目录编号 | CBA-200 |
尺寸 | 50 次检测 |
检测 | 光学显微镜 |
我们的内皮管形成分析(体外血管生成)提供了一个简单、强大的系统来评估体外血管生成 。ECM凝胶基质非常类似于体内环境。
在 ECM 凝胶上形成 HUVEC 管。来自标准组织培养板的 HUVEC 细胞在 ECM 凝胶上孵育。几个小时后,可以在光学显微镜下观察管的形成。
货号 | 品名 | 规格 | 价格 | 品牌 |
AAV-100 | 293AAV Cell Line | 1 vial | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
AAV-200 | ViraDuctin™ AAV Transduction Kit (10 Transductions) | 10 transductions | 5525 | cellbiolabs |
AAV-201 | ViraDuctin™ AAV Transduction Kit (50 Transductions) | 50 transductions | 13855 | cellbiolabs |
AAV-332 | scAAV2-GFP Control Virus | 50 μL | 14195 | cellbiolabs |
AAV-400 | pAAV-GFP Control Vector | 10 µg | 7565 | cellbiolabs |
AAV-401 | pAAV-Cre Control Vector | 10 µg | 7565 | cellbiolabs |
AAV-402 | pAAV-LacZ Control Vector | 10 µg | 7565 | cellbiolabs |
AAV-410 | pscAAV-GFP Control Vector | 10 µg | 7565 | cellbiolabs |
AD-100 | 293AD Cell Line | 1 vial | 6035 | cellbiolabs |
AD-200 | ViraDuctin™ Adenovirus Transduction Kit (10 Transductions) | 10 transductions | 5440 | cellbiolabs |
AD-201 | ViraDuctin™ Adenovirus Transduction Kit (50 Transductions) | 50 transductions | 13515 | cellbiolabs |
ADV-004 | GFP Recombinant Adenovirus | 50 μL | 12325 | cellbiolabs |
ADV-005 | Cre Recombinant Adenovirus | 50 μL | 12325 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-001 | Mouse Anti-GAPDH Monoclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-002 | Mouse Anti-ß-Actin Monoclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-003 | Mouse Anti-His Tag Monoclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-004 | Mouse Anti-FLAG Tag Monoclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-005 | Mouse Anti-GST Tag Monoclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-006 | Mouse Anti-HA Tag Monoclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-007 | Mouse Anti-Myc Tag Monoclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-008 | Mouse Anti-V5 Tag Monoclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-009 | Mouse Anti-ß-Tubulin Monoclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-020 | Mouse Anti-GFP Monoclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-100 | β-Galactosidase Staining Kit | 1 kit | 5695 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-103 | PhosphoBlocker™ Blocking Reagent | 1L | 4335 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-104 | PhosphoBlocker™ Blocking Reagent | 4L | 10285 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-110 | Rapid GST Inclusion Body Solubilization and Renaturation Kit | 1 kit | 6885 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-120 | GFP Quantitation Kit | 100 assays | 8245 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-121 | GFP ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10710 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-121-5 | GFP ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 47005 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-121-T | GFP ELISA Kit, Trial Size | 32 assays | 5270 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-122 | RFP ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10710 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-130 | His-Tag Protein ELISA Kit | 96 wells | 8585 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-171 | Nuclear/Cytosolic Fractionation Kit | 20 preps | 3315 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-172 | Nuclear/Cytosolic Fractionation Kit | 100 preps | 9010 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-185 | High Sensitivity Protein Quantitation Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 200 assays | 4590 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-190 | 5X RIPA Buffer with Protease Inhibitor Cocktail | 20mL | 1615 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-191 | 5X RIPA Buffer | 20mL | 1275 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-200 | 293/GFP Cell Line | 1 vial | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-208 | T47D/GFP Cell Line | 1 vial | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-209 | A549/GFP Cell Line | 1 vial | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-213 | HeLa/GFP Cell Line | 1 vial | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-214 | NIH3T3/GFP Cell Line | 1 vial | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-5104 | NIH3T3/Cas9 Cell Line | 1 vial | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-5110 | 293/Cas9 Cell Line | 1 vial | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-5111 | HeLa/Cas9 Cell Line | 1 vial | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-5134 | Bisphenol A (BPA) Competitive ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-5141 | Fluorescein Competitive ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10455 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-5142 | Rhodamine Competitive ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10455 | cellbiolabs |
