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更新时间:2022-02-07      点击次数:2178

OriGene 为人类和小鼠的所有基因提供这些必需品。OriGene 拥有超过 586,116 个 cDNA 克隆的可搜索库,其中许多已测序并验证了蛋白质表达。此外,我们还提供超过 27K 的重组蛋白和 144K 的一抗。


MC200001Wwtr1 (untagged) - Mouse WW domain containing transcription regulator 1 (cDNA clone MGC:7084 IMAGE:3157246), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200003Snrpa (untagged) - Mouse small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide A (Snrpa), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200004Gpr146 (untagged) - Mouse G protein-coupled receptor 146 (Gpr146), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200005Coro1a (untagged) - Mouse coronin, actin binding protein 1A (Coro1a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200006Npdc1 (untagged) - Mouse neural proliferation, differentiation and control gene 1 (Npdc1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200007Irak1 (untagged) - Mouse interleukin-1 receptor-associated kinase 1 (cDNA clone MGC:5708 IMAGE:3257579), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200008Nr4a1 (untagged) - Mouse nuclear receptor subfamily 4, group A, member 1 (Nr4a1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200009Gpn3 (untagged) - Mouse GPN-loop GTPase 3 (Gpn3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200010Krt14 (untagged) - Mouse keratin 14 (cDNA clone MGC:7044 IMAGE:3156333), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200011Abtb1 (untagged) - Mouse ankyrin repeat and BTB (POZ) domain containing 1 (Abtb1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC2000122410042D21Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 2410042D21 gene (cDNA clone MGC:7120 IMAGE:3157982), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200013Unc119 (untagged) - Mouse unc-119 homolog (C. elegans) (Unc119), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200014Stard3nl (untagged) - Mouse STARD3 N-terminal like (Stard3nl), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200015Cxcl9 (untagged) - Mouse chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 9 (Cxcl9), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200016Flot1 (untagged) - Mouse flotillin 1 (Flot1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200018Fblim1 (untagged) - Mouse filamin binding LIM protein 1 (Fblim1), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200019Ddah2 (untagged) - Mouse dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 2 (cDNA clone MGC:5866 IMAGE:3158175), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200020Zxdc (untagged) - Mouse ZXD family zinc finger C (Zxdc), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200022Anxa2 (untagged) - Mouse annexin A2 (Anxa2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200023Gpx7 (untagged) - Mouse glutathione peroxidase 7 (Gpx7), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200024Tmem79 (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane protein 79 (Tmem79), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200026Rfc4 (untagged) - Mouse replication factor C (activator 1) 4 (Rfc4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC2000271810037I17Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 1810037I17 gene (1810037I17Rik), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200028Nelfb (untagged) - Mouse cofactor of BRCA1 (Cobra1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200029Klf10 (untagged) - Mouse Kruppel-like factor 10 (Klf10), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200030Yipf5 (untagged) - Mouse Yip1 domain family, member 5 (Yipf5), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200031Slc25a10 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, dicarboxylate transporter), member 10 (Slc25a10), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200032Cmtm3 (untagged) - Mouse CKLF-like MARVEL transmembrane domain containing 3 (Cmtm3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200033E2f5 (untagged) - Mouse E2F transcription factor 5 (E2f5), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200034Rbm43 (untagged) - Mouse RNA binding motif protein 43 (Rbm43), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200035Mlycd (untagged) - Mouse malonyl-CoA decarboxylase (Mlycd), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200036Nus1 (untagged) - Mouse nuclear undecaprenyl pyrophosphate synthase 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Nus1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200037Ceacam10 (untagged) - Mouse carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 10 (Ceacam10), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200038Cdc20 (untagged) - Mouse cell division cycle 20 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Cdc20), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200039Cdc42ep4 (untagged) - Mouse CDC42 effector protein (Rho GTPase binding) 4 (Cdc42ep4), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200040Twf2 (untagged) - Mouse twinfilin, actin-binding protein, homolog 2 (Drosophila) (Twf2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200041Gpr137b (untagged) - Mouse G protein-coupled receptor 137B (Gpr137b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200042Frmd8 (untagged) - Mouse FERM domain containing 8 (Frmd8), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200043Ppox (untagged) - Mouse protoporphyrinogen oxidase (Ppox), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200044BC003331 (untagged) - Mouse cDNA sequence BC003331 (cDNA clone MGC:7150 IMAGE:3256634), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200046BC005537 (untagged) - Mouse cDNA sequence BC005537 (BC005537), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200047Pigx (untagged) - Mouse phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class X (Pigx), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200048Ccndbp1 (untagged) - Mouse cyclin D-type binding-protein 1 (cDNA clone MGC:5652 IMAGE:3489973), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200049Cox6a1 (untagged) - Mouse cytochrome c oxidase, subunit VI a, polypeptide 1 (Cox6a1), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200050Hdgfrp2 (untagged) - Mouse hepatoma-derived growth factor, related protein 2 (cDNA clone MGC:5836 IMAGE:3488803), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200052Nutf2 (untagged) - Mouse nuclear transport factor 2 (Nutf2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200053Yaf2 (untagged) - Mouse YY1 associated factor 2 (Yaf2), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200054Ly6e (untagged) - Mouse lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus E (cDNA clone MGC:6621 IMAGE:3490293), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200057Clpp (untagged) - Mouse caseinolytic peptidase, ATP-dependent, proteolytic subunit homolog (E. coli) (Clpp), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200058Arhgdig (untagged) - Mouse Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor (GDI) gamma (Arhgdig), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC2000620610009O20Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 0610009O20 gene (cDNA clone MGC:6622 IMAGE:3490474), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200063Vapa (untagged) - Mouse vesicle-associated membrane protein, associated protein A (Vapa), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200064Rela (untagged) - Mouse v-rel reticuloendotheliosis viral oncogene homolog A (avian) (cDNA clone MGC:6177 IMAGE:3489295), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200065Ptn (untagged) - Mouse pleiotrophin (cDNA clone MGC:6148 IMAGE:3488877), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200066Fabp5 (untagged) - Mouse fatty acid binding protein 5, epidermal (cDNA clone MGC:5786 IMAGE:3490535), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200067Elp5 (untagged) - Mouse retinoic acid induced 12 (Rai12), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200068Kcnj8 (untagged) - Mouse potassium inwardly-rectifying channel, subfamily J, member 8 (Kcnj8), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200069Khdrbs1 (untagged) - Mouse KH domain containing, RNA binding, signal transduction associated 1 (Khdrbs1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200070Echdc3 (untagged) - Mouse enoyl Coenzyme A hydratase domain containing 3 (Echdc3), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200071Csn1s2b (untagged) - Mouse casein alpha s2-like B (Csn1s2b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200072Desi2 (untagged) - Mouse PPPDE peptidase domain containing 1 (Pppde1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200073(untagged) - Mouse cDNA clone MGC:6612 IMAGE:3488780, (10ug)10 ug1810ORIGENE
MC200074Emg1 (untagged) - Mouse EMG1 nucleolar protein homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Emg1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200075Rps2 (untagged) - Mouse ribosomal protein S2 (Rps2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200076Anxa5 (untagged) - Mouse annexin A5 (Anxa5), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200077Frg1 (untagged) - Mouse FSHD region gene 1 (Frg1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200078Tsen34 (untagged) - Mouse tRNA splicing endonuclease 34 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Tsen34), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200079Hsdl2 (untagged) - Mouse hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase like 2 (cDNA clone MGC:7467 IMAGE:3490303), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200080Serp1 (untagged) - Mouse stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 1 (Serp1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200081Cyp4f13 (untagged) - Mouse cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily f, polypeptide 13 (Cyp4f13), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200083Spp1 (untagged) - Mouse secreted phosphoprotein 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6613 IMAGE:3489075), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200084Hmbs (untagged) - Mouse hydroxymethylbilane synthase (Hmbs), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200085Gltpd1 (untagged) - Mouse glycolipid transfer protein domain containing 1 (Gltpd1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200086Tgfb1i1 (untagged) - Mouse transforming growth factor beta 1 induced transcript 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6057 IMAGE:3489459), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200087ENSMUSG00000057032 (untagged) - Mouse predicted gene, ENSMUSG00000057032 (cDNA clone MGC:7427 IMAGE:3489024), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200088Dusp6 (untagged) - Mouse dual specificity phosphatase 6 (cDNA clone MGC:6625 IMAGE:3491528), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC2000892310004I24Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 2310004I24 gene (cDNA clone MGC:7625 IMAGE:3495093), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200090Pstpip2 (untagged) - Mouse proline-serine-threonine phosphatase-interacting protein 2 (Pstpip2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200091Abhd12 (untagged) - Mouse abhydrolase domain containing 12 (Abhd12), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200092Lgals1 (untagged) - Mouse lectin, galactose binding, soluble 1 (Lgals1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200093St13 (untagged) - Mouse suppression of tumorigenicity 13 (St13), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200094BC004004 (untagged) - Mouse cDNA sequence BC004004 (cDNA clone MGC:7550 IMAGE:3492768), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200096Tex264 (untagged) - Mouse testis expressed gene 264 (Tex264), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200097Prmt1 (untagged) - Mouse protein arginine N-methyltransferase 1 (cDNA clone MGC:7572 IMAGE:3493263), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200098Nfix (untagged) - Mouse nuclear factor I/X (Nfix), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200099Timmdc1 (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 4930455C21 gene (4930455C21Rik), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200100Psph (untagged) - Mouse phosphoserine phosphatase (Psph), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200101Galns (untagged) - Mouse galactosamine (N-acetyl)-6-sulfate sulfatase (Galns), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200102Lrfn1 (untagged) - Mouse leucine rich repeat and fibronectin type III domain containing 1 (Lrfn1), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200104Crip2 (untagged) - Mouse cysteine rich protein 2 (Crip2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200105Pbx1 (untagged) - Mouse pre B-cell leukemia transcription factor 1 (cDNA clone MGC:7546 IMAGE:3492658), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200106Nov (untagged) - Mouse nephroblastoma overexpressed gene (Nov), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200107Akap2 (untagged) - Mouse A kinase (PRKA) anchor protein 2 (cDNA clone MGC:5810 IMAGE:3493391), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200108Zfpl1 (untagged) - Mouse zinc finger like protein 1 (Zfpl1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200110Bik (untagged) - Mouse Bcl2-interacting killer (cDNA clone MGC:5800 IMAGE:3493156), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200111Mmadhc (untagged) - Mouse methylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblD type, with homocystinuria (Mmadhc), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC2001122810410M20Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 2810410M20 gene (cDNA clone MGC:7522 IMAGE:3491912), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200114Actr10 (untagged) - Mouse ARP10 actin-related protein 10 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Actr10), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200115Ccl6 (untagged) - Mouse chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 6 (Ccl6), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC2001161500015O10Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 1500015O10 gene (1500015O10Rik), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200117Tpst2 (untagged) - Mouse protein-tyrosine sulfotransferase 2 (Tpst2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200118Traf2 (untagged) - Mouse TNF receptor-associated factor 2 (Traf2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200119Pabpc1 (untagged) - Mouse poly A binding protein, cytoplasmic 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6629 IMAGE:3491915), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200120Mapk13 (untagged) - Mouse mitogen-activated protein kinase 13 (Mapk13), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200121Mcl1 (untagged) - Mouse myeloid cell leukemia sequence 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6351 IMAGE:3491015), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200122Tcf19 (untagged) - Mouse transcription factor 19 (Tcf19), transcript variant 3, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200123Grb7 (untagged) - Mouse growth factor receptor bound protein 7 (Grb7), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200124Surf1 (untagged) - Mouse surfeit gene 1 (Surf1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200125Aldh9a1 (untagged) - Mouse aldehyde dehydrogenase 9, subfamily A1 (cDNA clone MGC:6698 IMAGE:3583976), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200126Taldo1 (untagged) - Mouse transaldolase 1 (Taldo1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200127Napa (untagged) - Mouse N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion protein attachment protein alpha (Napa), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200128Unc45a (untagged) - Mouse unc-45 homolog A (C. elegans) (Unc45a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200129Surf4 (untagged) - Mouse surfeit gene 4 (Surf4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200130Abcf2 (untagged) - Mouse ATP-binding cassette, sub-family F (GCN20), member 2 (Abcf2), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200131Mod1 (untagged) - Mouse malic enzyme, supernatant (cDNA clone MGC:6178 IMAGE:3582779), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200132Tmed9 (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane emp24 protein transport domain containing 9 (cDNA clone MGC:7860 IMAGE:3501295), complete, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200133Dpp3 (untagged) - Mouse dipeptidylpeptidase 3 (cDNA clone MGC:7966 IMAGE:3584924), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200134Pdia3 (untagged) - Mouse protein disulfide isomerase associated 3 (Pdia3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200135Ebp (untagged) - Mouse phenylalkylamine Ca2+ antagonist (emopamil) binding protein (Ebp), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200137Nol1 (untagged) - Mouse nucleolar protein 1 (cDNA clone MGC:7905 IMAGE:3583039), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200139Sh3bp5l (untagged) - Mouse SH3 binding domain protein 5 like (Sh3bp5l), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200140Leprot (untagged) - Mouse leptin receptor overlapping transcript (Leprot), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200141Yipf2 (untagged) - Mouse Yip1 domain family, member 2 (Yipf2), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200142Nagk (untagged) - Mouse N-acetylglucosamine kinase (Nagk), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200143Pdzd11 (untagged) - Mouse PDZ domain containing 11 (Pdzd11), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200144Leprotl1 (untagged) - Mouse leptin receptor overlapping transcript-like 1 (Leprotl1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200145Dcaf4 (untagged) - Mouse DDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 4 (Dcaf4), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200146Zfp386 (untagged) - Mouse zinc finger protein 386 (Kruppel-like) (Zfp386), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200147Tsn (untagged) - Mouse translin (Tsn), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200148Trip10 (untagged) - Mouse thyroid hormone receptor interactor 10 (Trip10), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200149Tnfrsf1a (untagged) - Mouse tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 1a (cDNA clone MGC:6117 IMAGE:3585060), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200150Tnpo2 (untagged) - Mouse transportin 2 (importin 3, karyopherin beta 2b) (cDNA clone MGC:6380 IMAGE:3499838), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200151Hagh (untagged) - Mouse hydroxyacyl glutathione hydrolase (Hagh), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200152Wdr12 (untagged) - Mouse WD repeat domain 12 (Wdr12), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200154Eaf2 (untagged) - Mouse ELL associated factor 2 (Eaf2), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200155Akr1b3 (untagged) - Mouse aldo-keto reductase family 1, member B3 (aldose reductase) (cDNA clone MGC:5798 IMAGE:3582788), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200156Loh11cr2a (untagged) - Mouse loss of heterozygosity, 11, chromosomal region 2, gene A homolog (human) (cDNA clone MGC:6690 IMAGE:3582797),, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200157Tmem51 (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane protein 51 (Tmem51), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200158Itm2b (untagged) - Mouse integral membrane protein 2B (Itm2b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200159Hprt (untagged) - Mouse hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (Hprt), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200160Cdk7 (untagged) - Mouse cyclin-dependent kinase 7 (homolog of Xenopus MO15 cdk-activating kinase) (cDNA clone MGC:6069 IMAGE:3585145),, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200161Sh3bp1 (untagged) - Mouse SH3-domain binding protein 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6037 IMAGE:3584958), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200162Dctn2 (untagged) - Mouse dynactin 2 (Dctn2), transcript variant 3, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200163Smagp (untagged) - Mouse small cell adhesion glycoprotein (Smagp), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200165Klf7 (untagged) - Mouse Kruppel-like factor 7 (ubiquitous) (cDNA clone MGC:7781 IMAGE:3499191), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200166Magt1 (untagged) - Mouse magnesium transporter 1 (Magt1), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200167Il17b (untagged) - Mouse interleukin 17B (Il17b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200168Cttnbp2nl (untagged) - Mouse CTTNBP2 N-terminal like (Cttnbp2nl), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200169Tmem189 (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane protein 189 (Tmem189), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200170Fkbp1a (untagged) - Mouse FK506 binding protein 1a (Fkbp1a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200171Cdkn1a (untagged) - Mouse cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1A (P21) (Cdkn1a), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200172Igh (untagged) - Mouse immunoglobulin heavy chain 1a (serum IgG2a) (cDNA clone MGC:6644 IMAGE:3495755), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200173Rfx2 (untagged) - Mouse regulatory factor X, 2 (influences HLA class II expression) (Rfx2), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200174Pacsin3 (untagged) - Mouse protein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 3 (Pacsin3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200175Spsb2 (untagged) - Mouse splA/ryanodine receptor domain and SOCS box containing 2 (Spsb2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200176Enpp2 (untagged) - Mouse ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 2 (cDNA clone MGC:6665 IMAGE:3499038), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200177Ube2k (untagged) - Mouse ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2K (UBC1 homolog, yeast) (Ube2k), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200178Clp1 (untagged) - Mouse CLP1, cleavage and polyadenylation factor I subunit, homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Clp1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200179Ngrn (untagged) - Mouse neugrin, neurite outgrowth associated (Ngrn), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200180Ap4s1 (untagged) - Mouse adaptor-related protein complex AP-4, sigma 1 (cDNA clone MGC:5660 IMAGE:3495981), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200181Rnf34 (untagged) - Mouse ring finger protein 34 (Rnf34), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200182G430002G23Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA G430002G23 gene (cDNA clone MGC:7714 IMAGE:3497913), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200183Ifit1 (untagged) - Mouse interferon-induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 1 (Ifit1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200184Gatm (untagged) - Mouse glycine amidinotransferase (L-arginine:glycine amidinotransferase) (Gatm), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200185Slc5a1 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 5 (sodium/glucose cotransporter), member 1 (Slc5a1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200186Cops6 (untagged) - Mouse COP9 (constitutive photomorphogenic) homolog, subunit 6 (Arabidopsis thaliana) (cDNA clone MGC:7726 IMAGE:3498214),, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200187Nolc1 (untagged) - Mouse nucleolar and coiled-body phosphoprotein 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6662 IMAGE:3498349), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200188Smim12 (untagged) - Mouse cDNA sequence BC003266 (BC003266), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200189Psmd12 (untagged) - Mouse proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 12 (Psmd12), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200190Ppp3r1 (untagged) - Mouse protein phosphatase 3, regulatory subunit B, alpha isoform (calcineurin B, type I) (cDNA clone MGC:7652, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200191Neu1 (untagged) - Mouse neuraminidase 1 (cDNA clone MGC:5824 IMAGE:3498197), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200192Lrrc40 (untagged) - Mouse leucine rich repeat containing 40 (cDNA clone MGC:7689 IMAGE:3497400), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200193Dok4 (untagged) - Mouse docking protein 4 (Dok4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200194Ccdc23 (untagged) - Mouse coiled-coil domain containing 23 (Ccdc23), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200195Mbip (untagged) - Mouse MAP3K12 binding inhibitory protein 1 (Mbip), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200196Cyth2 (untagged) - Mouse cytohesin 2 (Cyth2), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200197Prkaca (untagged) - Mouse protein kinase, cAMP dependent, catalytic, alpha (Prkaca), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200198Cdc25c (untagged) - Mouse cell division cycle 25 homolog C (S. pombe) (Cdc25c), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200200Rgs4 (untagged) - Mouse regulator of G-protein signaling 4 (Rgs4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200201Zfp93 (untagged) - Mouse zinc finger protein 93 (cDNA clone MGC:5985 IMAGE:3496816), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200202Akirin1 (untagged) - Mouse akirin 1 (Akirin1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200203Gabarap (untagged) - Mouse gamma-aminobutyric acid receptor associated protein (Gabarap), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200204BC004044 (untagged) - Mouse cDNA sequence BC004044 (cDNA clone MGC:7673 IMAGE:3496371), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200205Hspa2 (untagged) - Mouse heat shock protein 2 (cDNA clone MGC:7795 IMAGE:3499661), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC2002060610007P14Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 0610007P14 gene (0610007P14Rik), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200207Osgep (untagged) - Mouse O-sialoglycoprotein endopeptidase (Osgep), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200208Pwp1 (untagged) - Mouse PWP1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (cDNA clone MGC:6406 IMAGE:3586496), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200209Pgap2 (untagged) - Mouse post-GPI attachment to proteins 2 (Pgap2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200210Pdlim1 (untagged) - Mouse PDZ and LIM domain 1 (elfin) (Pdlim1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200211Nmi (untagged) - Mouse N-myc (and STAT) interactor (Nmi), transcript variant 3, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200212Ecsit (untagged) - Mouse ECSIT homolog (Drosophila) (cDNA clone MGC:8059 IMAGE:3587327), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200213Rab28 (untagged) - Mouse RAB28, member RAS oncogene family (Rab28), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200214Ifi47 (untagged) - Mouse interferon gamma inducible protein 47 (Ifi47), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC2002150610040J01Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 0610040J01 gene (0610040J01Rik), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200216Dld (untagged) - Mouse dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (Dld), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200218Gmpr2 (untagged) - Mouse guanosine monophosphate reductase 2 (cDNA clone MGC:6736 IMAGE:3590411), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200219Tpd52 (untagged) - Mouse tumor protein D52 (Tpd52), transcript variant 5, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200222Prpf19 (untagged) - Mouse PRP19/PSO4 pre-mRNA processing factor 19 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Prpf19), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200223Umps (untagged) - Mouse uridine monophosphate synthetase (Umps), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200225Dohh (untagged) - Mouse deoxyhypusine hydroxylase/monooxygenase (Dohh), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200227Nusap1 (untagged) - Mouse nucleolar and spindle associated protein 1 (Nusap1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC2002282410001C21Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 2410001C21 gene (cDNA clone MGC:8144 IMAGE:3589578), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200231Eef1a1 (untagged) - Mouse eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 (cDNA clone MGC:8209 IMAGE:3590965), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200232Grpel1 (untagged) - Mouse GrpE-like 1, mitochondrial (Grpel1), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200233C1ra (untagged) - Mouse complement component 1, r subcomponent A (C1ra), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200234Nqo1 (untagged) - Mouse NAD(P)H dehydrogenase, quinone 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6066 IMAGE:3586888), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200235Dctpp1 (untagged) - Mouse dCTP pyrophosphatase 1 (Dctpp1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200236Stat1 (untagged) - Mouse signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6411 IMAGE:3587831), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200237Kcne3 (untagged) - Mouse potassium voltage-gated channel, Isk-related subfamily, gene 3 (Kcne3), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200238Nedd8 (untagged) - Mouse neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated gene 8 (Nedd8), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200239Nudt5 (untagged) - Mouse nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 5 (cDNA clone MGC:8023 IMAGE:3586340), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200240Wbscr27 (untagged) - Mouse Williams Beuren syndrome chromosome region 27 (human) (Wbscr27), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200241Idi1 (untagged) - Mouse isopentenyl-diphosphate delta isomerase (Idi1), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200243Psmd3 (untagged) - Mouse proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 3 (Psmd3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200244Ift20 (untagged) - Mouse intraflagellar transport 20 homolog (Chlamydomonas) (cDNA clone MGC:6005 IMAGE:3590790), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200245Rce1 (untagged) - Mouse RCE1 homolog, prenyl protein peptidase (S, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC2002466330527O06Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 6330527O06 gene (cDNA clone MGC:8097 IMAGE:3588577), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200247Rpa2 (untagged) - Mouse replication protein A2 (Rpa2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200248Nampt (untagged) - Mouse nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase (Nampt), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200249Rcl1 (untagged) - Mouse RNA terminal phosphate cyclase-like 1 (Rcl1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200250Igh (untagged) - Mouse immunoglobulin heavy chain 1a (serum IgG2a) (cDNA clone MGC:6740 IMAGE:3590907), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200251Csn1s1 (untagged) - Mouse casein alpha s1 (cDNA clone MGC:6321 IMAGE:2812523), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200252Cct7 (untagged) - Mouse chaperonin containing Tcp1, subunit 7 (eta) (Cct7), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200253Ube2l6 (untagged) - Mouse ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2L 6 (cDNA clone MGC:6532 IMAGE:2651702), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200254Dennd2d (untagged) - Mouse DENN/MADD domain containing 2D (Dennd2d), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200255Mad2l1bp (untagged) - Mouse MAD2L1 binding protein (Mad2l1bp), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200256Nudt21 (untagged) - Mouse nudix (nucleoside diphosphate linked moiety X)-type motif 21 (Nudt21), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200257Ednra (untagged) - Mouse endothelin receptor type A (Ednra), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200258Prr14 (untagged) - Mouse proline rich 14 (cDNA clone MGC:6888 IMAGE:2651775), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200259Abhd14a (untagged) - Mouse abhydrolase domain containing 14A (Abhd14a), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200260Pqlc1 (untagged) - Mouse PQ loop repeat containing 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6795 IMAGE:2647794), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200261Edem2 (untagged) - Mouse ER degradation enhancer, mannosidase alpha-like 2 (Edem2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200262Smpdl3b (untagged) - Mouse sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase, acid-like 3B (Smpdl3b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200263B3gnt2 (untagged) - Mouse UDP-GlcNAc:betaGal beta-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 (B3gnt2), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200264Ighg1 (untagged) - Mouse immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (G1m marker) (cDNA clone MGC:6522 IMAGE:2651217), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200265Psma7 (untagged) - Mouse proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type 7 (Psma7), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200266Sphk2 (untagged) - Mouse sphingosine kinase 2 (cDNA clone MGC:6851 IMAGE:2650442), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200267Snrpc (untagged) - Mouse U1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein C (Snrpc), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200268Gprc5c (untagged) - Mouse G protein-coupled receptor, family C, group 5, member C (cDNA clone MGC:6786 IMAGE:2646597), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200270Chmp5 (untagged) - Mouse chromatin modifying protein 5 (Chmp5), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200271Atp5d (untagged) - Mouse ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, delta subunit (Atp5d), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200272Ociad1 (untagged) - Mouse OCIA domain containing 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6810 IMAGE:2648369), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200273Chid1 (untagged) - Mouse chitinase domain containing 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6792 IMAGE:2647540), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200275Pycard (untagged) - Mouse PYD and CARD domain containing (Pycard), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200276Psmb4 (untagged) - Mouse proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 4 (Psmb4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200277Wdr77 (untagged) - Mouse WD repeat domain 77 (cDNA clone MGC:6890 IMAGE:2654151), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200279Klhl22 (untagged) - Mouse kelch-like 22 (Drosophila) (cDNA clone MGC:6948 IMAGE:2812589), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200280Psmd6 (untagged) - Mouse proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 6 (Psmd6), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200281Zc3h11a (untagged) - Mouse zinc finger CCCH type containing 11A (cDNA clone MGC:6929 IMAGE:2811511), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200282Pigc (untagged) - Mouse phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class C (Pigc), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200283Becn1 (untagged) - Mouse beclin 1, autophagy related (Becn1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200285Psma1 (untagged) - Mouse proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, alpha type 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6546 IMAGE:2655483), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200286Dpm2 (untagged) - Mouse dolichol-phosphate (beta-D) mannosyltransferase 2 (Dpm2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200287Tpd52l2 (untagged) - Mouse tumor protein D52-like 2 (Tpd52l2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200288Tagln2 (untagged) - Mouse transgelin 2 (Tagln2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200289Tinagl (untagged) - Mouse tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like (cDNA clone MGC:6860 IMAGE:2650851), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200290Rabac1 (untagged) - Mouse Rab acceptor 1 (prenylated) (Rabac1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200291Ctu1 (untagged) - Mouse cytosolic thiouridylase subunit 1 homolog (S. pombe) (Ctu1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200292Rab14 (untagged) - Mouse RAB14, member RAS oncogene family (Rab14), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200293Yipf1 (untagged) - Mouse Yip1 domain family, member 1 (Yipf1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200295Cel (untagged) - Mouse carboxyl ester lipase (Cel), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200296Ctsh (untagged) - Mouse cathepsin H (cDNA clone MGC:6103 IMAGE:2647229), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200297Timm17b (untagged) - Mouse translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 17b (Timm17b), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200298Lrrc59 (untagged) - Mouse leucine rich repeat containing 59 (Lrrc59), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200299Txndc12 (untagged) - Mouse thioredoxin domain containing 12 (endoplasmic reticulum) (Txndc12), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200300Sec14l1 (untagged) - Mouse SEC14-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) (cDNA clone MGC:6287 IMAGE:2649054), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200301Ly6e (untagged) - Mouse lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus E (cDNA clone MGC:7294 IMAGE:3485382), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200302Riok1 (untagged) - Mouse RIO kinase 1 (yeast) (cDNA clone MGC:7300 IMAGE:3485522), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200303Prdx2 (untagged) - Mouse peroxiredoxin 2 (cDNA clone MGC:5935 IMAGE:3485635), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200304Sgta (untagged) - Mouse small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-containing, alpha (Sgta), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200305B3gat3 (untagged) - Mouse beta-1,3-glucuronyltransferase 3 (glucuronosyltransferase I) (cDNA clone MGC:6591, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200306H2 (untagged) - Mouse histocompatibility 2, T region locus 22 (cDNA clone MGC:6180 IMAGE:3484613), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200307Ndufs5 (untagged) - Mouse NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) Fe-S protein 5 (Ndufs5), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200308Atg5 (untagged) - Mouse autophagy-related 5 (yeast) (Atg5), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200310Efna1 (untagged) - Mouse ephrin A1 (Efna1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200311Ly6a (untagged) - Mouse lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus A (Ly6a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200312Qdpr (untagged) - Mouse quinoid dihydropteridine reductase (Qdpr), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200313Sparcl1 (untagged) - Mouse SPARC-like 1 (Sparcl1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200314Rwdd2b (untagged) - Mouse RWD domain containing 2B (Rwdd2b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC2003152010301N04Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 2010301N04 gene (cDNA clone MGC:7351 IMAGE:3487226), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200316Ifitm2 (untagged) - Mouse interferon induced transmembrane protein 2 (cDNA clone MGC:7307 IMAGE:3485614), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200317Ormdl2 (untagged) - Mouse ORM1-like 2 (S. cerevisiae) (Ormdl2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200318Emcn (untagged) - Mouse endomucin (cDNA clone MGC:5673 IMAGE:3485788), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200319Sec61b (untagged) - Mouse Sec61 beta subunit (cDNA clone MGC:6340 IMAGE:3487410), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200320B3galnt1 (untagged) - Mouse UDP-GalNAc:betaGlcNAc beta 1,3-galactosaminyltransferase, polypeptide 1 (B3galnt1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200321Gins4 (untagged) - Mouse GINS complex subunit 4 (Sld5 homolog) (Gins4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200323Atp6v1c2 (untagged) - Mouse ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit C2 (Atp6v1c2), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200324Hibadh (untagged) - Mouse 3-hydroxyisobutyrate dehydrogenase (cDNA clone MGC:7270 IMAGE:3484897), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200325Bid (untagged) - Mouse BH3 interacting domain death agonist (Bid), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200327Rassf1 (untagged) - Mouse Ras association (RalGDS/AF-6) domain family member 1 (Rassf1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200328Pla2g4a (untagged) - Mouse phospholipase A2, group IVA (cytosolic, calcium-dependent) (Pla2g4a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200329Bcap31 (untagged) - Mouse B-cell receptor-associated protein 31 (Bcap31), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200330Dpagt1 (untagged) - Mouse dolichyl-phosphate (UDP-N-acetylglucosamine) acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase 1 (GlcNAc-1-P transferase),, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200331Epb4.1l5 (untagged) - Mouse erythrocyte protein band 4.1-like 5 (cDNA clone MGC:7330 IMAGE:3486543), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200332Fcgrt (untagged) - Mouse Fc receptor, IgG, alpha chain transporter (cDNA clone MGC:6014 IMAGE:3485649), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200333Dgat1 (untagged) - Mouse diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase 1 (cDNA clone MGC:5740 IMAGE:3486724), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200334Haus8 (untagged) - Mouse 4HAUS augmin-like complex, subunit 8 (Haus8), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200335Emp3 (untagged) - Mouse epithelial membrane protein 3 (Emp3), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200336Fars2 (untagged) - Mouse phenylalanine-tRNA synthetase 2 (mitochondrial) (Fars2), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200337Hsbp1 (untagged) - Mouse heat shock factor binding protein 1 (Hsbp1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200338Dhrs1 (untagged) - Mouse dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 1 (Dhrs1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200339Cers4 (untagged) - Mouse LAG1 homolog, ceramide synthase 4 (Lass4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200340Sigmar1 (untagged) - Mouse sigma non-opioid intracellular receptor 1 (Sigmar1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200341Cetn3 (untagged) - Mouse centrin 3 (cDNA clone MGC:7312 IMAGE:3485864), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200342Sepp1 (untagged) - Mouse selenoprotein P, plasma, 1 (Sepp1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200343Csn1s1 (untagged) - Mouse casein alpha s1 (cDNA clone MGC:6587 IMAGE:3484624), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200344Fabp3 (untagged) - Mouse fatty acid binding protein 3, muscle and heart (Fabp3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200345Mtap (untagged) - Mouse methylthioadenosine phosphorylase (Mtap), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200346Arpc1a (untagged) - Mouse actin related protein 2/3 complex, subunit 1A (Arpc1a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200348Dusp14 (untagged) - Mouse dual specificity phosphatase 14 (Dusp14), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200349Hn1 (untagged) - Mouse hematological and neurological expressed sequence 1 (Hn1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200350(untagged) - Mouse cDNA clone MGC:6757 IMAGE:3594209, (10ug)10 ug1810ORIGENE
MC200352Rab1 (untagged) - Mouse RAB1, member RAS oncogene family (Rab1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200353Arfgap3 (untagged) - Mouse ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 3 (Arfgap3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200355Gnpda2 (untagged) - Mouse glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase 2 (Gnpda2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200356(untagged) - Mouse cDNA clone MGC:6743 IMAGE:3591831, (10ug)10 ug1810ORIGENE
MC200357Polr2h (untagged) - Mouse polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide H (cDNA clone MGC:8248 IMAGE:3591968), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200359Dscr3 (untagged) - Mouse Down syndrome critical region gene 3 (Dscr3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200360Gzmb (untagged) - Mouse granzyme B (Gzmb), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200361Rac1 (untagged) - Mouse RAS-related C3 botulinum substrate 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6235 IMAGE:3593957), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200362Rabep2 (untagged) - Mouse rabaptin, RAB GTPase binding effector protein 2 (Rabep2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200363Msr1 (untagged) - Mouse macrophage scavenger receptor 1 (Msr1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200364Mrps17 (untagged) - Mouse mitochondrial ribosomal protein S17 (Mrps17), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200365H2 (untagged) - Mouse histocompatibility 2, class II, locus DMa (H2-DMa), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200366Cdca3 (untagged) - Mouse cell division cycle associated 3 (Cdca3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200367Gyk (untagged) - Mouse glycerol kinase (Gyk), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200368Actg2 (untagged) - Mouse actin, gamma 2, smooth muscle, enteric (cDNA clone MGC:6022 IMAGE:3591323), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200369Il33 (untagged) - Mouse interleukin 33 (cDNA clone MGC:6424 IMAGE:3593927), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200370Lyz2 (untagged) - Mouse lysozyme 2 (Lyz2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200371Slc35b1 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 35, member B1 (Slc35b1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200372Sbds (untagged) - Mouse Shwachman-Bodian-Diamond syndrome homolog (human) (Sbds), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200373Cdk5rap3 (untagged) - Mouse CDK5 regulatory subunit associated protein 3 (Cdk5rap3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200374Eif4ebp1 (untagged) - Mouse eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein 1 (Eif4ebp1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200375Cops7a (untagged) - Mouse COP9 (constitutive photomorphogenic) homolog, subunit 7a (Arabidopsis thaliana) (Cops7a), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200376Gas8 (untagged) - Mouse growth arrest specific 8 (cDNA clone MGC:5993 IMAGE:3592695), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200377Banf1 (untagged) - Mouse barrier to autointegration factor 1 (Banf1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200379C1qa (untagged) - Mouse complement component 1, q subcomponent, alpha polypeptide (cDNA clone MGC:6262 IMAGE:3592169), complete, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200380Ciao1 (untagged) - Mouse cytosolic iron-sulfur protein assembly 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Ciao1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200381Tnnt3 (untagged) - Mouse troponin T3, skeletal, fast (cDNA clone MGC:5854 IMAGE:3594256), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200382Mrg2 (untagged) - Mouse myeloid ecotropic viral integration site-related gene 2 (cDNA clone MGC:5914 IMAGE:3593200), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200383Thumpd3 (untagged) - Mouse THUMP domain containing 3 (cDNA clone MGC:5905 IMAGE:3591186), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200384Tada1l (untagged) - Mouse transcriptional adaptor 1 (HFI1 homolog, yeast) like (cDNA clone MGC:8251 IMAGE:3592046), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200385Sike1 (untagged) - Mouse suppressor of IKBKE 1 (Sike1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200386Cpxm1 (untagged) - Mouse carboxypeptidase X 1 (M14 family) (Cpxm1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200387Ccnd3 (untagged) - Mouse cyclin D3 (Ccnd3), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200388Grcc10 (untagged) - Mouse gene rich cluster, C10 gene (Grcc10), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200390Xlr (untagged) - Mouse X-linked lymphocyte-regulated complex (Xlr), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200391Caml (untagged) - Mouse calcium modulating ligand (Caml), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200392Pycr1 (untagged) - Mouse pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 1 (Pycr1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200393Sap18 (untagged) - Mouse Sin3-associated polypeptide 18 (Sap18), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200394Lcp2 (untagged) - Mouse lymphocyte cytosolic protein 2 (Lcp2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200395Plk1 (untagged) - Mouse polo-like kinase 1 (Drosophila) (Plk1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200397Fbxl12 (untagged) - Mouse F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 12 (Fbxl12), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200398Anapc15 (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 3200002M19 gene (3200002M19Rik), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200399Klc4 (untagged) - Mouse kinesin light chain 4 (cDNA clone MGC:11935 IMAGE:3599898), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200400Aarsd1 (untagged) - Mouse alanyl-tRNA synthetase domain containing 1 (Aarsd1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200401Pgls (untagged) - Mouse 6-phosphogluconolactonase (Pgls), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200402Cyb561 (untagged) - Mouse cytochrome b-561 (Cyb561), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200403Ccpg1 (untagged) - Mouse cell cycle progression 1 (cDNA clone MGC:12151 IMAGE:3711012), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200404Casp8 (untagged) - Mouse caspase 8 (Casp8), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200405Polr2g (untagged) - Mouse polymerase (RNA) II (DNA directed) polypeptide G (Polr2g), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200406Klhdc2 (untagged) - Mouse kelch domain containing 2 (Klhdc2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200407Mrpl12 (untagged) - Mouse mitochondrial ribosomal protein L12 (Mrpl12), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200408Aprt (untagged) - Mouse adenine phosphoribosyl transferase (Aprt), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200409Gimap4 (untagged) - Mouse GTPase, IMAP family member 4 (cDNA clone MGC:11734 IMAGE:3968418), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200410Ccdc104 (untagged) - Mouse coiled-coil domain containing 104 (Ccdc104), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200411Ppap2b (untagged) - Mouse phosphatidic acid phosphatase type 2B (Ppap2b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200412(untagged) - Mouse cDNA clone MGC:12025 IMAGE:3603243, (10ug)10 ug1810ORIGENE
