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更新时间:2021-02-09      点击次数:56654



36307Screen Quest™ Fluo-8 Medium Removal Calcium Assay Kit1 PlateAAT
28989333HiLoad 16/600 Superdex 75 pgEAGE
5012-0020Nalgene™ 通用长期存储冻存管Case of 1000ThermoScientific
71-6000PAX2 Polyclonal Antibody100 μgInvitrogen
mbs3804611Human Citrullinated Histone H3 ELISA Kit96-Strip-Wellsmybiosource
MBS7255959cit H3 elisa kit :: Mouse Citrullinated Histone H3 ELISA Kit96-Strip-Wellsmybiosource
MAB212-SPHuman GDNF Antibody25ugR&D
ab183685重组Anti-CD4抗体[EPR19514] (ab183685)40 μlabcam
RD172124100ENPP1 Protein Human HEK2930.1mgbiovendor
991-03-P-CSX2-1LUrine - Charcoal Stripped x 21Lleebio
991-03-P-CSX2Urine - Charcoal Stripped x 2100mlleebio
VPK-120Retrovirus Rapid Quantitation Kit20 assayscellbiolabs
631132TetR Monoclonal Antibody (Clone 9G9)200ugclonetech
P42375-MEOXZDMSMEOXZ -1GPoly(2-methyl oxazoline)-b-poly(dimethyl siloxane)-b-poly(2-methyl oxazoline), with propyl-ethoxy link between blocks1Gpolymersource
TBT-999TBS AVEC TWEEN 20X 1 litre1Leurobio
ab187156Recombinant Anti-USP25 antibody [EPR15019] (ab187156)100μlabcam
tcup8673OVA Conjugated Reverse Triiodothyronine (rT3)200ugtaiclone
tcup8672BSA Conjugated Reverse Triiodothyronine (rT3)200ugtaiclone
ADI-900-057Protein A ELISA kit96 wellsENZO
H2N-IPAECTTIYNR-OHH2N-IPAECTTIYNR-OH 11 residues >95% Purity Amino Acid Analysis (AAA) - No50mgsnewenglandpeptide
M3633-250MG4-Methylumbelliferyl β-D-glucopyranoside250 mgsigma
AS15 2962RBOHD | Respiratory burst oxidase homolog protein D50 μgagrisera
EM010-96human IL-12/IL-23 p40 elisa kit1kitexcellbio
5510 0500 9007Dextran T500500 gdextran
EH034-96mouse TGF-b1 elisa kit1kitexcellbio
4520Synthetic Blocking Buffer, ELISA500 mLkementec
WB3290-PE-1000HLA-A*0201 (FLLTRILTI), PE, 1000 tests1000 testsimmudex
EH010-96human TGF-b1 elisa kit1kitexcellbio
PM-WCPV-S-2 (>70%)PepMix™ SARS-CoV-2 (Spike Glycoprotein)25ugJPT
A07790CD62P-FITC, CLBThromb/6, 100 Tests, CE100Testsbeckman
ENZ-KIT103-0005Adipogenesis assay kit5x24 wellsENZO
LS-F38541-1Monkey GFAP (Sandwich ELISA) ELISA Kit1 platelsbio
A8952UM 7295mgapexbio
NTRC-GSCell-1Kcellular assay kit1,000 datapointsntrc
GE-40Panti-Dog IgE Antibody (Goat) - HRP Conjugated1.0 mgicllab
HIS31-K01Histamine ELISA Assay Kit96Teaglebio
GWB-FCADB6Histamine ELISA96TGenWay
CEA927GeELISA Kit for Histamine (HA)96Tcloud-clone
3587ARNA Marker RL6,00040次/管takarabio
ab213975Histamine ELISA试剂盒1 x 96 testsabcam
3586ARNA Marker RL1,00040次/管takarabio
K4163-100Histamine (HIS) ELISA Kit100 assaysBioVision
3427ADL2,000 DNA Marker500ul*2/管takarabio
3426A1 kb DNA Ladder (Dye Plus)500ul*2/管takarabio
BM300-H2B1糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c) 单克隆抗体1mgbbisolutions
CJ-F-PPV-10MLPorcine Parvovirus (PPV) FITC Conjugate10 mlVMRD
CJ-F-REO-10MLReovirus (REO) FITC Conjugate10 mlVMRD
CJ-F-BPV-10MLBovine Parvovirus (BPV) FITC Conjugate10 mlVMRD
CJ-F-BAV3-10MLBovine Adenovirus Type 3 (BAV-3) FITC Conjugate10 mlVMRD
343108APC anti-human CD7100testBiolegend
353608FITC anti-human CD371 (CLEC12A)100testBiolegend
RA14113-100buffer Genie
31-1057-00Anti-Histone H3 pan Rabbit Monoclonal Antibody, Clone RM188100ugrevmab
115-006-008AffiniPure Fab₂ Fragment Goat Anti-Mouse IgG, Fcγ fragment specific1mgJackson
p02-p0116Protein A/G, R-PE conjugate100 μgcelltechgen
70747-0.1 mgMouse Monoclonal anti-human Lp-PLA2 (Detection)0.1 mgBioCheck
AX-AP01012AProtein L, cl-APC conjugate100 ugcelltechgen
PRS-BB01S9-100/1537 Booster Solution0.5 mlxenometrix
72.730.711Mikro-Schraubröhre, 0,5 ml, steril0.5ml/500个一包sarstedt
AB1790404,4'-Dimethoxychalcone; 98%25gabcr
13/246Meningococcal serogroup A polysaccharide (1st WHO International Standard)eaNIBSC
PM-CEFX-2CEFX Ultra SuperStim Pool15 nmol>90%JPT
D3-1711-100Mouse Anti-6His IgG: SureLight™ APC, 100ug100ugcolumbiabiosciences
D17-1711-20ugMouse Anti-6His IgG: Eu-W102420ugcolumbiabiosciences
10570-HNCBTCPTP Protein, Human, Recombinant50 μgsinobiological
29750-H08HCD79B Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)100ugsinobiological
111-035-008Peroxidase AffiniPure Goat Anti-Rabbit IgG, Fc fragment specific2.0 mljackson
30029NucView® 488 Caspase-3 Assay Kit for Live Cells100 assaysbiotium
610160anti-AAV8 (intact particle) mouse monoclonal, ADK8, lyophilized, purified (reactivity to AAV8) Dot Blots , ELISA , ICC/IF , IHC , IP , Neutralization Assay50ugProgen
555029GolgiPlug Protein Trnsp Inhb 1mL1mLBD
A02082002BR(辐照)Methionine and Choline Deficient L-Amino Acid Diet12.5KGresearchdiets
RDR-FSH-Ra(48T)Rat Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) ELISA Kit48Treddotbiotech
RDR-FSH-RaRat Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) ELISA Kit96Treddotbiotech
2479SVEGF Receptor 2 (55B11) Rabbit mAb100 μlCST
MBS768690Rabbit DNAJC11 Polyclonal Antibody0.1 mgmybiosource
2478TPhospho-VEGF Receptor 2 (Tyr1175) (19A10) Rabbit mAb20 μlCST
4695Tp44/42 MAPK (Erk1/2) (137F5) Rabbit mAb20 μlCST
MBS2517105Rabbit DNAJC11 Polyclonal Antibody Scan QR to view Datasheet0.06 mLmybiosource
MBS646759Mouse anti-Human DNAJC11 Polyclonal Antibody0.05 mgmybiosource
1705061Clarity Western ECL Substrate, 500 ml500 mlbio-rad
BIO-PEG-SVA-5K-100MG & MPEG-SVA-5K-1gBIO-PEG-SVA, MW 5,000 and MPEG-SVA, MW 5,000 - Combo Kit1glaysanbio
SM-121-50mgDEOXYCORTICOSTERONE ACETATE (DOCA)25 pelletsinnovrsrch
LS003793Polyphenol Oxidase (Tyrosinase)500 kuworthington
LS004524Galactose Oxidase1 kuworthington
LS003998Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase, Lyophilized18 kuworthington
LS003317Pepsin A10 gmworthington
LS002881Lysozyme10 gmworthington
LS004330Diaphorase2 kuworthington
LS004250Proteinase K, Recombinant1 gmworthington
LS001898Catalase, Filtered10x10 mlworthington
AS-64129-1Beta-Amyloid (1-42) • HFIP, Human1 mganaspec
AS-64128-1Beta - Amyloid (1 - 40) • HFIP, Human1 mganaspec
CSR-OKP-PMG-K01TE2-Deoxyglucose (2DG) Uptake Measurement Kit1 KITcosmobio
SC3200Human Pulmonary Alveolar Epithelial Cells, Passage 11 vial3hbiomedical
Ab00240-2.0Anti-Polysialic acid [735] Mouse IgG2a kappa200μgabsoluteantibody
B210Es (sheep E)20ml @ 5x10⁸/mlcomplementtech
610-1302Anti-MOUSE IgG (H&L) (GOAT) Antibody Peroxidase Conjugated2mgrockland
494-23-10Prothrombin10 mgleebio
105-04Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor100μgprimegene
104-02Recombinant Human Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor500ugprimegene
B201EA (Ab-sensitized sheep E)10ml @ 5x10⁸/mlcomplementtech
12877-50DNeasy PowerClean Cleanup Kit (50)eaQIAGEN
SW6-EC-2 PKMatrigen SW6pack of 10matrigen
801-CX-025rhBLC/BCA-125 ugR&D
BAF801hBLC/BCA-1 Biot Aff50 ugR&D
MAB801-100hBLC/BCA-1 MAb Cl 510 ugR&D
272-I-010Recombinant Human CCL1/I-309 Protein10 ugR&D
BAF272Human CCL1/I‑309/TCA‑3 Biotinylated Antibody50 ugR&D
MAB272-100Human CCL1/I-309/TCA-3 Antibody100 ugR&D
D45968Denufosol tetrasodium0.5 mgcarbosynth
mbs718756Dpep1 recombinant protein :: Dipeptidase 1 (Dpep1) Recombinant Protein0.02mg (E-Coli)mybiosource
NATE-1696(100ug)Glucokinase from Human, recombinant,662 pmol/min/μg100ugcreative-enzymes
B94987Vi-CELL XR Quad Pack Reagent Kits for Integrated Systems4组/套beckman
hIPSC-Di21-c2-4-3Di C2-4-3 Modified Human iPS None reportedeaWiCell
MBS2702204Mouse Secretory Immunoglobulin A (sIgA) ELISA Kit24-Strip-Wellsmybiosource
961801Adhesive Sealing Film, Teflon®, Round Well100pkganalytical
3810SEnolase-1 Antibody #3810100μlcst
KK4601KAPA SYBR® FAST qPCR Kits (Universal)500 x 20 μL reactionsKAPA
ENZ-51031-0050CYTO-ID® Autophagy detection kit1*50testsENZO
366 004Somatostatin-28100 μlSynaptic Systems
SN02012(100 mg)UDP-GalNAz.2Na100 mgchemilyglycoscience
SN02012(50 mg)UDP-GalNAz.2Na50 mgchemilyglycoscience
ab7403Streptavidin (HRP)500 μgabcam
Q32856Qubit™ Assay Tubes500 tubesthermofisher
MBS822038Rabbit LCK (pY393) Polyclonal Antibody0.03 mLmybiosource
series4 896CRēDO CUBE™96L 
786-708SpinOUT™ GT-1200, 10ml5 columnsG-Biosciences
T340NOSColored Closures, O-ring seal, NaturalCase of 1000Simport
T340LOSColored Closures, O-ring seal, LilacCase of 1000Simport
T340BOSColored Closures, O-ring seal, BlueCase of 1000Simport
T340WOSColored Closures, O-ring seal, WhiteCase of 1000Simport
E-AB-F1172JPerCP/Cyanine5.5 Anti-Human IgM Antibody100 Testselabscience
5320-31S96-Place Flipper Rack with Clear Lid, 213 × 118 × 50 mm10个/箱SSIBIO
NATE-1001Recombinant Ribokinase from E. coli From analysis of last lot of enzyme the activity was 260 U/mg100μgCreative Enzymes
NATE-1696Glucokinase from Human, recombinant,662 pmol/min/μg10ugcreative-enzymes
ab51608Recombinant Anti-HIF-1 alpha antibody [EP1215Y] (ab51608)100μlabcam
005-000-121Normal Goat Serum10.0mljacksonimmuno
555415Hu CD19 APC HIB19 100Tst100TstBD
9687-CD-050Recombinant Human CD79B Protein, CF50 ugR&D
ab92486Anti-TGF beta 1 antibody (ab92486)100μgabcam
IC6200Alpha-1-Antitrypsin in Stool Human ELISA96 wells (1 kit)biovendor
NA10798DNA from LCL50 μgcoriell
AS-64129-05Beta - Amyloid (1 - 42) • HFIP, Human0.5 mganaspec
AS-64128-05Beta - Amyloid (1 - 40) • HFIP, Human0.5 mganaspec
A2002Nivolumab (anti-PD-1)5mgselleckchem
41-50000-03Connector Ring, 25 pcs, sterilepcspluriSelect
A80-108PGoat anti-Human IgE Antibody HRP Conjugated1 mgBethyl
12779Escherichia colidsmz
L80010.9% Sodium Chloride Injection USP500 mLbraun
2B1323Q0.9% Sodium Chloride Injection, USP, 500 mL VIAFLEX Plastic Container500 mLbaxter
CLA31440Anti-Mouse Thrombocyte (platelet), Antiserum, (Polyclonal) (rabbit serum)5mLcedarlanelabs
1009533Wizard Classic 3 - Tubes10ml*48 
BB-2375TAPS Buffer (1 M, pH 8.5) - Products - #BB-2375100mlbostonbioproducts
1009534Wizard Classic 4 - Tubes10ml*48rigaku
2228Recombinant cGAS Enzyme, Active, Human, Full-Length100ugBellBrook
SA26Streptavidin-plus® (recombinant) [SA26]100mgprozymetoo
ANC-007-50μlAnti-Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor α7 (CHRNA7) (extracellular) Antibody - 50 μl50μlAlomone Labs
IC-110100-GPharmacidal Sprays and Solution 消毒喷壶溶液5Lbioind
ab16502Anti-NF-kB p65 antibody (ab16502)100μgabcam
RV100A-1Retro-Concentin100 mlSBI
BTGMS-HI-4.20 75-90um - 10gBarium Titanate Solid Glass Microspheres n~1.93 d=4.20g/cc 75-90um - 10g10gCospheric
BTGMS-HI-4.15 60-65um - 10gBarium Titanate Solid Glass Microspheres n~1.93 d=4.15g/cc 60-65um10gCospheric
314SSpinOUT™ GT-1200, 10ml5 columnsG-Biosciences
list193Tetanus Toxin C-Fragment from Clostridium tetani10 uglistlabs
BTGMS-ND2.2-4.35 5-22um - 5gBarium Titanate Solid Glass Microspheres n~2.2 d=4.35g/cc 5-22um5gCospheric
B00994WANasco Whirl-Pak B00994WA 样品袋,380毫米长 x 125毫米宽,0.076毫米厚,1065毫升容量(一盒500个)一盒500个Nasco
B00994WANasco Whirl-Pak B00994WA 样品袋,380毫米长 x 125毫米宽,0.076毫米厚,1065毫升容量(一盒500个)一盒500个Nasco
RB-CETPRoar CETP Activity Assay Kit100 assaysroarbiomedical