AKR-5153 | LTA (Lipoteichoic Acid) ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10625 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-050 | CytoSelect™ 48-well Cell Adhesion Assay (Fibronectin, Colorimetric) | 48 assays | 5950 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-051 | CytoSelect™ 48-well Cell Adhesion Assay (Fibronectin, Fluorometric) | 48 assays | 6460 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-052 | CytoSelect™ 48-well Cell Adhesion Assay (Collagen I, Colorimetric) | 48 assays | 5950 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-053 | CytoSelect™ 48-well Cell Adhesion Assay (Collagen I, Fluorometric) | 48 assays | 6460 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-060 | CytoSelect™ 48-well Cell Adhesion Assay (Collagen IV, Colorimetric) | 48 assays | 5950 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-061 | CytoSelect™ 48-well Cell Adhesion Assay (Collagen IV, Fluorometric) | 48 assays | 6460 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-070 | CytoSelect™ 48-well Cell Adhesion Assay (ECM Array, Colorimetric) | 48 assays | 8330 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-070-5 | CytoSelect™ 48-well Cell Adhesion Assay (ECM Array, Colorimetric) | 5 x 48 assays | 36550 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-071 | CytoSelect™ 48-well Cell Adhesion Assay (ECM Array, Fluorometric) | 48 assays | 8925 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-071-5 | CytoSelect™ 48-well Cell Adhesion Assay (ECM Array, Fluorometric) | 5 x 48 assays | 39015 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-080 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Anoikis Assay (Colorimetric/Fluorometric) | 24 assays | 8245 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-081 | CytoSelect™ 96-well Anoikis Assay (Colorimetric/Fluorometric) | 96 assays | 8585 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-100 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Colorimetric | 12 assays | 7735 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-100-5 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Colorimetric | 5 x 12 assays | 35105 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-100-C | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Migration and Invasion Assay (8 µm), Colorimetric, Combo Kit | 2 x 12 assays | 14705 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-100-C-5 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Migration and Invasion Assay (8 µm), Colorimetric, Combo Kit | 10 x 12 assays | 63325 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-100-COL | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Haptotaxis Assay (8 µm), COL-coated, Colorimetric | 12 assays | 8245 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-100-FN | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Haptotaxis Assay (8 µm), FN-coated, Colorimetric | 12 assays | 8245 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-100-T | CytoSelect™ 24-Well Cell Migration Assay (8 µm, Colorimetric Format), Trial Size | 4 assays | 3825 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-101 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Fluorometric | 12 assays | 7735 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-101-5 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Fluorometric | 5 x 12 assays | 35105 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-101-C | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Migration and Invasion Assay (8 µm), Fluorometric, Combo Kit | 2 x 12 assays | 14705 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-101-COL | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Haptotaxis Assay (8 µm), COL-coated, Fluorometric | 12 assays | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-101-FN | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Haptotaxis Assay (8 µm), FN-coated, Fluorometric | 12 assays | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-101-T | CytoSelect™ 24-Well Cell Migration Assay (8 µm, Fluorometric Format), Trial Size | 4 assays | 3910 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-102 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Migration Assay (5 μm), Fluorometric | 12 assays | 7735 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-102-5 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Migration Assay (5 μm), Fluorometric | 5 x 12 assays | 35105 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-102-T | CytoSelect™ 24-Well Cell Migration Assay (5 µm, Fluorometric Format), Trial Size | 4 assays | 3910 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-103 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Migration Assay (3 μm), Fluorometric | 12 assays | 7735 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-103-5 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Migration Assay (3 μm), Fluorometric | 5 x 12 assays | 35105 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-103-T | CytoSelect™ 24-Well Cell Migration Assay (3 µm, Fluorometric Format), Trial Size | 4 assays | 3910 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-104 | CytoSelect™ 96-well Cell Migration Assay (3 μm), Fluorometric | 96 assays | 9350 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-104-5 | CytoSelect™ 96-well Cell Migration Assay (3 μm), Fluorometric | 5 x 96 assays | 40715 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-105 | CytoSelect™ 96-well Cell Migration Assay (5 μm), Fluorometric | 96 assays | 9350 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-105-5 | CytoSelect™ 96-well Cell Migration Assay (5 μm), Fluorometric | 5 x 96 assays | 40715 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-106 | CytoSelect™ 96-well Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Fluorometric | 96 assays | 9350 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-106-5 | CytoSelect™ 96-well Cell Migration Assay (8 μm), Fluorometric | 5 x 96 assays | 40715 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-106-C | CytoSelect™ 96-well Cell Migration and Invasion Assay (8 µm), Fluorometric, Combo Kit | 2 x 96 assays | 17340 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-107 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Migration Assay (12 μm), Colorimetric | 12 assays | 7735 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-108 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Migration Assay (12 μm), Fluorometric | 12 assays | 7905 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-110 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Invasion