Genaxxon 的亮点包括qPCR预混液>、PCR 试剂和试剂盒 >、DNA/RNA 纯化试剂盒 >和CRISPR/Cas9 蛋白质和试剂 > 。
新:我们的冻干实时 PCR预混液LyoMix >和LyoBalls > ,在不冷却的情况下稳定至少 2 年!
Genaxxon 专门为 CRISPR/Cas9 克隆提供优化的转染方案,适用于我们的CRISPRfect E >转染试剂,可快速、简单和高效地克隆 HEK 细胞。此外,我们的客户还可以从 Genaxxon购买Cas9 蛋白。在我们的博客 >关于 CRISPR/Cas9 主题中,您可以找到更多信息。
Genaxxon 的更多亮点:Green-qPCR Master Mixes 分别为 Probe qPCR Master Mixes >,专门针对 Taqman®、分子信标或 Scorpions® 等探针进行了优化。两种类型的预混液都在来自如 Roche (LightCycler® 480)、Qiagen (Rotor-Gene®)、Life Technologies (StepOnePlus®) 和 Agilent (Mx3005P®) 的 qPCR 设备上进行了调整和优化。
我们的重点是PCR >和qPCR / RealTime PCR >以及DNA/RNA 纯化 >使用特殊的试剂盒和色谱柱。我们已经能够开发和提供新产品,例如用于 LightCycler® 的聚碳酸酯毛细管或我们在DNA 聚合酶方面的开发>如我们的ReproFast >、ReproHot >和ExactRun > DNA 聚合酶。它们都是可与 DNA 聚合酶(如 Phusion® 或 KOD DNA-聚合酶 (Vent®))相媲美的高保真校对聚合酶。
此外,我们还开发了PCR Master Mixes >带有红色染料(RedMastermix >) 使移液步骤可视化,尤其是移液到PCR 板中时 > .
从我们广泛的DNA 和 RNA 纯化试剂盒产品系列>特别是我们用于从组织 >或血液中分离 DNA的试剂盒>或用于纯化 RNA的试剂盒> 中脱颖而出。因此,我们还可以提供专为机器人系统设计的合适的高通量试剂盒,让我们的客户能够轻松快速有效地清理大量样品。
我们生物科学服务中最重要的部分是肽合成 >、氨基酸分析 >不同样品材料和定制化学合成。
genaxxon puri2021年价格表
货号 | 品名 | 规格 | 价格 | 品牌 |
S5313.0050 | DNA-Purification columns | 50 columns | 700 | genaxxon2021 |
S5312.0050 | DNA Purification Micro Spin Columns | 50 columns | 983 | genaxxon2021 |
S5381.0050 | DNA-Purification columns Plus | 50 columns | 820 | genaxxon2021 |
S5368.0010 | PCR DNA Purification Mini Prep Kit | 10 purifications | 424 | genaxxon2021 |
S5368.0050 | PCR DNA Purification Mini Prep Kit | 50 purifications | 1350 | genaxxon2021 |
S5368.0250 | PCR DNA Purification Mini Prep Kit | 250 purifications | 4900 | genaxxon2021 |
S5374.0010 | Gel extraction Kit | 10 purifications | 424 | genaxxon2021 |
S5374.0050 | Gel extraction Kit | 50 purifications | 1350 | genaxxon2021 |
S5374.0250 | Gel extraction Kit | 250 purifications | 5000 | genaxxon2021 |
S5380.0010 | PCR and Gel extraction Mini Prep Kit | 10 purifications | 424 | genaxxon2021 |
S5380.0050 | PCR and Gel extraction Mini Prep Kit | 50 purifications | 1500 | genaxxon2021 |
S5380.0250 | PCR and Gel extraction Mini Prep Kit | 250 purifications | 5500 | genaxxon2021 |
S5369.0050 | Plasmid PLUS DNA Purification Mini Prep Kit | 50 columns | 1188 | genaxxon2021 |
S5369.0250 | Plasmid PLUS DNA Purification Mini Prep Kit | 250 columns | 4653 | genaxxon2021 |
S5351.1000 | PureIT ExoZAP | 1mL | 5411 | genaxxon2021 |
S5351.5000 | PureIT ExoZAP | 5mL | 24931 | genaxxon2021 |
M6015.0250 | Glycogen solution | 250µL | 119 | genaxxon2021 |
M6015.0005 | Glycogen solution | 20x250µL | 2100 | genaxxon2021 |
S5311.0050 | RNA-Purification columns | 50 columns | 1330 | genaxxon2021 |
S5301.0250 | Viral RNA Purification Mini Spin Kit | 250 purifications | 14500 | genaxxon2021 |
S5304.0250L | RLys -Lyse Buffer for Total RNA Purification Kit | 250 mL | 2266 | genaxxon2021 |
S5304.1000L | RLys -Lyse Buffer for Total RNA Purification Kit | 1 L | 0 | genaxxon2021 |
S5304.0010 | Total RNA Purification Mini Spin Kit | 10 purifications | 796 | genaxxon2021 |
S5304.0050 | Total RNA Purification Mini Spin Kit | 50 purifications | 3342 | genaxxon2021 |
S5304.0250 | Total RNA Purification Mini Spin Kit | 250 purifications | 14534 | genaxxon2021 |