MC200413Rab25 (untagged) - Mouse RAB25, member RAS oncogene family (Rab25), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200414Slc35b3 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 35, member B3 (Slc35b3), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200415Pcca (untagged) - Mouse propionyl-Coenzyme A carboxylase, alpha polypeptide (Pcca), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200416Blvrb (untagged) - Mouse biliverdin reductase B (flavin reductase (NADPH)) (cDNA clone MGC:11726 IMAGE:3967600), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200417Nsg1 (untagged) - Mouse neuron specific gene family member 1 (Nsg1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200419Sfxn1 (untagged) - Mouse sideroflexin 1 (Sfxn1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200420Pcyt2 (untagged) - Mouse phosphate cytidylyltransferase 2, ethanolamine (Pcyt2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200421Rogdi (untagged) - Mouse rogdi homolog (Drosophila) (cDNA clone MGC:11970 IMAGE:3601096), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200422Wars (untagged) - Mouse tryptophanyl-tRNA synthetase (Wars), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200423Mat2a (untagged) - Mouse methionine adenosyltransferase II, alpha (Mat2a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200424BC004853 (untagged) - Mouse cDNA sequence BC004853 (cDNA clone MGC:6965 IMAGE:3154380), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200425Stambp (untagged) - Mouse STAM binding protein (Stambp), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200426Pla1a (untagged) - Mouse phospholipase A1 member A (Pla1a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200427Scpep1 (untagged) - Mouse serine carboxypeptidase 1 (Scpep1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200428Eef2k (untagged) - Mouse eukaryotic elongation factor-2 kinase (Eef2k), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200429Ndufa10 (untagged) - Mouse NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex 10 (Ndufa10), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200430Rexo2 (untagged) - Mouse REX2, RNA exonuclease 2 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (cDNA clone MGC:6864 IMAGE:2651110), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200431Tspan4 (untagged) - Mouse tetraspanin 4 (Tspan4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200433Tmem50b (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane protein 50B (Tmem50b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200434Vps72 (untagged) - Mouse vacuolar protein sorting 72 (yeast) (Vps72), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200435Npc2 (untagged) - Mouse Niemann Pick type C2 (Npc2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200436Dhrs4 (untagged) - Mouse dehydrogenase/reductase (SDR family) member 4 (cDNA clone MGC:6560 IMAGE:2811468), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200437Pes1 (untagged) - Mouse pescadillo homolog 1, containing BRCT domain (zebrafish) (Pes1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200438Syngr2 (untagged) - Mouse synaptogyrin 2 (Syngr2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200439Naa60 (untagged) - Mouse N-acetyltransferase 15 (GCN5-related, putative) (Nat15), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200440Slc25a11 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier oxoglutarate carrier), member 11 (Slc25a11), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200441Psat1 (untagged) - Mouse phosphoserine aminotransferase 1 (Psat1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200442Ssbp3 (untagged) - Mouse single-stranded DNA binding protein 3 (Ssbp3), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200443Slc40a1 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 40 (iron-regulated transporter), member 1 (Slc40a1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200444Raly (untagged) - Mouse hnRNP-associated with lethal yellow (Raly), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200445Stoml2 (untagged) - Mouse stomatin (Epb7.2)-like 2 (Stoml2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200446Glmn (untagged) - Mouse glomulin, FKBP associated protein (Glmn), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200447Dnttip1 (untagged) - Mouse deoxynucleotidyltransferase, terminal, interacting protein 1 (Dnttip1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200448Ophn1 (untagged) - Mouse oligophrenin 1 (Ophn1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200449Ighg1 (untagged) - Mouse immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1 (G1m marker) (cDNA clone MGC:6486 IMAGE:2646928), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200450Sardh (untagged) - Mouse sarcosine dehydrogenase (Sardh), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200451Atp6v1e1 (untagged) - Mouse ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit E1 (Atp6v1e1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200452Tspan1 (untagged) - Mouse tetraspanin 1 (Tspan1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200453Derl1 (untagged) - Mouse Der1-like domain family, member 1 (Derl1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200454Cuedc2 (untagged) - Mouse CUE domain containing 2 (Cuedc2), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200455Pla2g6 (untagged) - Mouse phospholipase A2, group VI (cDNA clone MGC:6311 IMAGE:2811357), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200456Capg (untagged) - Mouse capping protein (actin filament), gelsolin-like (cDNA clone MGC:6242 IMAGE:2811050), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200458Slc29a1 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters), member 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6467 IMAGE:2631728), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200459Tmc6 (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane channel-like gene family 6 (cDNA clone MGC:6819 IMAGE:2648849), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200460Hdhd3 (untagged) - Mouse haloacid dehalogenase-like hydrolase domain containing 3 (Hdhd3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200461Psd3 (untagged) - Mouse pleckstrin and Sec7 domain containing 3 (cDNA clone MGC:6957 IMAGE:3153975), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200462Cd74 (untagged) - Mouse CD74 antigen (invariant polypeptide of major histocompatibility complex, class II antigen-associated), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200463Csnk1g2 (untagged) - Mouse casein kinase 1, gamma 2 (Csnk1g2), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200467Rps10 (untagged) - Mouse ribosomal protein S10 (Rps10), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200469Pter (untagged) - Mouse phosphotriesterase related (Pter), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200470Anpep (untagged) - Mouse alanyl (membrane) aminopeptidase (Anpep), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200471Dnajb6 (untagged) - Mouse DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 6 (Dnajb6), transcript variant 3, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200472Dnal4 (untagged) - Mouse dynein, axonemal, light chain 4 (Dnalc4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200473Chi3l1 (untagged) - Mouse chitinase 3-like 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6002 IMAGE:3601796), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200474Cfb (untagged) - Mouse complement factor B (Cfb), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200475H1f0 (untagged) - Mouse H1 histone family, member 0 (H1f0), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200476Siae (untagged) - Mouse sialic acid acetylesterase (Siae), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200477Pdxdc1 (untagged) - Mouse pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase domain containing 1 (Pdxdc1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200478Gpa33 (untagged) - Mouse glycoprotein A33 (transmembrane) (Gpa33), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200479C130026I21Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA C130026I21 gene (cDNA clone MGC:8305 IMAGE:3593825), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200480Nhej1 (untagged) - Mouse nonhomologous end-joining factor 1 (Nhej1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200481Slc35a4 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 35, member A4 (Slc35a4), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200482Irf1 (untagged) - Mouse interferon regulatory factor 1 (Irf1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200483Cds2 (untagged) - Mouse CDP-diacylglycerol synthase (phosphatidate cytidylyltransferase) 2 (Cds2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200484Tubb5 (untagged) - Mouse tubulin, beta 5 (Tubb5), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200485Psmc2 (untagged) - Mouse proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase 2 (cDNA clone MGC:6418 IMAGE:3590739), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200486Cnot7 (untagged) - Mouse CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 7 (Cnot7), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200487Cd164 (untagged) - Mouse CD164 antigen (Cd164), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200488Eef2 (untagged) - Mouse eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 (Eef2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200489Rpsa (untagged) - Mouse ribosomal protein SA (cDNA clone MGC:6243 IMAGE:3600738), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200490Prss8 (untagged) - Mouse protease, serine, 8 (prostasin) (cDNA clone MGC:6430 IMAGE:3600399), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200491Rplp0 (untagged) - Mouse ribosomal protein, large, P0 (Rplp0), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200492Zfp94 (untagged) - Mouse zinc finger protein 94 (Zfp94), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200493Nek3 (untagged) - Mouse NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)-related expressed kinase 3 (Nek3), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200494Clip1 (untagged) - Mouse CAP-GLY domain containing linker protein 1 (Clip1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200495Mthfd1 (untagged) - Mouse methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase (NADP+ dependent), methenyltetrahydrofolate cyclohydrolase, formyltetrahydrofolate synthase (Mthfd1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200496Rrp15 (untagged) - Mouse ribosomal RNA processing 15 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Rrp15), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200497Dusp1 (untagged) - Mouse dual specificity phosphatase 1 (Dusp1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200498Ghitm (untagged) - Mouse growth hormone inducible transmembrane protein (Ghitm), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200499Serpini1 (untagged) - Mouse serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade I, member 1 (Serpini1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200500Spef1 (untagged) - Mouse sperm flagellar 1 (Spef1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200501Dyrk3 (untagged) - Mouse dual-specificity tyrosine-(Y)-phosphorylation regulated kinase 3 (Dyrk3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200502Dab2 (untagged) - Mouse disabled homolog 2 (Drosophila) (Dab2), transcript variant 3, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200503Ctgf (untagged) - Mouse connective tissue growth factor (cDNA clone MGC:8122 IMAGE:3589136), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200505Sftpd (untagged) - Mouse surfactant associated protein D (Sftpd), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200506Slc25a17 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, peroxisomal membrane protein), member 17 (Slc25a17), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200507Zfp330 (untagged) - Mouse zinc finger protein 330 (Zfp330), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200508Tubg1 (untagged) - Mouse tubulin, gamma 1 (Tubg1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200509Eef1b2 (untagged) - Mouse eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 beta 2 (cDNA clone MGC:6763 IMAGE:3600850), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200510Aldoc (untagged) - Mouse aldolase 3, C isoform (cDNA clone MGC:6732 IMAGE:3589205), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200511Eif2s1 (untagged) - Mouse eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2, subunit 1 alpha (cDNA clone MGC:6420 IMAGE:3591411), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200512Casp7 (untagged) - Mouse caspase 7 (Casp7), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200513Dgka (untagged) - Mouse diacylglycerol kinase, alpha (Dgka), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200514Vamp7 (untagged) - Mouse vesicle-associated membrane protein 7 (Vamp7), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200515Bckdha (untagged) - Mouse branched chain ketoacid dehydrogenase E1, alpha polypeptide (Bckdha), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200516Prmt7 (untagged) - Mouse protein arginine N-methyltransferase 7 (Prmt7), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200517Cnn2 (untagged) - Mouse calponin 2 (cDNA clone MGC:8135 IMAGE:3589470), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200518Tspan2 (untagged) - Mouse tetraspanin 2 (Tspan2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200519Ak2 (untagged) - Mouse adenylate kinase 2 (Ak2), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200520Lgals9 (untagged) - Mouse lectin, galactose binding, soluble 9 (cDNA clone MGC:5882 IMAGE:3601419), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200521Ap1b1 (untagged) - Mouse adaptor protein complex AP-1, beta 1 subunit (Ap1b1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200523Asns (untagged) - Mouse asparagine synthetase (Asns), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200524Atp5g1 (untagged) - Mouse ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F0 complex, subunit c1 (subunit 9) (Atp5g1), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200525Adrm1 (untagged) - Mouse adhesion regulating molecule 1 (Adrm1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200526Mvp (untagged) - Mouse major vault protein (Mvp), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200527Gas6 (untagged) - Mouse growth arrest specific 6 (Gas6), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200528Slc25a29 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, palmitoylcarnitine transporter), member 29 (Slc25a29), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200529Tagln (untagged) - Mouse transgelin (Tagln), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200530BC011487 (untagged) - Mouse cDNA sequence BC011487 (cDNA clone MGC:8252 IMAGE:3592166), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200531Tnip1 (untagged) - Mouse TNFAIP3 interacting protein 1 (Tnip1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200532Tubb4b (untagged) - Mouse tubulin, beta 2C (Tubb2c), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200534Gna15 (untagged) - Mouse guanine nucleotide binding protein, alpha 15 (Gna15), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200535Ilk (untagged) - Mouse integrin linked kinase (Ilk), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200536Lilrb4 (untagged) - Mouse leukocyte immunoglobulin-like receptor, subfamily B, member 4 (Lilrb4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200537Ncaph2 (untagged) - Mouse non-SMC condensin II complex, subunit H2 (cDNA clone MGC:6766 IMAGE:3601298), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200538Ctsz (untagged) - Mouse cathepsin Z (Ctsz), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200539Tmem16a (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane protein 16A (cDNA clone MGC:8241 IMAGE:3591765), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200540Kif2a (untagged) - Mouse kinesin family member 2A (cDNA clone MGC:11609 IMAGE:3152883), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200541Cpsf3l (untagged) - Mouse cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 3-like (cDNA clone MGC:11978 IMAGE:3601302), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200542Tmem8 (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane protein 8 (five membrane-spanning domains) (cDNA clone MGC:11794 IMAGE:3595205), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200543Ly6e (untagged) - Mouse lymphocyte antigen 6 complex, locus E (cDNA clone MGC:11616 IMAGE:3155116), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200544Babam1 (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 5430437P03 gene (5430437P03Rik), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200545Farsa (untagged) - Mouse phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase, alpha subunit (cDNA clone MGC:11787 IMAGE:3595108), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200546Tlcd1 (untagged) - Mouse TLC domain containing 1 (Tlcd1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200547Fam96a (untagged) - Mouse family with sequence similarity 96, member A (Fam96a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200548R74862 (untagged) - Mouse expressed sequence R74862 (R74862), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200549Mrto4 (untagged) - Mouse MRT4 turnover 4, homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Mrto4), mRNA, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200550Cntd1 (untagged) - Mouse cyclin N-terminal domain containing 1 (Cntd1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200551Wbp1 (untagged) - Mouse WW domain binding protein 1 (Wbp1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200552Ndufa2 (untagged) - Mouse NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex, 2 (Ndufa2), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200553Anp32e (untagged) - Mouse acidic (leucine-rich) nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family, member E (cDNA clone MGC:11640 IMAGE:3596597),, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200554Vps29 (untagged) - Mouse vacuolar protein sorting 29 (S. pombe) (Vps29), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200555Poldip2 (untagged) - Mouse polymerase (DNA-directed), delta interacting protein 2 (Poldip2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200557Cldn6 (untagged) - Mouse claudin 6 (cDNA clone MGC:11572 IMAGE:3594823), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200558Faah (untagged) - Mouse fatty acid amide hydrolase (Faah), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200559Derl2 (untagged) - Mouse Der1-like domain family, member 2 (Derl2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200560Slc29a1 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 29 (nucleoside transporters), member 1 (Slc29a1), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200563Cib2 (untagged) - Mouse calcium and integrin binding family member 2 (Cib2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200564Azi2 (untagged) - Mouse 5-azacytidine induced gene 2 (Azi2), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200565Ralb (untagged) - Mouse v-ral simian leukemia viral oncogene homolog B (ras related) (Ralb), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200566Ebi3 (untagged) - Mouse Epstein-Barr virus induced gene 3 (Ebi3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200567Cd5l (untagged) - Mouse CD5 antigen-like (Cd5l), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200568Pet112 (untagged) - Mouse PET112-like (yeast) (Pet112l), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200569Sesn2 (untagged) - Mouse sestrin 2 (Sesn2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200570S100a13 (untagged) - Mouse S100 calcium binding protein A13 (cDNA clone MGC:11475 IMAGE:3155915), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200571Cdadc1 (untagged) - Mouse cytidine and dCMP deaminase domain containing 1 (cDNA clone MGC:11946 IMAGE:3600168), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200572Cers2 (untagged) - Mouse LAG1 homolog, ceramide synthase 2 (Lass2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200573Tmem132a (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane protein 132A (Tmem132a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200575Nmnat3 (untagged) - Mouse nicotinamide nucleotide adenylyltransferase 3 (Nmnat3), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200576Bgn (untagged) - Mouse biglycan (cDNA clone MGC:6237 IMAGE:3594469), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200577P4hb (untagged) - Mouse prolyl 4-hydroxylase, beta polypeptide (P4hb), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200578Isgf3g (untagged) - Mouse interferon dependent positive acting transcription factor 3 gamma (cDNA clone MGC:5974 IMAGE:3601255), complete, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200579Ube2h (untagged) - Mouse ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2H (Ube2h), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200580Csn1s1 (untagged) - Mouse casein alpha s1 (cDNA clone MGC:6423 IMAGE:3592625), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200581Rbm18 (untagged) - Mouse RNA binding motif protein 18 (Rbm18), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200582Eif3g (untagged) - Mouse eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3, subunit G (Eif3g), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200583Gosr2 (untagged) - Mouse golgi SNAP receptor complex member 2 (Gosr2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200584Fbxw2 (untagged) - Mouse F-box and WD-40 domain protein 2 (cDNA clone MGC:6266 IMAGE:3601733), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200585Sfpi1 (untagged) - Mouse SFFV proviral integration 1 (Sfpi1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200586Fh1 (untagged) - Mouse fumarate hydratase 1 (Fh1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200587Xlr3a (untagged) - Mouse X-linked lymphocyte-regulated 3A (cDNA clone MGC:6120 IMAGE:3601144), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200588Vdac2 (untagged) - Mouse voltage-dependent anion channel 2 (Vdac2), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200589Gstt3 (untagged) - Mouse glutathione S-transferase, theta 3 (cDNA clone MGC:6769 IMAGE:3601446), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200590Cdk9 (untagged) - Mouse cyclin-dependent kinase 9 (CDC2-related kinase) (Cdk9), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200591Nnt (untagged) - Mouse nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (Nnt), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200592Mfge8 (untagged) - Mouse milk fat globule-EGF factor 8 protein (cDNA clone MGC:6771 IMAGE:3601565), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200593Sorcs1 (untagged) - Mouse VPS10 domain receptor protein SORCS 1 (cDNA clone MGC:8169 IMAGE:3590084), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200594Degs1 (untagged) - Mouse degenerative spermatocyte homolog 1 (Drosophila) (Degs1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200595U2af2 (untagged) - Mouse U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein auxiliary factor (U2AF) 2 (U2af2), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200596Aktip (untagged) - Mouse thymoma viral proto-oncogene 1 interacting protein (Aktip), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200597Ggact (untagged) - Mouse AIG2-like domain 1 (A2ld1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200598Tekt2 (untagged) - Mouse tektin 2 (Tekt2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200600Ctsb (untagged) - Mouse cathepsin B (cDNA clone MGC:6211 IMAGE:3500700), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200601Hnrnph2 (untagged) - Mouse heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein H2 (Hnrnph2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200602Mvk (untagged) - Mouse mevalonate kinase (Mvk), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200605Gpaa1 (untagged) - Mouse GPI anchor attachment protein 1 (Gpaa1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200606Tuba1b (untagged) - Mouse tubulin, alpha 1B (cDNA clone MGC:7731 IMAGE:3498312), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200607Pdk3 (untagged) - Mouse pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase, isoenzyme 3 (Pdk3), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200608Gba (untagged) - Mouse glucosidase, beta, acid (Gba), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200609Calml3 (untagged) - Mouse calmodulin-like 3 (Calml3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200610Exo1 (untagged) - Mouse exonuclease 1 (Exo1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200612Ergic1 (untagged) - Mouse endoplasmic reticulum-golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) 1 (Ergic1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200613Hmga1 (untagged) - Mouse high mobility group AT-hook 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6198 IMAGE:3500572), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200614Tmem159 (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane protein 159 (Tmem159), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200615Cnp (untagged) - Mouse 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3' phosphodiesterase (Cnp), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200616Pgm2 (untagged) - Mouse phosphoglucomutase 2 (Pgm2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200617Rnd3 (untagged) - Mouse Rho family GTPase 3 (Rnd3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200618Kdelr2 (untagged) - Mouse KDEL (Lys-Asp-Glu-Leu) endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 2 (Kdelr2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200619Cx3cl1 (untagged) - Mouse chemokine (C-X3-C motif) ligand 1 (Cx3cl1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200620LOC622757 (untagged) - Mouse LOC622757 gene (cDNA clone MGC:6679 IMAGE:3501077), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200621Psmd4 (untagged) - Mouse proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, non-ATPase, 4 (cDNA clone MGC:6683 IMAGE:3581937), complete, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200622Dnmt3a (untagged) - Mouse DNA methyltransferase 3A (Dnmt3a), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200623Ufsp2 (untagged) - Mouse UFM1-specific peptidase 2 (Ufsp2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200624Fbln1 (untagged) - Mouse fibulin 1 (cDNA clone MGC:6128 IMAGE:3495754), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200625Aqp1 (untagged) - Mouse aquaporin 1 (Aqp1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200626Jtb (untagged) - Mouse jumping translocation breakpoint (Jtb), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200627Rpl10a (untagged) - Mouse ribosomal protein L10A (cDNA clone MGC:7602 IMAGE:3494193), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200628Gbp7 (untagged) - Mouse guanylate binding protein 7 (Gbp7), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200629Ghitm (untagged) - Mouse growth hormone inducible transmembrane protein (cDNA clone MGC:6382 IMAGE:3500685), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200630Shisa5 (untagged) - Mouse shisa homolog 5 (Xenopus laevis) (Shisa5), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200631Entpd2 (untagged) - Mouse ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 2 (Entpd2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200632E430018J23Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA E430018J23 gene (E430018J23Rik), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200633Psmb3 (untagged) - Mouse proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 3 (Psmb3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200634Hsp90b1 (untagged) - Mouse heat shock protein 90, beta (Grp94), member 1 (Hsp90b1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200635Mpc2 (untagged) - Mouse brain protein 44 (Brp44), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200636Erdr1 (untagged) - Mouse erythroid differentiation regulator 1 (Erdr1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200637Sectm1a (untagged) - Mouse secreted and transmembrane 1A (Sectm1a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200638Zfp868 (untagged) - Mouse zinc finger protein 868 (Zfp868), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200639Sdc1 (untagged) - Mouse syndecan 1 (Sdc1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200640Tgfb1 (untagged) - Mouse transforming growth factor, beta 1 (cDNA clone MGC:5747 IMAGE:3586216), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200641St3gal4 (untagged) - Mouse ST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 4 (cDNA clone MGC:6096 IMAGE:3497996), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200642F3 (untagged) - Mouse coagulation factor III (F3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200643Kcnn4 (untagged) - Mouse potassium intermediate/small conductance calcium-activated channel, subfamily N, member 4 (Kcnn4), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200644Cd151 (untagged) - Mouse CD151 antigen (Cd151), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200645Fam115c (untagged) - Mouse family with sequence similarity 115, member C (Fam115c), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200646Mcm4 (untagged) - Mouse minichromosome maintenance deficient 4 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Mcm4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200647Tmco1 (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane and coiled-coil domains 1 (cDNA clone MGC:7976 IMAGE:3585288), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200648Tial1 (untagged) - Mouse Tia1 cytotoxic granule-associated RNA binding protein-like 1 (cDNA clone MGC:5930 IMAGE:3497971), complete, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200649Magoh (untagged) - Mouse mago-nashi homolog, proliferation-associated (Drosophila) (Magoh), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200651Crabp2 (untagged) - Mouse cellular retinoic acid binding protein II (Crabp2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200652Jund (untagged) - Mouse Jun proto-oncogene related gene d (Jund), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200653Hnrnpu (untagged) - Mouse heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein U (Hnrnpu), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200654Ndufa8 (untagged) - Mouse NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex, 8 (Ndufa8), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200656Psmb1 (untagged) - Mouse proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 1 (Psmb1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200658Plekha2 (untagged) - Mouse pleckstrin homology domain-containing, family A (phosphoinositide binding specific) member 2 (Plekha2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200661Rab27a (untagged) - Mouse RAB27A, member RAS oncogene family (Rab27a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200662Adam15 (untagged) - Mouse a disintegrin and metallopeptidase domain 15 (metargidin) (cDNA clone MGC:11753 IMAGE:3152945), complete, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200663Ifitm3 (untagged) - Mouse interferon induced transmembrane protein 3 (Ifitm3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200664Sf3a3 (untagged) - Mouse splicing factor 3a, subunit 3 (Sf3a3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200665Osgin2 (untagged) - Mouse oxidative stress induced growth inhibitor family member 2 (cDNA clone MGC:11786 IMAGE:3595088), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200666Tubgcp2 (untagged) - Mouse tubulin, gamma complex associated protein 2 (Tubgcp2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200667Txnrd2 (untagged) - Mouse thioredoxin reductase 2 (cDNA clone MGC:5671 IMAGE:3584154), (10ug), (Note: selenocysteine protein, Internal stop codon present. see reference data summary below)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200668Klf4 (untagged) - Mouse Kruppel-like factor 4 (gut) (cDNA clone MGC:11479 IMAGE:3156339), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200669Rbm14 (untagged) - Mouse RNA binding motif protein 14 (cDNA clone MGC:11556 IMAGE:3153900), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200670Bsg (untagged) - Mouse basigin (Bsg), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC2006711500035H01Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 1500035H01 gene (cDNA clone MGC:11936 IMAGE:3599905), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200672Gabpb1 (untagged) - Mouse GA repeat binding protein, beta 1 (Gabpb1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200673Serpine2 (untagged) - Mouse serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade E, member 2 (Serpine2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200675Oraov1 (untagged) - Mouse oral cancer overexpressed 1 (Oraov1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200676Tinagl (untagged) - Mouse tubulointerstitial nephritis antigen-like (cDNA clone MGC:11828 IMAGE:3596560), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200677Mad1l1 (untagged) - Mouse mitotic arrest deficient 1-like 1 (Mad1l1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200678Sh3yl1 (untagged) - Mouse Sh3 domain YSC-like 1 (Sh3yl1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200679Rbm42 (untagged) - Mouse RNA binding motif protein 42 (Rbm42), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200680Cnn2 (untagged) - Mouse calponin 2 (Cnn2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200681Rarg (untagged) - Mouse retinoic acid receptor, gamma (Rarg), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200682Timm50 (untagged) - Mouse translocase of inner mitochondrial membrane 50 homolog (yeast) (cDNA clone MGC:11857 IMAGE:3597676), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200683Eif4a3 (untagged) - Mouse eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A, isoform 3 (cDNA clone MGC:6715 IMAGE:3585696), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200684Atp6v1h (untagged) - Mouse ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V1 subunit H (Atp6v1h), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200685Golga2 (untagged) - Mouse golgi autoantigen, golgin subfamily a, 2 (cDNA clone MGC:11816 IMAGE:3596079), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200686Klc2 (untagged) - Mouse kinesin light chain 2 (Klc2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200687Leprot (untagged) - Mouse leptin receptor overlapping transcript (cDNA clone MGC:11607 IMAGE:2651399), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200688Pck2 (untagged) - Mouse phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 2 (mitochondrial) (cDNA clone MGC:11639 IMAGE:3596227), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200689H2afx (untagged) - Mouse H2A histone family, member X (H2afx), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200690Ppme1 (untagged) - Mouse protein phosphatase methylesterase 1 (Ppme1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200692Eno1 (untagged) - Mouse enolase 1, alpha non-neuron (cDNA clone MGC:11651 IMAGE:3599051), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200693Papd4 (untagged) - Mouse PAP associated domain containing 4 (Papd4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200694Ddx1 (untagged) - Mouse DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 1 (Ddx1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200695Nek2 (untagged) - Mouse NIMA (never in mitosis gene a)-related expressed kinase 2 (cDNA clone MGC:11846 IMAGE:3597227), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200696Fut8 (untagged) - Mouse fucosyltransferase 8 (Fut8), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200697Pgf (untagged) - Mouse placental growth factor (Pgf), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200698Cyp2d9 (untagged) - Mouse cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 9 (Cyp2d9), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200699Dcpp1 (untagged) - Mouse demilune cell and parotid protein 1 (cDNA clone MGC:11676 IMAGE:3709995), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200700Racgap1 (untagged) - Mouse Rac GTPase-activating protein 1 (cDNA clone MGC:11396 IMAGE:3602242), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200701Cdca4 (untagged) - Mouse cell division cycle associated 4 (cDNA clone MGC:12023 IMAGE:3603210), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200702Nfs1 (untagged) - Mouse nitrogen fixation gene 1 (S. cerevisiae) (Nfs1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200703Polr3f (untagged) - Mouse polymerase (RNA) III (DNA directed) polypeptide F (Polr3f), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200704Ncam1 (untagged) - Mouse neural cell adhesion molecule 1 (cDNA clone MGC:12077 IMAGE:3708650), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200705Dpagt1 (untagged) - Mouse dolichyl-phosphate (UDP-N-acetylglucosamine) acetylglucosaminephosphotransferase 1 (GlcNAc-1-P transferase) (Dpagt1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200706Slc25a36 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 25, member 36 (Slc25a36), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200707Gpr89 (untagged) - Mouse G protein-coupled receptor 89 (Gpr89), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200708Grhpr (untagged) - Mouse glyoxylate reductase/hydroxypyruvate reductase (Grhpr), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200709Stard4 (untagged) - Mouse StAR-related lipid transfer (START) domain containing 4 (Stard4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200710Clec4a2 (untagged) - Mouse C-type lectin domain family 4, member a2 (cDNA clone MGC:11410 IMAGE:3968187), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200711Ing4 (untagged) - Mouse inhibitor of growth family, member 4 (Ing4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200712B4galt3 (untagged) - Mouse UDP-Gal:betaGlcNAc beta 1,4-galactosyltransferase, polypeptide 3 (B4galt3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200713Pcna (untagged) - Mouse proliferating cell nuclear antigen (Pcna), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200714Tk1 (untagged) - Mouse thymidine kinase 1 (Tk1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200715Ptbp3 (untagged) - Mouse ROD1 regulator of differentiation 1 (S. pombe) (Rod1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200716Stxbp2 (untagged) - Mouse syntaxin binding protein 2 (Stxbp2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200717Nudcd2 (untagged) - Mouse NudC domain containing 2 (Nudcd2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200718Scamp4 (untagged) - Mouse secretory carrier membrane protein 4 (cDNA clone MGC:11708 IMAGE:3965223), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200719Pex2 (untagged) - Mouse peroxisomal membrane protein 3 (Pxmp3), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200720Ptbp2 (untagged) - Mouse polypyrimidine tract binding protein 2 (Ptbp2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200721Paip2 (untagged) - Mouse polyadenylate-binding protein-interacting protein 2 (Paip2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200722Anp32b (untagged) - Mouse acidic (leucine-rich) nuclear phosphoprotein 32 family, member B (Anp32b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200723Dbn1 (untagged) - Mouse drebrin 1 (Dbn1), transcript variant 3, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200724Rnf10 (untagged) - Mouse ring finger protein 10 (Rnf10), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200725Ggt7 (untagged) - Mouse gamma-glutamyltransferase 7 (Ggt7), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200727Sh3bp2 (untagged) - Mouse SH3-domain binding protein 2 (Sh3bp2), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200728Pglyrp1 (untagged) - Mouse peptidoglycan recognition protein 1 (Pglyrp1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200729Higd1b (untagged) - Mouse HIG1 domain family, member 1B (Higd1b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200730Ythdf2 (untagged) - Mouse YTH domain family 2 (Ythdf2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200731Rab9 (untagged) - Mouse RAB9, member RAS oncogene family (Rab9), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200732Prrc1 (untagged) - Mouse proline-rich coiled-coil 1 (Prrc1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200733Med6 (untagged) - Mouse mediator of RNA polymerase II transcription, subunit 6 homolog (yeast) (Med6), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200734Dgcr14 (untagged) - Mouse DiGeorge syndrome critical region gene 14 (Dgcr14), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200735Cast (untagged) - Mouse calpastatin (cDNA clone MGC:12116 IMAGE:3710078), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200736Bax (untagged) - Mouse BCL2-associated X protein (Bax), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200737Mmp3 (untagged) - Mouse matrix metallopeptidase 3 (Mmp3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200738Clca1 (untagged) - Mouse chloride channel calcium activated 1 (cDNA clone MGC:11678 IMAGE:3710379), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200739Tuba1c (untagged) - Mouse tubulin, alpha 1C (cDNA clone MGC:14067 IMAGE:3661220), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200740Rin1 (untagged) - Mouse Ras and Rab interactor 1 (Rin1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200741Csn2 (untagged) - Mouse casein beta (Csn2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200742Mapk12 (untagged) - Mouse mitogen-activated protein kinase 12 (Mapk12), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200743Bet1 (untagged) - Mouse blocked early in transport 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Bet1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200744AW549877 (untagged) - Mouse expressed sequence AW549877 (cDNA clone MGC:12113 IMAGE:3709876), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200745Snapap (untagged) - Mouse SNAP-associated protein (cDNA clone MGC:12076 IMAGE:3708620), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200746Gla (untagged) - Mouse galactosidase, alpha (Gla), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200747Rab27a (untagged) - Mouse RAB27A, member RAS oncogene family (cDNA clone MGC:11677 IMAGE:3710213), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200749Cenpb (untagged) - Mouse centromere protein B (cDNA clone MGC:11737 IMAGE:3968847), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200750Amy1 (untagged) - Mouse amylase 1, salivary (Amy1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200751Acvrl1 (untagged) - Mouse activin A receptor, type II-like 1 (cDNA clone MGC:13969 IMAGE:3980151), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200753Scp2 (untagged) - Mouse sterol carrier protein 2, liver (Scp2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200754Rnase4 (untagged) - Mouse ribonuclease, RNase A family 4 (Rnase4), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200755Pde6d (untagged) - Mouse phosphodiesterase 6D, cGMP-specific, rod, delta (Pde6d), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200756St6galnac2 (untagged) - Mouse ST6 (alpha-N-acetyl-neuraminyl-2,3-beta-galactosyl-1,3)-N-acetylgalactosaminide alpha-2,6-sialyltransferase 2 (St6galnac2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200757Twf1 (untagged) - Mouse twinfilin, actin-binding protein, homolog 1 (Drosophila) (Twf1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200758Pias2 (untagged) - Mouse protein inhibitor of activated STAT 2 (cDNA clone MGC:11445 IMAGE:3969546), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200759Nxf1 (untagged) - Mouse nuclear RNA export factor 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Nxf1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200760Homer3 (untagged) - Mouse homer homolog 3 (Drosophila) (Homer3), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200761Gch1 (untagged) - Mouse GTP cyclohydrolase 1 (Gch1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200762Pabpc4 (untagged) - Mouse poly(A) binding protein, cytoplasmic 4 (Pabpc4), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200763Akr1b8 (untagged) - Mouse aldo-keto reductase family 1, member B8 (Akr1b8), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200764Nrbp2 (untagged) - Mouse nuclear receptor binding protein 2 (Nrbp2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200765Amacr (untagged) - Mouse alpha-methylacyl-CoA racemase (cDNA clone MGC:13903 IMAGE:3980103), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200766Lims1 (untagged) - Mouse LIM and senescent cell antigen-like domains 1 (Lims1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200767Tmem33 (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane protein 33 (cDNA clone MGC:11715 IMAGE:3965864), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200768Znrf1 (untagged) - Mouse zinc and ring finger 1 (Znrf1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200769Cd34 (untagged) - Mouse CD34 antigen (Cd34), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200770ENSMUSG00000043225 (untagged) - Mouse predicted gene, ENSMUSG00000043225 (cDNA clone MGC:12079 IMAGE:3708702), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200771Acy1 (untagged) - Mouse aminoacylase 1 (Acy1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200772Kpna2 (untagged) - Mouse karyopherin (importin) alpha 2 (Kpna2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200773Ptpn2 (untagged) - Mouse protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 2 (cDNA clone MGC:12016 IMAGE:3602983), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200774Abcb6 (untagged) - Mouse ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP), member 6 (Abcb6), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200775Mphosph6 (untagged) - Mouse M phase phosphoprotein 6 (Mphosph6), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200777Prep (untagged) - Mouse prolyl endopeptidase (Prep), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200778Tap2 (untagged) - Mouse transporter 2, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP) (cDNA clone MGC:11732 IMAGE:3968225), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200779Tnfaip8 (untagged) - Mouse tumor necrosis factor, alpha-induced protein 8 (Tnfaip8), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200780Elf5 (untagged) - Mouse E74-like factor 5 (Elf5), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200781Tmbim6 (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif containing 6 (Tmbim6), transcript variant 4, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200782Cdk2 (untagged) - Mouse cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (Cdk2), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200783Stx4a (untagged) - Mouse syntaxin 4A (placental) (Stx4a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200784Angptl4 (untagged) - Mouse angiopoietin-like 4 (Angptl4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200785Ptprcap (untagged) - Mouse protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, C polypeptide-associated protein (Ptprcap), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200786Serpina1c (untagged) - Mouse serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade A, member 1c (cDNA clone MGC:13995 IMAGE:4193647), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200788Cyp8b1 (untagged) - Mouse cytochrome P450, family 8, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 (cDNA clone MGC:13798 IMAGE:4162964), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200789Cyp26a1 (untagged) - Mouse cytochrome P450, family 26, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 (Cyp26a1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200790Tnfaip6 (untagged) - Mouse tumor necrosis factor alpha induced protein 6 (Tnfaip6), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200791Cish (untagged) - Mouse cytokine inducible SH2-containing protein (cDNA clone MGC:14022 IMAGE:4193243), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200792Dpf2 (untagged) - Mouse D4, zinc and double PHD fingers family 2 (Dpf2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200793Ucp1 (untagged) - Mouse uncoupling protein 1 (mitochondrial, proton carrier) (Ucp1), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200794Mpzl2 (untagged) - Mouse myelin protein zero-like 2 (Mpzl2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200795Banp (untagged) - Mouse Btg3 associated nuclear protein (cDNA clone MGC:13801 IMAGE:4189797), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200796Bop1 (untagged) - Mouse block of proliferation 1 (Bop1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200797Lat (untagged) - Mouse linker for activation of T cells (Lat), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200798Cops6 (untagged) - Mouse COP9 (constitutive photomorphogenic) homolog, subunit 6 (Arabidopsis thaliana) (Cops6), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200800Mrps12 (untagged) - Mouse mitochondrial ribosomal protein S12 (Mrps12), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200801Hpd (untagged) - Mouse 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvic acid dioxygenase (Hpd), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200802Cyp2d10 (untagged) - Mouse cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily d, polypeptide 10 (Cyp2d10), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200803Cldn3 (untagged) - Mouse claudin 3 (cDNA clone MGC:13769 IMAGE:4217040), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200804Rgn (untagged) - Mouse regucalcin (Rgn), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200805Ash2l (untagged) - Mouse ash2 (absent, small, or homeotic)-like (Drosophila) (Ash2l), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200806Hpgd (untagged) - Mouse hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase 15 (NAD) (Hpgd), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200807Orc4 (untagged) - Mouse origin recognition complex, subunit 4 (Orc4), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200808Pitx1 (untagged) - Mouse paired-like homeodomain transcription factor 1 (Pitx1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200809Serpina1c (untagged) - Mouse serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade A, member 1c (cDNA clone MGC:13996 IMAGE:4211464), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200811Umod (untagged) - Mouse uromodulin (Umod), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200814Arg1 (untagged) - Mouse arginase, liver (Arg1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200815Csrp2 (untagged) - Mouse cysteine and glycine-rich protein 2 (Csrp2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200816Comt (untagged) - Mouse catechol-O-methyltransferase (Comt), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200817Fbp2 (untagged) - Mouse fructose bisphosphatase 2 (Fbp2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200818Baat (untagged) - Mouse bile acid-Coenzyme A: amino acid N-acyltransferase (Baat), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200819Gnmt (untagged) - Mouse glycine N-methyltransferase (Gnmt), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200820Hsd17b2 (untagged) - Mouse hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 2 (cDNA clone MGC:13900 IMAGE:4217153), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200821Klf5 (untagged) - Mouse Kruppel-like factor 5 (Klf5), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200822Cldn11 (untagged) - Mouse claudin 11 (cDNA clone MGC:14055 IMAGE:4190031), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200823Ccl22 (untagged) - Mouse chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 22 (Ccl22), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200824Lipe (untagged) - Mouse lipase, hormone sensitive (Lipe), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200825Slc22a6 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 22 (organic anion transporter), member 6 (Slc22a6), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200826Hsd3b5 (untagged) - Mouse hydroxy-delta-5-steroid dehydrogenase, 3 beta- and steroid delta-isomerase 5 (Hsd3b5), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200827Slc50a1 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 50 (sugar transporter), member 1 (Slc50a1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200828Glrx (untagged) - Mouse glutaredoxin (Glrx), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200829Mcl1 (untagged) - Mouse myeloid cell leukemia sequence 1 (Mcl1), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200830Dnajb1 (untagged) - Mouse DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 1 (Dnajb1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200831Slc22a1 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 1 (Slc22a1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200832Psmc4 (untagged) - Mouse proteasome (prosome, macropain) 26S subunit, ATPase, 4 (Psmc4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200833Ahsg (untagged) - Mouse alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein (cDNA clone MGC:13882 IMAGE:4193595), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200834Vti1b (untagged) - Mouse vesicle transport through interaction with t-SNAREs 1B homolog (Vti1b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200835Gramd1a (untagged) - Mouse GRAM domain containing 1A (cDNA clone MGC:19375 IMAGE:2646082), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200836Serinc3 (untagged) - Mouse serine incorporator 3 (Serinc3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200837Kctd9 (untagged) - Mouse potassium channel tetramerisation domain containing 9 (Kctd9), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200838Bcl11a (untagged) - Mouse B-cell CLL/lymphoma 11A (zinc finger protein) (cDNA clone MGC:19371 IMAGE:2631265), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200839Pbef1 (untagged) - Mouse pre-B-cell colony-enhancing factor 1 (cDNA clone MGC:19365 IMAGE:2609271), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200840Tmem30a (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane protein 30A (Tmem30a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200841Agr2 (untagged) - Mouse anterior gradient 2 (Xenopus laevis) (Agr2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200843Armcx3 (untagged) - Mouse armadillo repeat containing, X-linked 3 (cDNA clone MGC:19426 IMAGE:3490748), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200844Cideb (untagged) - Mouse cell death-inducing DNA fragmentation factor, alpha subunit-like effector B (cDNA clone MGC:13832 IMAGE:4218866),, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200845Tpm2 (untagged) - Mouse tropomyosin 2, beta (cDNA clone MGC:18587 IMAGE:3497670), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200846Krt14 (untagged) - Mouse keratin 14 (Krt14), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200847Nup43 (untagged) - Mouse nucleoporin 43 (Nup43), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200848Rps28 (untagged) - Mouse ribosomal protein S28 (Rps28), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200849Cd55 (untagged) - Mouse CD55 antigen (Cd55), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200850Cox7a2 (untagged) - Mouse cytochrome c oxidase, subunit VIIa 2 (Cox7a2), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200851Atpif1 (untagged) - Mouse ATPase inhibitory factor 1 (Atpif1), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200852Mgat2 (untagged) - Mouse mannoside acetylglucosaminyltransferase 2 (cDNA clone MGC:19451 IMAGE:3500709), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200853Isca1 (untagged) - Mouse iron-sulfur cluster assembly 1 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Isca1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200854Ephx2 (untagged) - Mouse epoxide hydrolase 2, cytoplasmic (Ephx2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200855Lgals4 (untagged) - Mouse lectin, galactose binding, soluble 4 (cDNA clone MGC:13815 IMAGE:4218531), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200856Spdef (untagged) - Mouse SAM pointed domain containing ets transcription factor (Spdef), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200857Plscr2 (untagged) - Mouse phospholipid scramblase 2 (Plscr2), transcript variant B, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200859Lrch4 (untagged) - Mouse leucine-rich repeats and calponin homology (CH) domain containing 4 (Lrch4), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200860Traf5 (untagged) - Mouse TNF receptor-associated factor 5 (Traf5), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200861Insl5 (untagged) - Mouse insulin-like 5 (Insl5), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200862Sema3f (untagged) - Mouse sema domain, immunoglobulin domain (Ig), short basic domain, secreted, (semaphorin) 3F (Sema3f), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200863Galnt11 (untagged) - Mouse UDP-N-acetyl-alpha-D-galactosamine:polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 11 (cDNA clone MGC:19374, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200864Gcg (untagged) - Mouse glucagon (Gcg), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200865Ehd4 (untagged) - Mouse EH-domain containing 4 (cDNA clone MGC:19417 IMAGE:3485836), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200866Mad2l2 (untagged) - Mouse MAD2 mitotic arrest deficient-like 2 (yeast) (Mad2l2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200867Wrnip1 (untagged) - Mouse Werner helicase interacting protein 1 (Wrnip1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200868Fth1 (untagged) - Mouse ferritin heavy chain 1 (Fth1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200869Ggh (untagged) - Mouse gamma-glutamyl hydrolase (Ggh), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200870Med21 (untagged) - Mouse mediator complex subunit 21 (Med21), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200871Igfbp6 (untagged) - Mouse insulin-like growth factor binding protein 6 (Igfbp6), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200872Tapbp (untagged) - Mouse TAP binding protein (Tapbp), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200873Chmp4b (untagged) - Mouse chromatin modifying protein 4B (cDNA clone MGC:19416 IMAGE:3485793), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200874Spr (untagged) - Mouse sepiapterin reductase (Spr), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200875Aqp8 (untagged) - Mouse aquaporin 8 (Aqp8), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200876Mxd4 (untagged) - Mouse Max dimerization protein 4 (Mxd4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200877Atp6v0d1 (untagged) - Mouse ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal V0 subunit D1 (Atp6v0d1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200878Guca2a (untagged) - Mouse guanylate cyclase activator 2a (guanylin) (Guca2a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200879Crot (untagged) - Mouse carnitine O-octanoyltransferase (Crot), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200880Nfe2l3 (untagged) - Mouse nuclear factor, erythroid derived 2, like 3 (Nfe2l3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200881Ptger2 (untagged) - Mouse prostaglandin E receptor 2 (subtype EP2) (cDNA clone MGC:6041 IMAGE:3487087), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200882Fbln2 (untagged) - Mouse fibulin 2 (Fbln2), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200883Vps26a (untagged) - Mouse vacuolar protein sorting 26 homolog A (yeast) (Vps26a), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200884Cytip (untagged) - Mouse cytohesin 1 interacting protein (Cytip), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200885Myohd1 (untagged) - Mouse myosin head domain containing 1 (cDNA clone MGC:7331 IMAGE:3486558), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200886Gab1 (untagged) - Mouse growth factor receptor bound protein 2-associated protein 1 (Gab1),  transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200887Smc5 (untagged) - Mouse structural maintenance of chromosomes 5 (cDNA clone MGC:7569 IMAGE:3493165), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200888Fpgs (untagged) - Mouse folylpolyglutamyl synthetase (cDNA clone MGC:7296 IMAGE:3485401), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200889Far1 (untagged) - Mouse fatty acyl CoA reductase 1 (Far1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200890Mcl1 (untagged) - Mouse myeloid cell leukemia sequence 1 (cDNA clone MGC:5839 IMAGE:3493739), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200891Irf8 (untagged) - Mouse interferon regulatory factor 8 (Irf8), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200892D16H22S680E (untagged) - Mouse DNA segment, Chr 16, human D22S680E, expressed (cDNA clone MGC:6125 IMAGE:3496749), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200893Tsg101 (untagged) - Mouse tumor susceptibility gene 101 (Tsg101), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200894Ets2 (untagged) - Mouse E26 avian leukemia oncogene 2, 3' domain (Ets2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200895Mdfi (untagged) - Mouse MyoD family inhibitor (cDNA clone MGC:5939 IMAGE:3488088), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200896Trpv2 (untagged) - Mouse transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily V, member 2 (Trpv2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200897Nxph3 (untagged) - Mouse neurexophilin 3 (Nxph3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200899Cdkn2d (untagged) - Mouse cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2D (p19, inhibits CDK4) (Cdkn2d), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200900Naga (untagged) - Mouse N-acetyl galactosaminidase, alpha (Naga), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200901Ptx3 (untagged) - Mouse pentraxin related gene (Ptx3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200902Traip (untagged) - Mouse TRAF-interacting protein (Traip), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200903Bnip2 (untagged) - Mouse BCL2/adenovirus E1B interacting protein 2 (Bnip2), transcript variant alpha, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200904Sult2b1 (untagged) - Mouse sulfotransferase family, cytosolic, 2B, member 1 (Sult2b1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200905Htatip2 (untagged) - Mouse HIV-1 tat interactive protein 2, homolog (human) (Htatip2), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200906Cln8 (untagged) - Mouse ceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 8 (Cln8), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200907Mia1 (untagged) - Mouse melanoma inhibitory activity 1 (cDNA clone MGC:13906 IMAGE:3987973), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200908Prkcsh (untagged) - Mouse protein kinase C substrate 80K-H (cDNA clone MGC:13908 IMAGE:4008182), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200909Serpina1a (untagged) - Mouse serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade A, member 1a (cDNA clone