177040.1205Kjeldahl tablets (Catalyst with 10.26 % CuSO4 · 5H2O)eaapplichem
SMF-2026-1Stellaris® FISH Probes, Human GAPDH with Quasar® 570 Dye1 nmol Totalbiosearchtech
5337926CGA, MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY, CLONE 2E81 mgdiasource
5137906CGA, Monoclonal Antibody, clone 1H61 mgdiasource
KAPEPKT812Human Chromogranin A ELISAeachdiasource
38002-1Guinea Pig Complement10 mLpelfreez
211906Phytone™ Peptone454 gGibco
CH-10Bag Access Spike Clave®50/CSICU Medical
TP723443-1mgThrombomodulin (THBD) (NM_000361) Human Recombinant Protein1mgorigene
M3850-01MEM Alpha Modified Ca Free w/L-Glutamine, Na Pantothenate w/o Ribo, Deoxyribosides (Powder)25Lusbio
610003-1EAPC Membranes 0.05μm1EAAvanti
880234C-10MGDOPE-PEG(2000) Amine10 mgAvanti
890810P-1G18:0 DDAB1GAvanti
850725C-1G18:1 (Δ9-Cis) PE (DOPE)1GAvanti
4304437TaqMan™ Universal PCR Master Mix1 x 5 mLAppliedBiosystems
6535-ZN-010Recombinant Tetanus Neurotoxin Type Light Chain Protein, CF10 ugRND
SRM 1566bOyster Tissueeanist
GARHRP-050UltraPolymer Goat anti-Rabbit IgG (H&L) conjugated to HRP, affinity purified, min x w/human, mouse or rat serum50 mlimmunoreagents
10-9501研究10 – 9501聚丙烯无菌锥形逐离心机管带 screwcaps 50 ml 容量一盒500 racked )50ulbiologix
CABT-B8992(500 uL)Anti-MMAE monoclonal antibody500 uLcreative-diagnostics
I4506-50MGIgG from human serum50 mgsigma
ISER100MLPooled Human Serum Off The Clot100mlinnov-research
PD3-E8402-QCMini-Dome protrusions inhibit suction blockage and has a flexible 2¼” Mini-Dome Disc100/bageldonjames
71346-3CNOrigami™ 2(DE3)pLysS Competent Cells - Novagen0.4 mlmerckmillipore
71345-3CNOrigami™ 2(DE3) Competent Cells - Novagen0.4 mlmerckmillipore
70837-3CNOrigami™ B(DE3) Competent Cells - Novagen0.4 mlmerckmillipore
TAB-757Anti-KIRD2 Subgroup Therapeutic Antibody (Lirilumab)1mgcreativebiolabs
362830-0113HDPE High Profile Closures with Color Coders for Micro Packaging Vials: NonsterileCase of 1000Nalgene
CYT-147Activin-A Rat Recombinant2ugprospec
F36924FluoCells™ Prepared Slide #1 (BPAE cells with MitoTracker™ Red CMXRos, Alexa Fluor™ 488 Phalloidin, and DAPI)1 eachthermofisher
SRM 1570aTrace Elements in Spinach Leaveseanist
810143P-1mg14:0 NBD PE1 x 1mgavantilipids
44153SGranzyme B (E5V2L) Rabbit mAb (Mouse Specific)100μlcst
ab209775Recombinant Anti-CD8 alpha antibody [EPR20305]40ulabcam
C022Pico-Surf™ (5% (w/w) in Novec 7500)10mlspherefluidics
C012Pico-Surf™ (5% (w/w) in FC-40)10mlspherefluidics
DPABH-20781Anti-OTUD1 polyclonal antibody100ulcreative-diagnostics
ADC-S-031SG3249 purity > 95%10mgcreativebiolabs
ADC-S-021MA-PEG4-vc-PAB-DMEA-duocarmycin SA1mgcreativebiolabs
PPC1010-5MLProtease and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail5 mLsigma
A1288,0500Pluronic® F-68 BioChemica500 gApplichem
12594100SuperScript™ IV One-Step RT-PCR System100 reactionsInvitrogen
0109DIRTTSize Estimation Chart (Transparency)eachtappi
635001-R2.0mL 可立红色样品管, (螺旋盖带胶圈) ,灭菌50个/包,10包/盒,4盒/箱nest
10777019RNaseOUT™ Recombinant Ribonuclease Inhibitor5000 unitsInvitrogen
129115Nuclear-Free Water (1000ml)1000mlqiagen
74136RNeasy Plus Mini Kit (250)250 reactionsqiagen
74134RNeasy Plus Mini Kit (50)50 reactionsqiagen
ab239759Streptavidin-Phycoerythrin (R-PE)500 uLabcam
405203Streptavidin-Phycoerythrin, SAv-PE100 ugbiolegend
P3270-15Anti-Pepsin (HRP)100ugusbio
205314QuantiTect Rev. Transcription Kit (400)400qiagen
TB-7300-K1QuickSwitch™ Quant HLA-A*02:01 Tetramer Kit-PE25 μgmblbio
205313QuantiTect Rev. Transcription Kit (200)200qiagen
TB-7400-K1QuickSwitch™ Quant H-2Kb Tetramer Kit-PE25 μgmblbio
205311QuantiTect Rev. Transcription Kit (50)50qiagen
TB-7304-K1QuickSwitch™ Quant HLA-A*11:01 Tetramer Kit-PE25 μgmblbio
MBS2883847Pglyrp1 elisa kit :: Mouse Peptidoglycan recognition protein 1 ELISA Kit96-Strip-Wellsmybiosource
DB0715K-5000UBaseline-ZERO™ DNase5,000 ULGC(Lucigen)
N6901KRNase I1,000 U @ 10 U/uLLGC(Lucigen)
SGE-C453Anti Collagen 4 (ALPHA)5(IV)500ULCosmoBio
G04MP09CMMP9 - catalytic domain100 μggiottobiotech
6007680CULTURPLATE-384 +LID /50WeaPerkinElmer
MAGM204-NOVMouse B Cell Isolation Kit1 Kitnovusbio
MBS495079Human Tryptophan ELISA Kit96 Testsmybiosource
MBS495082Human Kynurenine ELISA Kit96 Testsmybiosource
19844EasySep™ Mouse Pan-B Cell Isolation Kit1 Kitstemcell
19844RFRoboSep™ Mouse Pan-B Cell Isolation Kit1 Kitstemcell
SMR50SALSA Hhal115ulmrcholland
P021-025RSALSA MLPA Probemix P021 SMA25rxnmrcholland
EK20-FAMSALSA MLPA EK20 reagent kit2000rxnmrcholland
EK5-Cy5SALSA MLPA EK5 reagent kit500rxnmrcholland
EK5-FAMSALSA MLPA EK5 reagent kit500rxnmrcholland
EK1-Cy5SALSA MLPA EK1 reagent kit100rxnmrcholland
EK1-FAMSALSA MLPA EK1 reagent kit100rxnmrcholland
J83800Human Thyroid Peroxidase Antigen0.1mgBiospacific
12100Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO)0.1mgdiarect
WS0824L-100Llama Pan T cell Monoclonal Antibody (clone LT97A)100 ugkingfisherbiotech
790-4430CONFIRM anti-Total c-MET (SP44) Rabbit Monoclonal Primary Antibody50 testsventana
234 003IBA 150 μgsysy
10160-H08H-20ugFactor D Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)20ugsinobiological
10160-R005-100ulRecombinant Anti-Factor D Antibody,Rabbit Monoclonal100ulsinobiological
HG12647-UTGpr65 cDNA ORF Clone, Human, untagged1 Unitsinobiological
MHC-HM405HLA-A*0201 NY-ESO-1 (SLLMWITQC)1mgkactusbio
C-MSC11610T7 mScript™ Standard mRNA Production System10 reactionscellscript
10160-MM13-200ulAnti-Factor D Antibody,Mouse Monoclonal200ulsinobiological
399-10NanoFuel Solvent10 tubesnanolight
MB1003-05MagBeadsTM 1 μm 链霉亲和素磁珠5 mL南京东纳生物科技有限公司
340-10Coelenterazine 400a10mgs (2 x 5 mgs)nanolight
HR2-53550% w/v Polyethylene glycol 8,000200mLhamptonresearch
bs-1535R-200ulRabbit Anti-Alkaline Phosphatase, Tissue Non-Specific isozyme antibody (bs-1535R)200ulbioss
TAB-149CLAnti-Human CDCP1 Therapeutic Antibody (RG7287)1 mgcreativebiolabs
434504ELISA MAX™ Deluxe Set Human IL-225 PlatesBiolegend
ab110639Recombinant Anti-ERG antibody [EPR3863] (ab110639)100μlabcam
bs-6292R-200ulRabbit Anti-Bone Alkaline Phosphatase antibody (bs-6292R)200ulbioss
ab91651-100ulRecombinant Anti-Thymidine Kinase 1/TK1 antibody [EPR3194]100ulabcam
ab76495-100ulAnti-Thymidine Kinase 1/TK1抗体[EPR3193]100ulabcam
ACC 290RPMI-84021 vialdsmz
Jan-40Mouse Anti-Human IgG Fc-UNLB0.5mgSouthern Biotech
2130-100PBS-Tween® Tablets (1000 ml)100 TabletsBiovision
CL5055Lympholyte-Rabbit Cell Separation Media (Isolation of lymphocytes from Rabbit lymphoid tissue), sterile liquid500mlCedarlane
14-3249-82CD324 (E-Cadherin) Monoclonal Antibody (DECMA-1), eBioscience™100ugeBioscience
99/692Chorionic Gonadotrophin, nicked beta subunit, Human WHO Reference Reagenteanibsc
99/650Chorionic Gonadotrophin, beta subunit, human. WHO Reference Reagenteanibsc
99/688Chorionic Gonadatrophin, intact, Human. WHO Reference Reagenteanibsc
ACC 342GRANTA-5191 vialdsmz
MBS568961Methcathinone Monoclonal Antibody1 mgmybiosource
MBS569073Methcathinone Antigen1 mgmybiosource
200-07-1000UGHuman IL-71000UGPeproTech
397915-Hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) antibody (pAb)100 μgactivemotif
IP04-1.5mlProtein G Plus-Agarose Suspension1.5 mlmerckmillipore
NATE-0307Native Escherichia coli Glutaminase10ucreative-enzymes
NA12878(25 μg)DNA from LCL25 μgCoriell Institute
bs-1478R-APCRabbit Anti-PAFR/PAF Receptor/APC Conjugated antibody (bs-1478R-APC)100ulbioss
786111NEST 摇瓶/锥形培养瓶,3L,透气盖|1个/包,4个/箱nest
A0-FR1-096FabRICATOR, 96x100 Units96x100 UnitsGenovis
BE0102InVivoMAb anti-mouse TCRβ5mgbxcell
812ACTIFLUR ADAMTS13 Activityeabiomedica
AB253775N-(2,3-Dihydroxypropoxy)-3,4-difluoro-2-(2-fluoro-4-iodophenylamino)benzamide250 mgabcr
SB-TR102RatTRAP™ (TRAcP 5b) ELISA96 Wellsidsplc
Se100-01-20Selenium Nanoparticles20 mLnanocs
Se50-01-20Selenium Nanoparticles20 mLnanocs
12643HiSpeed Plasmid Midi Kit (25)25qiagen
ACC-003-0.2mlAnti-CaV1.2 (CACNA1C) Antibody - 0.2 ml0.2mlAlomone Labs
93-0821E3CP0LPathHunter® eXpress Keap1-NRF2 Nuclear Translocation Assay1000 dp (10 x 96-well)discoverx
93-0821E3CP0MPathHunter® eXpress Keap1-NRF2 Nuclear Translocation Assay200 dp (2 x 96-well)discoverx
GAVWF-APAnti-human von Willebrand Factor (vWF) goat, affinity purified IgG0.5 mgenzymeresearch
GAVWF-IGAnti-human von Willebrand Factor (vWF) goat, purified IgG,2.5 mgenzymeresearch
3012mouse albumin detection kit1kitchondrex
sc-215559Nicotinamide 1,N6-ethenoadenine dinucleotide, 5 mg5 mgsanta
B29896Bottle Assy, J-Lite 1000mL, PP + PPS, Set of 2Set of 2beckman
FAB676GHuman IL-1 RAcP/IL-1 R3 Alexa Fluor® 488-conjugated Antibody100 Testsrnd
8017Polyvinylpyrrolidone Coated Silver Nanoparticles (Nominal Diameter 75 nm)5 vialsNIST
8013Gold Nanoparticles, Nominal 60 nm Diameter2 x 5 mLNIST
ASCIRCO6SERELiSA PCV2 Ag2*96孔/盒Synbiotics
8012Gold Nanoparticles, Nominal 30 nm Diameter2 x 5 mLNIST
JCRB0258LC-1 sq1vialJCRB
EM.GC30/15706-2060nm 胶体金20mlbbisolutions
1420-050CellGenix® rh IL-250ugcellgenix
E10-122UG-10EGFR (d746-750 T790M C797S), Active10μgsignalchem
301802Purified anti-human CD14100 μgBiolegend
R0547SPacI250 unitsneb
304002Purified anti-human CD45100 μgBiolegend
A8330-000-100mg5-ANDROSTEN-3β-OL-7, 17-DIONE 7-O-CARBOXYMETHYLOXIME100mgsteraloids
A8322-000-100mg5-ANDROSTEN-3β-OL-7, 17-DIONE 17-ETHYLENEKETAL100mgsteraloids
300902Purified anti-human CD8a100 μgBiolegend
300402Purified anti-human CD3100 μgBiolegend
344602Purified anti-human CD4100 μgBiolegend
OKBB00333KLK5 ELISA Kit (Human)96 TESTSavivasysbio
EBU002Engineered Monomeric Streptavidin 2 (mSA2) Protein, 3mg3mgkerafast
280-11.00Hydrion Buffer Chemvelope pH 11.00eachmicroessentiallab
DAG-WZ4990OValproic acid [OVA]1mgCreative diagnostic
1724-0000-1RET G810R10μgreactionbiology
MBS1093676ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX3X (DDX3X), Recombinant Protein0.1 mg (E-Coli)mybiosource
NA20230DNA from LCL50 μgcoriell
BCR11022617β-Estradiol 3-β-D-Glucuronide10 mgbocsci
G158432人 SLC6A9 (NM_001024845) cDNA克隆2ugyouyou
10-F50CFITC antibody1 mgFitzgerald
79254RNase-Free DNase Set (50)eaqiagen
AS04 053ACOXII | Plant Cytochrome oxidase subunit II (affinity purified)eaAgrisera
Mab HAT (55mg)Anti-Antithrombin55mgEnzyme Research
Mab PA K1-3 (25mg)Anti-PA Kringle 1-325mgEnzyme Research
M566-9-250 mgMesoporphyrin IX dihydrochloride250 mgfrontiersci
mir6270CHOgro® High Yield Expression System1kitmirus
E5134-500G乙二胺四乙酸 二钠盐 二水合物500 gsigma
E5134-250G乙二胺四乙酸 二钠盐 二水合物250 gsigma
E5134-100G乙二胺四乙酸 二钠盐 二水合物100 gsigma
E5134-50G乙二胺四乙酸 二钠盐 二水合物50 gsigma
T4648-100KUThrombin from bovine plasma100000 unitssigma
T4648-10KUThrombin from bovine plasma10000 unitssigma
T4648-1KUThrombin from bovine plasma1000 unitssigma
06/166Antithrombin Concentrate, Human (3rd International Standard)eaNIBSC
10-1068-95N4-Et-dC-CE Phosphoramidite50umglenresearch