Assay (Basement Membrane), Colorimetric | 12 assays | 8585 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-110-COL | CytoSelect™ 24-well Collagen Cell Invasion, Colorimetric | 12 assays | 8585 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-110-T | CytoSelect™ 24-Well Cell Invasion Assay (Basement Membrane, Colorimetric Format), Trial Size | 4 assays | 4250 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-111 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Cell Invasion (Basement Membrane), Fluorometric | 12 assays | 8585 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-111-COL | CytoSelect™ 24-well Collagen Cell Invasion Assay, Fluorometric | 12 assays | 8585 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-111-T | CytoSelect™ 24-Well Cell Invasion Assay (Basement Membrane, Fluorometric Format), Trial Size | 4 assays | 4250 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-112 | CytoSelect™ 96-well Cell Invasion Assay (Basement Membrane), Fluorometric | 96 assays | 11305 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-112-COL | CytoSelect™ 96-well Collagen Cell Invasion Assay, Fluorometric | 96 assays | 11305 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-120 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Wound Healing Assay | 24 assays | 9605 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-120-5 | CytoSelect™ 24-well Wound Healing Assay | 5 x 24 assays | 39950 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-120-T | CytoSelect™ 24-Well Wound Healing Assay, Trial Size | 6 assays | 4760 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-125 | Radius™ 24-Well Cell Migration Assay | 24 assays | 6885 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-125-5 | Radius™ 24-Well Cell Migration Assay | 5 x 24 assays | 29495 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-125-COL | Radius™ 24-Well Cell Migration Assay, (Collagen I Coated) | 24 assays | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-125-ECM | Radius™ 24-Well Cell Migration Assay, (ECM Array Coated) | 24 wells | 10115 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-125-FN | Radius™ 24-Well Cell Migration Assay, (Fibronectin Coated) | 24 assays | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-126 | Radius™ 96-Well Cell Migration Assay | 96 assays | 7990 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-126-5 | Radius™ 96-Well Cell Migration Assay | 5 x 96 assays | 33915 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-130 | CytoSelect™ 96-well Cell Transformation Assay | 96 assays | 10455 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-130-5 | CytoSelect™ 96-well Cell Transformation Assay | 5 x 96 assays | 44115 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-130-T | CytoSelect™ 96-Well Cell Transformation Assay (Soft Agar Colony Formation), Trial Size | 24 assays | 5185 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-135 | CytoSelect™ Cell Transformation Assay (Cell Recovery Compatible), Colorimetric | 96 assays | 11730 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-135-5 | CytoSelect™ Cell Transformation Assay (Cell Recovery Compatible), Colorimetric | 5 x 96 assays | 50575 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-140 | CytoSelect™ Cell Transformation Assay (Cell Recovery Compatible), Fluorometric | 96 assays | 12325 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-140-5 | CytoSelect™ Cell Transformation Assay (Cell Recovery Compatible), Fluorometric | 5 x 96 assays | 52615 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-150 | CytoSelect™ 96-well In Vitro Tumor Sensitivity Assay (Soft Agar Colony Formation) | 96 assays | 10965 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-150-5 | CytoSelect™ 96-well In Vitro Tumor Sensitivity Assay (Soft Agar Colony Formation) | 5 x 96 assays | 48025 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-155 | CytoSelect™ Clonogenic Tumor Cell Isolation Kit (5 preps) | 5 preps | 11475 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-155-5 | CytoSelect™ Clonogenic Tumor Cell Isolation Kit (5 x 5 preps) | 25 preps | 49215 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-160 | CytoSelect™ 24-Well Cell Co-Culture System | 24 assays | 5865 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-160-5 | CytoSelect™ 24-Well Cell Co-Culture System | 5 x 24 assays | 25415 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-200 | Endothelial Tube Formation Assay (In Vitro Angiogenesis Assay) | 50 assays | 7820 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-201 | Collagen-based Cell Contraction Assay | 24 assays | 6885 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-210 | CytoSelect™ 96-well Leukocyte-endothelium Adhesion Kit | 100 assays | 8245 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-212 | CytoSelect™ Leukocyte Transmigration Assay | 24 assays | 10795 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-216 | CytoSelect™ Tumor Transendothelial Migration Assay | 24 assays | 10795 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-220 | CytoSelect™ 96-well Phagocytosis Assay (Red Blood Cell) | 96 assays | 8925 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-222 | CytoSelect™ 96-Well Phagocytosis Assay (E. coli, Colorimetric Format) | 96 assays | 9860 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-224 | CytoSelect™ 96-well Phagocytosis Assay (Zymosan) | 96 assays | 10285 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-224-5 | CytoSelect™ 96-well Phagocytosis Assay (Zymosan) | 5 x 96 assays | 44115 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-230 | Cellular Senescence Detection Kit (SA-β-Gal Staining) | 50 assays | 7140 