Small Intestine: Ileum40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236230LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Small Intestine: Jejunum40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236234LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Spinal Cord40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236246LcscDNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Spleen40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236152Ld-1cDNA - Asthma: Lung40 rxn13481biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236152Ld-2cDNA - Bronchitis: Lung40 rxn13481biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236152Ld-3cDNA - Emphysema: Lung40 rxn13481biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236152Ld-4cDNA - Pneumonia: Lung40 rxn13481biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236152Ld-5cDNA - Pulmonary Embolism: Lung40 rxn13481biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236090LupcDNA - Lupus: Colon40 rxn11050biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236122LupcDNA - Lupus: Heart40 rxn11050biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236142LupcDNA - Lupus: Kidney40 rxn11050biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236149LupcDNA - Lupus: Liver40 rxn11050biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236150LupcDNA - Lupus: Liver: Left Lobe40 rxn11050biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236151LupcDNA - Lupus: Liver: Right Lobe40 rxn11050biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236152LupcDNA - Lupus: Lung40 rxn11050biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236188LupcDNA - Lupus: Pancreas40 rxn11050biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236226LupcDNA - Lupus: Small Intestine40 rxn11050biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236234LupcDNA - Lupus: Spinal Cord40 rxn11050biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236246LupcDNA - Lupus: Spleen40 rxn11050biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236248LupcDNA - Lupus: stomach40 rxn11050biochain2021Dry Ice
C8235086-PPMatched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal  Tissue: Breast10 rxn x27956biochain2021Dry Ice
C8235090-PPMatched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal  Tissue: Colon10 rxn x27956biochain2021Dry Ice
C8235142-PPMatched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal  Tissue: Kidney10 rxn x27956biochain2021Dry Ice
C8235149-PPMatched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal  Tissue: Liver10 rxn x27956biochain2021Dry Ice
C8235152-PPMatched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal  Tissue: Lung10 rxn x27956biochain2021Dry Ice
C8235206-PPMatched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal  Tissue: Rectum10 rxn x27956biochain2021Dry Ice
C8235248-PPMatched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal  Tissue: Stomach10 rxn x27956biochain2021Dry Ice
C8235086-PMMatched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Breast10 rxn x216541biochain2021Dry Ice
C8235090-PMMatched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Colon10 rxn x216541biochain2021Dry Ice
C8235142-PMMatched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Kidney10 rxn x216541biochain2021Dry Ice
C8235149-PMMatched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Liver10 rxn x216541biochain2021Dry Ice
C8235152-PMMatched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Lung10 rxn x216541biochain2021Dry Ice
C8235206-PMMatched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Rectum10 rxn x216541biochain2021Dry Ice
C8235248-PMMatched Pair - cDNA - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Stomach10 rxn x216541biochain2021Dry Ice
C8236012Hd-4-PPcDNA - Arteriosclerosis Aorta and Matched Non-arteriosclerosis Aorta2 x 10 rxn19839biochain2021Dry Ice
C8236013Hd-4-PPcDNA - Arteriosclerosis Artery and Matched Non-arteriosclerosis Artery2 x 10 rxn19839biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534035cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Brain40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534090cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534122cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Heart40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534142cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Kidney40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534149cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Liver40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534150cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Liver: Left Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534151cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Liver: Right Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534152cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Lung40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534188cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Pancreas40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534200cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Placenta40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534206cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Rectum40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534171cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534218cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Skin40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534246cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Spleen40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534248cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Stomach40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534274-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Uterus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534003cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Adipose40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534004cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Adrenal40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534006cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Appendix40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534010cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Bladder40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534013cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Blood Vessel: Artery40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534020cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Blood Vessel: Vein40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534089cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Cecum40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534091cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon Ascending40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534092cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon descending40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534095cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon Sigmoid40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534096cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon Transverse40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534169cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Diaphragm40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534100cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Ductus Deferens40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534105cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Epididymis40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534106cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Esophagus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534115cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Fallopian Tube40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534118cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Gallbladder40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534133cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Heart: Pericardium40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534161cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Lymph Node40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534190cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Parotid40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534194cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Penis40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534201cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Prostate40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534226cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Small Intestine40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534101cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Duodenum40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534227cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Ileum40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534230cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Jejunum40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534234cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Spinal Cord40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534250cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Stomach: Cardia40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534251cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Stomach: Corpus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534252cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Stomach: Fundus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534253cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Stomach: Pylorus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534260cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Testis40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534263cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Throat40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534264cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Thymus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534265cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Thyroid40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534267cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Tongue40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534268cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Tonsil40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534160cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Trachea40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534273cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Ureter40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534274cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Uterus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534275cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Uterus: Cervix40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534276cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Uterus: Corpus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534278cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Uterus: Fundus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534283cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Vagina40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534183cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Ovary40 rxn15742biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534189cDNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Parathyroid40 rxn17714biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534035-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534039-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain:Cerebellum40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534042-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebral Cortex40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534051-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Frontal Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534062-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Occipital Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534066-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Parietal Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534078-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Temporal Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534090-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Colon40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534122-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Heart40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534142-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Kidney40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534149-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Liver40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534150-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Liver: Left Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534151-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Liver: Right Lobe40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534152-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Lung40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534188-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Pancreas40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534200-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Placenta40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534206-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Rectum40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534171-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534218-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Skin40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534246-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Spleen40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534248-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Stomach40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534003-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Adipose40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534004-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Adrenal40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534006-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Appendix40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534010-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Bladder40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534036-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Amygdala40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534044-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Choroid Plexus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534045-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Corpus Callosum40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534049-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Diencephalon40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534055-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Insula40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534057-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Medulla Oblongata40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534063-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Olfactory40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534067-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Pineal Gland40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534071-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Pons40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534072-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534073-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Precentral Gyrus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534089-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Cecum40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534169-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Diaphragm40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534105-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Epididymis40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534106-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Esophagus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534118-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Gallbladder40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534133-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Heart: Pericardium40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534190-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Parotid40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534194-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Penis40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534201-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Prostate40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534226-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Small Intestine40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534101-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Duodenum40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534227-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Ileum40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534230-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Jejunum40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534234-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Spinal Cord40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534260-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Testis40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534263-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Throat40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534264-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Thymus40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534265-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Thyroid40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534267-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Tongue40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534268-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Tonsil40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534160-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Trachea40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534273-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Ureter40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534275-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Uterus: Cervix40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534283-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Vagina40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534108-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Whole Eye40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534052-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Hippocampus40 rxn10727biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534068-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain: Pituitary40 rxn10727biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534183-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Ovary40 rxn15742biochain2021Dry Ice
C1534189-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Parathyroid40 rxn17714biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334010cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Bladder40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334035cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Brain40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334122cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Heart40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334142cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Kidney40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334149cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Liver40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334152cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Lung40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334171cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334246cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Spleen40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334248cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Stomach40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334260cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Testis40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334003cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Adipose40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334090cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Colon40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334200cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Placenta40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334206cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Rectum40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1334226cDNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Small Intestine40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236035AlzcDNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236036AlzcDNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Amygdala40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236039AlzcDNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Cerebellum40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236051AlzcDNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Frontal Lobe40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236062AlzcDNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Occipital Lobe40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236066AlzcDNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Parietal Lobe40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236071AlzcDNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Pons40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236072AlzcDNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236073AlzcDNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Precentral Gyrus40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236078AlzcDNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Temporal Lobe40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236079AlzcDNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Thalamus40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236035MsccDNA - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236035ParcDNA - Parkinson's Disease: Brain40 rxn10948biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236052AlzcDNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Hippocampus40 rxn13294biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236052DemcDNA - Dementia: Brain: Hippocampus40 rxn13294biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236052DepcDNA - Depression: Brain: Hippocampus40 rxn13294biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236052MsccDNA - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Hippocampus40 rxn13294biochain2021Dry Ice
C1236052ParcDNA - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Hippocampus40 rxn13294biochain2021Dry Ice
C1634310cDNA - Plant Normal Tissue: cDNA - Plant: Arabidopsis40 rxn10115biochain2021Dry Ice
C1634330cDNA - Plant Normal Tissue: cDNA - Plant: Corn40 rxn10115biochain2021Dry Ice
C1634340cDNA - Plant Normal Tissue: cDNA - Plant: Orange40 rxn10115biochain2021Dry Ice
C1634350cDNA - Plant Normal Tissue: cDNA - Plant: Potato40 rxn10115biochain2021Dry Ice
C1634360cDNA - Plant Normal Tissue: cDNA - Plant: Rice40 rxn10115biochain2021Dry Ice
C1634370cDNA - Plant Normal Tissue: cDNA - Plant: Soy bean40 rxn10115biochain2021Dry Ice
C1634390cDNA - Plant Normal Tissue: cDNA - Plant: Wheat40 rxn10115biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434010cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Bladder40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434035cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Brain40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434122cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Heart40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434142cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Kidney40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434149cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Liver40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434152cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Lung40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434171cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434246cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Spleen40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434248cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Stomach40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434260cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Testis40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434003cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Adipose40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434090cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Colon40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434200cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Placenta40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434206cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Rectum40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1434226cDNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Small Intestine40 rxn8670biochain2021Dry Ice
C1255801cDNA - Human Tumor Cell Line:  A43140 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1255811cDNA - Human Tumor Cell Line: Hela40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1255815cDNA - Human Tumor Cell Line: Jurkat40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1255820cDNA - Human Tumor Cell Line: K 56240 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1255830cDNA - Human Tumor Cell Line: MCF 740 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
C1255840cDNA - Human Tumor Cell Line: Raji40 rxn5780biochain2021Dry Ice
Z6030001-2100 bp DNA Ladder Plus, loading dye included, 50 ug, 0.5 ug per lane100 lanes748biochain2021Dry Ice
Z6030001-1100 bp DNA Ladder Plus, ready-to-use, 50 ug, 0.5 ug per lane100 lanes850biochain2021Dry Ice
K5012100-2Express Cloning Checker Kit II: Blue Solution1 ml1037biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5012100-1Express Cloning Checker Kit II: Green Solution1 ml1037biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5011200-1Express Cloning Checker Kit I: Red Solution1 ml1037biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5011200-2Express Cloning Checker Kit I: Yellow Solution1 ml1037biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5011200Express Cloning Checker Kit I200 rxn1445biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5012100Express Cloning Checker Kit II100 rxn1445biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5013200Express Cloning Checker Kit III200 rxn2040biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z60300021 kb DNA Ladder100 lanes2397biochain2021Dry Ice
Z6030001-4100 bp DNA Ladder Plus, loading dye included, 250 ug, 0.5 ug per lane500 lanes2992biochain2021Dry Ice
Z6030001-3100 bp DNA Ladder Plus, ready-to-use, 250 ug, 0.5 ug per lane500 lanes3400biochain2021Dry Ice
K5082100DNA Methylation Detection Kit1 kit5100biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K4201100Optimax First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit100 rnx6409biochain2021Dry Ice
K5011350FFPE Tissue DNA Extraction Kit - Column1 kit3247biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5011450FFPE Tissue DNA Extraction Kit - Magnetic Beads1 kit3587biochain2021Blue Ice
K5011050Saliva DNA Isolation Kit1 kit3587biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5011250Stool DNA Isolation Kit1 kit3587biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5011150Urine DNA Isolation Kit1 kit3587biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5016005Genomic DNA Extraction Kit1 kit4845biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5017100Blood and Serum DNA Isolation Kit1 kit5389biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5019100FFPE Tissue DNA Extraction Kit1 kit5389biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K1011100FFPE Tissue RNA Extraction Kit1 kit5389biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5018100Serum DNA Isolation Kit1 kit5389biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5011610cfPure® Cell Free DNA Extraction Kit, 100 ml1 kit 6919biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5011625cfPure® Cell Free DNA Extraction Kit, 250 ml1 kit 12121biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5011625MAcfPure® MAX Cell-Free DNA Extraction Kit1 kit 7786biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5011610-V2cfPure® V2 Cell Free DNA Extraction Kit, 100 ml1 kit 6919biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5011625-V2cfPure® V2 Cell Free DNA Extraction Kit, 250 ml1 kit 12121biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5011625MA-V2cfPure® MAX V2 Cell-Free DNA Extraction Kit1 kit 7786biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K5011720vamPure™ Blood Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit1 kit 3723biochain2021Ambient Temperature
D8234148-196 Well Human Adult Normal Genomic DNA Plate - Peripheral Blood Leukocyte1 plate3655biochain2021Ambient Temperature
D8235086-196 Well Breast Tumor Genomic DNA Plate1 plate4709biochain2021Dry Ice
D8235090-196 Well Colon Tumor Genomic DNA Plate1 plate4709biochain2021Dry Ice
D8235152-196 Well Lung Tumor Genomic DNA Plate1 plate4709biochain2021Dry Ice
D8235248-196 Well Stomach Tumor Genomic DNA Plate1 plate4709biochain2021Dry Ice
D1B34999-G02Control Genomic DNA - Bovine Female100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1B34999-G01Control Genomic DNA - Bovine Male100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1C34999-G02Control Genomic DNA - Chicken Female100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1C34999-G01Control Genomic DNA - Chicken Male100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1534999-Cy-G02Control Genomic DNA - Cynomolgus Monkey Female100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1534999-Cy-G01Control Genomic DNA - Cynomolgus Monkey Male100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1734999-G02Control Genomic DNA - Dog Female100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1734999-G01Control Genomic DNA - Dog Male100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1G34999-G02Control Genomic DNA - Guinea Pig Female100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1G34999-G01Control Genomic DNA - Guinea Pig Male100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1H34999-G02Control Genomic DNA - Hamster Female100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1H34999-G01Control Genomic DNA - Hamster Male100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1O34999-G02Control Genomic DNA - Horse Female100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1O34999-G01Control Genomic DNA - Horse Male100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234999-G02Control Genomic DNA - Human Female100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234999-G01Control Genomic DNA - Human Male100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1334999-G02Control Genomic DNA - Mouse Female100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1334999-G01Control Genomic DNA - Mouse Male100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1934999-G02Control Genomic DNA - Porcine Female100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1934999-G01Control Genomic DNA - Porcine Male100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1834999-G02Control Genomic DNA - Rabbit Female100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1834999-G01Control Genomic DNA - Rabbit Male100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1434999-G02Control Genomic DNA - Rat Female100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1434999-G01Control Genomic DNA - Rat Male100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1534999-G02Control Genomic DNA - Rhesus Monkey Female100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1534999-G01Control Genomic DNA - Rhesus Monkey Male100 µg2448biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236004DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Adrenal, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236035DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Brain, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236090DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Colon, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236106DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Esophagus, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236122DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Heart, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236142DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Kidney, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236149DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Liver, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236152DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Lung, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236188DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Pancreas, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236171DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Skeletal Muscle, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236218DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Skin, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236101DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Duodenum, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236227DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Ileum, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236230DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Jejunum, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236246DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Spleen, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236248DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Stomach, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236024DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Bone Marrow, from a single donor50 µg16541biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236003SubDiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Subcutaneous Adipose, from a single donor50 µg16541biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236003VisDiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Visceral Adipose, from a single donor50 µg16541biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236108DiaGenomic DNA - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Whole Eye, from a single donor50 µg16541biochain2021Blue Ice
D2234090FFPE Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon2 ug9826biochain2021Blue Ice
D2234149FFPE Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver2 µg9826biochain2021Blue Ice
D2234152FFPE Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung2 ug9826biochain2021Blue Ice
D2234188FFPE Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Pancreas2 µg9826biochain2021Blue Ice