10-1068-90N4-Et-dC-CE Phosphoramidite100umglenresearch
G4101Gly-AMC5 X 50 mgubpbio
K86503MFluorescein Isothiocyanate (FITC)1mgMeridianlifescience
K45229MFluorescein Isothiocyanate (FITC)1mgMeridianlifescience
K45219MFluorescein Isothiocyanate (FITC)1mgMeridianlifescience
189732-2mlStreptavidin, Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugate2 mlmerck
02/230Biotinylated Brad-5 (Bio-Brad-5)EAnibsc
C7352-25GL-半胱氨酸25 gSigma
C7352-10MGL-半胱氨酸10 mgSigma
R4605210Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC® 9027™5/PKRemel
5872SProtease/Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktail (100X) #58721mlcst
87809SMMP-2 (D2O4T) Rabbit mAb #87809100μlcst
LS-R-BPTX10LudgerSep R BPT solve nt x10 Co ncen trate50mlLudge
LS-UR2-2.1x50LudgerSep uR2 UHPLC Column - mono saccharide2.1 x 50 mmLudger
354973PTFE Wall - InitiatoreachBiotage
ALX-650-001F-MC05Isolectin B4 (Bandeiraea simplicifolia), (FITC conjugate)0.5 mgenzo
35003-052130分析柱50x 2.1mm 3μm HypercarbEachthermofisher
1.50459.0001SeQuant® ZIC®-pHILIC 5μm polymer 50 x 2.1 mm1 unitmerck
Anti-IgD dextran(human)Anti-IgD dextran(human)10 ugfinabio
09/264Fibrinogen Plasma (D)(3rd International Standard)eaNIBSC
80-INSRTU-E01Rat Ultrasensitive Insulin ELISA96 WellsALPCO
147 008Gephyrin50μgsysy
EM.GC30纳米金颗粒 30nm100mlbbisolutions
AB169761Recombinant Anti-Repulsive Guidance Molecule A antibody [EP7990(2)]100ULabcam
855.940.000In vivo Isotype Control IgG2b Azide Free200μgdiaclone
MAB004mouse IgG2b isotype control500 ugR&D
AFPAlpha-Foetoprotein. WHO International StandardeaNIBSC
I-119Mouse IgG2b Isotype Control1.0 mgleinco
17/102Prostate Specific Antigen (human) (Free), (2nd WHO International Standard)eaNIBSC
17/100Prostate Specific Antigen (human)(total: PSA-ACT + free PSA)eaNIBSC
ICH2250Mouse IgG2b Isotype Control for In Vivo – Low Endotoxin (MPC-11)5mgichor
HC4037CpG-A DNA (ODN 2216), Human/Mouse200 nmolhycultbiotech
LS-B2763-50IHC‑plus Polyclonal Goat anti‑Human AOC3 / VAP‑1 Antibody (aa712‑724, IHC)50μglsbio
LS-G4921-10Human CYR61 Protein (Recombinant) - LS-G492110uglsbio
LS-G136992-20Mouse CYR61 Protein (Recombinant 10His, N-terminus) (Full Length) - LS-G13699220uglsbio
LS-G56201-20Human CYR61 Protein (Recombinant 6His-SUMO, N-terminus) (aa25-381) - LS-G5620120uglsbio
LS-G39376-10Human CYR61 Protein (Recombinant Fc, C-terminus) (Thr25-Asp381) - LS-G3937610uglsbio
61211FOXG1 antibody (pAb)100 μlactivemotif
ANR-031Anti-Neurexin 1α (extracellular) Antibody0.2mlAlomone
ASC-004Anti-SCN3A (NaV1.3) Antibody0.2mlAlomone
APC-051Anti-KCNQ3 Antibody0.2mlAlomone
75-114TrpM7100 ugNeuromab
356413Corning® BioCoat™ Poly-D-Lysine 6-well Clear Flat Bottom TC-treated Multiwell Plate, with Lid, 5/Pack, 50/Caseeacorning
WHAT10404092BT2 Membran für Elutrap™ System100VEWhatman
SVC9-PSCRISPR Cas9 Expression Construct25ugcellecta
P18140D-MOXZDMSMOXZPoly(2-methyl oxazoline)-b-poly(dimethyl siloxane)-b-poly(2-methyl oxazoline), with propyl-ethoxy link between blocks0.5gpolymersource
C0129C-Reactive Protein (CRP); ≥99% pure1mgscripps
PRS-cyt-942-10ugRecombinant Human Serum Amyloid A (APO-SAA)10ugProSpec
PRS-PRO-557-200ugHuman C-Reactive Protein200ugProSpec
352010-10MGGlutaminase Inhibitor, Compound 968 - Calbiochem10mgmerckmillipore
GN413β1-3 Gal-N-acetyl galactosaminyl-β1-4 Gal-β1-4-Glc1mgdextrauk
PRS-HOR-304-2ugRecombinant Human Procalcitonin  ProSpec2ugprospec
PTM-502Pan anti-crotonyllysine antibody (clone 4D5)100 μlptmbiolabs
PTM-501Pan anti-crotonyllysine rabbit antibody100ulptmbiolabs
DCYR10Human Cyr61/CCN1 Quantikine ELISA Kit1KitR&D
B51503CytoFLEX Sheath Fluid10Lbeckman
KA2332-1kitMouse, Rat Luteinizing Hormone ELISA Kit (Colorimetric)1 Kitnovusbio
NET05-2mouse Norepinephrine Transporter (mNET)eachmabtechnologies
010SDSG - H6/D612 x 1 mgcreativemolecules
019HADH - H8/D812 x 1 mgcreativemolecules
018HSDH - H12/D1212 x 1 mgcreativemolecules
001SSBS3 - H12/D1212 x 1 mgcreativemolecules
K627-100Lactate Colorimetric Assay Kit II100assaysBiovision
MAB397Anti-Glutamate Receptor 2 Antibody, extracellular, clone 6C4100 μgmillipore
M507Trichomonas vaginalis Monoclonal Antibody1mgCalBioreagents
M509Trichomonas vaginalis Monoclonal Antibody1mgcalbioreagents
M510Trichomonas vaginalis1mgcalbioreagents
ST-10x10-H800B200P500Silicone Template 8 mm x 8 mm8 mm x 8 mmmicropoint-tech
M732ELISA , Rapid test1mgCalBioreagents
M733Trichomonas vaginalis Mab1mgCalBioreagents
991-24-P-PD-0.25Serum - Defibrinated - Bulk Volumes250mLleebio
1008429Alcohol, Reagent, 100%(v/v)250 mLrigakureagents
1011-8410200 μL LARGE ORIFICE TIP sterile10 racks of 96 (960)usascientific
LS‑C175665-100Monoclonal Mouse anti‑Human KRAS Antibody (clone 2C1, IHC, WB)100ullsbio
100150flashBAC Oxford Expression Technologies
75-066-020VGlut120 μLNeuroMab
RD-HGF-Hu-96THuman Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) ELISA Kit(HGF;F-TCF;)96TReddot Biotech
I34311M IPTG25 mLteknova
ab125066-100μlRecombinant Anti-Glutathione Peroxidase 4 antibody [EPNCIR144] (ab125066)100μlabcam
95132-100qScript XLT 1-Step RT-qPCR ToughMix100Rquantabio
DARG-100QuantiChrom™ Arginase Assay Kit100 testsbioassaysys
31060-2Rabbit Complement Unadsorbed5mLpelfreez-bio
04-0028Stemgent KAAD-Cyclopamine100ugStemgent
29698-H08H-500 ugPCSK9 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)500 ugsinobiological
32682338.5 mL, Open-Top Thinwall Polypropylene Tube, 25 x 89mm - 50Pk50Pkbeckman
0710-1710Seraseq® Compromised FFPE WT (DNA/RNA) RM1 x 10 μmSeracare
05-0120-5mgGalanthus nivalis lectin (GNA)5mgmedicago
D-072-1MLDopamine-D4 hydrochloride solution1 mLCerilliant
141705PE anti-mouse CD206 (MMR)25 μgBiolegend
70747-1 mgMouse Monoclonal anti-human Lp-PLA2 (Detection)1 mgBioCheck
70746-0.5 mgMouse Monoclonal anti-human Lp-PLA2 (Detection)0.5 mgBioCheck
70745-0.1 mgMouse Monoclonal anti-human Lp-PLA2 (Capture)0.1 mgBioCheck
17856EasySep™ Human CD34 Positive Selection Kit IIEAstemcell
HE0049NInactivated Cryptosporidium and Giardia5Pmicrobiologics
MAG-4902-10MagniSort™ Magnet5 mLeBioscience
ab2185Anti-HIF-1 alpha antibody (ab2185)100μlabcam
hor-001-10ugHuman Thyroid Stimulating Hormone10ugprospec
hor-001-2ugHuman Thyroid Stimulating Hormone2ugprospec
AMS.E01H0100Human Heparanase ELISA kit96Tamsbio
Ra001-BE-KHeparanase Assay Kit with Enzyme as Positive Control96 reactionsamsbio
AMS.E0623GeGeneral HS/Heparan sulfate ELISA Kit (Sandwich)96Tamsbio
AMS.E03H0100Mouse Heparanase ELISA kit96 Tamsbio
E4464-100QuickDetect™ Heparin (Human) ELISA Kit100 assaysamsbio
10-1906-025'-Amino-Modifier C6250mgglen research
PMD0210EMM Broth - 1000 gram1000gramformedium
PCM0710ME Broth - 1000 gram1000gramformedium
1038110300PSP Spin Stool DNA Plus Kit250 purificationsStratec
201-LB-100/CFRecombinant Human IL-1 beta/IL-1F2 Protein, CF100ugR&D
210-TA-100/CFRecombinant Human TNF-alpha Protein, CF100ugR&D
510-RT-050/CFRecombinant Rat TNF-alpha Protein, CF50ugR&D
501-RL-050/CFRecombinant Rat IL-1 beta/IL-1F2 Protein, CF50ugR&D
6005270OPTIPLATE-96 F /50BEAPerkinElmer
UFC510024配有Ultracel-100滤膜的Amicon Ultra-0.5离心式过滤器24 packmerck
5218SFHuman Neuregulin-1 (hNRG-1)50 μgCST
300-01A-50Human TNF-alpha50UGPeproTech
420201Glogos® II Autorad Markerseaagilent
109212APC anti-mouse TCR β chain100 μgBiolegend
SVP-40-5Streptavidin Coated Polystyrene Particles 0.5% w/v 4.0-4.9 μm5 mLSpherotech
TPB-0210-2096TRANSIL HSA Binding KiteachSovicell
1099-IL-025Recombinant Human IL-36 beta/IL-1F8 Protein25 ugRND
NEL756001KTTSA Plus Fluorescein/TMR Systemeachperkinelmer
116-001FectoPRO® ReagenteachPolyplus Transfection
H4522-20MLHuman Serum20 mLsigma
EXOGM600A-1ExoGlow™-Membrane EV Labeling Kit25 ReactionsSBI
L1B00603Rabbit,Anti-TAU PcAb1mglinc-bio(领潮生物)
L1B01003Rabbit,Anti-Aβ1-42 PcAb1mglinc-bio(领潮生物)
AF-315-05-100Murine IFN-γ100ugpeprotech
U108373-50mg尿激酶 CAS:9039-53-650mgaladdin阿拉丁
ab46540兔抗小鼠IgG H&L1 mgabcam
DEIA-BJ882Human α Synuclein oligomer ELISA kit96Tcreative-diagnostics
P-4034-48Epigenase HDAC Activity/Inhibition Direct Assay Kit (Colorimetric)48AssaysEpigentek
CL4111KCircLigase™ ssDNA Ligase1000UEpicentre
KG1313Universal Fit Pipet Tips1000 pieces/package,10 packages/boxkirgen
P-2001-100ChromaFlash Chromatin Extraction Kit100 ExtractionsEpigentek
LS-B4795-50IHC‑plus™ Polyclonal Rabbit anti‑Human GP1BB / CD42c Antibody (IHC, WB)50 μllsbio
884002 μL, Model 7002 KH SYR, Knurled Hub NDL, 25 ga, 2.75 in, point style 32 μLHamilton
URFP-10-5Ultra Rainbow Fluorescent Particles, 1E7/mL, 1.0-1.4μm, 5mL5mLSpherotech
DAGA-126K25-OH Vitamin D [KLH]1mgCreative Diagnostics
AS-2074-1ANTI-PEANUT AGGLUTININ (1mg)1mgVectorlabs
ab259497Recombinant Anti-IL-4R antibody - BSA and Azide free (Capture)100ugabcam
67051-1-Ig-150ulIL-4R Monoclonal antibody150ulProteintech
ab270789Live and Dead Cell Assay Kit (Calcein AM, 7-AAD) (ab270789)250testsabcam
67051-1-Ig-100ulIL-4R Monoclonal antibody100ulProteintech
67051-1-Ig-50 ULIL-4R Monoclonal antibody50 ULProteintech
LS-C11209-0.1Monoclonal Mouse anti‑Human IL4R / CD124 Antibody (clone 25463 (49/20), Extracellular Domain, IHC, WB)0.1 mglsbio
LS-C122009-100Monoclonal Mouse anti‑Human IL4R / CD124 Antibody (Extracellular Domain, IHC, WB)100 μglsbio
LS-C197515-100Monoclonal Mouse anti‑Human IL4R / CD124 Antibody (clone 1D3)100 μglsbio
10402-R401-200 μgIL-4R / CD124 Neutralizing Antibody200 μgSinoBiological
10402-MM01-100 μLAnti-IL4R Antibody, Mouse Monoclonal100 μLSinoBiological
10402-R102-100 μLRecombinant Anti-IL4R Antibody, Rabbit Monoclonal100 μLSinoBiological
10402-R001-200 μgIL-4R / CD124 Neutralizing Antibody200 μgSinoBiological
10402-R209-100 μLRecombinant Anti-IL4R Antibody, Rabbit Monoclonal100 μLSinoBiological
AMR-031Anti-Melatonin Receptor 1A (MTNR1A) Antibody50 μlAlomone
1620115Nitrocellulose Membrane, Roll, 0.45 μm, 30 cm x 3.5 mPkg of 1 rollbio-rad
66002-1-IG(500UL)GFP tag Monoclonal Antibody (1E10H7)500ULProteintech
LS003124Papain, Suspension25 mgworthington
1112Glutamine,100X,200mM-10ml Tubes(Boxs of 50)Boxs of 50assaycell
357406FITC anti-human CD4100 testsBiolegend
Anti-IgD dextran(human)Antibody Dextran Conjugates10 ugfinabio
81-565hyroid Stimulating Hormone, Human. WHO International Standard,0.5mlNIBSC
9005SSimpleChIP® Plus Enzymatic Chromatin IP Kit (Magnetic Beads) #90051 Kitcst
08/204Thyroid Stimulating Antibody (2nd I.S.)1mlNIBSC
81/565Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Human. WHO International0.5mlNIBSC
11159-H08H-100 μgCTLA-4 Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)100 μgsinobiological
SLD-FAC-RABRabies Recombinant Nucleoprotein (rNP) FA Control Slide2-well slidevmrd
SLD-IFA-BTVBluetongue Virus (BTV) FA Substrate slide12-well slidevmrd
65/093Anti-Thyroglobulin Serum1mlNIBSC
OKCD02487ABP1 ELISA Kit (Mouse)96WELLSavivasysbio