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-230-5 | Cellular Senescence Detection Kit (SA-β-Gal Staining) | 5 x 50 assays | 31025 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-231 | 96-well Cellular Senescence Assay (SA β-Gal Activity) | 120 assays | 9180 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-231-5 | 96-well Cellular Senescence Assay (SA β-Gal Activity) | 5 x 120 assays | 40715 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-231-T | 96-Well Cellular Senescence Assay Kit (SA-β-gal Activity, Fluorometric Format), Trial Size | 24 assays | 4590 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-232 | Quantitative Cellular Senescence Assay | 10 assays | 5695 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-232-5 | Quantitative Cellular Senescence Assay | 5 x 10 assays | 24395 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-240 | CytoSelect™ Cell Viability and Cytotoxicity Assay | 96 assays | 5015 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-241 | CytoSelect™ LDH Cytotoxicity Assay Kit | 960 assays | 5270 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-251 | CytoSelect™ BrdU Cell Proliferation ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 7395 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-252 | CytoSelect™ MTT Cell Proliferation Assay | 960 assays | 5355 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-253 | CytoSelect™ Cell Proliferation Assay Reagent (Colorimetric) | 10 mL | 5355 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-254 | CytoSelect™ Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA) ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 7820 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-280 | HIF-1 Alpha Sandwich ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 7990 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-300 | StemTAG™ Alkaline Phosphatase Staining Kit (Red) | 100 assays | 6375 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-301 | StemTAG™ Alkaline Phosphatase Activity Assay Kit, Colorimetric | 100 assays | 5440 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-302 | StemTAG™ Alkaline Phosphatase Staining and Activity Assay Kit, Colorimetric | 2 x 100 assays | 9265 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-306 | StemTAG™ Alkaline Phosphatase Staining Kit (Purple) | 100 assays | 6375 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-310 | MEF Feeder Cells | 1 vial | 5015 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-312 | MEF Feeder Cells (Puromycin-resistant) | 1 vial | 6035 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-316 | SNL Feeder Cells | 1 vial | 10540 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-320 | CytoSelect™ 96-Well Hematopoietic Colony Forming Cell Assay (96 assays) | 96 assays | 7310 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-320-5 | CytoSelect™ 96-Well Hematopoietic Colony Forming Cell Assay (5 x 96 assays) | 5 x 96 assays | 31110 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-325 | StemTAG™ Stem Cell Colony Formation Assay (Cell Recovery Compatible) | 96 assays | 12155 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-325-5 | StemTAG™ Stem Cell Colony Formation Assay (Cell Recovery Compatible) | 5 x 96 assays | 49980 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-401 | pCMV-GFP-LC3 Expression Vector | 100 µL | 14450 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-5020 | CytoSelect™ 24-Well Cell Contraction Assay Kit (Floating Matrix Model) | 24 assays | 8075 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-5021 | CytoSelect™ 48-Well Cell Contraction Assay Kit | 48 assays | 9350 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-5037 | Radius™ 48-Well Cell Migration Assay | 48 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-5037-5 | Radius™ 48-Well Cell Migration Assay | 5 x 48 assays | 30940 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-5116 | Autophagy ELISA Kit (LC3-II Quantitation) | 96 assays | 8585 | cellbiolabs |
CBA-5117 | Cellular Autophagy ELISA Kit (LC3-II Quantitation) | 48 assays | 7395 | cellbiolabs |
LTV-100 | 293LTV Cell Line | 1 vial | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
LTV-200 | ViraDuctin™ Lentivirus Transduction Kit (40 Transductions) | 40 transductions | 4420 | cellbiolabs |
LTV-201 | ViraDuctin™ Lentivirus Transduction Kit (200 Transductions) | 200 transductions | 10540 | cellbiolabs |
LTV-300 | GFP Lentivirus Control | 1 vial | 7565 | cellbiolabs |
LTV-400 | pLenti-GFP Lentiviral Control Vector | 100 µL | 8330 | cellbiolabs |
LTV-401 | pSMPUW-GFP-Puro Lentiviral Control Vector | 10 µg | 8330 | cellbiolabs |
LTV-403 | pLenti-RFP-Puro Lentiviral Control Vector | 100 µL | 8330 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5001 | Lactose Assay Kit | 100 assays | 5950 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5005 | Total Bile Acid Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5007 | Cholic Acid ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 9860 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5008 | Chenodeoxycholic Acid ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 9860 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5010 | Bilirubin Assay Kit | 200 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5011 | Lipid Droplet Isolation Kit | 50 preps | 5610 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5012 | Lactate Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 6375 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5013 | Lactate Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 6375 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5014 | NAD+/NADH Assay Kit | 100 assays | 8160 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5016 | Soluble Collagen Assay Kit | 96 assays | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5018 | NADP+/NADPH Assay Kit | 100 assays | 8160 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5019 | Total Phosphatidic Acid Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 7055 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5022 | Glycogen Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5023 | Glycogen Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5025 | Starch Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5026 | Starch Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5027 | Homocitrulline/Citrulline Assay Kit | 100 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5028 | DAG (Diacylglycerol) Assay Kit | 100 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5029 | Pyruvate Assay Kit | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5030 | NAD+/NADH Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 8160 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5031 | NADP+/NADPH Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 8160 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5042 | Choline Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 96 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5043 | Choline Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 96 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5053 | Total Thiol Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 192 assays | 5525 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5054 | L-Amino Acid Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 5525 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5055 | L-Amino Acid Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 5525 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5056 | Branched Chain Amino Acid Assay Kit | 192 assays | 6375 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5068 | Folic Acid ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 7820 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5068-5 | Folic Acid ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 33405 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5070 | Glycine Assay Kit | 100 assays | 6375 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5071 | Taurine Assay Kit | 200 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5073 | Tyrosine Assay Kit | 100 assays | 6375 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5080 | Glutamate Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 200 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5081 | Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PDH) Activity Assay Kit | 100 assays | 5185 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5082 | Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (Ketone Body) Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5083 | Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (Ketone Body) Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5085 | Phospholipid Assay Kit | 96 assays | 6460 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5086 | Ammonia Assay Kit | 100 assays | 6460 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5089 | Irisin ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 7990 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5090 | Adenosine Assay Kit | 100 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5092 | Inosine Assay Kit | 100 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5093 | Alanine Assay Kit | 200 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5095 | Beta Hexosaminidase Activity Assay Kit | 100 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5097 | N6-Methyladenosine (m6A) ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 7820 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5099 | 1-Methyladenosine (m1A) ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 7820 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5099-5 | 1-Methyladenosine (m1A) ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 33405 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5119 | Malate Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 200 assays | 6460 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5120 | Malate Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 6460 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5121 | Calcium Assay Kit | 250 assays | 5355 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5122 | Indole Assay Kit | 100 assays | 6375 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5123 | Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5124 | Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) Activity Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5125 | Pyruvate Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5127 | Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5129 | Lysine Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 8585 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5130 | Lysine Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 8585 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5131 | α-Ketoglutarate Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5132 | α-Ketoglutarate Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5133 | Formate Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 7820 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5135 | Gentamicin Competitive ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 7820 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5136 | D-Amino Acid Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 5525 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5137 | D-Amino Acid Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 5525 