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当前位置:首页 > 技术文章 > 上海起发hausserscientific2022年价格表


更新时间:2022-02-18      点击次数:793
Hausser Scientific 致力于为实验室社区提供高质量的产品,按照国际标准的规定制造。我们很满意我们的产品在实验室和医院中因其可靠性而声名远播,可准确计数红细胞/白细胞、血小板、灰尘/酵母菌簇以及脊髓和其他体液中的样本。除了多种类型的血细胞计数器,我们的 Horsham 工厂还根据客户的个性化规格提供广泛的定制切割玻璃工作。



货号 品名 规格 价格 品牌
3110 Chamber only (bridges .1 mm deep)                 ea 4590 hausserscientific
3100 Chamber with two cover glasses (5000)         ea 4913 hausserscientific
3120 Chamber with two cover glasses, pipettes and case (5000)      ea 6494 hausserscientific
3200 Phase Counting Chamber with two cover glass (1461)           ea 5491 hausserscientific
3102 Chamber with two cover glasses (5000)(no grid)               ea 4879 hausserscientific
3510 Chamber only                                                 ea 4590 hausserscientific
3500 Chamber with two cover glasses (5000)                        ea 4913 hausserscientific
3520 Chamber with two cover glasses, pipettes and case (5000)      ea 7446 hausserscientific
3850 Palmer Counting Chamber (Nannoplankton) w/2 cg (square)      ea 4862 hausserscientific
3875 McMaster Egg Slide (2 Cell chamber)                          ea 7446 hausserscientific
3720 Fuchs-Rosenthal pattern - for cerebro-spinal fluid w/2 5000   ea 7055 hausserscientific
3800 Sedgewick-Rafter Chamber w/1 cover glass (5040) no grid      ea 7055 hausserscientific
3820 Howard Mold Counter with two cover glass (5080 & 5090)       ea 7055 hausserscientific
3900 Petroff-Hausser Bacteria Counter w/2 cg (5051)(1 grid)       ea 10863 hausserscientific
3920 Petroff-Hausser Bacteria Counter in case w/2cg (5051) (set)   ea 13651 hausserscientific
3900NG Petroff-Hausser Bacteria Counter (no grid) w/case & cg       ea 10863 hausserscientific
3901 Petroff Hausser Bacteria Counter (10 microns) w/grid & 1 cg  ea 14892 hausserscientific
3902 Petroff Hausser Bacteria Counter (20 microns)w/2grid & cg     ea 14892 hausserscientific
3951 Petroff Hausser Bacteria Counter w/o grid (10 microns)w/cg    ea 14892 hausserscientific
3952 Petroff Hausser Bacteria Counter w/o grid (20 microns)w/cg    ea 14892 hausserscientific
4000 Nageotte, Bright Line, Double, Counting Chamber with cg      ea 10982 hausserscientific
4001 Nageotte, Bright Line, Double, Counting Chamber with cg      ea 10982 hausserscientific
400-S 400-Stage Micrometer ea 8245 hausserscientific
5000 Cover glass 20 mm x 26 mm x .5mm                            ea 238 hausserscientific
5010 Cover glass 25 mm x 28 mm x .5mm                             ea 629 hausserscientific
5020 Cover glass 25 mm x 33 mm x .5mm  (used on 3556)           ea 629 hausserscientific
5030 Cover glass 27 mm x 37 mm x .5mm                             ea 833 hausserscientific
5040 Sedgewick Rafter cover glass 25 mm x 60mm x .5mm             ea 629 hausserscientific
5051 Petroff-Hausser cover glass 20mm x 26 mm x .2mm              ea 816 hausserscientific
5052 Palmer thin cover glass (square)                            ea 816 hausserscientific
5060 Whipple eyepiece micrometer w/grid used on 3800              ea 7208 hausserscientific
5075 Graduated Howard Mold Cover Glass, unlaminated ea 4029 hausserscientific
5075L Graduated Howard Mold Cover Glass, laminated ea 4029 hausserscientific
5080 Howard thin cover glass 28 mm x 33 mm x .5mm                ea 816 hausserscientific
5090 Howard thick cover glass 28 mm x 33 mm x 1.0mm               ea 816 hausserscientific
5400 Nageotte cover glass 30 mm x 30 mm x .5mm (reusable)         ea 816 hausserscientific
5411 Nageotte cover glass 30 mm x 30 mm x .17mm (1 oz. approx 70/box) (disposable)     ea 1020 hausserscientific
1456 Red Pipette ea 884 hausserscientific
1458 White Pipette ea 884 hausserscientific
1450 Pipette Filler ea 952 hausserscientific
1461 Hemacytometer cover glass ea 459 hausserscientific
1475 Phase counting chamber with two cover glass (1461) ea 5933 hausserscientific
1490 Bright-line counting chamber only ea 5015 hausserscientific
1492 Bright-line counting chamber with two cover glass (1461) ea 5627 hausserscientific
1483 Bright-line outfit complete ea 7123 hausserscientific
1505 Case only ea 816 hausserscientific