HK503LBP: ELISA test kit for a wide variety of species192 detHycult Biotech
193-17816Silicagel 70 F254 TLC PlateEAWAKO
588-106790-10316 SS Dispense Nozzle Tube 10Pk10Pkbiolytic
588-106788-1025TW 1.2"Length 316 SS Nozzle Tube Replacement 10 Pk10 Pkbiolytic
169686Granzyme A, Recombinant, Human, His-Tag10ugusbio
101-100007Bottle Cap Screw RIng Polypro 38mmbiolytic
4738551190促甲状腺激素二代定标液 Elecsys TSH CalSet Gen.24x1.3 ml罗氏
4842472190proBNP定标液 pro BNP II CS Elecsys4x1.0 ml罗氏
11731645322CEA 定标液(二代) Elecsys CEA Calset 2.Gen.4x1.0 ml罗氏
11731629322癌胚抗原 Elecsys CEA100 tests罗氏
ab53444Anti-CD68 antibody [FA-11] (ab53444)100μgabcam
ab187735Anti-Bile Acid Receptor NR1H4 antibody [322.1.2.2] - N-terminal (ab187735)100μgabcam
1084-5N-azidoacetylmannosamine-tetraacylated (Ac4ManNAz)5 mgclickchemistrytools
HPA003277Anti-CUX1 Antibody100ulatlasantibodies
1036-5Azide Magnetic Beads5 mlclickchemistrytools
BAH66-0050BAH66-1384 Fatty acid free heat shock BSA powder50gmEquitech-Bio
ab125909Recombinant Rabbit monoclonal [H169-1-5] Anti-Human IgG Fc100 uLabcam
10702-R003-100 uLRecombinant Anti-IgG1 Antibody, Rabbit Monoclonal100 uLsinobiological
HCA285HUMAN ANTI HUMAN IgG1 (Fc)0.1 mgBio-Rad
11897FSTEM-CELLBANKER DMSO FREE - GMP Grade (20ml)20 mlzenoaq
A67.630.886(2Z,4E)-5-[(1R,5R,8S)-8-hydroxy-1,5-dimethyl-3-oxo-6-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-8-yl]-3-methylpenta-2,4-dienoic acideachaurorafinechemicals
T0630Tris Glycerol Buffer, (Tris-HCl 20 mM, NaCl 25 mM, Glycerol 2.5%) pH 8.01Lteknova
66002-1-IGGFP tag Monoclonal Antibody (1E10H7)100 μLProteintech
D498460Dihydrophaseic Acid (DPA)1mgTRC
orb605209Human CSPG4 protein1mgbiorbyt
103909Twist Synthetic SARS-CoV-2 RNA Controlseachtwistbioscience
103907Twist Synthetic SARS-CoV-2 RNA Controlseachtwistbioscience
12-8104Histone H3.3 aa15-34 Peptide50 μgepicypher
G142898人 PCSK9 (NM_174936) cDNA克隆2ugyouyou
5043-931196 孔板,0.5 mL,圆孔,U 形,聚丙烯,14 mm,120/包120/包Agilent
G124459人 SLC6A5 (NM_004211) cDNA克隆2ugyoubio(优宝生物)
A110125(S)-cis,trans-Abscisic Acid Glucosyl Ester1mgTRC
DAGA-126K-10mg25-OH Vitamin D [KLH]10mgCreative Diagnostics
17003401SEPHADEX G-25 COARSE 100 G100 GCytiva (GE Life)
17003302SEPHADEX G-25 MEDIUM 500 G500 GCytiva (GE Life)
MBS2709330Rat Fibroblast Growth Factor 15 (FGF15) ELISA Kit96-Strip-Wellsmybiosource
93050044Mycoplasma removal agent (MRA), 5 mL5 mLmpbio
SKBM02560Strat-M® Membrane, Transdermal Diffusion Test Model, 25mm60/pkmerck
T2807-5KUThymidine phosphorylase inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation5kusigma
RGD-3794-PIcyclo [Arg-Gly-Asp-D-Phe-Lys(Cys)]5 mgpeptides
4744926001细胞毒性检测试剂盒PLUS (LDH)400 testsRoche
P-2026-48ChromaFlash One-Step Magnetic ChIP Kit48ReactionsEpigentek
tcua8497Monoclonal Antibody to Reverse Triiodothyronine (rT3)20ultaiclone
422201Annexin V Binding Buffer100mLBiolegend
405245PE Streptavidin (High Concentration)500μgBiolegend
304112APC anti-human CD45RA100testsBiolegend
304108PE anti-human CD45RA100testsBiolegend
abx258137Human Interferon Induced Protein 35 (IFI35) ELISA Kit96testsabbexa
70-EK8103/2-96Prostaglandin E2/PGE2 Competitive ELISA Kit96TMultiSciences
70-EK106/2-96Human IL-6 ELISA Kit96TMultiSciences
70-EK1131-96Human IGF-1 ELISA Kit96TMultiSciences
70-EK1108-96Human BMP-2 ELISA Kit96TMultiSciences
70-EK981-96Human/Mouse/Rat TGF-β1 ELISA Kit96TMultiSciences
70-EK1H01-96Human HGF ELISA Kit96TMultiSciences
70-EK183-96Human VEGF ELISA Kit96TMultiSciences
D416370-100mg1,2-Diamino-4,5-methylenedioxybenzene, Dihydrochloride CAS:81864-15-5100mgTRC
635001-N试用装2.0mL 可立本色样品管, (螺旋盖带胶圈) ,灭菌eanest
634001-N试用装1.5mL 可立本色样品管, (螺旋盖带胶圈) ,灭菌eanest
633001-N试用装0.5mL 可立本色样品管, (螺旋盖带胶圈),灭菌eanest
100-11R3Recombinant Human IGF-I LR31000ug 
300113S-1EAControl (Pegylated Liposomal Vehicle)1EAavanti
012-26723Anti Iba1, Monoclonal Antibody(NCNP24)10uLwako
753106Recombinant Human Angiopoietin-2(carrier-free)100ugbiolegend
TF140-200-QQSP 滤芯和非滤芯吸头Case of 4800thermofisher
1252-801CSGraduated Filter Pipet TipBox of 10watson
AM-102AF-50IgGs Anti-Mouse IgG Fc-MMAF Antibody with Cleavable Linker50μgmoradec
Y0000667Human coagulation factor VII concentrate BRP25 mgEDQM
NBP2-30413NDUFS2 Antibody0.1 mlnovus
abx145553Family With Sequence Similarity 72 Member A (FAM72A) Antibody100μgabbexa
E4312-100BioSim™ anti-VEGF-A (Human) ELISA Kit100 assaysBioVision
314-BP-050/CFRecombinant Human BMP-4 Protein, CF (50 UG)50 UGR&D
AIAD31240Mouse Macrophage, Adsorbed, Rabbit anti-1mlaccuratechemical
AF-300-02-100Human IFN-gamma100ugpeprotech
EGA806Anti-Xyloglucan [CCRC-M1] Antibody (supernatant)5mLkerafast
PBL-8083-1gHS-PEG-OH, MW 5k1gcreativepegworks
PBL-8083-500mgHS-PEG-OH, MW 5k500mgcreativepegworks
PBL-8083-100mgHS-PEG-OH, MW 5k100mgcreativepegworks
91001BHuman IgG1 kappa Isotype Control IgG1对照抗体25mggenenode
A2153-10GBovine Serum Albumin10gSigma
91139PRIME-XV FreezIS100mlIrvine Scientific
91140PRIME-XV Stem FreezIS DMSO-Free100mlIrvine Scientific
MBS515162-0.05 mgSTAT3 recombinant protein0.05 mgmybiosource
ATGP3823Recombinant human STAT3 protein50ugnkmaxbio
PA1-230246x-His Tag Polyclonal Antibody, HRP100 μgInvitrogen
397695-Hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) antibody (pAb)100ulActiveMotif
11503-H08HFactor IX Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)20 μgsinobiological
11076-H08BFactor X Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)10 μgsinobiological
A1113903Blasticidin S HCl (10 mg/mL)10 x 1 mLGibco
21003-1LOne-Step Blue® Protein Gel Stain | Biotium1Lbiotium
R25001Zeocin™ Selection Reagent8 x 1.25 mLGibco
10259-H08CCD32B/Fcgr2b Protein, Human, Recombinant (ECD, His Tag)1 mgsinobiological
10374-H08C1CD32A Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)1 mgsinobiological
11046-H08H1CD16b Protein, Human, Recombinant (NA1 allotypes, His Tag)1 mgsinobiological
11046-H08CCD16b Protein, Human, Recombinant (NA2 allotype, His Tag, His Tag)1 mgsinobiological
10389-H08C1CD16a Protein, Human, Recombinant (ECD, F176V, His Tag)1 mgsinobiological
ab46191HRP Anti-C1q antibody1 mlabcam
75-002GluA2/GluR2 glutamate receptor100ulNeuroMab
A2503105EfficientFeed™ C+ AGT™ Supplement10 LGibco
HY1640RPMI 1640500mlTBD
NA06852DNA from LCL50 μgcoriell
80-3000-57Adapter set for 10 and 12mm tubeseachBiochrom
80-2084-11Disposable polystyrene cells, 10mm pathlength, volume 2.5mlpack of 100Biochrom
80-2004-53Disposable methacrylate cells, 10mm pathlength, volume 2.5mlpack of 100Biochrom
SND150Standard Neuron Device (150 μm microgroove barrier)5/packxonamicrofluidics
12963QIAGEN Plasmid Plus Maxi Kit (25)kitQiagen
1610374SPrecision Plus Protein Dual Color Standards50 μlbio-rad
SS-100-121-01Short Read Eliminator XS Kit1 mLcirculomics
F2168-.2MLAnti-α-Tubulin−FITC antibody, Mouse monoclonal0.2mlsigma
786-018FOCUS™ Global Fractionationeagbiosciences
CYT-547Recombinant Human Apolipoprotein-D10μgprospec
Jan-32Water soluble Coelenterazine..Reconstitution in 10 ml aqueous buffer..will result in a 50 μM CTZ sol1tubenanolight
GS 10022SuperMan5-22eachbiogrammatics
pk-8500VECTASTAIN® Elite® ABC HRP Universal Mini-PLUS Kit (Peroxidase, Horse Anti-Mouse/Rabbit IgG)1kitvectorlabs
4200001PRONOVA UP LVG10gnovamatrix
4353TAcetyl-Histone H3 (Lys27) Antibody #435320μlcst
LS003571Trypsin Inhibitor, Soybean, Purified1 gmworthington
H10305EL电转缓冲液 125ml125ml,5PKettabiotech
tcua3830Polyclonal Antibody to Reverse Triiodothyronine (rT3)20ultaiclone
S1555AZD805510mM (1mL in DMSO)selleck
A222101Plasma Calibrator12 x 1 mLhyphen-biomed
823-5mL BQuantum™ APC MESFB - 5mL (100 tests)bangslabs
343 011c-Myc200 μgSYSY
HUKGB738F1279DDKEYp-79F12 (Sanger),zkp79F12 (Sanger)eachsourcebioscience
224 003GABA-A receptor gamma250 μgsysy
BEBP02-054QTheraPEAKTM X-VIVOTM-15 Serum-free Hematopoietic Cell Medium contains rec transf, 1L1Llonza
AB21612-2GAPDH Antibody100ulabscitech
703-545-155Alexa Fluor® 488 AffiniPure Donkey Anti-Chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L)0.5 mgjacksonimmuno
703-545-155Alexa Fluor® 488 AffiniPure Donkey Anti-Chicken IgY (IgG) (H+L)0.5 mgjacksonimmuno
SA032005rProtein A/G Beads 4FF5mLsmart-lifesciences
WB2644-PEA*0201/VLQELNVTV-PE,50 testsImmudex
AAC04-BEADSAnti-Acetyl-Lysine (mAb mix) Affinity Beads4 x 500 μlcytoskeleton
N-1092-15-Hydroxyuridine-5’-Triphosphate1 μmoletrilink
781001125 mL 细胞培养锥形摇瓶, 密封盖1个/包,24个/箱nest
N-1032-12-Thiouridine-5'-Triphosphate1 μmoletrilink
SCSP-1302人iPS 细胞DYP05302mlNSTI
abx165813Reverse Triiodothyronine (OVA)100ugabbexa
abx132053Reverse Triiodothyronine (rT3) Antibody100ulabbexa
abx131550Reverse Triiodothyronine (rT3) Antibody100ulabbexa
109-035-098goat anti human IgG-HRP1mgJackson
5859L-Arginine 7-amido-4-methylcoumarin dihydrochloride , ≥ 99% (HPLC)100mgchemimpex
B2064-100GBovine Serum Albumin100 gsigma
306013FITC anti-human CD12325testBiolegend
357503PE anti-human CD269(BCMA)25testBiolegend
SP-1020-.5PHOTOPROBE® (Long Arm) Biotin for Nucleic Acid Labeling1 kitvectorlabs
356615CD38 APC CY71支Biolegend
NATVZV-0005Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) Strain: Ellen (50,000 cp/mL) (1 mL)1 mLzeptometrix
MDZ051Norovirus GII Positive Control 6 X 0.5 mL6 X 0.5 mLzeptometrix
HAM006Dibromoacetamide200 mgcansyn
HAM003Tribromoacetamide200 mgcansyn
HAM002Bromodichloroacetamide200 mgcansyn
CABT-L4254Mouse Anti-Vitamin B6 monoclonal antibody1mgcreative-diagnostics
D53265-mC DNA ELISA Kit1 x 96 Prepszymoresearch
10377-H03H-1mgPD-1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (ECD, His & hFc Tag)1mgsinobiological义翘
10377-H03H-100ugPD-1 Protein, Human, Recombinant (ECD, His & hFc Tag)100ugsinobiological义翘
898-MSM1-P0Cyclin E (G1/S-Phase Cyclin) Ultraspecific Antibody20 ugenquirebio
110.8503-1.3CIMac™ AAV full/empty-0.1 Analytical Column (1.3 μm)eabiaseparations
10091-148Fetal Bovine Serum, Qualified, New Zealand Origin500 mlGibco
PTA-10Protein A蛋白20mg厦门佶银生物科技有限公司
ME024-100RProbemix ME024 9p21 CDKN2A/2B region100reactionsregion probemix
ME024-050RSALSA MLPA ME024 9p21 CDKN2A/2B50 reactionsregion probemix
ME024-025RSALSA MLPA ME024 9p21 CDKN2A/2B25reactionsregion probemix
613413PerCP /花菁5.5抗H2A.X磷酸(Ser139)25项测试生物传奇
116075050FastRNA™Pro土壤间接试剂盒,2 mL2毫升mpbio
8557732-18:1 Lyso PC1MG阿万蒂
90-0075SM10小分子的HitHunter®cAMP测定1,000 / 4,000 dp(96孔/ 384孔)发现
90-0075SM2小分子的HitHunter®cAMP测定200/800 dp(96孔/ 384孔)发现
OAMA00715hCG beta抗体1毫克AvivaSystem生物学
OAMA00652hCG alpha抗体1毫克AvivaSystem生物学
OAMA00691hCG beta抗体1毫克AvivaSystem生物学
NA-AAR1-1天然Amb 1250微克英比奥
M653人CA72-4肿瘤标志物单克隆抗体(CA 72-4)1毫克CalBioreagents
NA-CJ1-1自然哭泣j 1250微克英比奥
NA-FD2-1自然邪灵d 2250微克英比奥
NA-FD1-1Natural Fel d 1250uginbio
634101-B1.5mL 尖底蓝色样品管, (螺旋盖带胶圈) ,灭菌50个/包,10包/盒,4盒/箱nest
NA-BV1-1Natural Bet v 1250ugindoor
st326052233Anti-HMGB1 Chicken IgY Neutralizing Polyclonal Antibody1mgibl-international
NA-CF1-1Natural Can f 1250uginbio