D2235086FFPE Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Breast2 ug13787biochain2021Blue Ice
D2235090FFPE Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Colon2 ug13787biochain2021Blue Ice
D2235152FFPE Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Lung2 ug13787biochain2021Blue Ice
D2235188FFPE Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Pancreas2 ug13787biochain2021Blue Ice
D2235248FFPE Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Stomach2 ug13787biochain2021Blue Ice
D2235274FFPE Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Uterus2 ug13787biochain2021Blue Ice
D8234149-FPFFPE and Frozen Matched Pair Genomic DNA: Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver2 x 2 µg30124biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235086-FPFFPE and Frozen Matched Pair Genomic DNA: Human Tumor Tissue: Breast2 x 2 µg34068biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235090-FPFFPE and Frozen Matched Pair Genomic DNA: Human Tumor Tissue: Colon2 x 2 µg34068biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235152-FPFFPE and Frozen Matched Pair Genomic DNA: Human Tumor Tissue: Lung2 x 2 µg34068biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235248-FPFFPE and Frozen Matched Pair Genomic DNA: Human Tumor Tissue: Stomach2 x 2 µg36159biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236126Hd-1Genomic DNA - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Atrium, left, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236127Hd-1Genomic DNA - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Atrium, right, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236122Hd-1Genomic DNA - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236138Hd-1Genomic DNA - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Ventricle, left, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236139Hd-1Genomic DNA - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Ventricle, right, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236130Hd-1Genomic DNA - Arrhythmia, infarct: Interventricular Septum, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236152Ld-1Genomic DNA - Asthma: Lung, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236152Ld-2Genomic DNA - Bronchitis: Lung, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236122Hd-3Genomic DNA - Congenital heart disease: Heart, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236122Hd-6Genomic DNA - Congestive Heart Failure: Heart, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236152Ld-3Genomic DNA - Emphysema: Lung, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236013Hd-2Genomic DNA - hypertension: Artery, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236126Hd-2Genomic DNA - hypertension: Heart Atrium, left, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236127Hd-2Genomic DNA - hypertension: Heart Atrium, right, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236122Hd-2Genomic DNA - hypertension: Heart, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236138Hd-2Genomic DNA - hypertension: Heart Ventricle, left, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236139Hd-2Genomic DNA - hypertension: Heart Ventricle, right, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236130Hd-2Genomic DNA - hypertension: Interventricular Septum, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236142Hd-2Genomic DNA - hypertension: Kidney, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236020Hd-2Genomic DNA - hypertension: Vein, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236152Ld-4Genomic DNA - Pneumonia: Lung, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236152Ld-5Genomic DNA - Pulmonary embolism: Lung, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236122Hd-5Genomic DNA - Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis: Heart, from a single donor50 µg12376biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236012Hd-4Genomic DNA - Arteriosclerosis: Aorta, from a single donor50 µg16541biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234004Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Adrenal, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234035Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234062Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain, occipital lobe, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234090Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234106Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Esophagus, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234122Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234133Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Pericardium, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234138Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Ventricle, left, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234227Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Ileum, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234142Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Kidney, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234149Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234152Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234188Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Pancreas, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234148Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Peripheral Blood Leukocyte, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234200Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Placenta, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234206Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Rectum, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234171Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234226Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234246Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Spleen, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234248Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234260Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Testis, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234275Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus: Cervix, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234274Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus, from a single donor100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234003Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Adipose, from a single donor100 µg6205biochain2021Blue Ice
D1234086Genomic DNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Breast, from a single donor100 µg6205biochain2021Blue Ice
D1235086Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Breast Tumor, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1235090Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Colon Tumor, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1235106Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Esophagus Tumor, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1235142Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Kidney Tumor, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1235149Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Liver Tumor, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1235152Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Lung Tumor, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1235183Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Ovary Tumor, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1235206Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Rectum Tumor, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1235248Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Stomach Tumor, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1235265Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Thyroid Tumor, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1235274Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Uterus Tumor, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236090LcsGenomic DNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Colon, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236169LcsGenomic DNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Diaphragm, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236122LcsGenomic DNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Heart, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236142LcsGenomic DNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Kidney, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236149LcsGenomic DNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Liver, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236152LcsGenomic DNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Lung, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236188LcsGenomic DNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Pancreas, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236206LcsGenomic DNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Rectum, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236226LcsGenomic DNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Small Intestine, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236246LcsGenomic DNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Spleen, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236090LupGenomic DNA - Lupus: Colon, from a single donor50 µg7208biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236122LupGenomic DNA - Lupus: Heart, from a single donor50 µg7089biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236142LupGenomic DNA - Lupus: Kidney, from a single donor50 µg7089biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236149LupGenomic DNA - Lupus: Liver, from a single donor50 µg7089biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236152LupGenomic DNA - Lupus: Lung, from a single donor50 µg7089biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236188LupGenomic DNA - Lupus: Pancreas, from a single donor50 µg7089biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236226LupGenomic DNA - Lupus: Small Intestine, from a single donor50 µg7089biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236246LupGenomic DNA - Lupus: Spleen, from a single donor50 µg7089biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236248LupGenomic DNA - Lupus: Stomach, from a single donor50 µg7089biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236274LupGenomic DNA - Lupus: Uterus, from a single donor50 µg7089biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235086-PP-10Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Breast2x10  µg5967biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235090-PP-10Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Colon2x10  µg5967biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235142-PP-10Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Kidney2x10  µg5967biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235149-PP-10Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Liver2x10  µg5967biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235152-PP-10Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Lung2x10  µg5967biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235206-PP-10Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Rectum2x10  µg5967biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235248-PP-10Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Stomach2x10  µg5967biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235086-PM-10Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Breast2x10  µg9911biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235090-PM-10Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Colon2x10  µg9911biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235142-PM-10Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Kidney2x10  µg9911biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235149-PM-10Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Liver2x10  µg9911biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235152-PM-10Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Lung2x10  µg9911biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235206-PM-10Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Rectum2x10  µg9911biochain2021Blue Ice
D8235248-PM-10Matched Pair - DNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Stomach2x10  µg9911biochain2021Blue Ice
D6255815Human Methylated DNA Control5 µg1853biochain2021Blue Ice
D6254874-PPMethylated & Low-Methylated DNA Matched Pair - Human Lymphocyte cell line2x5 ug5083biochain2021Blue Ice
D6234148-PPMethylated & Low-Methylated DNA Matched Pair - Human Peripheral Blood Leukocyte2x5 ug5083biochain2021Blue Ice
D6534149-CyMonkey (Cynomolgus) Methylated DNA Control5 µg#VALUE!biochain2021Blue Ice
D6534149Monkey (Rhesus) Methylated DNA Control5 µg#VALUE!biochain2021Blue Ice
D6334149Mouse Methylated DNA Control5 µg#VALUE!biochain2021Blue Ice
D6434149Rat Methylated DNA Control5 µg#VALUE!biochain2021Blue Ice
D1334035Genomic DNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Brain100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1334122Genomic DNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Heart100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1334142Genomic DNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Kidney100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1334149Genomic DNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Liver100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1334152Genomic DNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Lung100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1334171Genomic DNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1334226Genomic DNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Small Intestine100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1334246Genomic DNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Spleen100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1334248Genomic DNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Stomach100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236039AlzGenomic DNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Cerebellum, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236045AlzGenomic DNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Corpus Callosum, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236035AlzGenomic DNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236051AlzGenomic DNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Frontal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236057AlzGenomic DNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Medulla oblongata, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236062AlzGenomic DNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Occipital Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236066AlzGenomic DNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Parietal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236071AlzGenomic DNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Pons, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236072AlzGenomic DNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus , from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236073AlzGenomic DNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Precentral Gyrus , from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236078AlzGenomic DNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Temporal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236079AlzGenomic DNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Thalamus, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236051DemGenomic DNA - Dementia: Brain: Frontal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236062DemGenomic DNA - Dementia: Brain: Occipital Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236066DemGenomic DNA - Dementia: Brain: Parietal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236078DemGenomic DNA - Dementia: Brain: Temporal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236079DemGenomic DNA - Dementia: Brain: Thalamus, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236051DepGenomic DNA - Depression: Brain: Frontal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236062DepGenomic DNA - Depression: Brain: Occipital Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236066DepGenomic DNA - Depression: Brain: Parietal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236078DepGenomic DNA - Depression: Brain: Temporal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236079DepGenomic DNA - Depression: Brain: Thalamus, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236036MscGenomic DNA - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Amygdala, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236039MscGenomic DNA - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Cerebellum, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236035MscGenomic DNA - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236051MscGenomic DNA - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Frontal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236057MSCGenomic DNA - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Medulla oblongata, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236062MscGenomic DNA - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Occipital Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236066MscGenomic DNA - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Parietal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236071MscGenomic DNA - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Pons, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236072MscGenomic DNA - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236073MscGenomic DNA - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Precentral Gyrus, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236078MscGenomic DNA - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Temporal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236079MscGenomic DNA - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Thalamus, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236039ParGenomic DNA - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Cerebellum, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236045ParGenomic DNA - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Corpus Callosum, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236035ParGenomic DNA - Parkinson's Disease: Brain, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236051ParGenomic DNA - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Frontal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236057ParGenomic DNA - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Medulla oblongata, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236062ParGenomic DNA - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Occipital Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236066ParGenomic DNA - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Parietal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236071ParGenomic DNA - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Pons, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236072ParGenomic DNA - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236073ParGenomic DNA - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Precentral Gyrus, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236078ParGenomic DNA - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Temporal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236079ParGenomic DNA - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Thalamus, from a single donor50 µg7021biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236039PSPGenomic DNA - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Cerebellum, from a single donor50 µg8262biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236051PSPGenomic DNA - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Frontal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg8262biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236057PSPGenomic DNA - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Medulla oblongata, from a single donor50 µg8262biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236062PSPGenomic DNA - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Occipital Lobe, from a single donor50 µg8262biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236066PSPGenomic DNA - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Parietal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg8262biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236071PSPGenomic DNA - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Pons, from a single donor50 µg8262biochain2021Blue Ice
D1236078PSPGenomic DNA - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Temporal Lobe, from a single donor50 µg8262biochain2021Blue Ice
D1634330Genomic DNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Corn10 µg3043biochain2021Blue Ice
D1634340Genomic DNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Orange10 µg3043biochain2021Blue Ice
D1634350Genomic DNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Potato10 µg3043biochain2021Blue Ice
D1634360Genomic DNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Rice10 µg3043biochain2021Blue Ice
D1634370Genomic DNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Soy bean10 µg3043biochain2021Blue Ice
D1634390Genomic DNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Wheat10 µg3043biochain2021Blue Ice
D1634310-5Genomic DNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Arabidopsis5 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1634310Genomic DNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Arabidopsis10 µg7854biochain2021Blue Ice
D1434035Genomic DNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Brain100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1434122Genomic DNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Heart100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1434142Genomic DNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Kidney100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1434149Genomic DNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Liver100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1434152Genomic DNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Lung100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1434171Genomic DNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1434226Genomic DNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Small Intestine100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1434248Genomic DNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Stomach100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1434260Genomic DNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Testis100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1434264Genomic DNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Thymus100 µg4114biochain2021Blue Ice
D1255801Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Cell Line:  A431100 µg3451biochain2021Blue Ice
D1255811Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Cell Line:  Hela100 µg3451biochain2021Blue Ice
D1255815Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Cell Line:  Jurkat100 µg3451biochain2021Blue Ice
D1255820Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Cell Line:  K 562100 µg3451biochain2021Blue Ice
D1255830Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Cell Line:  MCF 7100 µg3451biochain2021Blue Ice
D1255840Genomic DNA - Human Tumor Cell Line:  Raji100 µg3451biochain2021Blue Ice
C4C34565Universal cDNA Reverse Transcribed by Oligo dT Primer: Chicken Normal Tissues100 rxn4335biochain2021Dry Ice
C4C34565-RUniversal cDNA Reverse Transcribed by Random Hexamer: Chicken Normal Tissues100 rxn4335biochain2021Dry Ice
C4734565Universal cDNA Reverse Transcribed by Oligo dT Primer: Dog Normal Tissues100 rxn4335biochain2021Dry Ice
C4734565-RUniversal cDNA Reverse Transcribed by Random Hexamer: Dog Normal Tissues100 rxn4335biochain2021Dry Ice
C4234565Universal cDNA Reverse Transcribed by Oligo dT Primer: Human Normal Tissues100 rxn4335biochain2021Dry Ice
C4234565-RUniversal cDNA Reverse Transcribed by Random Hexamer: Human Normal Tissues100 rxn4335biochain2021Dry Ice
C4534565Universal cDNA Reverse Transcribed by Oligo dT Primer: Monkey Normal Tissues100 rxn4335biochain2021Dry Ice
C4534565-RUniversal cDNA Reverse Transcribed by Random Hexamer: Monkey Normal Tissues100 rxn4335biochain2021Dry Ice
C4334566Universal cDNA Reverse Transcribed by Oligo dT Primer: Mouse Normal Tissues100 rxn4335biochain2021Dry Ice
C4334566-RUniversal cDNA Reverse Transcribed by Random Hexamer: Mouse Normal Tissues100 rxn4335biochain2021Dry Ice
C4434567Universal cDNA Reverse Transcribed by Oligo dT Primer: Rat Normal Tissues100 rxn4335biochain2021Dry Ice
C4434567-RUniversal cDNA Reverse Transcribed by Random Hexamer: Rat Normal Tissues100 rxn4335biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5040002M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase16000 units1462biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5050002Proteinase K100 mg1768biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5050013Agarose100 g2023biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5050001Ribonuclease A100 mg2142biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5040001Placenta Ribonuclease Inhibitor5000 units3876biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5040002-100KM-MLV Reverse Transcriptase100,000 units4641biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5050007Agarose500 g8245biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030028Bradford Protein Assay Kit500 assays4386biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030025Glucose Assay Kit200 assays6681biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030017Phosphate Assay Kit500 assays7157biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030015Chloride Assay Kit250 assays7633biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030016Urea Assay Kit500 assays7854biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030026Hemoglobin Assay Kit250 assays8313biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030052Peroxidase Assay Kit100 assays8585biochain2021Blue Ice
Z5030041ATP Assay Kit100 assays8959biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5030020Creatinine Assay Kit500 assays8959biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030023DNA Assay Kit250 assays8959biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030033Alkaline Phosphatase Assay Kit250 assays9163biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030018BCG Albumin Assay Kit250 assays9163biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030019BCP Albumin Assay Kit250 assays9163biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030014Calcium Assay Kit500 assays9163biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030034Peroxide Assay Kit250 assays9163biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030053Bilirubin Assay Kit180 assays9401biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030022Iron Assay Kit250 assays9401biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030032Magnesium Assay Kit250 assays9724biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030035Sulfate Assay Kit200 assays10217biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030030Glutathione Assay Kit250 assays10404biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030027Heme Assay Kit250 assays10404biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030031Nitric Oxide Assay Kit100 assays10404biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030042ADP/ATP Ratio Assay Kit100 assays10659biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5030043ATPase/GTPase Assay Kit100 assays10659biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030061AF Cholesterol Assay Kit100 assays11339biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5030047Arginase Assay Kit200 assays11339biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030040Enzyme Ethanol Assay Kit100 assays11339biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5030037NAD/NADH Assay Kit100 assays11339biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5030038NADP/NADPH Assay Kit100 assays11339biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5030021Uric Acid Assay Kit250 assays11339biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030044Acetylcholinesterase Assay Kit100 assays11832biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030062AF HDL and LDL/VLDL Assay Kit100 assays12648biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5030055Cholesterol Assay Kit100 assays12648biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5030057HDL and LDL/VLDL Assay Kit100 assays12648biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5030050Beta-Glucosidase Assay Kit100 assays13209biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030045Alpha-Amylase Assay Kit100 assays13209biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030049Alpha-Glucosidase Assay Kit100 assays13209biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030046Enzyme Alpha-Amylase Assay Kit100 assays13209biochain2021Blue Ice
Z5030051Lipase Assay Kit100 assays13209biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030024Copper Assay Kit250 assays13464biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030029Ethanol Assay Kit500 assays13464biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030048Creatine Kinase Assay Kit100 assays14365biochain2021Dry Ice
Z5030036Zinc Assay Kit250 assays15572biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030008Cytotoxicity Control (saponin)50 mg2992biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030009pNPP Phosphatase Assay Kit500 assays2992biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030010pNPP Phosphatase Assay Kit1,000 assays2992biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030006QMTT Cell Viability Assay Kit500 assays3944biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030012Malachite Green Phosphate Assay Kit2,500 assays4386biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030004QBlue Cell Viability Assay Kit5,000 assays4386biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030001Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit200 assays4624biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030013PBlue Phosphate Assay Kit500 assays5083biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030002Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit500 assays8959biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030005QBlue Cell Viability Assay Kit10,000 assays8959biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5030003Luciferase Reporter Gene Assay Kit1,000 assays15759biochain2021Ambient Temperature
L4121050UltraScript MMLV Reverse Transcriptase50,000 units5593biochain2021Dry Ice
L4121100UltraScript MMLV Reverse Transcriptase100,000 units10302biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7040009HIV-1 p24 Immune Complex Dissociation Kit1 kit1768biochain2021Blue Ice
Z7010001ELISA Kit for Antibody IgM to Cytomegalovirus1 kit3587biochain2021Blue Ice
Z7010006ELISA Kit for Antibody IgM to  Herpes Simplex Virus Type II1 kit3587biochain2021Blue Ice
Z7010004ELISA Kit for Antibody IgM to Toxoplasmosis1 kit3587biochain2021Blue Ice
Z7010003ELISA Kit for Antibody to Human Immunodeficiency Virus 1&2 (gp 36 and gp 41)1 kit3587biochain2021Blue Ice
Z7010007ELISA Kit for Antibody to Treponema Pallidum (TP)1 kit3587biochain2021Blue Ice
Z7010002ELISA Kit for Hepatitis C Virus (Core, E2, NS3, NS4, and NS5)1 kit3587biochain2021Blue Ice
Z7010008ELISA Kit for IgG Antibody to Hepatitis E Virus1 kit3587biochain2021Blue Ice
KO31009096ELISA Kit for Antibody to Hepatitis B Core Antigen1 kit3587biochain2021Ambient Temperature
KO31007096ELISA Kit for Antibody to Hepatitis B e Antigen1 kit3587biochain2021Ambient Temperature
KO31004096ELISA Kit for Antibody to Hepatitis B Surface Antigen1 kit3587biochain2021Ambient Temperature
KO31006096ELISA Kit for Hepatitis B e Antigen1 kit3587biochain2021Ambient Temperature
KO31003096ELISA Kit for Hepatitis B Surface Antigen1 kit3587biochain2021Ambient Temperature
KO31008096ELISA Kit for IgM Antibody to Hepatitis A Virus1 kit3587biochain2021Ambient Temperature
KO31005096ELISA Kit for IgM Antibody to Hepatitis B Core Antigen1 kit3587biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7010009ELISA Kit for IgM Antibody to Hepatitis E Virus1 kit9452biochain2021Blue Ice
Z7040001HIV-1 p24 ELISA Kit1 kit10897biochain2021Blue Ice
Z6040001EPO ELISA Kit1 kit11356biochain2021Blue Ice
Z7010010Rapid Gold Immuno-assay Kit for Antibody IgG to Tuberculosis (TB)1 kit3587biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z2010001cfPure DNA Free Plasma5 ml340biochain2021Dry Ice
Z2010002cfPure DNA Free Plasma50 ml4080biochain2021Dry Ice
Z2010003Mutation Quantification Control Plasma with 50 ng spike in DNA5 ml1020biochain2021Dry Ice
Z2010004Mutation Quantification Control Plasma with 250 ng spike in DNA25 ml4250biochain2021Dry Ice
KS072012-IAligner 1-12125185biochain2021Dry Ice
KS072012-IIAligner 13-241 Kit5185biochain2021Dry Ice
KS072012-IIIAligner 25-361 Kit5185biochain2021Dry Ice
KS072012-IVAligner 37-481 Kit5185biochain2021Dry Ice
KS073012-TRapidSeq High Yield Directional mRNA Sample Prep Kit, Trial version enough for 2 rxn. Customer select aligners1 Kit3451biochain2021Dry Ice
KS073012RapidSeq High Yield Directional mRNA Sample Prep Kit - Without Aligner 1 Kit13872biochain2021Dry Ice
KS073012-IRapidSeq High Yield Directional mRNA Sample Prep Kit - With Aligner 1-121 Kit15606biochain2021Dry Ice
KS073012-IIRapidSeq High Yield Directional mRNA Sample Prep Kit - With Aligner 13-241 Kit15606biochain2021Dry Ice
KS073012-IIIRapidSeq High Yield Directional mRNA Sample Prep Kit - With Aligner 25-361 Kit15606biochain2021Dry Ice
KS073012-IVRapidSeq High Yield Directional mRNA Sample Prep Kit - With Aligner 37-481 Kit15606biochain2021Dry Ice
LB3401010DNA Storage Solution10 ml510biochain2021Ambient Temperature
KS074012-TRapidSeq High Yield Small RNA Sample Prep Kit, Trial version enough for 2 rxn. Customer select aligners1 Kit3451biochain2021Dry Ice
KS074012RapidSeq High Yield Small RNA Sample Prep Kit - Without Aligners1 Kit12138biochain2021Dry Ice
KS074012-IRapidSeq High Yield Small RNA Sample Prep Kit - With Aligner 1-121 Kit13872biochain2021Dry Ice
KS074012-IIRapidSeq High Yield Small RNA Sample Prep Kit - With Aligner 13-241 Kit13872biochain2021Dry Ice
KS074012-IIIRapidSeq High Yield Small RNA Sample Prep Kit - With Aligner 25-361 Kit13872biochain2021Dry Ice
KS074012-IVRapidSeq High Yield Small RNA Sample Prep Kit - With Aligner 37-481 Kit13872biochain2021Dry Ice
KS071012-12Gel Breaker Tubes12578biochain2021Ambient Temperature
KS071012-11Gel Cutter12578biochain2021Ambient Temperature
KS071012-13Gel Filter12969biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K6011105-100dNTP Mix100 ul (10 mM each)629biochain2021Dry Ice
K6011105-200dNTP Mix200 ul (10 mM each)748biochain2021Dry Ice
K6011101-100dATP100 ul (100 mM)799biochain2021Dry Ice
K6011103-100dCTP100 ul (100 mM)799biochain2021Dry Ice
K6011102-100dGTP100 ul (100 mM)799biochain2021Dry Ice
K6011104-100dTTP100 ul (100 mM)799biochain2021Dry Ice