MGC:13993 IMAGE:4159448), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200910Dnase1l3 (untagged) - Mouse deoxyribonuclease 1-like 3 (Dnase1l3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200911Fabp1 (untagged) - Mouse fatty acid binding protein 1, liver (Fabp1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200914Bpnt1 (untagged) - Mouse bisphosphate 3'-nucleotidase 1 (Bpnt1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200915Mfng (untagged) - Mouse MFNG O-fucosylpeptide 3-beta-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (Mfng), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200916Gpr19 (untagged) - Mouse G protein-coupled receptor 19 (Gpr19), transcript variant 8, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200917Cd68 (untagged) - Mouse CD68 antigen (cDNA clone MGC:13848 IMAGE:3981024), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200919Rps6ka4 (untagged) - Mouse ribosomal protein S6 kinase, polypeptide 4 (Rps6ka4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200920Thumpd3 (untagged) - Mouse THUMP domain containing 3 (cDNA clone MGC:13936 IMAGE:3987438), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200921Inhbe (untagged) - Mouse inhibin beta E (Inhbe), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200922Psmb6 (untagged) - Mouse proteasome (prosome, macropain) subunit, beta type 6 (Psmb6), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200923Ung (untagged) - Mouse uracil DNA glycosylase (Ung), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200924Sult2b1 (untagged) - Mouse sulfotransferase family, cytosolic, 2B, member 1 (cDNA clone MGC:13879 IMAGE:4039050), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200925Cdh13 (untagged) - Mouse cadherin 13 (Cdh13), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200927Lipg (untagged) - Mouse lipase, endothelial (Lipg), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200928Crcp (untagged) - Mouse calcitonin gene-related peptide-receptor component protein (Crcp), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200929Uhrf1 (untagged) - Mouse ubiquitin-like, containing PHD and RING finger domains, 1 (Uhrf1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200930Nit1 (untagged) - Mouse nitrilase 1 (Nit1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200931Nubp2 (untagged) - Mouse nucleotide binding protein 2 (Nubp2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200933Galt (untagged) - Mouse galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (cDNA clone MGC:14011 IMAGE:4038194), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200934Aadat (untagged) - Mouse aminoadipate aminotransferase (Aadat), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200935Dpp4 (untagged) - Mouse dipeptidylpeptidase 4 (cDNA clone MGC:14076 IMAGE:3982742), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200936Ggt1 (untagged) - Mouse gamma-glutamyltransferase 1 (Ggt1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200937Pign (untagged) - Mouse phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis, class N (cDNA clone MGC:13757 IMAGE:4024793), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200938Slc25a33 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 25, member 33 (Slc25a33), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200939Gps2 (untagged) - Mouse G protein pathway suppressor 2 (Gps2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC2009401600014C10Rik (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 1600014C10 gene (1600014C10Rik), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200941Hck (untagged) - Mouse hemopoietic cell kinase (Hck), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200942Tmem70 (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane protein 70 (Tmem70), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200943Rtkn (untagged) - Mouse rhotekin (Rtkn), transcript variant 3, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200944Rheb (untagged) - Mouse Ras homolog enriched in brain (Rheb), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200945Trib3 (untagged) - Mouse tribbles homolog 3 (Drosophila) (cDNA clone MGC:18731 IMAGE:3980838), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200947Zscan21 (untagged) - Mouse zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 21 (Zscan21), transcript variant 4, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200948Tfap2a (untagged) - Mouse transcription factor AP-2, alpha (Tcfap2a), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200949Usp21 (untagged) - Mouse ubiquitin specific peptidase 21 (Usp21), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200950Me1 (untagged) - Mouse malic enzyme 1, NADP(+)-dependent, cytosolic (Me1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200951Mettl3 (untagged) - Mouse methyltransferase like 3 (Mettl3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200952Ube2r2 (untagged) - Mouse ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2R 2 (Ube2r2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200953Slc25a17 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, peroxisomal membrane protein), member 17 (cDNA clone, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200954Ddx19a (untagged) - Mouse DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 19a (Ddx19a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200955Nup37 (untagged) - Mouse nucleoporin 37 (Nup37), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200956Ormdl1 (untagged) - Mouse ORM1-like 1 (S. cerevisiae) (cDNA clone MGC:19257 IMAGE:3981845), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200957Mkln1 (untagged) - Mouse muskelin 1, intracellular mediator containing kelch motifs (Mkln1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200958Fopnl (untagged) - Mouse RIKEN cDNA 0610037P05 gene (0610037P05Rik), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200962Arl8b (untagged) - Mouse ADP-ribosylation factor-like 8B (Arl8b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200963(untagged) - Mouse mRNA similar to fatty acid binding protein 4, adipocyte (cDNA clone MGC:18548 IMAGE:3670866), (10ug)10 ug1810ORIGENE
MC200964Dynll2 (untagged) - Mouse dynein light chain LC8-type 2 (Dynll2), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200965Hsf1 (untagged) - Mouse heat shock factor 1 (Hsf1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200966Hoxa5 (untagged) - Mouse homeobox A5 (Hoxa5), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200967Camk1 (untagged) - Mouse calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I (Camk1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200968Col8a1 (untagged) - Mouse collagen, type VIII, alpha 1 (Col8a1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200969Nop16 (untagged) - Mouse NOP16 nucleolar protein homolog (yeast) (Nop16), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200970Il1b (untagged) - Mouse interleukin 1 beta (cDNA clone MGC:18555 IMAGE:3989461), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200971Lyrm1 (untagged) - Mouse LYR motif containing 1 (Lyrm1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200972Rarg (untagged) - Mouse retinoic acid receptor, gamma (cDNA clone MGC:18523 IMAGE:3989967), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200973Mrpl39 (untagged) - Mouse mitochondrial ribosomal protein L39 (Mrpl39), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200974LOC665622 (untagged) - Mouse histone pseudogene (cDNA clone MGC:19269 IMAGE:3989862), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200977Arbp (untagged) - Mouse acidic ribosomal phosphoprotein P0 (cDNA clone MGC:18649 IMAGE:3982438), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200978Hemk1 (untagged) - Mouse HemK methyltransferase family member 1 (Hemk1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200979Tmem38b (untagged) - Mouse transmembrane protein 38B (Tmem38b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200980Meox1 (untagged) - Mouse mesenchyme homeobox 1 (Meox1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200981Yes1 (untagged) - Mouse Yamaguchi sarcoma viral (v-yes) oncogene homolog 1 (Yes1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200982Slc22a4 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 22 (organic cation transporter), member 4 (Slc22a4), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200984Fbxo8 (untagged) - Mouse F-box protein 8 (cDNA clone MGC:18987 IMAGE:4011855), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200985Ankmy2 (untagged) - Mouse ankyrin repeat and MYND domain containing 2 (Ankmy2), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200986Esyt1 (untagged) - Mouse extended synaptotagmin-like protein 1 (Esyt1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200987Ercc1 (untagged) - Mouse excision repair cross-complementing rodent repair deficiency, complementation group 1 (Ercc1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200988Ssr1 (untagged) - Mouse signal sequence receptor, alpha (Ssr1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200989Satb1 (untagged) - Mouse special AT-rich sequence binding protein 1 (Satb1), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200990Ddit3 (untagged) - Mouse DNA-damage inducible transcript 3 (Ddit3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200991Pdcd10 (untagged) - Mouse programmed cell death 10 (Pdcd10), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200992Kptn (untagged) - Mouse kaptin (Kptn), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200993Tgfb2 (untagged) - Mouse transforming growth factor, beta 2 (Tgfb2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200994Zfp51 (untagged) - Mouse zinc finger protein 51 (cDNA clone MGC:18444 IMAGE:4036027), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200995Ccr1 (untagged) - Mouse chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 1 (Ccr1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200996Pax6 (untagged) - Mouse paired box gene 6 (cDNA clone MGC:18454 IMAGE:4008490), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200997Ppp1r1b (untagged) - Mouse protein phosphatase 1, regulatory (inhibitor) subunit 1B (cDNA clone MGC:18770 IMAGE:4164563), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC200999Cog2 (untagged) - Mouse component of oligomeric golgi complex 2 (Cog2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201000Ftsj3 (untagged) - Mouse FtsJ homolog 3 (E. coli) (cDNA clone MGC:18657 IMAGE:4012961), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201001Igh (untagged) - Mouse immunoglobulin heavy chain 1a (serum IgG2a) (cDNA clone MGC:18751 IMAGE:4009847), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201002Cd79b (untagged) - Mouse CD79B antigen (Cd79b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201003Ren2 (untagged) - Mouse renin 2 tandem duplication of Ren1 (cDNA clone MGC:18521 IMAGE:4165191), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201004Ifi204 (untagged) - Mouse interferon activated gene 204 (cDNA clone MGC:18551 IMAGE:4018506), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201005Suclg1 (untagged) - Mouse succinate-CoA ligase, GDP-forming, alpha subunit (Suclg1), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201006Zfp191 (untagged) - Mouse zinc finger protein 191 (cDNA clone MGC:19271 IMAGE:3992743), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201008Enpp5 (untagged) - Mouse ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 5 (Enpp5), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201009Pcyt1a (untagged) - Mouse phosphate cytidylyltransferase 1, choline, alpha isoform (Pcyt1a), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201010Gckr (untagged) - Mouse glucokinase regulatory protein (Gckr), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201011Med7 (untagged) - Mouse mediator complex subunit 7 (Med7), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201012Slc41a3 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 41, member 3 (Slc41a3), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201014Etf1 (untagged) - Mouse eukaryotic translation termination factor 1 (Etf1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201015Fam49b (untagged) - Mouse family with sequence similarity 49, member B (Fam49b), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201016Ddx56 (untagged) - Mouse DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 56 (Ddx56), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201017Cyp4f14 (untagged) - Mouse cytochrome P450, family 4, subfamily f, polypeptide 14 (Cyp4f14), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201018Itgb7 (untagged) - Mouse integrin beta 7 (cDNA clone MGC:18486 IMAGE:4187781), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201019Mrpl3 (untagged) - Mouse mitochondrial ribosomal protein L3 (cDNA clone MGC:18779 IMAGE:4187019), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201021Rrp36 (untagged) - Mouse ribosomal RNA processing 36 homolog (S. cerevisiae) (Rrp36), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201022Cyp46a1 (untagged) - Mouse cytochrome P450, family 46, subfamily a, polypeptide 1 (Cyp46a1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201023Snapc2 (untagged) - Mouse small nuclear RNA activating complex, polypeptide 2 (Snapc2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201024Tspan13 (untagged) - Mouse tetraspanin 13 (Tspan13), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201025Btg1 (untagged) - Mouse B-cell translocation gene 1, anti-proliferative (Btg1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201026Ivd (untagged) - Mouse isovaleryl coenzyme A dehydrogenase (Ivd), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201027Ttll1 (untagged) - Mouse tubulin tyrosine ligase-like 1 (Ttll1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201028Slc6a9 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, glycine), member 9 (Slc6a9), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201029Serpina6 (untagged) - Mouse serine (or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade A, member 6 (Serpina6), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201030Crtc3 (untagged) - Mouse CREB regulated transcription coactivator 3 (Crtc3), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201031Carhsp1 (untagged) - Mouse calcium regulated heat stable protein 1 (Carhsp1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201032Txnip (untagged) - Mouse thioredoxin interacting protein (cDNA clone MGC:18703 IMAGE:4193517), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201033Cyp2c50 (untagged) - Mouse cytochrome P450, family 2, subfamily c, polypeptide 50 (Cyp2c50), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201034Gjb2 (untagged) - Mouse gap junction protein, beta 2 (Gjb2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201035Rhob (untagged) - Mouse ras homolog gene family, member B (Rhob), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201036Gfpt1 (untagged) - Mouse glutamine fructose-6-phosphate transaminase 1 (Gfpt1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201037Gorasp1 (untagged) - Mouse golgi reassembly stacking protein 1 (Gorasp1), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201038Ogdh (untagged) - Mouse oxoglutarate dehydrogenase (lipoamide) (Ogdh), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201039Hspb8 (untagged) - Mouse heat shock protein 8 (Hspb8), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201040Tomm34 (untagged) - Mouse translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 34 (Tomm34), nuclear gene encoding mitochondrial protein, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC20104141523 (untagged) - Mouse septin 6 (cDNA clone MGC:19033 IMAGE:4168214), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201042Pparg (untagged) - Mouse peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma (Pparg), transcript variant 2, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201043Slc35c2 (untagged) - Mouse solute carrier family 35, member C2 (Slc35c2), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201044Cyp3a11 (untagged) - Mouse cytochrome P450, family 3, subfamily a, polypeptide 11 (Cyp3a11), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201045Pomgnt1 (untagged) - Mouse protein O-linked mannose beta1,2-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (Pomgnt1), transcript variant 1, (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE
MC201046Tbc1d10a (untagged) - Mouse TBC1 domain family, member 10a (Tbc1d10a), (10ug)10 ug2000ORIGENE