LR2X 500-02Lyophilization Reagent (2X), Filter SterilizedeaOPS DIAGNOSTICS
ADC-S-029VC-SECO DUBA1mgcreativebiolabs
HR2-138Additive Screen HT1 mlhamptonresearch
abx129258Prolyl-4-Hydroxylase Alpha Polypeptide III (P4Ha3) Antibody100ulabbexa
LK003163Papain Dissociation System, Without EBSS3 bxworthington
VPK-156QuickTiter™ MuLV Core Antigen ELISA Kit96 assayscell biolabs
sc-373708IL-6Rα 抗体 (H-7)200 μg/mlsanta
TAB-447CTAnti-Human Siglec-15 Therapeutic Antibody (A9E8) Conjugation: APC,Endotoxin: Regular barch,Purity: SDS-PAGE>95%25500ugcreativebiolabs
1.05747.0001modified silica gel TLC plates come in a quantity of 25 size 20x20 cm for thin layer25 unitsmerckmillipore
0382-100gSTREPTOMYCIN SULFATE100gAmresco
72210-11Micro Cover Glasses and Cover Slips10 ozEMS
CABT-L3101Anti-vc-PAB-MMAE monoclonal antibody100 ulcreative-diagnostics
05-0102-10Triticum vulgaris lectin (WGA)10 mgmedicago
05-0106-100Concanavalin A lectin (Con A)100 mgmedicago
05-0131-5Phaseolus vulgaris lectin E (PHA-E)5 mgmedicago
NU-803-655-SAminoallyl-dUTP-ATTO-65510 μl (1 mM)jenabioscience
05-0104-10Lens Culinaris Lectin (LCA/LcH)10 mgmedicago
SK00472-01Sortilin (Soluble) (Human) ELISA KitKitaviscerabioscience
05-724mgAnti-Myc Tag Antibody, clone 4A61 mgmillipore
0710-0531Seraseq® ctDNA Complete™ Mutation Mix AF0.5%1 x 25 μLseracare
0710-0530Seraseq® ctDNA Complete™ Mutation Mix AF1%1 x 25 μLseracare
5000-0020Cole-Parmer Thermo Scientific Nalgene 5000-0020 Cryogenic vial; 2.0 mL, 25/pack25/packthermo
MIR 2700TransIT®-293 Transfection Reagent1mlmirusbio
GMS19315.2逆转录酶(reverse transcriptase)PERT荧光定量PCR检测试剂盒20次GENMED杰美
ABIN1050633Anti-Ganglioside M3 (Anti-GM3) Antibody ELISA Kit96 testsantibodies-online
abx25740327-Hydroxycholesterol (27-HC) ELISA Kit96 testsabbexa
12238-HCCH-200 μgCD33 Protein, Human, Recombinant200 μgsinobiological
200-12-500UGHuman IL-12500UGPeproTech
LQ-005069-00-0010ON-TARGETplus Human KRAS (3845) siRNA - Set of 410 nmolDharmcon
1470242Nylon Membrane Capsule Filter, 0.2 Micron, 1/4" MNPT Inlet&Outlet, EFA: 0.8sqft, OAL: 3.5in (CMNY9208RR)easterlitech
601010.01Pepsinogen I ELISA Kit96 wellsBIOHIT HealthCare
K8000OptiThaw Hepatocyte Kiteaxenotech
LS-C465080-100GPX4 / MCSP Antibody (aa72-121, Biotin) LS-C465080100ullsbio
1725035iScript™ gDNA Clear cDNA Synthesis Kit100 x 20 μl reactionsBio-Rad
635001-N2.0mL 可立本色样品管, (螺旋盖带胶圈) ,灭菌1箱Nest
634001-N1.5mL 可立本色样品管, (螺旋盖带胶圈) ,灭菌1盒Nest
633001-N0.5mL 可立本色样品管, (螺旋盖带胶圈),灭菌1箱Nest
ME-200Collection of fecal metabolites1setdnagenotek
OMR-110Microbial collection and stabilization kits1setdnagenotek
IQB-MnPB202Rhesus Monkey Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMCs)10million cells/vialiqbiosciences
NATMERS-STMERS-CoV Stock (Qualitative) (1 mL)1 mLZeptoMetrix
EGR1-20-OREGR1 FISH probe20 testempiregenomics
346706PE anti-human NKp80 Antibody100 testsBiolegend
5401020001low Thermolysin concentration (Roche)10mgroche
S3023Fluorescence Mounting Medium15MLdako
7585Monoclonal Antibody to Human lgE MAB200ug/200uLdiagnostics
7677Human IgE MAB100ug/100uLdiagnostics
TNFRSF17-1817HRecombinant Human TNFRSF17 protein, Fc-tagged100ugcreativebiomart
M372Human S-100 Protein Monoclonal1mgCalBioreagents
TNFRSF17-2604HRecombinant Human TNFRSF1720ugcreativebiomart
EBN002Anti-Amyloid-beta [7H3D6] Antibody5mLkerafast
L00660eStain Filter Paper50 pkgenscript
500-P31AAnti-Human TNF-α (Polyclonal Rabbit)1mgpeprotech
333001500 mL 方形, 透明试剂瓶8个/包,24个/箱nest
ab130757Anti-MLV p30 Antibody[4B2]100ulabcam
PND12-E8402-QCPND12-E8402-QCPort Disc – Flat Plate 3/4″ IDeldonjames
DHC-S025Hemacytometer-Disposable(Semen Test)50pcs/boxINCYTO
210105Seronorm™ Trace Elements Whole Blood L-110x3 mLSeronorm
116070050FastRNA™ Pro Soil-Direct Kit, 50 Preps50Prepsmpbio
NP892-011iMatrix 511 (350 ug: 175 ug × 2 tube/box)350μgReprocell
M7745Pfu DNA Polymerase Protocol500upromega
356690356690-96-Well 多格板,带 Poly-D-Lysine - Corning BioCoata" 电池片,Poly-Lysine ,Corning - 每盒 80 个每盒 80 个Corning
M7741Pfu DNA Polymerase100upromega
bs-23884RRabbit Anti-Thyroid peroxidase antibody50ulbioss
380406-Well Flat-Bottom Plate, Non-Treated100 Platesstemcell
ab244926重组Anti-Thymidine Kinase 1/TK1抗体- BSA and Azide free (Detector)100 μgabcam
ab244662重组Anti-Thymidine Kinase 1/TK1抗体- BSA and Azide free (Capture)1 mgabcam
80350Mouse Creatinine Assay Kit96 Testscrystal chem
ab131259Recombinant Anti-Claudin 5 antibody [EPR7583]10 μlabcam
OKCD03706KLK7 Chemi-Luminescent ELISA Kit (Human)96 WELLSavivasysbio
ab179483Recombinant Anti-HIF-1 alpha antibody [EPR16897]100Ulabcam
ab111054Anti-LATS2 antibody (ab111054)100μgabcam
ab150073Donkey Anti-Rabbit IgG H&L (Alexa Fluor® 488) (ab150073)500μgabcam
AF-410-NAHuman/Mouse TNF-alpha Antibody100 ugrndsystems
BAF410Mouse TNF-alpha Biotinylated Antibody50 ugrndsystems
bs-13954RRabbit Anti-CILP antibody (bs-13954R)100ulbioss
HS1021Normal Human Serum100mlvalleybiomedical
5067-4626Agilent high-sensitivity DNA kitkitagilent
536709-5GPAMAM 树枝状聚合物,乙二胺核,5.0 代 溶液5gsigmaaldrich
AB76020Recombinant Anti-Sodium Potassium ATPase antibody [EP1845Y] - Plasma Membrane Loading Control100 μlabcam
356204PE anti-human VEGFR-3 (FLT-4)100 testsBiolegend
358404PE anti-human CD120b100 testsBiolegend
369904PE anti-human CD120a100 testsBiolegend
70967-6CNGeneJuice® Transfection Reagent5mlmerckmillipore
18-2003-3mlToxoplasma gondii whole cell antigen suspension3mlmedicago
102116Ultra-LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse CD281mgBiolegend
100340Ultra-LEAF™ Purified anti-mouse CD3ε1mgBiolegend
409304PE anti-human IgG Fc Antibody100 testsBiolegend
FAB699P-100Human CXCR6 Phycoerythrin MAb (Clone 56811)100TestsR&D
72-1294F/Air Filter Canisterscase of 8harvardapparatus
40-0281-M001In Vivo Ready™ Anti-Mouse CD28 (37.51)1mgtonbobio
40-0031-U100In Vivo Ready™ Anti-Mouse CD3e (145-2C11)100μgtonbobio
P-6002-10pkMembrane Lipid Strips10PKEchelon Biosciences
F040313Monkey IgG2mgbaiaolaibo(百奥莱博)
H-1500-10VECTASHIELD Hard*Set with DAPI(10ml)10mlVectorlabs
421301Propidium Iodide Solution2mLBiolegend
BG1-2000-1Aminopropyl-CPG; 1000 Å1gbiosearchtech
LTP-LT-143-1mlLT Human IgM 1mL Column Kit1mlLigaTrap
Fluoro-006Fluoro-Ruby30 mgFluorochrome
Cay14957-5Adenosine 5'-(gamma-thio)-triphosphate (lithium salt)5 mgCayman
Cay21456-5p-Nitrobenzyl mesylate5 mgCayman
GT-201Guinea Pig Brain Total Protein1mgzyagen
460650Neodigoxin CAS: 55576-67-52.5mgusbio
41206516-Hydroxy Digoxin CAS: 52589-12-51mgusbio
DY3174Human Myeloperoxidase DuoSet ELISA, 15 Plate1 Kit (for 15 PlatesR&D
CT 220Blood Collection Tubesearnamedical
7925Hydrocortisone Stock Solution3mlstemcell
H3506-100MGHyaluronidase from bovine testes100 mgsigma
H4272-30MGHyaluronidase from bovine testes30 mgsigma
A1064401Collagen I, bovine10mlthermofisher
H2270-100MGHydrocortisone 21-hemisuccinate sodium salt100 mgsigma
I9278-100MLInsulin solution human100 mLsigma
SISN60-1LNanoXact Silica Nanospheres - 60 nm, 10 mg/mL in water, 1 L1LnanoComposix
FA10001MPipetman P2L, 0.2 - 2μLeaGILSON
PCN01-0500核酸气溶胶污染去除剂(PCR Cleaner)500ml*2/盒lemniscare
BM570-10mLBioMag Carboxyl20mg/mL10mLBangslabs
11-034anti-mouse LYVE-1100ugangiobio
4465920Tuning SolutioneaAB sciex
4040010.2 mL PCR8联排管(带盖),高管,透明120条/盒,10盒/箱nest
99193-100mlSerum Substitute Supplement100 mLirvinesci
7547053Flow-Count Fluorospheres, 200 Tests, CE, IVD200 Testsbeckman
IM3548CD45-PC7100 testsbeckman
99193Serum Substitute Supplement12 x 12 mLirvinesci
IM1835CD22-PE100 testsbeckman
A07771CD19-PC5 CE100 testsbeckman
3D6-24(1.0 ml)mouse anti GBBsupernatant 1.0 mlDSHB
3D6-24mouse anti GBBo.1ml ConcentratedDSHB
ELM-VEGF-2Mouse VEGF ELISA2*96wellraybiotech
LS008737Micrococcus lysodeikticus Cells25gmworthington
AM1970DNaseAlert™ QC System480 assaysInvitrogen
AAL15-ULAleuria Aurantia Lectin (Aal), purified, unlabeled1mgAlpha Diagnostic International
AB00972-00500Agarose GPG/LE™500gamericanbio
05-0134-2mgAleuria aurantia lectin (AAL)2mgmedicago
SASU/6SterilAmp® II“5230”生物指示剂100支+10支对照SGM
K556-100Glutamine Colorimetric Assay Kit100 assaysBiovision
135 204VGLUT 3100μlsysy
224 023GABA-A receptor gamma250 μgsysy
369314Brilliant Violet 421™ anti-human CD223 (LAG-3)100 testsBiolegend
CPI-R01Chemical Process Indicators – Gamma & E-Beam (Radiation) Sterilization5000/PKCrosstex
19855EasySep™ Mouse NK Cell Isolation KitKitStemcell
37333SPhospho-MLKL (Ser345) (D6E3G) Rabbit mAb #37333100μlcst
MLCN20Mouse Lipocalin-2/NGAL Quantikine ELISA Kit1 KitR&D
LS004200Collagenase, Type 1500 gmworthington
LS004191Collagenase, Type 4500 gmworthington
LS004185Collagenase, Type 3500 gmworthington
169-09125Polyethylene Glycol 6,000 聚乙二醇 6000500gwako
796265x SHP-2Assay Buffer30mlBPS
79319-1SHP2 Activating Peptide (IRS1_pY1172(dPEG8)pY1222)25ulBPS
79769DiFMUP Substrate50ulBPS
L1665-10ALens culinaris (LCA)10mgUS Biological
350-NS-050/CFRecombinant Human/Rhesus Macaque/Feline CXCL12/SDF-1a, CF50ugR&D
038 6653[2H3]CASTASTERONE(D-Bk)500ugolchemim
032 2531[2H2]GIBBERELLIN A450ugolchemim
C112-02ClonExpress II OneStep Cloning Kit50 rxn50rxnVazyme
XPEH4701Human Phospho Tau (P181) ELISA Kit96TestXpressbio
XPEH3623Human pMAPT/pTAU(phosphorylated microtubule-associated protein tau) ELISA Kit96TestXpressbio
10398-H08HIL-6R Protein, Human, Recombinant (ECD, His Tag)100 μgsinobiological
NBP1-72702Goat anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) Secondary Antibody [Unconjugated]2 mgnovusbio
ab273434Anti-SARS Nucleocapsid蛋白抗体[6H3]100 μlabcam
A50796HHuman Myeloma Immunoglobulin E (IgE), lambda1mgmeridian
A50796HHuman Myeloma Immunoglobulin E (IgE), lambda1mgmeridian
999995P-5mgEdelfosine 1-O-octadecyl-2-O-methyl-sn-glycero-3-p,POWDERhosphocholine,1 x 5mgavantilipids
850365P-1g18:0 PC (DSPC) 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine,POWDER1 x 1gavantilipids
850365P-500mg18:0 PC (DSPC) 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine,POWDER1 x 500mgavantilipids
850365P-25mg18:0 PC (DSPC) 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine,POWDER1 x 25mgavantilipids
L-7202-5CleanCap FLuc mRNA (5moU)5 x 1 mgTriLink
JCRB1435TK6(IVGT)1 vialcellbank
M516-50LMurashige & Skoog Modified BC Potato Medium50Lphytotechlab
2278TMyc-Tag (71D10) Rabbit mAb20 μlCST
P11496Quant-iT™ PicoGreen™ dsDNA Assay Kit10 x 100 μL kitthermofisher
TRF0262LANCE Ultra cAMP kit 1000 assay points1000 assay pointsperkinelmer
2365SHis-Tag Antibody #2365100μlcst
HR2-140PCT - Pre-Crystallization Testkithamptonresearch
N-7114-10CleanCap® Reagent AU10 umolTriLink
79330SHP-2 (Full-Length) Homogeneous Assay Kit96 reactionsbpsbioscience
AL0-8579Clarity OTX Lysis-Loading Buffer v 2.01Lphenomenex
114-07jetPRIME0.75 mL of transfection reagent + 60 mL of jetPRIME bufferPolyplus Transfection
ABIN573477Aspergillus Fumigatus Protein1mgantibodies-online.