K6011101-400dATP400 ul (100 mM)1156biochain2021Dry Ice
K6011100-100dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP4x 100 ul (100 mM)1156biochain2021Dry Ice
K6011103-400dCTP400 ul (100 mM)1156biochain2021Dry Ice
K6011102-400dGTP400 ul (100 mM)1156biochain2021Dry Ice
K6011105-400dNTP Mix400 ul (10 mM each)1156biochain2021Dry Ice
K6011104-400dTTP400 ul (100 mM)1156biochain2021Dry Ice
K6011105-1000dNTP Mix1000 ul (10 mM each)2635biochain2021Dry Ice
K6011100-400dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP4x400 ul (100 mM)3213biochain2021Dry Ice
K6011100-1000dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP4x1 ml (100 mM)8109biochain2021Dry Ice
L5051100PCR Mix2.5 ml1003biochain2021Dry Ice
K5053200Pro QPCR SuperMix Kit200 rxn2397biochain2021Dry Ice
K5052200Eva QPCR SuperMix Kit200 rxn2805biochain2021Dry Ice
K5053400Pro QPCR SuperMix Kit400 rxn4335biochain2021Dry Ice
K5052400Eva QPCR SuperMix Kit400 rxn4692biochain2021Dry Ice
K5057200Power Eva QPCR SuperMix Kit200 rxn2397biochain2021Dry Ice
K5056200Pro QPCR SuperMix Kit - ROX premixed200 rxn2397biochain2021Dry Ice
K5058200Fast Pro QPCR SuperMix Kit - ROX premixed200 rxn2805biochain2021Dry Ice
K5056400Pro QPCR SuperMix Kit - ROX premixed400 rxn4335biochain2021Dry Ice
K5058400Fast Pro QPCR SuperMix Kit - ROX premixed400 rxn4692biochain2021Dry Ice
K5057400Power Eva QPCR SuperMix Kit400 rxn4692biochain2021Dry Ice
K5055200QCell-Pro One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix Kit200 rxn5661biochain2021Dry Ice
K5054200QCell-Eva One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix Kit200 rxn6222biochain2021Dry Ice
K5055400QCell-Pro One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix Kit400 rxn9061biochain2021Dry Ice
K5054400QCell-Eva One-Step qRT-PCR SuperMix Kit400 rxn9452biochain2021Dry Ice
Z1510001SeqPure PCR Purification Kit, 5 ml5 ml3791biochain2021Blue Ice
Z1510002SeqPure PCR Purification Kit, 50 ml50 ml12631biochain2021Blue Ice
Z1510003SeqPure PCR Purification Kit, 500 ml500 ml87465biochain2021Blue Ice
L7051200Taq DNA Polymerase200 unit646biochain2021Dry Ice
L7052250Hotstart Taq DNA Polymerase250 units2516biochain2021Ambient Temperature
L7051001Taq DNA Polymerase1000 unit2516biochain2021Dry Ice
L7052001Hotstart Taq DNA Polymerase1000 units8993biochain2021Dry Ice
P8235086-PPMatched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue (PP): Breast0.2 mg x210234biochain2021Dry Ice
P8235090-PPMatched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue (PP): Colon0.2 mg x210234biochain2021Dry Ice
P8235142-PPMatched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue (PP): Kidney0.2 mg x210234biochain2021Dry Ice
P8235149-PPMatched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue (PP): Liver0.2 mg x210234biochain2021Dry Ice
P8235152-PPMatched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue (PP): Lung0.2 mg x210234biochain2021Dry Ice
P8235206-PPMatched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue (PP): Rectum0.2 mg x210234biochain2021Dry Ice
P8235248-PPMatched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue (PP): Stomach0.2 mg x210234biochain2021Dry Ice
P8235086-PMMatched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Metastatic Tumor Tissue (PM): Breast0.2 mg x220451biochain2021Dry Ice
P8235090-PMMatched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Metastatic Tumor Tissue (PM): Colon0.2 mg x220451biochain2021Dry Ice
P8235142-PMMatched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Metastatic Tumor Tissue (PM): Kidney0.2 mg x220451biochain2021Dry Ice
P8235149-PMMatched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Metastatic Tumor Tissue (PM): Liver0.2 mg x220451biochain2021Dry Ice
P8235152-PMMatched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Metastatic Tumor Tissue (PM): Lung0.2 mg x220451biochain2021Dry Ice
P8235206-PMMatched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Metastatic Tumor Tissue (PM): Rectum0.2 mg x220451biochain2021Dry Ice
P8235248-PMMatched Pair - Total Protein - Human Primary Tumor and Metastatic Tumor Tissue (PM): Stomach0.2 mg x220451biochain2021Dry Ice
W1234404Total Protein Western Blots - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Blot IV, 16 lanes115351biochain2021Ambient Temperature
P3236036AlzMembrane Protein - Alzheimer's Disease:Brain: Amygdala0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3236078AlzMembrane Protein - Alzheimer's Disease:Brain: Temporal Lobe0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3236188DiaMembrane Protein - Diabetic Disease: Pancreas0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3236171DiaMembrane Protein - Diabetic Disease: Skeletal Muscle0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3236149LcsMembrane Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Liver0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3236188LcsMembrane Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Pancreas0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3236142LupMembrane Protein - Lupus: Kidney0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3236052AlzMembrane Protein - Alzheimer's Disease:Brain: Hippocampus0.1 mg7701biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234010Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Bladder0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234035Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234040Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebellum (left)0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234041Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebellum (right)0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234042Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebral Cortex0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234043Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebral Meninges0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234051Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Frontal Lobe0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234062Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Occipital Lobe0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234078Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Temporal Lobe0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234079Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Thalamus0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234086Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Breast0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234090Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234091Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon Ascending0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234092Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon descending0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234169Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Diaphragm0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234106Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Esophagus0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234122Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234138Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Ventricle (left)0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234142Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Kidney0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234149Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234150Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver: Left Lobe0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234152Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234156Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Left Upper Lobe0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234188Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Pancreas0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234200Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Placenta0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234201Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Prostate0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234206Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Rectum0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234171Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234218Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Skin0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234226Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234101Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Duodenum0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234227Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Ileum0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234230Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Jejunum0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234246Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Spleen0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234248Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234250Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Cardia0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234251Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Corpus0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234252Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Fundus0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234253Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Pylorus0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234260Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Testis0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234265Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Thyroid0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234160Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Trachea0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234274Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234276Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus: Corpus0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234278Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus: Fundus0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234283Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Vagina0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234003Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Adipose0.1 mg8092biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234004Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Adrenal0.1 mg8092biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234013Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Blood Vessel: Artery0.1 mg8092biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234036Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Amygdala0.1 mg8092biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234105Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Epididymis0.1 mg8092biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234118Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Gallbladder0.1 mg8092biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234126Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Atrium (left)0.1 mg8092biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234127Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Atrium (right)0.1 mg8092biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234161Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lymph Node0.1 mg8092biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234148Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Peripheral Blood Leukocyte0.1 mg8092biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234212Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Salivary Gland0.1 mg8092biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234234Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Spinal Cord0.1 mg8092biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234268Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Tonsil0.1 mg8092biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234183Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Ovary0.1 mg9265biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234264Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Thymus0.1 mg9265biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234052Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Hippocampus0.1 mg10013biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234068Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Pituitary0.1 mg12087biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234080Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Tonsilla Cerebelli0.1 mg12087biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234189Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Parathyroid0.1 mg12087biochain2021Dry Ice
P3234108Membrane Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Whole Eye0.1 mg12087biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235086Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Breast0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235090Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Colon0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235106Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Esophagus0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235142Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Kidney0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235149Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Liver0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235152Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Lung0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235161Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Lymphoma0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235183Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Ovary0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235206Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Rectum0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235218Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Skin0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235226Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Small Intestine0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235246Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Spleen0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235248Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Stomach0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235260Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Testis0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235264Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Thymus0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235274Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Uterus0.1 mg6222biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235023Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Bone0.1 mg10115biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235035Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Brain0.1 mg10115biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235118Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Gallbladder0.1 mg10115biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235161AMembrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Lymphoma,  Hodgkin's Disease0.1 mg10115biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235161BMembrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Lymphoma,  Non-Hodgkin's Disease0.1 mg10115biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235218AMembrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Melanoma0.1 mg10115biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235188Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Pancreas0.1 mg10115biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235190Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Parotid0.1 mg10115biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235201Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Prostate0.1 mg10115biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235268Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Tonsil0.1 mg10115biochain2021Dry Ice
P3235273Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Ureter0.1 mg10115biochain2021Dry Ice
P3534035Membrane Protein - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Brain0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3534122Membrane Protein - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Heart0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3534035-CyMembrane Protein - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3334035Membrane Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Brain0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3434035Membrane Protein - Rat Normal Tissue: Brain0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3255801Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Cell Line: A4310.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3255811Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Cell Line: Hela0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3255815Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Cell Line: Jurkat0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3255820Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Cell Line: K 5620.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3255830Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Cell Line: MCF 70.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P3255840Membrane Protein - Human Tumor Cell Line: Raji0.1 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
K3171250-3Attoglow Western Blot Analysis Kit:Blocking Agent40 g1037biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3171250-2Attoglow Western Blot Analysis Kit:Binding Buffer 20x120 ml1615biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3172120Western Blot Enhancing Kit1200 cm<sup>2</sup>1615biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3171250-1Attoglow Western Blot Analysis Kit: Millennium Enhancer100 ml1972biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3172250Western Blot Enhancing Kit2500 cm<sup>2</sup>2397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3171120-IIIAttoglow Western Blot Analysis Kit- with Millennium Enhancer, Anti chicken secondary antibody1200 cm<sup>2</sup>3400biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3171120-IVAttoglow Western Blot Analysis Kit- with Millennium Enhancer, Anti goat secondary antibody1200 cm<sup>2</sup>3400biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3171120-IAttoglow Western Blot Analysis Kit- with Millennium Enhancer, Anti mouse secondary antibody1200 cm<sup>2</sup>3400biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3171120-IIAttoglow Western Blot Analysis Kit- with Millennium Enhancer, Anti rabbit secondary antibody1200 cm<sup>2</sup>3400biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3171250-IIIAttoglow Western Blot Analysis Kit- with Millennium Enhancer, Anti chicken secondary antibody2500 cm<sup>2</sup>4522biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3171250-IVAttoglow Western Blot Analysis Kit- with Millennium Enhancer, Anti goat secondary antibody2500 cm<sup>2</sup>4522biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3171250-IAttoglow Western Blot Analysis Kit- with Millennium Enhancer, Anti mouse secondary antibody2500 cm<sup>2</sup>4522biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3171250-IIAttoglow Western Blot Analysis Kit- with Millennium Enhancer, Anti rabbit secondary antibody2500 cm<sup>2</sup>4522biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3013010-1CNMCS Compartmental Protein Extraction Kit: Buffer C18 ml1122biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3013010-5CNMCS Compartmental Protein Extraction Kit: Buffer CS3 ml1122biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3013010-4CNMCS Compartmental Protein Extraction Kit: Buffer M6 ml1122biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3013010-3CNMCS Compartmental Protein Extraction Kit: Buffer N6 ml1122biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3013010-2CNMCS Compartmental Protein Extraction Kit: Buffer W50 ml1122biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3014005-2Membrane Protein Extraction Kit: Buffer E6 ml1122biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K2021010-2Dr. P Kit-Solution 26 ml1224biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3014005-1Membrane Protein Extraction Kit: Buffer C22 ml1224biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K2021010-3Dr. P Kit-Solution 350 ml1445biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3011010-1Total Protein Extraction Kit: TM Buffer13 ml1955biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K2021010-1Dr. P Kit-Solution 150 ml2686biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3011010-2Total Protein Extraction Kit: 50X PI260 ul4148biochain2021Dry Ice
KC010100Mitochondria Isolation Kit for Tissue and Cultured Cells1 kit4692biochain2021Dry Ice
K2014005Total RNA Extraction Kit1 kit5100biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3011010Total Protein Extraction Kit1 kit5559biochain2021Dry Ice
K3014005Membrane Protein Extraction Kit1 kit5763biochain2021Dry Ice
K3012010CNM Compartmental Protein Extraction Kit1 kit6290biochain2021Dry Ice
K2021010Dr. P Kit-Isolation of RNA, DNA and Protein from the same piece of tissue simultaneously1 kit6460biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K3013010CNMCS Compartmental Protein Extraction Kit1 kit7752biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z5060009xMag-Streptavidin Microparticles1 ml4352biochain2021Blue Ice
P1236004DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Adrenal1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236035DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Brain1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236090DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Colon1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236106DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Esophagus1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236122DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Heart1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236142DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Kidney1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236149DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Liver1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236152DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Lung1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236188DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Pancreas1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236171DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Skeletal Muscle1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236218DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Skin1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236101DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Duodenum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236227DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Ileum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236230DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Jejunum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236246DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Spleen1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236248DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Stomach1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236024DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Bone Marrow1 mg17391biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236003SubDiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Subcutaneous Adipose1 mg17391biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236003VisDiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Visceral Adipose1 mg17391biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236108DiaTotal Protein - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Whole Eye1 mg17391biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236122Hd-1Total Protein - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236126Hd-1Total Protein - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Atrium, left1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236127Hd-1Total Protein - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Atrium, right1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236138Hd-1Total Protein - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Ventricle, left1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236139Hd-1Total Protein - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Ventricle, right1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236130Hd-1Total Protein - Arrhythmia, infarct: Interventricular Septum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236122Hd-3Total Protein - Congenital heart disease: Heart1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236122Hd-6Total Protein - Congestive Heart Failure: Heart1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236013Hd-2Total Protein - hypertension: Artery1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236122Hd-2Total Protein - hypertension: Heart1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236126Hd-2Total Protein - hypertension: Heart Atrium, left1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236127Hd-2Total Protein - hypertension: Heart Atrium, right1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236138Hd-2Total Protein - hypertension: Heart Ventricle, left1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236139Hd-2Total Protein - hypertension: Heart Ventricle, right1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236130Hd-2Total Protein - hypertension: Interventricular Septum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236020Hd-2Total Protein - hypertension: Vein1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236012Hd-4Total Protein - Arteriosclerosis: Aorta1 mg13090biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236122Hd-5Total Protein - Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis: Heart1 mg13090biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234010Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Bladder1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234035Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234040Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebellum (left)1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234041Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebellum (right)1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234042Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebral Cortex1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234043Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebral Meninges1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234051Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Frontal Lobe1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234057Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Medulla oblongata1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234062Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Occipital Lobe1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234063Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Olfactory ( region)1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234066Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Parietal Lobe1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234071Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Pons1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234072Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234073Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Precentral Gyrus1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234078Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Temporal Lobe1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234079Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Thalamus1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234086Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Breast1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234089Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Cecum1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234090Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234091Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon Ascending1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234092Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon descending1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234095Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon Sigmoid1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234096Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon Transverse1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234169Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Diaphragm1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234106Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Esophagus1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234122Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234138Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Ventricle (left)1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234139Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Ventricle (right)1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234142Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Kidney1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234149Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234150Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver: Left Lobe1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234151Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver: Right Lobe1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234152Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234155Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Left Lower  Lobe1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234156Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Left Upper Lobe1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234157Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Right Lower Lobe1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234158Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Right Middle Lobe1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234159Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Right Upper Lobe1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234188Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Pancreas1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234194Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Penis1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234200Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Placenta1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234201Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Prostate1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234206Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Rectum1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234171Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234218Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Skin1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234226Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234101Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Duodenum1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234227Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Ileum1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234230Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Jejunum1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234246Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Spleen1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234248Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234250Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Cardia1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234251Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Corpus1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234252Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Fundus1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234253Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Pylorus1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234260Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Testis1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234265Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Thyroid1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234267Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Tongue1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234160Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Trachea1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234274Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234275Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus: Cervix1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234276Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus: Corpus1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234278Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus: Fundus1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234283Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Vagina1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234003Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Adipose1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234004Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Adrenal1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234006Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Appendix1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234013Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Blood Vessel: Artery1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234020Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Blood Vessel: Vein1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234036Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Amygdala1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234038Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebellar  Peduncles1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234045Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Corpus Callosum1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234049Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Diencephalon1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234055Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Insula1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234064Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Optic Nerve1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234100Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Ductus Deferens1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234105Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Epididymis1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234118Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Gallbladder1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234126Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Atrium (left)1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234127Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Atrium (right)1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234128Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Auricula (left)1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234129Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Auricula (right)1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234130Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Interventricular Septum1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234133Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Pericardium1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234161Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lymph Node1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234190Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Parotid1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234148Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Peripheral Blood Leukocyte1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234212Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Salivary Gland1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234234Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Spinal Cord1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234261Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Theca1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234263Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Throat1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234052Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Hippocampus1 mg6613biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234080Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Tonsilla Cerebelli1 mg7769biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234081Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Tuberculum Cinereum1 mg7769biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234082Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Vermis Cerebelli1 mg7769biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234115Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Fallopian Tube1 mg7769biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234123Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Aorta Valve1 mg7769biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234131Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Mitral Valve1 mg7769biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234132Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Papilla Muscle1 mg7769biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234135Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Pulmonic Valve1 mg7769biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234136Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Tricuspid Valve1 mg7769biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234214Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Seminal Vesicle1 mg7769biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234165Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Submaxillary gland1 mg7769biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234273Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Ureter1 mg7769biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234264Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Thymus1 mg7786biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234189Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Parathyroid1 mg10829biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234108Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Whole Eye1 mg10829biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234068Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Pituitary1 mg11679biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234183Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Ovary1 mg11679biochain2021Dry Ice