S5309.0010 | Total RNA Purification Mini Spin Kit PLUS | 10 purifications | 1167 | genaxxon2021 |
S5309.0050 | Total RNA Purification Mini Spin Kit PLUS | 50 purifications | 5198 | genaxxon2021 |
S5309.0250 | Total RNA Purification Mini Spin Kit PLUS | 250 purifications | 17293 | genaxxon2021 |
S5305.0010 | miRNA Purification Mini Spin Kit für microRNA | 10 purifications | 838 | genaxxon2021 |
S5305.0050 | miRNA Purification Mini Spin Kit für microRNA | 50 purifications | 4456 | genaxxon2021 |
S5305.0250 | miRNA Purification Mini Spin Kit für microRNA | 250 purifications | 15171 | genaxxon2021 |
S5320.0010 | RNA Purification from Bacteria and Yeast Kit | 10 purifications | 796 | genaxxon2021 |
S5320.0050 | RNA Purification from Bacteria and Yeast Kit | 50 purifications | 3497 | genaxxon2021 |
S5320.0250 | RNA Purification from Bacteria and Yeast Kit | 250 purifications | 14747 | genaxxon2021 |
S5375.0010 | Blood DNA Purification Mini Spin Kit | 10 purifications | 743 | genaxxon2021 |
S5375.0050 | Blood DNA Purification Mini Spin Kit | 50 purifications | 2558 | genaxxon2021 |
S5375.0250 | Blood DNA Purification Mini Spin Kit | 250 purifications | 11512 | genaxxon2021 |
S5378.0010 | Tissue Genomic DNA Purification kit | 10 purifications | 743 | genaxxon2021 |
S5378.0050 | Tissue Genomic DNA Purification kit | 50 purifications | 2402 | genaxxon2021 |
S5378.0250 | Tissue Genomic DNA Purification kit | 250 purifications | 10665 | genaxxon2021 |
S5398.0010 | Universal Genomic DNA Purification Mini Spin Kit | 10 purifications | 743 | genaxxon2021 |
S5398.0050 | Universal Genomic DNA Purification Mini Spin Kit | 50 purifications | 2513 | genaxxon2021 |
S5398.0250 | Universal Genomic DNA Purification Mini Spin Kit | 250 purifications | 11749 | genaxxon2021 |
S5396.0010 | Genomic Bacteria DNA Purification Kit | 10 purifications | 743 | genaxxon2021 |
S5396.0050 | Genomic Bacteria DNA Purification Kit | 50 purifications | 2491 | genaxxon2021 |
S5396.0250 | Genomic Bacteria DNA Purification Kit | 250 purifications | 11474 | genaxxon2021 |
S5303.0050 | MicroPrep DNA Purification Kit | 50 columns | 1508 | genaxxon2021 |
S5303.0250 | MicroPrep DNA Purification Kit | 250 columns | 5791 | genaxxon2021 |
S5310.0100 | Ceramic beads | 100 tubes | 3387 | genaxxon2021 |
S5310.0500 | Ceramic beads | 500 tubes | 15189 | genaxxon2021 |
S5354.5050 | Empty Spin Columns | 50 Stück | 2674 | genaxxon2021 |
M3433.0005 | Linear Acrylamide Solution | 5 x 1mL | 1591 | genaxxon2021 |
M3231.0010 | Q-Extract RNA/DNA Extraction Solution | 1 x 10mL | 1100 | genaxxon2021 |
S5364.0010 | Plasmid Midi Plasmid DNA Purification Kit | 10 Reinigungen | 3350 | genaxxon2021 |
S5364.0025 | Plasmid Midi Plasmid DNA Purification Kit | 25 Reinigungen | 6550 | genaxxon2021 |
S5365.0010 | Plasmid Midi Endotoxin-free DNA Purification Kit | 10 Reinigungen | 3971 | genaxxon2021 |
S5365.0025 | Plasmid Midi Endotoxin-free DNA Purification Kit | 25 Reinigungen | 6736 | genaxxon2021 |
CP-0119-10 | CentriPure P100 columns | 10 Reinigungssäulchen | 6638 | genaxxon2021 |
S5377.0050 | Ni-NTA Agarose | 100mL Suspension | 9812 | genaxxon2021 |
S5392.0001 | Glutathione MagBeads | 1mL Suspension | 1538 | genaxxon2021 |