Axon 2720-25mgA-9225mgAxon
Axon 2720A-925mgAxon
13258SEstrogen Receptor α (D6R2W) Rabbit mAb100 μlcst
8457Sβ-Actin (D6A8) Rabbit mAb100 μlcst
3873Sα-Tubulin (DM1A) Mouse mAb100 μlcst
4290SHER2/ErbB2 (D8F12) XP® Rabbit mAb100 μlcst
2947Sp21 Waf1/Cip1 (12D1) Rabbit mAb100 μlcst
7074VAnti-rabbit IgG, HRP-linked Antibody5 mlcst
2511SPhospho-Estrogen Receptor α (Ser118) (16J4) Mouse mAb100 μlcst
109115PE/Dazzle™ 594 anti-mouse CD279 (PD-1)25μgBiolegend
4370SPhospho-p44/42 MAPK (Erk1/2) (Thr202/Tyr204) (D13.14.4E) XP® Rabbit mAb200 μlcst
T52674-1mgBODIPY FL Thalidomide1mgtenovapharma
9313SRb (D20) Rabbit mAb100 μLcst
8147SPhospho-Rb (Ser608) (D10F2) Rabbit mAb100 μlcst
11973SCDK12 Antibody100 μlcst
12790SCDK4 (D9G3E) Rabbit mAb100 μlcst
2549SPhospho-CDK9 (Thr186) Antibody100 μlcst
AGS162-3Formvar carbon films on CopperAGS162-3agarscientific
AGS162-3Formvar carbon films on CopperAGS162-3agarscientific
2927SCyclin H Antibody100 μlcst
AGS160-3Carbon films on Copper GridsPack of 50agarscientific
abs139836Phospho-CDK4 (Thr172) Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody100ugabsin
abs131527Phospho-Cyclin H (Thr315) Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody100ugabsin
810156C18:1-12:0 NBD PE1MGAvanti
ab155976Recombinant Anti-Cdk7 (phospho T170) antibody [EPR6650(2)] (ab155976)100 μlabcam
abx100157Cubilin (CUBN) Antibody100μlabbexa
AF7315Phospho-CDK7 (Ser164) Antibody100ulaffbiotech
13780SPhospho-Rpb1 CTD (Ser7) (E2B6W) Rabbit mAb100 μlcst
A303-493ARabbit anti-CDK9 Antibody, Affinity Purified20 μgBethyl
3870-1000-200ugDasherGFP® mRNA, RG, 200ug200ugaldevron
10107824001NADPH100 mgRoche
04-1572Anti-RNA polymerase II subunit B1 (phospho-CTD Ser-5) Antibody, clone 3E8100 μgSigma
13499SPhospho-Rpb1 CTD (Ser2) (E1Z3G) Rabbit mAb100 μlcst
04-1571Anti-RNA polymerase II subunit B1 (phospho CTD Ser-2) Antibody, clone 3E10100 μgSigma
AF6160Human/Mouse RNA Polymerase II/POLR2A Antibody100 ugR&D
BE0101-25MGInVivoMab anti-mouse PD-L1 (B7-H1)25mgBioXcell
2561SPhospho-CDK2 (Thr160) Antibody100 μlcst
4030120.2 mL PCR八联管(高管),无盖,白色125条/包,1250条/箱nest
2546SCDK2 (78B2) Rabbit mAb100 μlcst
2916SCDK7 (MO1) Mouse mAb100 μlcst
635001-B2.0mL 可立蓝色样品管, (螺旋盖带胶圈) ,灭菌50个/包,10包/盒,4盒/箱nest
RET-4Rectal Probe for Small Animalseaphysitemp
E1501Luciferase Assay System, 10-Pack1,000assayspromega
abx130828NKG2-D Type II Integral Membrane Protein (KLRK1) Antibody100μlabbexa
MB-0031.0 M Tris HCl pH 7.6 - MB-0031LRockland
PC152Polyacryl Carrier (PC 152)5mLMolecular Research Center
230460RNA Complete BCT 6-tube pack glass, RUO6支/盒streck
7200001UNO Q1 ColumnPkg of 1, 7 x 35 mmbio-rad
9002SSimpleChIP® Enzymatic Chromatin IP Kit (Agarose Beads) #90021Kitcst
ab210702Recombinant Anti-Glucose 6 Phosphate Dehydrogenase antibody [EPR20668]10ulabcam
HCPG-0130Human glu-Plasminogen1mgHaematologicTechnologies
abx152138Human Krueppel-Like Factor 4 (KLF4) ELISA Kit96testsabbexa
46535TSMAD4 (D3R4N) XP® Rabbit mAb #4653520μlcst
RD-Ntn1-Mu-48TMouse Netrin 1 (Ntn1) ELISA Kit48Treddotbiotech
STA-800-5OxiSelect Intracellular Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit5 x 96 assayscellbiolabs
STA-800-5OxiSelect Intracellular Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit5 x 96 assayscellbiolabs
STA-800OxiSelect Intracellular Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit96 assayscellbiolabs
CH22104NEUROFILAMENT NF-H50 ulneuromics
LS-F34563-1Rat Complement C5 (Sandwich ELISA) ELISA Kit1 platelsbio
EKU03403Rat Complement Component 5 (C5) ELISA Kit96Tbiomatik
3388-100Gel Breaker TubesBag of 100IST Engineering
XPEH2685Human Aβ42(Amyloid Beta 42) ELISA Kit96TestXpressbio
C18 SMB 100-20/45Chromatorex SMB高纯硅胶C18填料,100A,20-45μm1KGFUJI Chromatorex
XPEH2684Human Aβ40(Amyloid Beta 40) ELISA Kit96TestXpressbio
orb240883-50ugCD63 antibody (Biotin)50ugbiorbyt
H1771-25mg3-羟基- DL -犬尿氨酸25mgsigmaaldrich
GTX52381CD63 antibody [MEM-259] (Biotin)100μgGeneTex
M22426MitoTracker™ Deep Red FM - Special Packaging20 x 50 μgInvitrogen
HM337Chikungunya(CHIKV-Env 1)AntibodyHM337EastCoast Bio
MERS00002Millicell-ERS 电压电阻表1 setmerck
ISF-361-3ISF-361-3 (Well I.D. : 300㎛) SpheroFilm5片incyto
24072670Standard tube dispensing cassetteEachthermofisher
RT15713PARAFORMALDEHYDE 20% Aqueous SOL. EM GRADEeaemsdiasum
SD7002LB Broth Powder, Miller, 250g250gbiobasic
5659AmmTX310 ugtocris
A10663用于PA800的IGG净化套件eaAB Sciex
LTP-LT-143LT人源IgMoose树脂5ml LigaTrap5毫升结扎带
19101核糖核酸酶A(17,500 U)2.5毫升恰根
96400-36管MFL EX SIL ICONE#36 25'万事达
96400-24管MFLEX SIL ICONE#24 25'万事达
2023年一次性样品管,用于5004型的50μL,500 /包500 /包精密系统公司
KORD-2902(例1)Kord-Valmark™2902无菌自动培养皿,带可滑动盖和同心底环,聚苯乙烯,外径x高:150 x 15mm(100盒)情况1国会科学
13193-HNAH-200ugFc epsilon RI蛋白,人类,重组200微克中国生物学义翘
13193-HNAH-200ugFc epsilon RI Protein, Human, Recombinant200ugsinobiological义翘
29702-H08H1-100ugIgE Fc Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)100ugsinobiological义翘
NG310-CH210 50ML5% / 0.5% LMNG/CHS Pre-Made Solution50MLanatrace
ab178013Human IL-6 ELISA Kit1 x 96 testsabcam
ab271236Biotin Anti-IL-6 antibody50ugabcam
ab9324Anti-IL-6 antibody500ugabcam
15240062Antibiotic-Antimycotic (100X)100mlgibco
25200072Trypsin-EDTA (0.25%), phenol red500mlgibco
A1113802Puromycin Dihydrochloride20mlgibco
BS-0832RRabbit Anti-MICA antibody (bs-0832R)50ulbioss
bs-4655RRabbit Anti-ULBP1 antibody (bs-4655R)100ulbioss
395B-1KTPeriodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) Kit1 kitSigma
1758-1400Isopropyl-β-D-Thiogalactopyranoside, Dioxane free1000ginalcopharm
GFTN-06Biological Indicator Glass Fiber Spore Discs, Bacillus atrophaeus, 106 Population, 9 mm Discs, Tyvek/Mylar Packaging100/PKCrosstex
BG-104Biological Indicator Spore Strips, Bacillus atrophaeus(for Ethylene Oxide), 104 Population Level100/PKCrosstex
HA5K-1Sodium Hyaluronate, Research Grade, <10KDa1glifecore
CSB-E08299hHuman amyloid beta peptide 1-40,Aβ1-40 ELISA Kit96TestCUSABIO
CSB-E10684hHuman amyloid beta peptide 1-42,Aβ1-42 ELISA Kit96TestCUSABIO
CD7-H5227-50ugHuman CD47 Protein, His Tag50ugacrobiosystems
S2GPT02RESteritop Threaded Bottle Top Filter12 pack, GP, 0.22 μm, polyethersulfone, 250 mL 45 mm, radio-sterilizedemdmillipore
I9135Anti-Human IgG (Fc specific) antibody produced in rabbit2 mLsigma
ALX-650-001-M001Isolectin B4 (Bandeiraea simplicifolia)1 mgenzolifesciences
CSB-E12011hHuman Tau proteins ELISA kit96TestCUSABIO
16-0289-81CD28 Monoclonal Antibody (CD28.2), Functional Grade, eBioscience™50ugeBioscience
d12492-10kg实验室使用 Rodent Diet with 60 kcal% Fat10kgresearch diets
480044MojoSort™ Mouse CD8 Naïve T Cell Isolation Kit200testsBiolegend
LS004217Collagenase, Type 1, Filtered1 gmworthington
F-7801-2FITC Conjugated Maackia amurensis Lectin -MAA-, 2mg Add to Wishlist2mgeylabs
302934Ultra-LEAF™ Purified anti-human CD281mgBiolegend
bsm-52265RRabbit Anti-Integrin alpha 6 antibody50ulbioss
317326Ultra-LEAF™ Purified anti-human CD31mgBiolegend
BR100823Desorb KiteachGE
20/130Research Reagent for Anti-SARS-CoV-2 AbeaNIBSC
20/B770Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Verification Panel for Serology AssayseaNIBSC
130-108-099Anti-IL-5-Vio515, humaneaMiltenyi
MBS9601478Rabbit CRFR2 Polyclonal Antibody0.1 mLmybiosource
8003MicroVue CICP96TestQUIDEL
H127-50μgAnti-Human HLA-DP (MHC Class II) Monomorphic – Purified50μgleinco
30-zonshu-E01Zonulin Serum ELISA96Wellsalpco
FCEU001-10mlProduct: PS-COOH · Europium Chelate (365,610)10mlbangslabs
95134-500qScript™ XLT One-Step RT-qPCR ToughMix®, Low ROX™500 x 20-μL reactionsQuanta Biosciences
BIV-K320-250Senescence Detection Kit250 StainingsBiovision
ab109234Recombinant Anti-Vitamin D Receptor antibody [EPR4552] - ChIP Grade (ab109234)100μlabcam
ab50036Recombinant human TGF beta 1 protein (Active) (ab50036)10μgabcam
3005-001Replica Plating Apparatus, 100 mm100 mmsunrisescience
07-432A-K-CL COTRANSPORTER(KCC2)100100 μgmillipore
AB207777Recombinant Anti-GCLC antibody [EPR20078]10ulabcam
88-315R(红色)胶带 Labeling Tape, 3/4in. x 500in盒(4卷)geneseesci
AB213524-10ulRecombinant Anti-PD-L1 antibody [EPR19759]10ulabcam
G7281Magne™ HaloTag® Beads, 20% Slurry1mlpromega
abx100806Homocysteine (HCy) Antibody100 μlabbexa
abx100806Homocysteine (HCy) Antibody100 μlabbexa
204143QuantiTect SYBR Green PCR Kit (200)eaqiagen
ER0785Rat C5(Complement Component 5) ELISA Kit96Tfn-test
E1969rRat C5/ Complement C5 ELISA Kit96Teiaab
CEK1119Human Complement C5 ELISA Kit96Tcohesionbio
HK390-02C5, Human, ELISA2 x 96 dethycultbiotech
abs50001-25TAnnexin V-FITC/PI细胞凋亡检测试剂盒25Tabsin
10-1614-0200Herboxidiene | Spliceosome inhibitor200ugfocusbiomolecules
ASR1037HRP Western Blot Anti-Mouse IgG Antibody100 μgabcepta
CSB-e12170rRat fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23) ELISA Kit96Tcusabio
Abx178964Angiotensin 1-7 (Ang1-7) Antibody100 μlabbexa
cy-4053FGF-23 Std180 mL×1Kainoslaboratory
HY-108505QX-314 chloride10mgmedchemexpress
FSVM-02556-2Streptavidin Fluorescent Magnetic Particles, Nile Red, 0.1%w/v, 0.2-0.39μm, 2mL2 mLSpherotech
FSVM-2058-2Streptavidin Fluorescent Magnetic Particles, Pink, 0.1%w/v, 2.0-2.9μm, 2mL2 mLSpherotech
FSVM-8058-2Streptavidin Fluorescent Magnetic Particles, Pink, 0.1%w/v, 8.0-9.9μm, 2mL2 mLSpherotech
11301ES12Hifair V Reverse Transcriptase 第五代耐热逆转录酶(无甘油版)12 KUyeasen翊圣
J000855ml 吸管,单支包装,灭菌100支/包,50包/箱shjasw(晶安生物)
FCEU001-5mlProduct: PS-COOH · Europium Chelate (365,610)5mlbangslabs
J000823ml 吸管,单支包装,灭菌100支/包,50包/箱shjasw(晶安生物)
N-5103-050Cyanine 5-6-Propargylamino-2'-deoxycytidine-5'-Triphosphate50 nmolTriLink
2720A-925 mgAxon
S1111Foretinib (GSK1363089)5mgselleck
S7173Spebrutinib (CC-292)10mgselleck
B8894Albumin, Acetylated from bovine serum5mlSigma
303406Latarcin 15mgnovopro
CAB400NMBlue Blue Latex Particles100mlmagsphere
A07739HLA-B27-FITC/HLA-B7-PE50 testsbeckman
MBS2504232Monkey IgE ELISA Kit96-Strip-WellsMybiosource
LS-F5717-1Human KLK7 / Kallikrein 7 (Sandwich ELISA) ELISA Kit1plateLSBio
A300-414ARabbit anti-TRPM2 Antibody, Affinity Purified100μgBethyl
AR-27312THRecombinant Human AR, Flag-tagged5ugcreativebiomart
AR-27312THRecombinant Human AR, Flag-tagged5ugcreativebiomart
FCEU001Product: PS-COOH · Europium Chelate (365,610)1mLbangslabs
AB-401-NAMouse IL-1 beta/IL-1F2 Polyclonal Ab1mgR&D
EK15856-2Rat N-Terminal Pro Brain Natriuretic Peptide (NT-ProBNP) ELISA Kit96Tsabbiotech
EK10358-2Rat High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-CRP) ELISA Kit96Tsabbiotech
EK8189-2Rat Pro Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (Pro-ANP) ELISA Kit96Tsabbiotech
S1782-200mgAzacitidine (5-Azacytidine)200mgselleck
S1782-50mgAzacitidine (5-Azacytidine)50mgselleck
349523DNA QC Particles25testsBD
JH-H1681HCMEC/D3; 永生化人脑微血管内皮细胞1vialjihebio(继和生物)
3S2000Studier Induction ZYM-5052 Medium1 LTeknova
ABA2-10100Aauroramicroplates 384 IQ LV Film Bottomeaauroramicroplates
13503Amplite 荧光法Caspase 3/7活性检测试剂盒 绿色荧光500Testsaatbio
J-006033-05-0002ON-TARGETplus Human SENP2 (59343)sirna-individual2nmonlDharmacon
I8896-50MLIGEPAL® CA-63050 mLsigmaaldrich
60142-100ML-FPotassium chloride solution100 mLsigmaaldrich
R6934-01Total RNA Kit II R693450次omegabiotek
HY-D07845-ROX (Synonyms: 5-Carboxy-X-rhodamine)10 mM * 1 mL in DMSOmedchemexpress
148-060anti-CD4Allophycocyanin120 testsancell
ab209845Recombinant Anti-GSDMD antibody [EPR19828] (ab209845)100μlabcam