P1234268Total Protein - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Tonsil1 mg6069biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235010Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Bladder1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235086Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Breast1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235090Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Colon1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235106Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Esophagus1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235142Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Kidney1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235149Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Liver1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235152Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Lung1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235161Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Lymphoma1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235183Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Ovary1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235199Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Pharynx1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235206Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Rectum1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235171Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Skeletal Muscle1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235218Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Skin1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235246Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Spleen1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235248Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Stomach1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235260Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Testis1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235264Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Thymus1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235265Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Thyroid1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235274Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Uterus1 mg4692biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235004Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Adrenal1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235023Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Bone1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235035Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Brain1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235118Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Gallbladder1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235172Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Leiomyosarcoma1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235161ATotal Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Lymphoma,  Hodgkin's1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235161BTotal Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Lymphoma,  Non-Hodgkin's1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235218ATotal Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Melanoma1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235177BTotal Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Neurilemmoma1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235177ATotal Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Neurofibroma1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235178Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Nose1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235182Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Oschea1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235188Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Pancreas1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235189Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Parathyroid1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235190Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Parotid1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235201Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Prostate1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235226Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Small Intestine1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235101Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Small Intestine: Duodenum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235257Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Synoviosarcoma1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235268Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Tonsil1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1235273Total Protein - Human Tumor Tissue: Ureter1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236004LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Adrenal1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236006LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Appendix1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236035LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Brain1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236090LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Colon1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236169LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Diaphragm1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236106LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Esophagus1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236118LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Gallbladder1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236122LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Heart1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236142LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Kidney1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236149LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Liver1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236152LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Lung1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236161LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Lymph Node1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236188LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Pancreas1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236201LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Prostate1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236206LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Rectum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236218LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Skin1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236226LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Small Intestine1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236101LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Small Intestine: Duodenum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236227LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Small Intestine: Ileum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236230LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Small Intestine: Jejunum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236234LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Spinal Cord1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236246LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Spleen1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236260LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Testis1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236265LcsTotal Protein - Liver Cirrhosis: Thyroid1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236006LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Appendix1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236013LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Blood Vessel: Artery1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236152Ld-1Total Protein - Asthma: Lung1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236152Ld-2Total Protein - Bronchitis: Lung1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236152Ld-3Total Protein - Emphysema: Lung1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236152Ld-4Total Protein - Pneumonia: Lung1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236152Ld-5Total Protein - Pulmonary embolism: Lung1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236004LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Adrenal1 mg7361biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236090LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Colon1 mg7361biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236122LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Heart1 mg7361biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236133LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Heart: Pericardium1 mg7361biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236142LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Kidney1 mg7361biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236149LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Liver1 mg7361biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236150LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Liver: Left Lobe1 mg7361biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236151LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Liver: Right Lobe1 mg7361biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236152LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Lung1 mg7361biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236188LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Pancreas1 mg7361biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236234LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Spinal Cord1 mg7361biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236246LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Spleen1 mg7361biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236283LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Vagina1 mg7361biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236183LupTotal Protein - Lupus: Ovary1 mg12036biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334035Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Brain1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334039Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Cerebellum1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334090Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Colon1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334122Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Heart1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334142Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Kidney1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334149Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Liver1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334152Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Lung1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334188Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Pancreas1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334200Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Placenta1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334171Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334226Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Small Intestine1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334246Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Spleen1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334248Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Stomach1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334260Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Testis1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334003Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Adipose1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334010Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Bladder1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334206Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Rectum1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1334264Total Protein - Mouse Normal Tissue: Thymus1 mg5321biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236035AlzTotal Protein - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236036AlzTotal Protein - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Amygdala1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236039AlzTotal Protein - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Cerebellum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236045AlzTotal Protein - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Corpus Callosum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236051AlzTotal Protein - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Frontal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236057AlzTotal Protein - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Medulla oblongata1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236062AlzTotal Protein - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Occipital Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236066AlzTotal Protein - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Parietal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236071AlzTotal Protein - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Pons1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236072AlzTotal Protein - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236073AlzTotal Protein - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Precentral Gyrus1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236078AlzTotal Protein - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Temporal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236079AlzTotal Protein - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Thalamus1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236051DemTotal Protein - Dementia: Brain: Frontal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236062DemTotal Protein - Dementia: Brain: Occipital Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236066DemTotal Protein - Dementia: Brain: Parietal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236078DemTotal Protein - Dementia: Brain: Temporal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236079DemTotal Protein - Dementia: Brain: Thalamus1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236051DepTotal Protein - Depression: Brain: Frontal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236062DepTotal Protein - Depression: Brain: Occipital Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236066DepTotal Protein - Depression: Brain: Parietal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236078DepTotal Protein - Depression: Brain: Temporal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236079DepTotal Protein - Depression: Brain: Thalamus1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236035MscTotal Protein - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236036MscTotal Protein - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Amygdala1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236039MscTotal Protein - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Cerebellum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236045MscTotal Protein - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Corpus Callosum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236051MscTotal Protein - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Frontal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236057MscTotal Protein - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Medulla oblongata1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236062MscTotal Protein - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Occipital Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236066MscTotal Protein - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Parietal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236071MscTotal Protein - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Pons1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236072MscTotal Protein - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236073MscTotal Protein - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Precentral Gyrus1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236078MscTotal Protein - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Temporal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236079MscTotal Protein - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Thalamus1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236035ParTotal Protein - Parkinson's Disease: Brain1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236036ParTotal Protein - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Amygdala1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236039ParTotal Protein - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Cerebellum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236045ParTotal Protein - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Corpus Callosum1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236051ParTotal Protein - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Frontal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236057ParTotal Protein - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Medulla oblongata1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236062ParTotal Protein - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Occipital Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236066ParTotal Protein - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Parietal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236071ParTotal Protein - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Pons1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236072ParTotal Protein - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236073ParTotal Protein - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Precentral Gyrus1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236078ParTotal Protein - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Temporal Lobe1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236079ParTotal Protein - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Thalamus1 mg7140biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236052AlzTotal Protein - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Hippocampus1 mg8789biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236039PSPTotal Protein - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Cerebellum1 mg8789biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236051PSPTotal Protein - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Frontal Lobe1 mg8789biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236057PSPTotal Protein - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Medulla oblongata1 mg8789biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236062PSPTotal Protein - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Occipital Lobe1 mg8789biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236066PSPTotal Protein - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Parietal Lobe1 mg8789biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236071PSPTotal Protein - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Pons1 mg8789biochain2021Dry Ice
P1236078PSPTotal Protein - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Temporal Lobe1 mg8789biochain2021Dry Ice
P1255801Total Protein - Human Tumor Cell Line:  A4311 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1255811Total Protein - Human Tumor Cell Line:  Hela1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1255815Total Protein - Human Tumor Cell Line:  Jurkat1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1255820Total Protein - Human Tumor Cell Line:  K 5621 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1255830Total Protein - Human Tumor Cell Line:  MCF 71 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P1255840Total Protein - Human Tumor Cell Line:  Raji1 mg2856biochain2021Dry Ice
P4C34565-1Universal Protein Lysate: Chicken Normal Tissues2x0.5 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P4C34565Universal Protein Lysate: Chicken Normal Tissues4x0.5 mg6137biochain2021Dry Ice
P4734565-1Universal Protein Lysate: Dog Normal Tissues2x0.5 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P4734565Universal Protein Lysate: Dog Normal Tissues4x0.5 mg6137biochain2021Dry Ice
P4234565-1Universal Protein Lysate: Human Normal Tissues2x0.5 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P4234565Universal Protein Lysate: Human Normal Tissues4x0.5 mg6137biochain2021Dry Ice
P4534565-1Universal Protein Lysate: Monkey Normal Tissues2x0.5 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P4534565Universal Protein Lysate: Monkey Normal Tissues4x0.5 mg6137biochain2021Dry Ice
P4334566-1Universal Protein Lysate: Mouse Normal Tissues2x0.5 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P4334566Universal Protein Lysate: Mouse Normal Tissues4x0.5 mg6137biochain2021Dry Ice
P4434567-1Universal Protein Lysate: Rat Normal Tissues2x0.5 mg4080biochain2021Dry Ice
P4434567Universal Protein Lysate: Rat Normal Tissues4x0.5 mg6137biochain2021Dry Ice
R2234149FFPE Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver1 ug10336biochain2021Dry Ice
R8235086-PP-10Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Breast2x10  µg6953biochain2021Dry Ice
R8235090-PP-10Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Colon2x10  µg6953biochain2021Dry Ice
R8235142-PP-10Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Kidney2x10  µg6953biochain2021Dry Ice
R8235149-PP-10Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Liver2x10  µg6953biochain2021Dry Ice
R8235152-PP-10Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Lung2x10  µg6953biochain2021Dry Ice
R8235206-PP-10Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Rectum2x10  µg6953biochain2021Dry Ice
R8235248-PP-10Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary Tumor and Normal Tissue: Stomach2x10  µg6953biochain2021Dry Ice
R8235086-PM-10Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Breast2x10  µg10727biochain2021Dry Ice
R8235090-PM-10Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Colon2x10  µg10727biochain2021Dry Ice
R8235142-PM-10Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Kidney2x10  µg10727biochain2021Dry Ice
R8235149-PM-10Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Liver2x10  µg10727biochain2021Dry Ice
R8235152-PM-10Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Lung2x10  µg10727biochain2021Dry Ice
R8235206-PM-10Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Rectum2x10  µg10727biochain2021Dry Ice
R8235248-PM-10Matched Pair - Total RNA - Human Primary and Metastatic Tumor Tissue: Stomach2x10  µg10727biochain2021Dry Ice
K2191050-520X SSC50 ml1513biochain2021Blue Ice
K2191050-6Alkaline Phosphate Buffer, 10x50 ml1513biochain2021Blue Ice
K2191050-4BCIP150 ul1513biochain2021Blue Ice
K2191050-8Blocking Solution250 ul1513biochain2021Blue Ice
K2191050-3NBT300 ul1513biochain2021Blue Ice
K2191050-1Prehybridization Solution5 ml1513biochain2021Dry Ice
K2191050-2Hybridization Solution5 ml1870biochain2021Dry Ice
K2191020IsHyb In Situ Hybridization (ISH) Kit for 20 slides1 kit3213biochain2021Dry Ice
L1031250FastHyb-Hybridization Solution250 ml3468biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K2191050IsHyb In Situ Hybridization (ISH) Kit for 50 slides1 kit6052biochain2021Dry Ice
L1011100RNAmate 100 ml2601biochain2021Ambient Temperature
KS341025MicroRNA Isolation Kit1 kit3587biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K1341050Broad Range Total RNA Isolation Kit1 kit3757biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K1012050Whole Blood RNA Extraction Kit1 Kit4913biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K2012008MagSeq mRNA Purification Kit1 kit5389biochain2021Ambient Temperature
K2031010Cartilage RNA Isolation Kit1 kit6409biochain2021Ambient Temperature
R1236035Alz-50Total RNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236045Alz-10Total RNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Corpus Callosum10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236051Alz-10Total RNA - Alzheimer's Disease:  Frontal Lobe10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236062Alz-10Total RNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Occipital Lobe10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236066Alz-10Total RNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Parietal Lobe10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236071Alz-10Total RNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Pons10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236072Alz-10Total RNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Postcentral Gyrus10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236073Alz-10Total RNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Precentral Gyrus10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236078Alz-10Total RNA - Alzheimer's Disease: Temporal Lobe10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236122Hd-3Total RNA - Congenital heart disease: Heart50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236090Dia-50Total RNA - Diabetic Disease: Colon50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236106Dia-50Total RNA - Diabetic Disease: Esophagus50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236188Dia-50Total RNA - Diabetic Disease: Pancreas50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236248Dia-50Total RNA - Diabetic Disease: Stomach50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236122Hd-2Total RNA - hypertension: Heart50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236126Hd-2Total RNA - hypertension: Heart Atrium, left50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236127Hd-2Total RNA - hypertension: Heart Atrium, right50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236138Hd-2Total RNA - hypertension: Heart Ventricle, left50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236139Hd-2Total RNA - hypertension: Heart Ventricle, right50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236130Hd-2Total RNA - hypertension: Interventricular Septum50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236090Lcs-50Total RNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Colon50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236169Lcs-50Total RNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Diaphragm50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236142Lcs-50Total RNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Kidney50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236149Lcs-50Total RNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Liver50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236152Lcs-50Total RNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Lung50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236188Lcs-50Total RNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Pancreas50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236206Lcs-50Total RNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Rectum50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236226Lcs-50Total RNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Small Intestine50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236246Lcs-50Total RNA - Liver Cirrhosis: Spleen50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236090Lup-50Total RNA - Lupus: Colon50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236142Lup-50Total RNA - Lupus: Kidney50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236149Lup-50Total RNA - Lupus: Liver50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236152Lup-50Total RNA - Lupus: Lung50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236188Lup-50Total RNA - Lupus: Pancreas50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236226Lup-50Total RNA - Lupus: Small Intestine50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236246Lup-50Total RNA - Lupus: Spleen50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236248Lup-50Total RNA - Lupus: Stomach50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1236274Lup-50Total RNA - Lupus: Uterus50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234004-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Adrenal50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234010-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Bladder50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234035-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234039-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebellum50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234051-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Frontal Lobe50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234057-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Medulla oblongata50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234062-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Occipital Lobe50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234066-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Parietal Lobe50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234078-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Temporal Lobe50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234079-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Thalamus50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234086-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Breast50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234090-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234091-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon Ascending50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234092-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon descending50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234106-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Esophagus50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234122-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234133-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Pericardium50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234138-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Ventricle (left)50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234139-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Ventricle (right)50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234142-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Kidney50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234149-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234150-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver: Left Lobe50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234151-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver: Right Lobe50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234152-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234155-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Left Lower Lobe50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234156-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Left Upper Lobe50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234157-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Right Lower Lobe50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234158-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Right Middle Lobe50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234159-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung: Right Upper Lobe50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234188-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Pancreas50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234190-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Parotid50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234194-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Penis50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234200-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Placenta50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234201-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Prostate50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234206-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Rectum50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234171-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234218-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Skin50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234226-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234101-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Duodenum50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234227-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Ileum50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234230-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Jejunum50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234234-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Spinal Cord50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234246-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Spleen50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234248-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234260-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Testis50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234265-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Thyroid50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234267-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Tongue50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234160-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Trachea50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234274-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234275-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus: Cervix of uterus50 µg2295biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234126-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Atrium (left)50 µg2448biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234127-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Atrium (right)50 µg2448biochain2021Dry Ice