EX03-25Exo-spin columns24 columnscellgs
2001-52Standard Cap 500/unit, 10 units/case10 units/casessibio
2140-000.5 mL Tube, Skirted Base 500/unit, 10 units/case10 units/casessibio
sc-6260Vimentin 抗体 (V9)200 μg/mlsanta
194-13321Sodium Alginate 80-120100 gWako
4R2023Transfer-Pack container with Coupler — 600 mL8 packs of 12 in each dispensing carton, 96 units/case.96 units/caseFenwal
C082Thyroxine (T4)-BSA1mgcalbioreagents
A83840Thyroid Peroxidase Monoclonal Antibody1mgbiospacific
A033Human Liver Ferritin1mgCalbioreagents
20074-1mgCF488A 驴 抗 人 IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed1mgBiotium
20022-1mgCF488A 山羊 抗 人 IgG (H+L), highly cross-adsorbed0.5mlbiotium
PRO-E0064-1mgOleandomycin glycosyltransferase1 mgprozomix
PRO-E0065-1mgOleandomycin glycosyltransferase1 mgprozomix
PRO-E0066-1mgMacrolide glycosyltransferase1 mgprozomix
LS-F12005-1Human MASP2 / MASP-2 (Sandwich ELISA) ELISA Kit1platelsbio
mx7269-1mgrac-GR24(strigolactone analog)独脚金内酯1mgchiralix
LS003926Phosphodiesterase I100unWorthington
ab171522TMB ELISA底物(Highest Sensitivity)100mlabcam
NU-835-BIO14-Ljenabioscience5 x 200 μl (1 mM)jenabioscience
ab171529450 nm Stop Solution for TMB底物100mlabcam
ab202025Anti-WASP/Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome蛋白抗体[7B10E4]100 μgabcam
ab267565重组Alexa Fluor® 647荧光Anti-PD-L1抗体[CAL10]100 μlabcam
ab220300Alexa Fluor® 488荧光Anti-PD1抗体[NAT105]100 μlabcam
11-415-20NPIK3CA[H1047R]/PIK3R1 (BTN)100ugcarnabio
AB-304-AI043Inhibin Alpha mAb100ugAnshLabs
AB-306-AI005Inhibin BetaB mAb100ugAnshLabs
90095Insulin ELISA Kit96Testscrystalchem
A1009Albumin methylated from bovine serum250 mgsigma
N-008-1MLS(−)-Nicotine solution1mlCerilliant
MBS853322anti-GluR7 antibody :: GluR7 Antibody0.1mgmybiosource
E2691FuGENE® 6 转染试剂1mlpromega
A525Factor D Depleted Sera1mlquidel
10-5915-02Cyanine 5 Phosphoramidite0.25gglenresearch
10206-01Rat Anti-Mouse IL-5-UNLB0.5 mgSouthern Biotech
CDM497BRat Anti-Human IL-5 (Clone B-Z25) mAb, Azide Free500 ugCell sciences
CDM497ARat Anti-Human IL-5 (Clone B-Z25) mAb, Azide Free200 ugCell sciences
LS-C50743-50Monoclonal Rat anti‑Human IL5 Antibody (clone SPM462, WB)50ug(0.2mg/ml)Lifespan
423801CFSE Cell Division Tracker Kit1 kitBiolegend
JCRB0208CCK-811 vialJCRB
501890-480 strip wellsEstradiol ELISA Kit480 strip wellscayman
501890-480 solid wellsEstradiol ELISA Kit480 solid wellscayman
501890-96 strip wellsEstradiol ELISA Kit96 strip wellscayman
501890-96 solid wellsEstradiol ELISA Kit96 solid wellscayman
SA00001-4Rabbit Anti-Goat IgG(H+L), HRP conjugate100ulproteintech
MBS2553982anti-CD49b antibody :: Rat anti-Mouse CD49b Monoclonal Antibody0.05mgmybiosource
RS-1205InstiGRO CHOPLUS5mlsalscientific
Q222-CN-00HiScript II U One Step qRT-PCR Probe Kit100 rxns (30 μl/rxn)vazyme
7023Complete Freund's Adjuvant, 5 mg/ml5 mlChondrex
MBS738002Cx3CL1 elisa kit :: Monkey Cx3CL1/Fractalkine ELISA Kit96-Strip-Wellsmybiosource
21080-20mgFluo-8®, AM20mgAAT Bioquest
L00847SARS-CoV-2 Surrogate Virus Neutralization Test Kit96Testgenscript
21080-10mgFluo-8®, AM10mgAAT Bioquest
ab109182Recombinant Anti-NMDAR1 antibody [EPR2481(2)] (ab109182)10μlabcam
21080Fluo-8®, AM1 mgAAT Bioquest
GMP-101-21Recombinant Human Interleukin-21 GMP100μgPrimeGene Technical Data Sheet
GMP-101-02Recombinant Human Interleukin-2 GMP100μgPrimeGene Technical Data Sheet
GMP-101-04Recombinant Human Interleukin-4 GMP (rHuIL-4 GMP)100μgPrimeGene Technical Data Sheet
SAHT-APAnti-human Thrombin (F.IIa) sheep, AP IgG,0.5mgenzymeresearch
S-1330Angiotensin I/II (1-7) - EIA Kit, Host: Rabbit, High Sensitivity, CE-marked1kitBMA-PENLABS
10118-01Rat Anti-Human IL-5-UNLB0.5 mgSouthern Biotech
FCQO1-OIL22QCQuality of Olive Oil Quality Control Material100 mlfapas
CL3441Baby Rabbit Complement, Lyophilized10x1mlCedarlane
AF1810-SPHuman Endocan Affinity Purified Polyclonal Ab25 ugR&D
GPR0650000Orphan G Protein-Couple Receptor 65 (GPR65)EAcdna
21584-1-APDLL4 Polyclonal Antibody50ulproteintech
2512-0000THERMAL-LOK BLOCK FOR 15 ML TUBES15 ML TUBESusascientific
ARP47412_P050C1orf75 Antibody - N-terminal region100 ULavivasysbio
2510-1102Thermal-Lok 2-Position Dry Heat Bath (Without Blocks)eausascientific
ENZ-KIT140-0001Histamine ELISA kit96 Wellsenzo
90156Dog (Canine) Insulin ELISA Kit96 Wellscrystalchem
SQM004.1mAb to O6-ethyl-2-deoxyguanosine (EM 21)50 μgsquarix
4045142.016-Carboxy-fluorescein100 mgbachem
AB5830Gt X 8-OHdGPer 1.0 PCE Piecmerck millipore
067-29AIrisin, recombinant (Human, Rat, Mouse, Canine)100ugphoenixpeptide
51107-M08HIL-27 Protein, Mouse, Recombinant (His Tag)20μgsinobiological
PK-CA707-80011Calcein AM1mgpromocell
332102Tecan 200 μL 导电吸头 无滤芯 灭菌 泡壳装Nest
TMDS-0100-01TMB Double Slow One Component HRP Microwell Substrate100mLSurModics
RC215289MERTK (NM_006343) Human Tagged ORF Clone10 ugorigene
GC18552Lipoxin A450μgglpbio
LS006363Elastase, Purified5mgworthington
ab87909Recombinant pig TNF alpha protein (ab87909)25μgabcam
P-123-100-100μgGFRA-4-His, human recombinant100μgicosagen
ab6671Anti-TNF alpha antibody (ab6671)200μgabcam
ab16669Anti-CD3 antibody [SP7] (ab16669)500μlabcam
SH30034.02L-Glutamine, 200mM Solution (29.2mg/mL-Glutamine in 0.85% NaCl), 500mL500mLHyClone
2435TPPARγ (C26H12) Rabbit mAb #243520μlcst
8558SAtg7 (D12B11) Rabbit mAb #8558100μlcst
3495SBeclin-1 (D40C5) Rabbit mAb #3495100μlcst
3868SLC3B (D11) XP® Rabbit mAb #3868100μlcst
Q-15CARiACT Q200gfujisilysia
ab24509Anti-PPAR alpha antibody (ab24509)50μgabcam
3136TCDK6 (DCS83) Mouse mAb #313620μlcst
80R-2349TK1 PROTEIN (HIS TAG) (80R-2349)100ugFitzgerald
M66102MOsteopontin (OPN) N-Terminal1MGMeridian
M66103MOsteopontin(OPN) N-Terminal1MGMeridian
M66105MOsteopontin(OPN) C-Terminal Meridian
10160-H08HFactor D Protein, Human, Recombinant (His Tag)10ugSino Biological
10160-R005Recombinant Anti-Factor D Antibody,Rabbit Monoclonal Sino Biological
10160-MM13Anti-Factor D Antibody,Mouse Monoclonal50ulSino Biological
bs-1535RRabbit Anti-Alkaline Phosphatase, Tissue Non-Specific isozyme antibody (bs-1535R)50ulbioss
bs-6292PBone Alkaline Phosphatase (bs-6292P)500ugbioss
10-2682Folic acid Antibody (10-2682)500 ugFitzgerald
10-F19CFolic acid Antibody (10-F19C)500 ugFitzgerald
80-1072Folic acid -BSA(80-1072)500 ugFitzgerald
9286TPhospho-p53 (Ser15) (16G8) Mouse mAb20 μlCST
2527Tp53 (7F5) Rabbit mAb20 μlCST
2947Tp21 Waf1/Cip1 (12D1) Rabbit mAb20 μlCST
9532TPARP (46D11) Rabbit mAb20 μlCST
69400SDR5 (E9D7D) Rabbit mAb100 μlCST
MA5-16795Rat anti-Mouse IgM (Heavy chain) Secondary Antibody, Biotin500 μgthermofisher
ACH-002017OMM11 vialdepmap
PRO-ERED(001)- 10gPRO-ERED(001)10gprozomix
4367659Power SYBR™ Green PCR Master Mix1x5 mLApplied Biosystems
13547SGriess Reagent Nitrite Measurement Kit #135471kitCST
ZF-0511Alexa Fluor® 488标记山羊抗兔IgG(H+L)0.1ml中杉金桥
MD108-0250bp DNA Ladder(MD108)200次天根
R0127RNase, DNase, RNA and DNA Away250ml碧云天
P0209-500mlTMB显色液(ELISA HRP显色用)500ml碧云天
DEIASL432Human Muscle Skeletal Receptor Tyrosine Kinase antibody (MUSKab) ELISA Kit96TCreative Diagnostics
DEIASL431Human Anti-AChR ELISA Kit96TCreative Diagnostics
RR100Stainless Steel Retaining Ringeaapjtrading
M8000M9 Minimal Medium Broth1Lteknova
1081059Alt-R:emoji: S.p. Cas9 Nuclease V3500ugIdtdna
a303-799A-MRabbit anti-LIN54 Antibody, Affinity Purified100 μl (10 blots)Bethyl
CSC-H0146Sheep Anti-Bovine Red Blood Cells Heterohybridoma [HB5]1vialcreative-diagnostics
2716sMO25α/CAB39 (C49D8) Rabbit mAb #2716100μlcst
7074P2Anti-rabbit IgG, HRP-linked Antibody #7074100μlcst
7076P2Anti-mouse IgG, HRP-linked Antibody #7076100μlcst
14202SPhospho-ULK1 (Ser757) (D7O6U) Rabbit mAb #14202100μlcst
315-02-100UGMurine M-CSF100UGPeproTech
30835SStat3 (D1B2J) Rabbit mAb100 μlCST
2821SPhospho-PLCγ1 (Tyr783) Antibody100 μlCST
2822SPLCγ1 Antibody100 μlCST
VC125Lentivirus Precipitation Solution250mLalstembio
N-500-1gNourseothricin Sulfate (Streptothricin Sulfate) (NTC or clonNAT)1ggoldbio
MBS9313287Human myeloid cell nuclear differentiation antigen (MNDA) ELISA Kit96-Strip-Wellsmybiosource
ATCC MP-32SARS-CoV-2 External Control Kitfrozen 1.0 mL per vialATCC
ACC-037-25μlAnti-TRPA1 (extracellular) Antibody - 25 μl25μlAlomone Labs
9860SSenescence β-Galactosidase Staining Kit1KitCST
1450003Cell Counting Kit, 30 dual-chambered slides, 60 counts, with trypan blue #145000330 slidebio-rad
AS-64440-025Histone H3 (21-44)-GK(Biotin), biotin-labeled0.25mgAnaSpec
AS-64365-025[Lys(Me1)27]-Histone H3 (21-44)-GK(Biotin), H3K27(Me1), biotin-labeled0.25mgAnaSpec
BHQ-3000S-25BHQ-3 Carboxylic Acid, Succinimidyl Ester25 mgBiosearch Technologies
BIGTBovine immunoglobulin100gbovogen
ACC-037Anti-TRPA1 (extracellular) Antibody - 50 μl50μlAlomone Labs
MCHT06H48Millicell Hanging Cell Culture Insert, PET 0.4 μm, 6-well, 48/pk48 Individually blister packagedmerckmillipore
PEL-FLT3-Y589-T-1Human Phospho-FLT3 (Y589) and Total FLT3 ELISA1 plateRayBiotech
A8950UM 1715mgapexbio
INSRMi004-AHuman induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)1 vialhpscreg
6066761britelite plus Reporter Gene Assay System, 1,000 Assay points1,000 (96-well) / 4,000 (384-well)perkinelmer
TRF0102-MULight-streptavidin (10nmol)EAPerkinElmer
F50667ROR1 Antibody0.2 mlnsjbio
4033395.003Angiotensin I (1-9) trifluoroacetate salt25mgbachem
MBS3807663S100A8/A9 elisa kit :: Rat S100A8/A9 ELISA Kit96-Strip-Wellsmybiosource
1450016Cell Counting Slides for TC10™/TC20™ Cell Counter, Dual-Chamber, 10 x 30 slides, 600 counts #145001610 x 30 slidebio-rad
13012457mel-2021 vialECACC
1450011Cell Counting Slides for TC10™/TC20™ Cell Counter, Dual-Chamber, 30 slides, 60 counts #145001130 slidebio-rad
SEPE5-100MEconix Silver Nanospheres - PVP - 5 nm, 5 mg/mL in water, 100 mL100mLnanoComposix
RB003-100mgBleomycin Sulfate, 1.5-2.0 units/mg solid, CAS#9041-93-4100mgbiotangusa
ab1162Anti-DDDDK tag (Binds to FLAG® tag sequence) antibody (ab1162)100μgabcam
AKRLH-010SRat LH (Luteinizing Hormone) ELISA KIT (S-type)eashibayagi
CHEM013-KITCHEM013 Measurement Standardkitctechnologiesinc
ACT-226-062Ham’s F-12k, Without phenol red-500ml500mlassaycell
T6234701-2FDA Standard Frozen Tissue Array – Human Adult Normal4 slidesbiochain
T6234701-1FDA Standard Frozen Tissue Array – Human Adult Normal2 slidesbiochain
ABN-P3599CD40LG (Human) Recombinant Protein50ugAbnova
17954EasySep™ Human B Cell Isolation KiteaSTEMCELL
SK-5300Vector® Blue Substrate Kit, Alkaline Phosphatase (AP)1 kitvectorlabs
A00456-1Anti-B2M Antibody50ulboster
PB9233Anti-TFRC Antibody50ulboster
CY-SC001SiR-Actin Kit50-300slidescytoskeleton
HPSHuman Protein S1.0 mgEnzyme Research
EA-0405Human PIGF-1 ELISA96SamplesSignosis
SP-1125-2NEUROBIOTIN 488 TRACER (2mg)2mgVectorlabs
05-0134-2Aleuria aurantia lectin (AAL)2mgMedicago
HUAMPM015GeniePlex Human Th1/Th2/Th17 7-Plex96Telisagenie
TD.160153-5KGKetogenic 93M Diet (44% Crisco, 15% CocB, 8.5% CO)5KGharlan
212322BD BBL™ Dehydrated Culture Media: Mueller Hinton II Broth (Cation-Adjusted)EachBD
3760sliceGolgi KiteaBioenno
N-1052-108-Azidoadenosine-5'-Triphosphate10 umolTriLink
NKB-101Can Get Signal Solution 1 & 2各250mltoyobo
100-39-10Human HGF10ugPeproTech
2270ARecombinant DNase I (RNase-free)1,000 UTakara
12-741FDulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium, with 4.5 g/L Glucose and L-Glutamine, without Sodium Pyruvate500mlLonza