ATR1234035-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain, Ambient temperature shipping50 µg2499biochain2021Ambient Temperature
ATR1234086-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Breast, Ambient temperature shipping50 µg2499biochain2021Ambient Temperature
ATR1234090-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon, Ambient temperature shipping50 µg2499biochain2021Ambient Temperature
ATR1234122-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart, Ambient temperature shipping50 µg2499biochain2021Ambient Temperature
ATR1234149-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver, Ambient temperature shipping50 µg2499biochain2021Ambient Temperature
ATR1234152-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lung, Ambient temperature shipping50 µg2499biochain2021Ambient Temperature
ATR1234188-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Pancreas, Ambient temperature shipping50 µg2499biochain2021Ambient Temperature
R1234003-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Adipose10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234006-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Appendix10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234013-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Blood Vessel: Artery10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234020-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Blood Vessel: Vein10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234024-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Bone Marrow10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234040-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebellum (left)10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234041-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebellum (right)10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234042-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebral Cortex10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234043-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebral Meninges10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234045-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Corpus Callosum10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234049-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Diencephalon10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234071-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Pons10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234072-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234073-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Precentral Gyrus10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234089-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Cecum10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234095-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon Sigmoid10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234096-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Colon Transverse10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234118-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Gallbladder10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234130-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Interventricular Septum10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234132-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Papilla Muscle10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234161-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Lymph Node10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234169-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Muscle: Diaphragm10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234148-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Peripheral Blood Leukocyte10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234212-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Salivary Gland10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234250-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Cardia10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234251-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Corpus10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234252-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Fundus10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234253-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Stomach: Pylorus10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234165-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Submaxillary gland10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234263-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Throat10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234268-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Tonsil10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234276-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Uterus: Corpus of Uterus10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234283-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Vagina10 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
ATR1234024-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Bone Marrow, Ambient temperature shipping10 ug2771biochain2021Ambient Temperature
ATR1234042-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Cerebral Cortex, Ambient temperature shipping10 µg2771biochain2021Ambient Temperature
R1234063-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Olfactory (region)10 µg3859biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234100-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Ductus Deferens10 µg3859biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234105-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Epididymis10 µg3859biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234131-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Mitral Valve10 µg3859biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234135-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Pulmonic Valve10 µg3859biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234136-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Heart: Tricuspid Valve10 µg3859biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234214-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Seminal Vesicle10 µg3859biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234183-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Ovary10 µg4114biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234004-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Adrenal50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234010-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Bladder50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234035-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Brain50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234051-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Brain: Frontal Lobe50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234062-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Brain: Occipital Lobe50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234066-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Brain: Parietal Lobe50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234078-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Brain: Temporal Lobe50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234086-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Breast50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234090-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Colon50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234106-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Esophagus50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234122-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Heart50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234142-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Kidney50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234149-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Liver50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234152-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Lung50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234188-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Pancreas50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234200-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Placenta50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234201-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Prostate50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234171-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Skeletal Muscle50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234218-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Skin50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234226-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Small Intestine50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234246-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Spleen50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234248-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Stomach50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234260-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Testis50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234265-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Thyroid50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234274-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Uterus50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234275-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Uterus: Cervix of uterus50 µg4981biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234052-10Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Brain: Hippocampus10 µg7429biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234264-50Total RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue: Thymus50 µg16371biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234183-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Ovary50 µg18445biochain2021Dry Ice
R1234264-PTotal RNA - Human Adult Normal Tissue 5 Donor Pool: Thymus50 µg18445biochain2021Dry Ice
R8234149-FPFFPE and Frozen Matched Pair Total RNA: Human Adult Normal Tissue: Liver2x1 µg23426biochain2021Dry Ice
ATR1254148-1Total RNA - Human Normal Lymphocyte Cell Line, Ambient temperature shipping100 µg3060biochain2021Ambient Temperature
R1254148-1Total RNA - Human Normal Lymphocyte Cell Line100 µg3179biochain2021Dry Ice
R1254148-2Total RNA - Human Normal Lymphocyte Cell Line4 x 100 µg10625biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235004-10Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Adrenal10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235010-10Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Bladder10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235023-10Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Bone10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235086-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Breast50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235090-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Colon50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235095-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Colon, sigmoid50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235106-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Esophagus50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235142-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Kidney50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235149-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Liver50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235152-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Lung50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235218A-10Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Melanoma10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235178-10Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Nose10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235183-10Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Ovary10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235190-10Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Parotid10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235206-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Rectum50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235226-10Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Small Intestine10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235248-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Stomach50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235257-10Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Synoviosarcoma10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235264-10Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Thymus10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235265-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Thyroid50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235268-10Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Tonsil10 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1235274-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Tissue: Uterus50 µg5389biochain2021Dry Ice
R1255801-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Cell Line:  A43150 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1255811-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Cell Line: Hela50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1255815-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Cell Line: Jurkat50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1255820-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Cell Line: K 56250 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1255830-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Cell Line: MCF 750 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1255840-50Total RNA - Human Tumor Cell Line: Raji50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534035-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Brain50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534090-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534169-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Diaphragm50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534122-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Heart50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534142-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Kidney50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534149-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Liver50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534152-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Lung50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534188-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Pancreas50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534171-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534226-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Small Intestine50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534227-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Ileum50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534248-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Stomach50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534006-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Appendix50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534013-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Artery50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534010-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Bladder50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534091-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon Ascending50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534092-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon descending50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534095-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon Sigmoid50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534096-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Colon Transverse50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534101-50Total RNA - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Duodenum50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534035-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Brain50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534090-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Colon50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534169-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Diaphragm50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534122-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Heart50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534142-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Kidney50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534149-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Liver50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534152-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Lung50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534188-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Pancreas50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534171-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534226-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Small Intestine50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534248-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Stomach50 µg2567biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534013-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Artery50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534010-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Bladder50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534091-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Colon Ascending50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534092-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Colon descending50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534095-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Colon Sigmoid50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534096-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Colon Transverse50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1534101-CyTotal RNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Small Intestine: Duodenum50 µg4760biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334035-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Brain50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334122-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Heart50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334142-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Kidney50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334149-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Liver50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334152-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Lung50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334171-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334246-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Spleen50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334248-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Stomach50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334260-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Testis50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334003-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Adipose50 µg2941biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334090-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Colon50 µg2941biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334200-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Placenta50 µg2941biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334206-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Rectum50 µg2941biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334226-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Small Intestine50 µg2941biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334108-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Whole Eye50 µg4403biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334010-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Bladder50 µg4539biochain2021Dry Ice
R1334188-50Total RNA - Mouse Normal Tissue: Pancreas50 µg5202biochain2021Dry Ice
R1634310Total RNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Arabidopsis100 µg9095biochain2021Dry Ice
R1634330Total RNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Corn100 µg9095biochain2021Dry Ice
R1634340Total RNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Orange100 µg9095biochain2021Dry Ice
R1634350Total RNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Potato100 µg9095biochain2021Dry Ice
R1634360Total RNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Rice100 µg9095biochain2021Dry Ice
R1634370Total RNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Soy bean100 µg9095biochain2021Dry Ice
R1634390Total RNA - Plant Normal Tissue: Wheat100 µg9095biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434035-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Brain50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434039-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Brain, cerebellum50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434090-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Colon50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434122-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Heart50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434142-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Kidney50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434149-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Liver50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434152-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Lung50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434171-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Skeletal Muscle50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434246-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Spleen50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434260-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Testis50 µg1836biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434003-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Adipose50 µg2941biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434000-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Embryo (RtRAN: 17-19 days)50 µg2941biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434200-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Placenta50 µg2941biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434206-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Rectum50 µg2941biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434226-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Small Intestine50 µg2941biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434248-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Stomach50 µg2941biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434264-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Thymus50 µg2941biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434183-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Ovary50 µg4403biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434188-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Pancreas50 µg4403biochain2021Dry Ice
R1434010-50Total RNA - Rat Normal Tissue: Bladder50 µg4539biochain2021Dry Ice
R4C34565-1Universal RNA - Chicken Normal Tissues2x100 µg6069biochain2021Dry Ice
R4C34565Universal RNA - Chicken Normal Tissues4x100 µg10336biochain2021Dry Ice
R4734565-1Universal RNA - Dog Normal Tissues2x100 µg6069biochain2021Dry Ice
R4734565Universal RNA - Dog Normal Tissues4x100 µg10336biochain2021Dry Ice
R4234565-1Universal RNA - Human Normal Tissues2x100 µg6069biochain2021Dry Ice
R4234565Universal RNA - Human Normal Tissues4x100 µg10336biochain2021Dry Ice
R4534565-1Universal RNA - Monkey Normal Tissues2x100 µg6069biochain2021Dry Ice
R4534565Universal RNA - Monkey Normal Tissues4x100 µg10336biochain2021Dry Ice
R4334566-1Universal RNA - Mouse Normal Tissues2x100 µg4675biochain2021Dry Ice
R4334566Universal RNA - Mouse Normal Tissues4x100 µg8568biochain2021Dry Ice
R4434567-1Universal RNA - Rat Normal Tissues2x100 µg4675biochain2021Dry Ice
R4434567Universal RNA - Rat Normal Tissues4x100 µg8568biochain2021Dry Ice
Z1321001AnaPrep 12 Instrument1331772biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322006AnaPrep Bacterial DNA Extraction Kit (48) For extracting genomic DNA from bacteria1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables3230biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322005AnaPrep Cultured Cell DNA Extraction Kit (48) For extracting genomic DNA from up to 5x105 cultured cells1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables3230biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322007AnaPrep HPV DNA Extraction Kit for swab samples (48) For extracting HPV DNA from swab samples1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables3230biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322004AnaPrep Tissue DNA Extraction Kit  (48) For extracting genomic DNA from a variety of animal tissues, swab, and blood stains1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables3230biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322003AnaPrep Viral Nucleic Acid Extraction Kit (48) For extracting viral nucleic acids from plasma1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables3230biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322011AnaPrep Viral/Pathogen Nucleic Acids Extraction Kit A1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables3230biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322001AnaPrep Blood DNA Extraction Kit 200 (48) For extracting genomic DNA from mammalian whole blood, peripheral mononuclear cell, or buffy coat.  Sample volume range: up to 400 µl1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables3400biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322009AnaPrep FFPE DNA Extraction Kit (48) For extracting genomic DNA from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue (FFPE) samples1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables3689biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322010AnaPrep Forensic DNA Extraction Kit (48) For extracting genomic DNA from a wide range of forensic and human identity samples1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables3689biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322008AnaPrep TB DNA Extraction Kit (48) For extracting Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA from sputum1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables3689biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322012AnaPrep Viral/Pathogen Nucleic Acids Extraction Kit B1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables3689biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322015AnaPrep Total RNA Extraction Kit1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables3689biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322017AnaPrep Total RNA Extraction Kit with DNase-Treatment1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables5083biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322002AnaPrep Blood DNA Extraction Kit 1200 (48) For extracting genomic DNA from mammalian whole blood, peripheral mononuclear cell, or buffy coat.  Sample volume range: up to 1 ml1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables6290biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z1322016AnaPrep Viral Nucleic Acid Large Volume Extraction Kit1 kit (48 extractions) Including all required plastic disposables6290biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T6734700-G02-1Frozen Tissue Array - Dog Female Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I1 slide3621biochain2021Dry Ice
T6734700-G01-1Frozen Tissue Array - Dog Male Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I1 slide3621biochain2021Dry Ice
T6734700-G02-5Frozen Tissue Array - Dog Female Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I5 slides13379biochain2021Dry Ice
T6734700-G01-5Frozen Tissue Array - Dog Male Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I5 slides13379biochain2021Dry Ice
T6234701-1FDA Standard Frozen Tissue Array - Human Adult Normal2 slides18564biochain2021Dry Ice
T6234701-2FDA Standard Frozen Tissue Array - Human Adult Normal4 slides34425biochain2021Dry Ice
T6234700-1Frozen Tissue Array - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I1 slide4012biochain2021Dry Ice
T6234700-5Frozen Tissue Array - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I5 slides15215biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235700-1Frozen Tissue Array - Human Tumor and Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I1 slide6290biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235086-1Frozen Tissue Array - 37 Different Breast Tumors and 3 Corresponding Normal Controls1 slide10489biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235090-1Frozen Tissue Array - 37 Different Colon Tumors and 3 Corresponding Normal Controls1 slide10489biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235142-1Frozen Tissue Array - 37 Different Kidney Tumors and 3 Corresponding Normal Controls1 slide10489biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235152-1Frozen Tissue Array - 37 Different Lung Tumors and 3 Corresponding Normal Controls1 slide10489biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235183-1Frozen Tissue Array - 37 Different Ovarian Tumors and 3 Corresponding Normal Controls1 slide10489biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235700-5Frozen Tissue Array - Human Tumor and Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I5 slides19397biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235201Frozen Tissue Array - 24 Different Prostate Tumors and 4 Corresponding Normal Controls1 slide30583biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235086-5Frozen Tissue Array - 37 Different Breast Tumors and 3 Corresponding Normal Controls5 slides34425biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235090-5Frozen Tissue Array - 37 Different Colon Tumors and 3 Corresponding Normal Controls5 slides34425biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235142-5Frozen Tissue Array - 37 Different Kidney Tumors and 3 Corresponding Normal Controls5 slides34425biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235152-5Frozen Tissue Array - 40 Different Lung Tumors and 5 Corresponding Normal Controls5 slides34425biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235183-5Frozen Tissue Array - 37 Different Ovarian Tumors and 3 Corresponding Normal Controls5 slides34425biochain2021Dry Ice
T6334701-1FDA Standard Frozen Tissue Array - Mouse Normal2 slides9537biochain2021Dry Ice
T6334035Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Mouse Whole Brain Segmentation Panel5 slides15283biochain2021Dry Ice
T6334701-2FDA Standard Frozen Tissue Array - Mouse Normal4 slides17204biochain2021Dry Ice
T6134035-1Multiple Species Frozen Tissue Array - Brain1 slide2958biochain2021Dry Ice
T6134149-1Multiple Species Frozen Tissue Array - Liver1 slide2958biochain2021Dry Ice
T6134035-5Multiple Species Frozen Tissue Array - Brain5 slides10761biochain2021Dry Ice
T6134149-5Multiple Species Frozen Tissue Array - Liver5 slides10761biochain2021Dry Ice
T6834700-G02-1Frozen Tissue Array - Rabbit Female Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I1 slide3621biochain2021Dry Ice
T6834700-G01-1Frozen Tissue Array - Rabbit Male Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I1 slide3621biochain2021Dry Ice
T6834700-G02-5Frozen Tissue Array - Rabbit Female Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I5 slides13379biochain2021Dry Ice
T6834700-G01-5Frozen Tissue Array - Rabbit Male Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I5 slides13379biochain2021Dry Ice
T6434701-1FDA Standard Frozen Tissue Array - Rat Normal2 slides9537biochain2021Dry Ice
T6434701-2FDA Standard Frozen Tissue Array - Rat Normal4 slides17204biochain2021Dry Ice
T6234431Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I5 slides7684biochain2021Dry Ice
T6234432Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue II5 slides7684biochain2021Dry Ice
T6234433Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue III5 slides7684biochain2021Dry Ice
T6534448Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I5 slides7633biochain2021Dry Ice
T6534423Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue III5 slides7633biochain2021Dry Ice
T6534448-CyFrozen Tissue Section Panel - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I5 slides7633biochain2021Dry Ice
T6534423-CyFrozen Tissue Section Panel - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue III5 slides7633biochain2021Dry Ice
T6334447Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Mouse Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I5 slides7633biochain2021Dry Ice
T6334608Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Mouse Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue II5 slides7633biochain2021Dry Ice
T6334423Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Mouse Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue III5 slides7633biochain2021Dry Ice
T6236444AlzFrozen Tissue Section Panel - Human Disease Tissue, Alzheimer's Disease, Multi-tissue I, 7 different tissues5 slides17204biochain2021Dry Ice
T6236445AlzFrozen Tissue Section Panel - Human Disease Tissue, Alzheimer's Disease, Multi-tissue II, 7 different tissues5 slides17204biochain2021Dry Ice
T6236446AlzFrozen Tissue Section Panel - Human Disease Tissue, Alzheimer's Disease, Multi-tissue III, 8 different tissues5 slides17204biochain2021Dry Ice
T6236564AlzFrozen Tissue Section Panel - Human Disease Tissue, Alzheimer's Disease, Multi-tissue IV, 7 different tissues5 slides17204biochain2021Dry Ice
T6434448Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Rat Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I5 slides7633biochain2021Dry Ice
T6434423Frozen Tissue Section Panel - Rat Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue III5 slides7633biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236004DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Adrenal5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236090DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Colon5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236106DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Esophagus5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236122DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Heart5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236142DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Kidney5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236149DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Liver5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236152DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Lung5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236188DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Pancreas5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236171DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Skeletal Muscle5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236218DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Skin5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236101DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Duodenum5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236227DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Ileum5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236230DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Jejunum5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236246DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Spleen5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236248DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Stomach5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236024DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Bone Marrow5 slides10030biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236108DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Eye5 slides10030biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236003SubDiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Subcutaneous Adipose5 slides10030biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236003VisDiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Visceral Adipose5 slides10030biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236122Hd-1Frozen Tissue Section - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236126Hd-1Frozen Tissue Section - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Atrium, left5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236127Hd-1Frozen Tissue Section - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Atrium, right5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236138Hd-1Frozen Tissue Section - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Ventricle, left5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236139Hd-1Frozen Tissue Section - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Ventricle, right5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236130Hd-1Frozen Tissue Section - Arrhythmia, infarct: Interventricular Septum5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236122Hd-3Frozen Tissue Section - Congenital heart disease: Heart5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236013Hd-2Frozen Tissue Section - hypertension: Artery5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236122Hd-2Frozen Tissue Section - hypertension: Heart5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236126Hd-2Frozen Tissue Section - hypertension: Heart Atrium, left5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236127Hd-2Frozen Tissue Section - hypertension: Heart Atrium, right5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236138Hd-2Frozen Tissue Section - hypertension: Heart Ventricle, left5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236139Hd-2Frozen Tissue Section - hypertension: Heart Ventricle, right5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236130Hd-2Frozen Tissue Section - hypertension: Interventricular Septum5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236142Hd-2Frozen Tissue Section - hypertension: Kidney5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236020Hd-2Frozen Tissue Section - hypertension: Vein5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236122Hd-6Frozen Tissue Section - Congestive Heart Failure: Heart5 slides12036biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236122Hd-5Frozen Tissue Section - Coronary Artery Atherosclerosis: Heart5 slides12036biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236012Hd-4Frozen Tissue Section - Arteriosclerosis: Aorta5 slides16065biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236013Hd-4Frozen Tissue Section - Arteriosclerosis: Artery5 slides16065biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234003Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Adipose5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234004Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Adrenal5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234006Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Appendix5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234010Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Bladder5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234013Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Blood Vessel: Artery5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234020Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Blood Vessel: Vein5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234035Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234036Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Amygdala5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234075Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Brain Stem5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234039Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Cerebellum5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234040Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Cerebellum (left)5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234041Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Cerebellum (right)5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234042Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Cerebral Cortex5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234043Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Cerebral Meninges5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234045Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Corpus Callosum5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234049Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Diencephalon5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234051Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Frontal Lobe5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234057Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Medulla Oblongata5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234059Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Midbrain5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234062Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Occipital Lobe5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234063Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Olfactory ( region)5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234064Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Optic Nerve5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234066Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Parietal Lobe5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234071Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Pons5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234072Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234073Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Precentral Gyrus5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234078Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Temporal Lobe5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234079Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Thalamus5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234082Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Vermis Cerebelli5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234086Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Breast5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234090Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Colon5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234169Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Diaphragm5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234100Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Ductus Deferens5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234105Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Epididymis5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234106Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Esophagus5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234118Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Gallbladder5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234122Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234124Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Arcus Aortae5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234126Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Atrium (left)5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234127Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Atrium (right)5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234128Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Auricula (left)5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234129Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Auricula (right)5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234130Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Interventricular Septum5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234133Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Pericardium5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234134Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart:  Pulmonary Artery5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234138Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Ventricle (left)5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234139Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Ventricle (right)5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234142Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Kidney5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234149Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Liver5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234152Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Lung5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234161Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Lymph Node5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234188Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Pancreas5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234190Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Parotid5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234194Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Penis5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234200Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Placenta5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234201Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Prostate5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234206Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Rectum5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234171Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Skeletal Muscle5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234218Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Skin5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234226Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Small Intestine5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234234Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Spinal Cord5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234246Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Spleen5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234248Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Stomach5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234165Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Submaxillary Gland5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234260Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Testis5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234263Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Throat5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234160Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Trachea5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234274Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Uterus5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234283Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Vagina5 slides5202biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234110Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Retina5 slides8024biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234183Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Ovary5 slides9537biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234052Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Hippocampus5 slides11475biochain2021Dry Ice
T1234189Frozen Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Parathyroid5 slides11475biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235004Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Adrenal5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235010Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Bladder5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235023Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Bone5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235106Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Esophagus5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235149Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Liver5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235161Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Lymphoma5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235183Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Ovary5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235188Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Pancreas5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235190Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Parotid5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235201Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Prostate5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235206Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Rectum5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235218Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Skin5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235248Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Stomach5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235260Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Testis5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235264Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Thymoma5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235265Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Thyroid5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235274Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Uterus5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235035Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Brain5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235086Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Breast5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235090Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Colon5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235142Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Kidney5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1235152Frozen Tissue Section - Human Tumor: Lung5 slides4998biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236106LcsFrozen Tissue Section - Liver Cirrhosis: Esophagus5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236201LcsFrozen Tissue Section - Liver Cirrhosis: Prostate5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236152Ld-1Frozen Tissue Section - Asthma: Lung5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236152Ld-2Frozen Tissue Section - Bronchitis: Lung5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236152Ld-3Frozen Tissue Section - Emphysema: Lung5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236152Ld-4Frozen Tissue Section - Pneumonia: Lung5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236152Ld-5Frozen Tissue Section - Pulmonary embolism: Lung5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236004LupFrozen Tissue Section - Lupus: Adrenal5 slides7582biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236013LupFrozen Tissue Section - Lupus: Blood Vessel: Artery5 slides7582biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236133LupFrozen Tissue Section - Lupus: Heart: Pericardium5 slides7582biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236188LupFrozen Tissue Section - Lupus: Pancreas5 slides7582biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236234LupFrozen Tissue Section - Lupus: Spinal Cord5 slides7582biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236246LupFrozen Tissue Section - Lupus: Spleen5 slides7582biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236142LupFrozen Tissue Section - Lupus: Kidney5 slides8653biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236183LupFrozen Tissue Section - Lupus: Ovary5 slides10030biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236035AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236036AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Amygdala5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236039AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Cerebellum5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236045AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Corpus Callosum5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236051AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Frontal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236057AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Medulla oblongata5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236062AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Occipital Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236066AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Parietal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236071AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Pons5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236072AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236073AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Precentral Gyrus5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236078AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Temporal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236079AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Thalamus5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236051DemFrozen Tissue Section - Dementia: Brain: Frontal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236062DemFrozen Tissue Section - Dementia: Brain: Occipital Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236066DemFrozen Tissue Section - Dementia: Brain: Parietal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236078DemFrozen Tissue Section - Dementia: Brain: Temporal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236079DemFrozen Tissue Section - Dementia: Brain: Thalamus5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236051DepFrozen Tissue Section - Depression: Brain: Frontal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236062DepFrozen Tissue Section - Depression: Brain: Occipital Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236066DepFrozen Tissue Section - Depression: Brain: Parietal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236078DepFrozen Tissue Section - Depression: Brain: Temporal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236079DepFrozen Tissue Section - Depression: Brain: Thalamus5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236035DiaFrozen Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Brain5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236035MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236036MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Amygdala5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236039MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Cerebellum5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236045MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Corpus Callosum5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236051MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Frontal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236057MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Medulla oblongata5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236062MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Occipital Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236066MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Parietal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236071MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Pons5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236072MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236073MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Precentral Gyrus5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236078MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Temporal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236079MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Thalamus5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236035ParFrozen Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236036ParFrozen Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Amygdala5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236039ParFrozen Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Cerebellum5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236045ParFrozen Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Corpus Callosum5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236051ParFrozen Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Frontal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236057ParFrozen Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Medulla oblongata5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236062ParFrozen Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Occipital Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236066ParFrozen Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Parietal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236071ParFrozen Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Pons5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236072ParFrozen Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236073ParFrozen Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Precentral Gyrus5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236078ParFrozen Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Temporal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236079ParFrozen Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Thalamus5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236039PSPFrozen Tissue Section - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Cerebellum5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236051PSPFrozen Tissue Section - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Frontal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236057PSPFrozen Tissue Section - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Medulla oblongata5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236062PSPFrozen Tissue Section - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Occipital Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236066PSPFrozen Tissue Section - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Parietal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236071PSPFrozen Tissue Section - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Pons5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236078PSPFrozen Tissue Section - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Temporal Lobe5 slides7208biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236052AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Hippocampus5 slides13379biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236068AlzFrozen Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Pituitary5 slides13379biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236052DemFrozen Tissue Section - Dementia: Brain: Hippocampus5 slides13379biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236052DepFrozen Tissue Section - Depression: Brain: Hippocampus5 slides13379biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236052MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Hippocampus5 slides13379biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236068MscFrozen Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Pituitary5 slides13379biochain2021Dry Ice
T1236068ParFrozen Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Pituitary5 slides13379biochain2021Dry Ice
T6236012Hd-4-PPFrozen Tissue Section - Arteriosclerosis Aorta and Matched Non-arteriosclerosis Aorta2 x 5 slides26775biochain2021Dry Ice
T6236013Hd-4-PPFrozen Tissue Section - Arteriosclerosis Artery and Matched Non-arteriosclerosis Artery2 x 5 slides26775biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235086-PPMatched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Breast5 slides x29537biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235090-PPMatched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Colon5 slides x29537biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235142-PPMatched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Kidney5 slides x29537biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235149-PPMatched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Liver5 slides x29537biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235152-PPMatched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Lung5 slides x29537biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235206-PPMatched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Rectum5 slides x29537biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235248-PPMatched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Stomach5 slides x29537biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235086-PMMatched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Breast5 slides x212036biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235090-PMMatched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Colon5 slides x212036biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235142-PMMatched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Kidney5 slides x212036biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235149-PMMatched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Liver5 slides x212036biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235152-PMMatched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Lung5 slides x212036biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235248-PMMatched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Stomach5 slides x212036biochain2021Dry Ice
T6235206-PMMatched Pair - Frozen Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Rectum5 slides x217782biochain2021Dry Ice