5067-5585High Sensitivity DNA ScreenTape AnalysiskitAgilent
5067-5584High Sensitivity DNA ScreenTape Analysis112样品/kitAgilent
401425Mx3000P/Mx3005P 透光联管盖120个Agilent
401428Mx3000P/Mx3005P 联管120联管Agilent
Q10212Qubit™ ssDNA Assay Kit1 kitthermofisher
65602Dynabeads™ MyOne™ Streptavidin T110 mLthermofisher
414161FHistofine Simple Stain MAX PO (G)170 testsnichirei
414481FHistofine® High Stain™ HRP (MULTI)170 testsnichirei
TAS8848N1170Streptavidin beads20mgtamagawa-seiki
363008FITC anti-human CD19100 testsBiolegend
PEL-FRS2-Y436-T-5Human and Mouse Phospho-FRS2 (Y436) and Total FRS2 ELISA5 plateraybiotech
S3030112neutral protease NB100unordmark
S1745503collagenase NB 1 premium grade>2000Unordmark
555725Hu CD28 NALE CD28.2 500ug500ugBD
566685Hu CD3 NA/LE OKT3 1mg1mgBD
130-093-387CD3 pure, human - functional gradeeaMACS
LS-C41100-100CD3 Antibody (clone OKT3) LS-C41100100uglsbio
MCr1350-1arat MOR membrane10mgmultispaninc
MCr1352-8rat KOR membrane10mgmultispaninc
HSGM0Human GM-CSF Quantikine HS ELISA Kit1 Kitrndsystems
HSTCS0Human G-CSF Quantikine HS ELISA Kit1 KitR&D
130-090-509CD303 (BDCA-2) MicroBead Kit, humanfor 1×109 total cellsmiltenyibiotec
OTR1005Omnifect Transfection Reagent (5 ml)5 mltransomic
ab203309Anti-Surfactant protein D/SP-D antibody (ab203309)100μlabcam
EV 10100pJAGeabiogrammatics
LS009043Adenosine Deaminase250unworthington
EV 40200pJUZeabiogrammatics
13012458ECACC General Cell Collection: 92-11 vialECACC
bs-10900RRabbit Anti-GAPDH (Loading Control) antibody50ulbioss
2532SAMPKα Antibody #2532100μlcst
3936SUbiquitin (P4D1) Mouse mAb #3936100μlcst
5041PEG-Liposome In Vivo Transfection Reagent1.5 ml - 30 injectionsaltogen
5031Nanoparticle In Vivo Transfection Reagent1.5 ml - 30 injectionsaltogen
abx100029Titin (TTN) Antibody100μlabbexa
41110-2VeriKine Human Interferon Alpha Multi-Subtype Serum ELISA Kit5 x 96-well platepblassaysci
41110-1Human IFN-Alpha ELISA Kits (VeriKine-HS)1 x 96-well platepblassaysci
010-60Intermedin-53 (Human)100 μgphoenixpeptide
60-5200-01Glen-PakTM DNA purification cartridgePk/1glenresearch
60-3100-01Poly-Pak™ II CartridgePk/1glenresearch
51304QIAamp DNA Mini Kit (50)kitqiagen
122799XenoLight D-Luciferin Potassium SalteaPerkinElmer
P1001VitaFast® Folic Acid96孔/板R-Biopharm
P1002VitaFast® Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin)96孔/板R-Biopharm
P1003VitaFast® Vitamin B7 (Biotin)96孔/板R-Biopharm
P1005VitaFast® Pantothenic Acid96孔/板R-Biopharm
MBS005055Cystathionine Gamma Lyase (CSE), ELISA Kit96-Strip-Wellsmybiosource
716024HybriSlip™ Hybridization Covers100PACKgracebio
79787TCF/LEF Luciferase Reporter Lentivirus (Wnt/β-catenin Signaling Pathway)500 μl x 2bpsbioscience
M1-51single-stranded scaffold DNA type p8064 2.0 ml at 100 nM200 pmol (498 μg)tilibit
M1-50single-stranded scaffold DNA type p8064 0.5 ml at 100 nM50 pmol (125 μg)tilibit
1086108Calcifediol75 mgUSP
1667600Alpha Tocopherol250mgUSP
8003010 μL Gastight Syringe Model 1701 RN, Small Removable Needle, 26s gauge, 2 in, point style 2hamiltoncompany
CYP002Human CYP3A4 and human CYP-reductase coexpressed in Escherichia coli1 nmolcypex
AUDD2-25MGNanoXact Gold Nanospheres - Dodecanethiol (Dried) - 2 nm25 mgnanoComposix
355056Corning® Hepatocyte Culture Media Kit, 500mLeacorning
OKAG02149Phospho-FRS2 (Tyr436) Colorimetric Cell-Based ELISA Kit2 X 96 WELLSavivasysbio
14472SE-Cadherin (4A2) Mouse mAb100 μlCST
HCIXA-EGR-1mgHuman Factor IXa-EGR1mgHaematologic Technologies
C22400500BTRPMI 1640500mlthermofisher
9259N80Scienceware® Stack Rack® Test Tube Racks1/EAthomassci
79216Buffer RLT (220 ml)qiagen
46415-1Cynomolgus IFN Beta ELISA Kit1KITPBL
HIT411Lectin Complement Pathway, Rat, Assay1 x 96 detHycultBiotech
92/510Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Human, recombinant. (WHO1mlNIBSC
98/574Somatropin WHO International Standard1mlNIBSC
554Flow Cytometry Protein G Antibody Binding Beads1mL Abangslabs
MOB-0296MCRabbit Anti-T7 RNA Polymerase Antibody0.1mgcreativebiolabs
SRM 965bGlucose in Frozen Human Serum8 ampoules x 2 mLnist
FBPC-10EUB338 Probe50ulcreative-bioarray
59170APRabbit Polyclonal Anti-HMGA2 Peptide 1, Affinity Purified100μgbiocheckinc
4200Human Anti-Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (anti-HBsAg) IgG ELISA kit (for vaccinated samples), 96 tests, quantitative1 KitAlpha Diagnostic International
555Quantum™ FITC-5 MESF1mL Abangslabs
HY-N0565BDoxycycline (hyclate)5gmedchemexpress
PA-LL37HRP-50pAb anti-LL-37 HRP labelled50ugInvivogen
G9292CytoTox-Glo™ Cytotoxicity Assay2x 50mlpromega
5510-0030TrueBlue™ Peroxidase Substrate200mLseracare
PA-CRPL-100CRAMP antibody100ugInvivogen
MTLL025-6005Male Luer Integral Lock Ring to 500 Series Barb, 5/32" (4.0 mm) ID Tubing, Animal-free Natural Polypropyleneeanordsonmedical
FTLL025-6005Female Luer Thread Style to 500 Series Barb, 5/32" (4.0 mm) ID Tubing, Animal-free Natural Polypropyleneeanordsonmedical
14-0161-85CD16/CD32 Monoclonal Antibody (93)500ugeBioscience
MBS5304687-1mgTHC synthetic protein1mgmybiosource
MBS318559-1mgTetrahydrocannabinol (THC) BSA Conjugate Protein1mgmybiosource
GWB-48FA97-20mgTHC-BSA Conjugate20mggenwaybio
9439(PE)BRIC 6 CD233 / Band 3 (extracellular domain)100 testsibgrl
9439(FITC)BRIC 6 CD233 / Band 3 (extracellular domain)100 testsibgrl
9439(APC)BRIC 6 CD233 / Band 3 (extracellular domain)100 testsibgrl
Y42102X YT Agar Plates20 platesteknova
A18660-100 μLSIGLEC15 Rabbit pAb100 μLABclonal
1031576Buffer TCL (125 ml)125 mlQiagen
CS-111RNA STAT-60200mlamsbio
60021Transfectamine 5000转染试剂1mLAATbio
47000-100Standard Vitrobot Filter Paper, Ø55/20mm, Grade 595pkg/100tedpella
SDOW17-FPorcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSV) – Monoclonal Antibody1ml aliquotsRTI
11633716001Anti-Digoxigenin-POD (poly), Fab fragments50 unitsRoche
DEIABL491Pichia pastoris HCP ELISA kit96TCreative Diagnostics
015-09CGRP (Rat, Mouse) EIA Kit100mgphoenixpeptide
353008APC anti-human CD63100 testsBiolegend
300907PE anti-human CD8a25 testsBiolegend
300428PerCP anti-human CD3100 testsBiolegend
357408APC anti-human CD4100 testsBiolegend
430115ELISA MAX™ Deluxe Set Human IFN-γ10 platesBiolegend
620General Assay Diluent100mLimmunochemistry
HAA2950.0250CML250mgIris Biotech
ABIN5526712Nanog Homeobox (NANOG) ELISA Kit96 testsantibodies-online
EKX-66I2XN-96Human NANOG(Homeobox protein NANOG) ELISA Kit96 Tnordicbiosite
401349StrataCooler LP 台式冷藏盒32根agilent
MBS841498ATP assay kit100 Assaysmybiosource
4877SHSP90 (C45G5) Rabbit mAb100 µlCST
25-207TC Treated Flasks, 50ml, Vent10 per Sleeve, 200 Flasks/Unitgeneseesci
ABIN1503625Non-Ester Fatty Aid (NEFA)ELISA Kit96Tantibodies-online
ab52635Recombinant Anti-Cytokeratin 5 antibody [EP1601Y] - Cytoskeleton Marker100 μlabcam
bs-6292RRabbit Anti-Bone Alkaline Phosphatase antibody50ulbioss
ab91651Recombinant Anti-Thymidine Kinase 1/TK1 antibody [EPR3194]10 µlabcam
2820Carboxyl-Adembeads Coupling KitKITAdemtech
ab76495Recombinant Anti-Thymidine Kinase 1/TK1 antibody [EPR3193]10 µlabcam
2110Carboxyl-Adembeads 100nm1mlAdemtech
AF8180-100Human Thymidine Kinase 1 Affinity Purified Poclyclonal Ab100ugR&D
10-1251-01Insulin, Rat Ultrasensitive ELISA(大鼠超敏胰岛素)1×96 wellsMercodia
17544401Capto™ adhere100 mlGE
12030-1-AP(50ul)WBP2 Polyclonal Antibody50ulproteintech
13801-1-AP(50ul)PAI-1 Polyclonal Antibody50ulproteintech
55110-1-AP(50ul)USP22 Polyclonal Antibody50ulproteintech
CL4051Low-Tox® Guinea Pig Complement, Lyophilized5x1mlCedarlane
F280Insulin ELISA Kit, Ultra-Sensitive1 kitcygnus
S1049-10 mgY-27632 2HCl10 mgselleck
300-19-50UGHuman Flt3-Ligand50ugpeprotech
200-15-50UGHuman IL-1550ugpeprotech
300-07-50ugRecombinant Human SCF50ugpeprotech
IC-LH-RaRat Luteinizing Hormone (LH) ELISA Kit96TImmunoClone
bs-1640RRabbit Anti-phospho-JNK1 + 2 + 3 (Thr183+Tyr185) antibody (bs-1640R)50ulbioss
FB-15Fetal Bovine Serum500mLomegascientific
130-113-165CD19-APC, human, LT19, 100 tests100testsMACS
302252PE/Dazzle™ 594 anti-human CD19100testsBiolegend
MAB4867Human CD19 MAb (Clone 4G7-2E3)100ugR&D
A-1180-2Beta Amyloid (1-40) Aggregation Kit1mgrpeptide
KA2330FSH (Rodent) ELISA Kit1 Kitabnova
IC801PHuman CXCL13/BLC/BCA-1 Phycoerythrin MAb (Clone 53610)100TestsR&D
KA2332LH (Rodent) ELISA Kit1 Kitabnova
IC801AHuman CXCL13/BLC/BCA-1 Allophycocyanin MAb (Clone 53610)100TestsR&D
AF2018Human/Mouse/Rat SOX2 Affinity Purified Polyclonal Ab (100 ug)100ugRND
1078-05Goat Anti-Mouse IgG2c-HRP Polyclonal1.0 mLsouthernbiotech
557835Hu CD19 PE-Cy7 SJ25C1 100Tst100TstBD
70967-3GeneJuice® Transfection Reagent1mlmerckmillipore
8890SAnti-mouse IgG (H+L), F(ab')2 Fragment (Alexa Fluor® 594 Conjugate)250 μlcst
98059SRUNX2 (D1L7F) Rabbit mAb (PE Conjugate)100 μlcst
12238SCalreticulin (D3E6) XP® Rabbit mAb #12238100μlcst
P24-1.5H-N24 Well glass bottom plate with high performance #1.5 cover glass20/caseCellvis (formerly In Vitro Scientific)
25-209TC Treated Flasks, 250ml, Vent5 per Sleeve, 100 Flasks/Unitgeneseesci
10119-01Rat Anti-Human IL-5-UNLB0.5mgSouthern Biotech
15673-HNCE-1mgIL-5 Protein, Human, Recombinant1mgSino Biological
15673-HNCE-100ugIL-5 Protein, Human, Recombinant100ugSino Biological
00-8333-56Permeabilization Buffer (10X)100 mLeBioscience
00-8333-56Permeabilization Buffer (10X)100 mLeBioscience
00-5521-00Foxp3 / Transcription Factor Fixation/Permeabilization Concentrate and Diluent1 kiteBioscience
bsm-33187MMouse Anti-alpha smooth muscle Actin antibody (bsm-33187M)100ulbioss
17504044B-27™ Supplement (50X), serum free10 mLgibco
MBS043102Cystathionine Gamma Lyase (CSE), ELISA Kit96-Strip-Wellsmybiosource
C1534152-CycDNA - Monkey (Cynomolgus) Normal Tissue: Lung40 rxnbiochain
A600642-0005还原型辅酶 I(钠盐)5 Gsangon
1708891iScript™ cDNA Synthesis Kit100 x 20 μlbio-rad
NBP1-81063Rabbit Polyclonal FUNDC1 Antibody0.1mlNovusbio
TA350706MASP2 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody100 ulorigene
PAX7PAX7concentrate 0.1mlDSHB
ER2091SfaAI (AsiSI) (10 U/μL)1,000 unitsThermo
W22562213 mm  Crimpenstein Crimper Jaw1/cssks-science
88-7064-76IL-6 Mouse Uncoated ELISA Kit with Plates20*96testsInvitrogen
88-7324-76TNF alpha Mouse Uncoated ELISA Kit with Plates20*96testsInvitrogen
16107474x Laemmli Sample Buffer10mlbio-rad
NBP2-34971-20UGRecombinant Human Interferon alpha 2a Protein - (Dry Ice)20ugNovusbio
abx383521Human Serine/Threonine Kinase 25 (STK25) ELISA Kit96 testsabbexa
AB189483Recombinant Anti-Tissue Factor antibody [EPR18160-175] (ab189483)40μlabcam
ab180673Recombinant Anti-Caspase-11 antibody [EPR18628] (ab180673)40μlabcam
L22010-5000.0SDS [Sodium dodecylsulfate] [Lauryl sulfate], Powder, 5 Kilograms5 KGrpicorp
CT317-PR2Mouse IFN-γ ELISPOT kit2-plate*(enzymatic staining )U-cytech
CL-0061CHO (仓鼠卵巢细胞)1 vialprocell
GWB-11207AHuman Fibrinogen ELISA Kit1x96 well plateGenWay
MBS407279Cy3 tracer reagent5 mgmybiosource
9664TCleaved Caspase-3 (Asp175) (5A1E) Rabbit mAb #966420μlcst
4691TAkt (pan) (C67E7) Rabbit mAb #469120μlcst
27535SPAI-1 Antibody #27535100μlcst
ERCC3-1692HRecombinant Human ERCC3 protein, His & T7-tagged50ugcreativebiomart
10201-2-AP(100 µl)Ubiquitin Polyclonal Antibody100 µlproteintech
ABIN2749088小鼠 IgG2a 同型对照0.1 mgantibody-online
52-00-03SureBlue TMB 1-Component Microwell Peroxidase Substrate1LKPL
CSB-E12654r大鼠黄体生成素(LH)ELISA kit cusabio