T8235086-PPMatched Pair - Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Breast5 slides x26137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235090-PPMatched Pair - Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Colon5 slides x26137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235142-PPMatched Pair - Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Kidney5 slides x26137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235149-PPMatched Pair - Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Liver5 slides x26137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235152-PPMatched Pair - Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Lung5 slides x26137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235206-PPMatched Pair - Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Rectum5 slides x26137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235248-PPMatched Pair - Paraffin Tissue Sections - Human Primary Tumor and Normal (PP): Stomach5 slides x26137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235086-PMMatched Pair - Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Breast5 slides x210234biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235090-PMMatched Pair - Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Colon5 slides x210234biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235142-PMMatched Pair - Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Kidney5 slides x210234biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235149-PMMatched Pair - Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Liver5 slides x210234biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235152-PMMatched Pair - Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Lung5 slides x210234biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235206-PMMatched Pair - Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Rectum5 slides x210234biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235248-PMMatched Pair - Paraffin Tissue Sections - Human Primary and Matched Metastatic Tumor (PM): Stomach5 slides x210234biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234701-1FDA Standard Tissue Array1 slides2856biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234701-5FDA Standard Tissue Array5 slides10489biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234708-2Paraffin Tissue Section Array - Human Adult Normal Tissue,  Array I (64 Specimens)2 slides4471biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234708-5Paraffin Tissue Section Array - Human Adult Normal Tissue,  Array I (64 Specimens)5 slides9180biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235731-2Breast Tumor and Normal Tissue Array  60 spots:  Duplicated spots from breast tumor tissues (25 donors) and breast norma2 slides4471biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235721-2Breast Tumor Tissue Array - 64 Different Breast tumors. Plus positive control and negative control2 slides4471biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235790D-2Colon Tumor Matched Pair Tissue Array - 29 colon tumor/adjacent normal pairs. Plus positive control and negative control2 slides4471biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235722-2Colon Tumor Tissue Array - 64 Different Colon tumors. Plus positive control and negative control2 slides4471biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235732-2Lung Tumor and Normal Tissue Array  60 spots:  Duplicated spots from lung tumor tissues (25 donors) and lung normal tiss2 slides4471biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235724-2Lung Tumor Tissue Array - 64 Different Lung tumors. Plus positive control and negative control2 slides4471biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235712-2Multiple Tumor Tissue Array  - 15 different tumors and their corresponding normal tissues spotted in duplicate2 slides4471biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235716d-2Multiple Tumor Tissue Array - Bladder, Colon, Kidney, Lung, Stomach, and Uterus tumors2 slides4471biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235715d-2Multiple Tumor Tissue Array - Kidney, Colon, Esophagus, Liver, Rectum and Stomach tumors, plus 12 tumor/normal pairs2 slides4471biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235714d-2Multiple Tumor Tissue Array - Ovary, Bladder, Breast, Kidney, Uterus, and Lung tumors, plus 12 tumor/normal pairs2 slides4471biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235725-2Ovary Tumor Tissue Array - 64 Different Ovary tumors. Plus positive control and negative control2 slides4471biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235723-2Rectum Tumor Tissue Array - 64 Different Rectum tumors. Plus positive control and negative control2 slides4471biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235713-2Multiple Tumor Tissue Array  - 47 different tumors and their corresponding normal tissues, plus 2 control spots2 slides5916biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235731-5Breast Tumor and Normal Tissue Array  60 spots:  Duplicated spots from breast tumor tissues (25 donors) and breast norma5 slides9180biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235721-5Breast Tumor Tissue Array - 64 Different Breast tumors. Plus positive control and negative control5 slides9180biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235790D-5Colon Tumor Matched Pair Tissue Array - 29 colon tumor/adjacent normal pairs. Plus positive control and negative control5 slides9180biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235722-5Colon Tumor Tissue Array - 64 Different Colon tumors. Plus positive control and negative control5 slides9180biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235732-5Lung Tumor and Normal Tissue Array  60 spots:  Duplicated spots from lung tumor tissues (25 donors) and lung normal tiss5 slides9180biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235724-5Lung Tumor Tissue Array - 64 Different Lung tumors. Plus positive control and negative control5 slides9180biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235712-5Multiple Tumor Tissue Array  - 15 different tumors and their corresponding normal tissues spotted in duplicate5 slides9180biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235716d-5Multiple Tumor Tissue Array - Bladder, Colon, Kidney, Lung, Stomach, and Uterus tumors, plus 12 tumor/normal pairs5 slides9180biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235715d-5Multiple Tumor Tissue Array - Kidney, Colon, Esophagus, Liver, Rectum and Stomach tumors, plus 12 tumor/normal pairs5 slides9180biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235714d-5Multiple Tumor Tissue Array - Ovary, Bladder, Breast, Kidney, Uterus, and Lung tumors, plus 12 tumor/normal pairs5 slides9180biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235725-5Ovary Tumor Tissue Array - 64 Different Ovary tumors. Plus positive control and negative control5 slides9180biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235723-5Rectum Tumor Tissue Array - 64 Different Rectum tumors. Plus positive control and negative control5 slides9180biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020010Breast Tumor Tissue Array - 6 types, 18 cases of normal, reactive and neoplastic conditions of the breast5 slides7888biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235713-5Multiple Tumor Tissue Array  - 47 different tumors and their corresponding normal tissues, plus 2 control spots5 slides14926biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020079Multiple Tumor Tissue Array - 7 different normal tissues and 5 major tumor types in duplicates for IHC antibody and ISH5 slides3196biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020083Multiple Tumor Tissue Array - 12 types of human tissues in duplicates, designed as universal control for >90% routine IH5 slides3196biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020072Lymphoma Tissue Array - 39 cases of various types of nodal and extranodal lymphoma5 slides10591biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020099Thyroid Tumor Tissue Array - 6 types, 18 cases of normal, inflammatory and neoplastic conditions of the thyroid5 slides10591biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020011Cardiovascular Disease Tissue Array - 23 cases of normal, reactive and neoplastic cardiovascular conditions. Designed fo5 slides12954biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020020Digestive System Disease Tissue Array - 38 cases of normal, inflammatory and tumor tissues from the digestive tract and5 slides12954biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020050Head & Neck Tumor Tissue Array - 18 cases of inflammatory and tumor tissues of the neck, oranasopharynx, larynx and sali5 slides12954biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020053Kidney Tumor Tissue Array - 12 cases of kidney cancer paired with adjacent normal tissues5 slides12954biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020065Lung Tumor Tissue Array - 16 cases covering all the common types of lung cancer paired with adjacent normal tissues5 slides12954biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020068Lung Tumor Tissue Array - 7 types, 15 cases of normal, inflammatory and tumor tissues of the lung.5 slides12954biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020071Lymphoma Tissue Array - 5 types of 14 cases of various lymphomas from 7 nodal and extranodal sites.5 slides12954biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020073Metastatic Tumor Tissue Array - 18 cases of metastatic cancers from 4 anatomic sites5 slides12954biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020080Multiple Tumor Tissue Array - 12 major types of cancer paired with adjacent normal tissues5 slides12954biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020081Multiple Tumor Tissue Array - 15 major types tumors. Most types have duplicates from different patients with correspondi5 slides12954biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020105Bladder Tumor Tissue Array - 12 cases of bladder tumor/adjacent normal pairs5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020106Bladder Tumor Tissue Array - 66 cores including bladder cancers of various grades and stages (29 cases) and uninvolved b5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020007Breast Tumor Tissue Array - 16 cases of breast cancer, each in duplicates, paired with adjacent normal tissues5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020008Breast Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 36 cases covering all the common types of breast cancer and 12 cases of normal an5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020009Breast Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 36 cases covering all the common types of breast cancer and 12 cases of normal an5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020014Cervical Tumor Tissue Array - 12 cases of cervical cancer paired with adjacent normal tissues5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020016Cervical Tumor Tissue Array - 48 cases of uninvolved and cancerous tissues of the cervix in duplicates5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020015Cervical Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 36 cases of cervical cancer and 12 cases of normal and other non-malignant cerv5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020013Cervical Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases of cervical cancer and 5 cases of normal and other non-malignant cervi5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020035Colon Tumor Tissue Array - 16 cases of colon cancer, each in duplicates, paired with adjacent normal tissues.5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020037Colon Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 36 cases covering all the common types of colon cancer and 12 cases of normal and5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020036Colon Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 36 cases covering all the common types of colon cancer and 12 cases of normal and5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020032Colon Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of colon cancer and 5 cases of normal and o5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020033Colon Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of colon cancer and 5 cases of normal and o5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020023Endometrial Tumor Tissue Array - 12 cases of endometrial cancer paired with adjacent normal tissues5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020025Endometrial Tumor Tissue Array - 48 cases of uninvolved and cancerous tissues of the endometrium in duplicates5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020024Endometrial Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 36 cases of endometrial cancer and 12 cases of normal and other non-malignan5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020022Endometrial Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases of endometrial cancer and 5 cases of  normal and other non-malignan5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020026Esophageal Tumor Tissue Array - 70 cases of esophageal cancers of different grades and stages, and 5 cases of normal and5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020029Esophageal Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 36 cases of esophageal cancer and 12 cases of normal and other non-malignant5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020027Esophagus Tumor Tissue Array - 12 cases of esophageal cancer, each in duplicates, paired with adjacent normal tissues5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020030Esophagus Tumor Tissue Array - 48 cases of normal, inflammatory and cancerous (different grades & stages) tissues of the5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020051Head & Neck Tumor Tissue Array - 48 cases of inflammatory, benign and malignant tumor tissues of the neck, oranasopharyn5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020055Kidney Tumor Tissue Array - 48 cases of uninvolved and cancerous tissues of the kidney in duplicates5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020054Kidney Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 36 cases covering all the common types of kidney cancer and 12 cases of normal an5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020052Kidney Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of kidney cancer and 5 cases of normal and5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020059Liver Tumor Tissue Array - 16 cases of liver cancer, each in duplicates, paired with adjacent normal tissues5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020061Liver Tumor Tissue Array - 48 cases of uninvolved and cancerous tissues of the liver in duplicates5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020060Liver Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 36 cases covering all the common types of liver cancer and 12 cases of normal and5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020056Liver Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of liver cancer and 5 cases of normal and o5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020057Liver Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of liver cancer and 5 cases of normal and o5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020069Lung Tumor Tissue Array - 16 cases covering all the common types of lung cancer paired with adjacent normal tissues5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020067Lung Tumor Tissue Array - 36 cases in duplicates covering all the common types of lung cancer and 12 cases of normal and5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020066Lung Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 36 cases covering all the common types of lung cancer and 12 cases of normal and ot5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020062Lung Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of lung cancer and 5 cases of normal and oth5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020063Lung Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of lung cancer and 5 cases of normal and oth5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020070Lymphoma Tissue Array - 70 cases of various types of nodal and extranodal lymphoma all in duplicates together with 5 cas5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020108Melanoma Tissue Array - 12 cases of normal epithelium, nevus, and carcinoma of the skin, and 36 cases of primary (26 cases) and metastatic (10 cases) melanomas in duplicates.5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020074Metastatic Tumor Tissue Array - 48 cases of metastatic cancers from 8 anatomic sites5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020038Multiple Tumor Tissue Array - 24 duplicated cases of gastrointestinal stroma tumor with various grades and stages.5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020082Multiple Tumor Tissue Array - 40 types of tumors.  Most of them have duplicates or triplicates from different individual5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020084Multiple Tumor Tissue Array  - Duplicated 48 cases of benign and malignant tumors of the nervous system5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020087Ovary Tumor Tissue Array - 12 cases of ovary cancer paired with adjacent normal tissues5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020089Ovary Tumor Tissue Array - 48 cases of uninvolved and cancerous tissues of the ovary in duplicates5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020088Ovary Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 36 cases covering all the common types of ovarian cancer and 12 cases of normal an5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020086Ovary Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of ovarian cancer and 5 cases of normal and5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020090Pancreas Tumor Tissue Array - 20 cases of pancreatic cancers and 4 cases of normal and non-malignant pancreatic tissues.5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020091Prostate Tumor Tissue Array - 17 cases of prostate tumors and 7 cases of normal and reactive prostate tissues.5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020042Rectum Tumor Tissue Array - 16 cases of rectum cancer, each in duplicates, paired with adjacent normal tissues5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020044Rectum Tumor Tissue Array - 48 cases of normal, reactive and cancerous (different grades & stages) tissues of the rectum5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020043Rectum Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 36 cases covering all the common types of rectal cancer and 12 cases of normal an5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020039Rectum Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of rectal cancer and 5 cases of normal and5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020040Rectum Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of rectal cancer and 5 cases of normal and5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020093Skin Tumor Tissue Array - 36 duplicated cases of skin tumors and 12 cases of normal and other non-malignant skin tissues5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020031Stomach Tumor Tissue Array - 16 cases of gastric cancer, each in duplicates, paired with corresponding uninvolved tissue5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020049Stomach Tumor Tissue Array - 36 cases of gastric cancers of various grades and stages, and 12 cases of normal and inflam5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020048Stomach Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 36 cases covering all the common types of stomach cancer and 12 cases of normal5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020045Stomach Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of stomach cancer and 5 cases of normal a5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020046Stomach Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of stomach cancer and 5 cases of  normal5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020096Testis Tumor Tissue Array - 16 cases of testis tumors and 8 cases of non-tumor testis tissues.5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020097Thyroid Tumor Tissue Array - 12 cases of thyroid cancer paired with corresponding uninvolved tissues from the same patie5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020098Thyroid Tumor Tissue Array - 48 cases of uninvolved and cancerous tissues of the thyroid in duplicates5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020004Breast Tumor Tissue Array - duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of breast cancer and 5 cases of normal and5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020005Breast Tumor Tissue Array - Duplicated 70 cases covering all the common types of breast cancer and 5 cases of normal and5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020109Pancreas Tumor Tissue Array - 20 cases of pancreatic cancers and 4 cases of normal pancreatic tissues in duplicates, non-overlapping with Z7020090, with grading and TNM staging data.5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020110Pancreas Tumor Tissue Array - 86 cases of malignant tumors, 10 cases of benign tumors, 5 cases of normal tissues, and 1 case inflammatory pancreatic tissue with grading and TNM staging data5 slides24276biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020003Monkey Tissue Array - 22 types of cyno monkey normal tissues covering all major organs5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020001Mouse Tissue Array - 18 types of mouse normal tissues covering all major organs. Each type has triplicates from 3 mice.5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8134035-2Multiple Species Paraffin Tissue Array - Brain2 slides3468biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8134149-2Multiple Species Paraffin Tissue Array - Liver2 slides3468biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8134035-5Multiple Species Paraffin Tissue Array - Brain5 slides6953biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8134149-5Multiple Species Paraffin Tissue Array - Liver5 slides6953biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7020002Rat Tissue Array - 22 types of rat normal tissues covering all major organs. Each type has triplicates from 3 rats.5 slides19397biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234606Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue (8) IX5 slides3468biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234605Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue (8) VIII5 slides3468biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234607Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue (8) X5 slides3468biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234444Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Brain I, 7 different tissues5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234445Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Brain II, 7 different tissues5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234564Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Brain IV, 7 different tissues5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234433Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue (8) III: Major Organ5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234432Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue (8) II: Major Organ5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234431Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue (8) I: Major Organ5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234601Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue (8) IV5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234602Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue (8) V5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234603Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue (8) VI5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8234604Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Adult Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue (8) VII5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235417Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Different Tumor Type, Different Donors, Panel I, 5 tissue spots5 slides5508biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235418Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Different Tumor Type, Different Donors, Panel II, 5 tissue spots5 slides5508biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235419Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Different Tumor Type, Different Donors, Panel III, 5 tissue spots5 slides5508biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235420Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Different Tumor Type, Different Donors, Panel IV, 5 tissue spots5 slides5508biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235421Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Different Tumor Type, Different Donors, Panel V, 5 tissue spots5 slides5508biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235422Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Different Tumor Type, Different Donors, Panel VI, 5 tissue spots5 slides5508biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235086Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor Same Tumor Type, Different Donors (5 tissues)5 slides5729biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235274Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Same Tumor Type, Different Donors (5 tissues)5 slides6137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235090Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Same Tumor Type, Different Donors (5 tissues)5 slides6137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235106Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Same Tumor Type, Different Donors (5 tissues)5 slides6137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235142Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Same Tumor Type, Different Donors (5 tissues)5 slides6137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235149Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Same Tumor Type, Different Donors (5 tissues)5 slides6137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235152Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Same Tumor Type, Different Donors (5 tissues)5 slides6137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235183Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Same Tumor Type, Different Donors (5 tissues)5 slides6137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235206Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Same Tumor Type, Different Donors (5 tissues)5 slides6137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235248Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Same Tumor Type, Different Donors (5 tissues)5 slides6137biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235437Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Different Tumor Type, Different Donors, Panel I, 8 tissue spots5 slides8568biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235438Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Different Tumor Type, Different Donors, Panel II, 8 tissue spots5 slides8568biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235439Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Different Tumor Type, Different Donors, Panel III, 8 tissue spots5 slides8568biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235440Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Different Tumor Type, Different Donors, Panel IV, 8 tissue spots5 slides8568biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235441Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Different Tumor Type, Different Donors, Panel V, 8 tissue spots5 slides8568biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235442Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Different Tumor Type, Different Donors, Panel VI, 8 tissue spots5 slides8568biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8235443Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Tumor, Different Tumor Type, Different Donors, Panel VII, 8 tissue spots5 slides8568biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8534448Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8534423Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Monkey (Rhesus) Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue III5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8534448-CyParaffin Tissue Section Panel - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I, 8 different tissues5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8534608-CyParaffin Tissue Section Panel - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue II5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8534423-CyParaffin Tissue Section Panel - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue III, 8 different tissues5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8334447Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Mouse Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8334608Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Mouse Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue II5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8334423Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Mouse Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue III5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8334035Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Mouse Whole Brain Segmentation Panel5 slides8789biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8236444AlzParaffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Disease Tissue, Alzheimer's Disease, Multi-tissue I, 8 different tissues5 slides9809biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8236445AlzParaffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Disease Tissue, Alzheimer's Disease, Multi-tissue II, 7 different tissues5 slides9809biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8236446AlzParaffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Disease Tissue, Alzheimer's Disease, Multi-tissue III, 8 different tissues5 slides9809biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8236564AlzParaffin Tissue Section Panel - Human Disease Tissue, Alzheimer's Disease, Multi-tissue IV, 7 different tissues5 slides9809biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8434448Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Rat Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue I5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8434608Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Rat Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue II5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T8434423Paraffin Tissue Section Panel - Rat Normal Tissue, Multi-tissue III5 slides3672biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236024DiaParaffin Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Bone Marrow5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236090DiaParaffin Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Colon5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236106DiaParaffin Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Esophagus5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236149DiaParaffin Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Liver5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236152DiaParaffin Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Lung5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236188DiaParaffin Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Pancreas5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236171DiaParaffin Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Skeletal Muscle5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236101DiaParaffin Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Duodenum5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236227DiaParaffin Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Ileum5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236230DiaParaffin Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Small Intestine: Jejunum5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236248DiaParaffin Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Stomach5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236189DiaParaffin Tissue Section - Human Diabetic Diseased Tissue: Parathyroid5 slides9537biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236122Hd-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236126Hd-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Atrium, left5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236127Hd-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Atrium, right5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236138Hd-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Ventricle, left5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236139Hd-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Arrhythmia, infarct: Heart Ventricle, right5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236130Hd-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Arrhythmia, infarct: Interventricular Septum5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236122Hd-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Congenital heart disease: Heart5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236122Hd-2Paraffin Tissue Section - hypertension: Heart5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236126Hd-2Paraffin Tissue Section - hypertension: Heart Atrium, left5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236127Hd-2Paraffin Tissue Section - hypertension: Heart Atrium, right5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236138Hd-2Paraffin Tissue Section - hypertension: Heart Ventricle, left5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236139Hd-2Paraffin Tissue Section - hypertension: Heart Ventricle, right5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236130Hd-2Paraffin Tissue Section - hypertension: Interventricular Septum5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234003Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Adipose5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234004Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Adrenal5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234006Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Appendix5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234010Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Bladder5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234013Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Blood Vessel: Artery5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234014Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Blood Vessel: Brain Artery5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234017Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Blood Vessel: Coronary Artery5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234020Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Blood Vessel: Vein5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234035Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234038Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Cerebellar Peduncles5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234039Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Cerebellum5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234040Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Cerebellum (left)5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234041Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Cerebellum (right)5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234042Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Cerebral Cortex5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234043Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Cerebral Meninges5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234047Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Corpora Mamillare5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234045Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Corpus Callosum5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234049Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Diencephalon5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234051Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Frontal Lobe5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234055Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Insula5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234057Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Medulla Oblongata5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234059Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Midbrain5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234062Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Occipital Lobe5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234066Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Parietal Lobe5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234071Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Pons5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234072Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234073Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Precentral Gyrus5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234078Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Temporal Lobe5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234079Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Thalamus5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234090Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Colon5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234169Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Diaphragm5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234105Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Epididymis5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234106Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Esophagus5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234118Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Gallbladder5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234122Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234123Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Aorta Valve5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234124Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Arcus Aortae5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234126Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Atrium (left)5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234127Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Atrium (right)5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234128Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Auricula (left)5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234129Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Auricula (right)5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234130Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Interventricular Septum5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234132Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Papilla Muscle5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234133Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Pericardium5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234134Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Pulmonary Artery5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234135Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Pulmonary Valve5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234138Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Ventricle (left)5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234139Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Ventricle (right)5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234142Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Kidney5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234149Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Liver5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234152Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Lung5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234161Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Lymph Node5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234188Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Pancreas5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234190Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Parotid5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234194Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Penis5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234200Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Placenta5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234201Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Prostate5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234206Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Rectum5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234171Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Skeletal Muscle5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234218Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Skin5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234226Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Small Intestine5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234234Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Spinal Cord5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234246Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Spleen5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234248Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Stomach5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234165Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Submaxillary gland5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234260Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Testis5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234263Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Throat5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234267Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Tongue5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234160Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Trachea5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234274Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Uterus5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234283Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Vagina5 slides2805biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234036Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Amygdala5 slides4998biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234037Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Basal Ganglia5 slides4998biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234044Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Choroid Plexus5 slides4998biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234063Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Olfactory ( region)5 slides4998biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234064Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Optic Nerve5 slides4998biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234067Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Pineal Gland5 slides4998biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234080Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Tonsilla Cerebelli5 slides4998biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234081Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Tuberculum Cinereum5 slides4998biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234082Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Vermis Cerebelli5 slides4998biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234086Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Breast5 slides4998biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234100Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Ductus Deferens5 slides4998biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234110Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Eye: Retina5 slides4998biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234131Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Mitral Valve5 slides4998biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234136Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Heart: Tricuspid Valve5 slides4998biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234183Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Ovary5 slides7633biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234052Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Hippocampus5 slides9537biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234189Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Parathyroid5 slides9537biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2234068Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adult Normal: Brain: Pituitary5 slides11475biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235001Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Abdominal Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235001-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Abdominal Tumor: Cysto Teratocarcinoid5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235001-6Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Abdominal Tumor: Malignant Mesothelioma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235001-7Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Abdominal Tumor: Neuofibromatosis5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235003Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adipose Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235003-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adipose Tumor: Lipoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235004-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adrenal Tumor: Adrenal Pheochromocytoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235004-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adrenal Tumor: Myelolipoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235011Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Angioma 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235011-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Angioma: Cavernous Hemangioma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235011-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Angioma: Glomus Tumor5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235011-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Angioma: Hemangioma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235006Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Appendix Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235006-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Appendix Tumor: Adenocarcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235023Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Bone Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235023-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Bone Tumor: Chondroblastic Osteosarcoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235023-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Bone Tumor: Chondroma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235023-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Bone Tumor: Chondrosarcoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235023-4Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Bone Tumor: Chondrosarcoma, Grade I - II5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235023-5Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Bone Tumor: Chondrosarcoma, Well Differentiated5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235023-7Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Bone Tumor: Myeloma, Plasmacytic5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235023-8Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Bone Tumor: Synovial Sarcoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor: Astrocytoma Grade III5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035-4Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor: Craniopharyngioma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035-6Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor: Epndymoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035-7Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor: Gliocytoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035-8Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor: Malignant Oligodendroglioma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035-9Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor: Meningioma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035-11Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor: Meningioma (Necrotic)5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035-12Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor: Oligodendroglioma and Astrocytoma, Mixed Glioma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035-13Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor: Pilocytic Astrocytoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035-14Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor: Pituitary Adenoma with Oncocytic Cell Type5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235086-4Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Breast Tumor: Male Breast Hyperplasia5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235086-5Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Breast Tumor: Medullarycarcinoma of Breast5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235090-8Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Colon Tumor: Diffuse Type Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235090-9Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Colon Tumor: Non-hodgkin's lymphoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235106-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Esophagus Tumor: Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Moderately Differentiated5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235106-4Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Esophagus Tumor: Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Poorly Differentiated5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235142-7Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Kidney Tumor: Wilms' Tumor5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235149-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Liver Tumor: Adenocarcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235149-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Liver Tumor: Cholangiocellular Carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235149-5Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Liver Tumor: Nodulous Hepatocellular Carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235152-6Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Lung Tumor: Large Cell Carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235161-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Lymph Nodes Tumor: Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235161-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Lymph Nodes Tumor: Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, T Cell5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235161-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Lymph Nodes Tumor: Reactive Hyperplasia of Lymph Node5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235188-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Pancreas Tumor: Adenocarcinoma, Moderately Differentiated5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235188-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Pancreas Tumor: Islet Cell Tumor5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235189Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Parathyroid Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235190-5Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Parotid Tumor: Pleomorphic Adenoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235193-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Pelvic Tumor: Malignant Mesothelioma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235218-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Skin Tumor: Basal Cell Carcinoma (Face)5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235218-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Skin Tumor: Malignant Melanoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235218-7Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Skin Tumor: Squamous Cell Carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235218-8Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Skin Tumor: Squamous Cell Carcinoma , Well Differentiated5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235226-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Small Intestine Tumor: Duodenum Adenocarcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235248-10Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Stomach Tumor: Squamous Cell Carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235268Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Tonsil Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235268-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Tonsil Tumor: Lymphoma of Tonsil5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor: Astrocytoma Grade I5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235004Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adrenal Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235004-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Adrenal Tumor: Adenoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235010Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Bladder Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235010-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Bladder Tumor: Papillary Transitional Cell Carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235023-6Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Bone Tumor: Giant Cell Tumor, Grade I-II5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor: Astrocytoma Grade II5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035-5Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor: Ependymal Glioma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235086Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Breast Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235086-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Breast Tumor: Fibroadenoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235086-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Breast Tumor: Invasive ductal carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235086-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Breast Tumor: Lobular carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235086-6Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Breast Tumor: Mucous Adenocarcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235090Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Colon Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235090-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Colon Tumor: Adenocarcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235090-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Colon Tumor: Adenocarcinoma (Mucoid)5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235090-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Colon Tumor: Adenocarcinoma (Ulcer)5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235090MSHParaffin Tissue Section - Human Colon Tumor: Adenocarcinoma, MSH 5 slides11883biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235090MSSParaffin Tissue Section - Human Colon Tumor: Adenocarcinoma, MSS 5 slides8483biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235118Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Gallbladder Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235118-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Gallbladder Tumor: Adenocarcinoma, Moderately Differentiated5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235118-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Gallbladder Tumor: Adenocarcinoma, Poorly Differentiated5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235118-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Gallbladder Tumor: Adenocarcinoma, Well Differentiated5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235121Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Head & Neck Tumor: Squamouse Cell Carcinoma 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235121HPV+Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Head & Neck Tumor: Squamouse Cell Carcinoma, HPV Positive5 slides8483biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235121HPV-Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Head & Neck Tumor: Squamouse Cell Carcinoma, HPV Negative5 slides8483biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235142Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Kidney Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235142-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Kidney Tumor: Clear cell carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235142-4Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Kidney Tumor: Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235142-5Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Kidney Tumor: Renal Cell Carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235149Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Liver Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235149-4Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Liver Tumor: Hepatocellular Carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235152Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Lung Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235152-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Lung Tumor: Adenocarcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235152-9Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Lung Tumor: Small Cell Carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235152-10Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Lung Tumor: Squamous Cell Carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235183-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Ovary Tumor: Mucous Papillary Cystoadenocarcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235188Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Pancreas Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235188-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Pancreas Tumor: Adenocarcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235201Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Prostate Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235201-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Prostate Tumor: Adenocarcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235201-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Prostate Tumor: Neoplasia of Prostate5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235206MSSParaffin Tissue Section - Human Rectum Tumor: Adenocarcinoma, MSS5 slides8483biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235218Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Skin Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235218-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Skin Tumor: Fibrosarcoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235248MSSParaffin Tissue Section - Human Stomach Tumor: Adenocarcinoma, MSS5 slides8483biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235248-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Stomach Tumor: Adenocarcinoma, Moderately Differentiated5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235248-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Stomach Tumor: Adenocarcinoma Poorly Differentiated5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235248-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Stomach Tumor: Adenocarcinoma, Well Differentiated5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235248-9Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Stomach Tumor: Signet-Ring Cell Carcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235260Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Testis Tumor 5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235260-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Testis Tumor: Seminoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235263-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Throat Tumor: Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Pharynx5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235265-5Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Thyroid Tumor: Nodular Goiter of Thyroid5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235265-7Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Thyroid Tumor: Papillary Adenocarcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235274-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Uterus Tumor: Endometrium Adenocarcinoma5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235274MSSParaffin Tissue Section - Human Uterus Tumor: Adenocarcinoma, MSS5 slides8483biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235275Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Uterus Cervix Tumor5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235275HPV+Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Uterus Cervix Tumor, HPV positive5 slides8483biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235275HPV-Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Uterus Cervix Tumor, HPV negative5 slides8483biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235035-10Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Brain Tumor: Meningioma (Fibrous)5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235152-SCCancerSeq™ Plus Paraffin Tissue Tumor Section: Lung5 curls12614biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235265-SCCancerSeq™ Plus Paraffin Tissue Tumor Sections: Thyroid5 curls12614biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235086-SCCancerSeq™ Plus Paraffin Tissue Tumor Sections: Breast5 curls12614biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235248-SCCancerSeq™ Plus Paraffin Tissue Tumor Sections: Stomach5 curls12614biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235086-STCancerSeq™ Paraffin Tissue Tumor Slides: Breast5 Slides9265biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235090-STCancerSeq™ Paraffin Tissue Tumor Slides: Colon5 Slides9265biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235152-STCancerSeq™ Paraffin Tissue Tumor Slides: Lung5 Slides9265biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235218A-STCancerSeq™ Paraffin Tissue Tumor Slides: Skin Melanoma5 Slides9265biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235086-SBCancerSeq™ Paraffin Tissue Tumor Block: Breast1 Block64991biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235090-SBCancerSeq™ Paraffin Tissue Tumor Block: Colon1 Block64991biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235152-SBCancerSeq™ Paraffin Tissue Tumor Block: Lung1 Block64991biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2235218A-SBCancerSeq™ Paraffin Tissue Tumor Block: Skin Melanoma1 Block64991biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236122LcsParaffin Tissue Section - Liver Cirrhosis: Heart5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236142LcsParaffin Tissue Section - Liver Cirrhosis: Kidney5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236149NASParaffin Tissue Section - NASH: Liver5 slides8483biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236149LcsParaffin Tissue Section - Liver Cirrhosis: Liver5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236152LcsParaffin Tissue Section - Liver Cirrhosis: Lung5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236188LcsParaffin Tissue Section - Liver Cirrhosis: Pancreas5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236246LcsParaffin Tissue Section - Liver Cirrhosis: Spleen5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236152Ld-1Paraffin Tissue Section - Asthma: Lung5 slides7208biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236152Ld-2Paraffin Tissue Section - Bronchitis: Lung5 slides7208biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236152Ld-3Paraffin Tissue Section - Emphysema: Lung5 slides7208biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236152Ld-4Paraffin Tissue Section - Pneumonia: Lung5 slides7208biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236152Ld-5Paraffin Tissue Section - Pulmonary embolism: Lung5 slides7208biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236122LupParaffin Tissue Section - Lupus: Heart5 slides3570biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236142LupParaffin Tissue Section - Lupus: Kidney5 slides3570biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236149LupParaffin Tissue Section - Lupus: Liver5 slides3570biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236152LupParaffin Tissue Section - Lupus: Lung5 slides3570biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236188LupParaffin Tissue Section - Lupus: Pancreas5 slides3570biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236246LupParaffin Tissue Section - Lupus: Spleen5 slides3570biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236035AlzParaffin Tissue Section - Alzheimers Disease: Brain5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236036AlzParaffin Tissue Section - Alzheimers Disease: Brain: Amygdala5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236039AlzParaffin Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Cerebellum5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236045AlzParaffin Tissue Section - Alzheimers Disease: Brain: Corpus Callosum5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236051AlzParaffin Tissue Section - Alzheimers Disease: Brain: Frontal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236062AlzParaffin Tissue Section - Alzheimers Disease: Brain: Occipital Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236066AlzParaffin Tissue Section - Alzheimers Disease: Brain: Parietal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236071AlzParaffin Tissue Section - Alzheimers Disease: Brain: Pons5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236072AlzParaffin Tissue Section - Alzheimers Disease: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus (Sensation)5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236073AlzParaffin Tissue Section - Alzheimers Disease: Brain: Precentral Gyrus (Movement)5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236078AlzParaffin Tissue Section - Alzheimers Disease: Brain: Temporal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236079AlzParaffin Tissue Section - Alzheimers Disease: Brain: Thalamus5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236051DemParaffin Tissue Section - Dementia: Brain: Frontal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236062DemParaffin Tissue Section - Dementia: Brain: Occipital Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236066DemParaffin Tissue Section - Dementia: Brain: Parietal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236078DemParaffin Tissue Section - Dementia: Brain: Temporal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236079DemParaffin Tissue Section - Dementia: Brain: Thalamus5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236051DepParaffin Tissue Section - Depression: Brain: Frontal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236062DepParaffin Tissue Section - Depression: Brain: Occipital Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236066DepParaffin Tissue Section - Depression: Brain: Parietal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236078DepParaffin Tissue Section - Depression: Brain: Temporal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236079DepParaffin Tissue Section - Depression: Brain: Thalamus5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236035MscParaffin Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236036MscParaffin Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Amygdala5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236039MscParaffin Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Cerebellum5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236045MscParaffin Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Corpus Callosum5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236051MscParaffin Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Frontal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236057MscParaffin Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Medulla oblongata5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236062MscParaffin Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Occipital Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236066MscParaffin Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Parietal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236071MscParaffin Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Pons5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236072MscParaffin Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236073MscParaffin Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Precentral Gyrus5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236078MscParaffin Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Temporal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236079MscParaffin Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Thalamus5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236035ParParaffin Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236036ParParaffin Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Amygdala5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236039ParParaffin Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Cerebellum5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236045ParParaffin Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Corpus Callosum5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236051ParParaffin Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Frontal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236057ParParaffin Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Medulla oblongata5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236062ParParaffin Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Occipital Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236066ParParaffin Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Parietal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236071ParParaffin Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Pons5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236072ParParaffin Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Postcentral Gyrus5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236073ParParaffin Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Precentral Gyrus5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236078ParParaffin Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Temporal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236079ParParaffin Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Thalamus5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236039PSPParaffin Tissue Section - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Cerebellum5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236051PSPParaffin Tissue Section - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Frontal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236057PSPParaffin Tissue Section - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Medulla oblongata5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236062PSPParaffin Tissue Section - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Occipital Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236066PSPParaffin Tissue Section - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Parietal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236071PSPParaffin Tissue Section - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Pons5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236078PSPParaffin Tissue Section - Progressive Supranuclear Palsy: Brain: Temporal Lobe5 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236057AlzParaffin Tissue Section - Alzheimer's Disease: Brain: Medulla oblongata5 slides7208biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236052AlzParaffin Tissue Section - Alzheimers Disease: Brain: Hippocampus5 slides11475biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236052DemParaffin Tissue Section - Dementia: Brain: Hippocampus5 slides11475biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236052DepParaffin Tissue Section - Depression: Brain: Hippocampus5 slides11475biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236052MscParaffin Tissue Section - Multiple Sclerosis Disease: Brain: Hippocampus5 slides11475biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2236052ParParaffin Tissue Section - Parkinson's Disease: Brain: Hippocampus5 slides11475biochain2021Ambient Temperature
T2255830Paraffin Tissue Section - Human Tumor Cell Line: MCF-75 slides3604biochain2021Ambient Temperature
Z7030076Human EPC freezing medium50 ml1632biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030006Human EPOC freezing medium50 ml1632biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030036Mouse EPOC freezing medium50 ml1632biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030066Mouse MSC freezing medium50 ml1632biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030074Human EPC basal medium500 ml1819biochain2021Blue Ice
Z7030004Human EPOC basal medium500 ml1819biochain2021Blue Ice
Z7030034Mouse EPOC basal medium500 ml1819biochain2021Blue Ice
Z7030064Mouse MSC basal medium500 ml1819biochain2021Blue Ice
Z7030075Human EPC growth medium supplements50 ml2006biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030005Human EPOC growth medium supplements25 ml2006biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030035Mouse EPOC growth medium supplements25 ml2006biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030065Mouse MSC growth medium supplements35 ml2006biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030073Human EPC growth medium500 ml3655biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030003Human EPOC growth medium500 ml3655biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030033Mouse EPOC growth medium500 ml3655biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030063Mouse MSC growth medium500 ml3655biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030061Cryopreserved mMSC0.5 x 106 cells10608biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030031Cryopreserved mEPOC0.5 x 1066324biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030001Cryopreserved EPOC0.5 x 10610608biochain2021Dry Ice
Z7030071Cryopreserved hEPC, CD 133+0.5 x 10610608biochain2021Dry Ice