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5138 | Zinc Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5139 | Chloramphenicol Competitive ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 9350 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5144 | Kanamycin Competitive ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 9350 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5147 | Guanine Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 7055 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5148 | Guanine Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 7055 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5149 | Guanosine Assay Kit | 100 assays | 7055 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5150 | Xanthine/Hypoxanthine Assay Kit | 100 assays | 7055 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5151 | S-Adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10285 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5151-C | S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM) and S-Adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) ELISA Combo Kit | 96 assays | 12920 | cellbiolabs |
MET-5152 | S-Adenosylmethionine (SAM) ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10285 | cellbiolabs |
PRB-5039 | Human Haptoglobin ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 7820 | cellbiolabs |
PRB-5041 | Human Ceruloplasmin ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 7820 | cellbiolabs |
PRB-5079 | Cas9 (CRISPR Associated Protein 9) ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 7820 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-001-HYGRO | pBABE-Hygro Retroviral Vector | 10 μg | 7565 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-001-NEO | pWZL-Neo Retroviral Vector | 10 μg | 7565 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-001-PURO | pBABE-Puro Retroviral Vector | 10 μg | 7565 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-002 | pBABE-GFP Retroviral Vector | 10 μg | 9775 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-010 | pMXs Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-011 | pMXs-Neo Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-012 | pMXs-Puro Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-013 | pMXs-IRES-GFP Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-014 | pMXs-IRES-Puro Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-015 | pMXs-IRES-Neo Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-016 | pMXs-IRES-Bsd Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-017 | pMXs-miRNA-GFP/Puro Retroviral Expression Vector | 10 μg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-020 | pMYs Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-021 | pMYs-IRES-GFP Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-022 | pMYs-IRES-Puro Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-023 | pMYs-IRES-Neo Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-024 | pMYs-Puro Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-030 | pMZs Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-040 | pMCs-IRES-GFP Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-041 | pMCs-Puro Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-050 | pMX-GFP Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 9775 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-051 | pMCs-GFP Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 9775 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-052 | pMYs-GFP Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 9775 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-053 | pMXs-GFP/Puro Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 9775 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-060 | pMXs-EF1-Puro Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-061 | pMXs-EF1-GFP Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-062 | pMXs-EF1-Bsd Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-063 | pMXs-EF1α Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-064 | pMXs-CAG Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-065 | pMXs-CMV Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-066 | pMXs-SRα Retroviral Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
RTV-5106 | pMXs-Cas9-Puro Retroviral Vector | 100 µL | 9775 | cellbiolabs |
RV-100 | 293RTV Cell Line | 1 vial | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
RV-101 | Platinum-E Retroviral Packaging Cell Line, Ecotropic | 1 vial | 12750 | cellbiolabs |
RV-102 | Platinum-A Retroviral Packaging Cell Line, Amphotropic | 1 vial | 12750 | cellbiolabs |
RV-103 | Platinum-GP Retroviral Packaging Cell Line, Pantropic | 1 vial | 12750 | cellbiolabs |
RV-110 | pCMV-VSV-G Retroviral Vector | 10 μg | 9775 | cellbiolabs |
RV-111 | pCMV-Gag-Pol Retroviral Vector | 10 μg | 9775 | cellbiolabs |
RV-112 | pCMV-Eco Envelope Vector | 100 µL | 9775 | cellbiolabs |
RV-113 | pCMV-Ampho Envelope Vector | 100 µL | 9775 | cellbiolabs |
RV-114 | pCMV-10A1 Envelope Vector | 100 µL | 9775 | cellbiolabs |
RV-200 | ViraDuctin™ Retrovirus Transduction Kit (40 Transductions) | 40 transductions | 4760 | cellbiolabs |
RV-201 | ViraDuctin™ Retrovirus Transduction Kit (200 Transductions) | 200 transductions | 11135 | cellbiolabs |
STA-003 | Goat Anti-Nitrotyrosine Polyclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
STA-004 | Rabbit Anti-Nitrotyrosine Polyclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
STA-011 | Mouse Anti-Methylglyoxal Monoclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
STA-013 | Goat Anti-N-epsilon-CML Polyclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
STA-014 | Rabbit Anti-N-epsilon-CML Polyclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
STA-031 | Goat Anti-Malondialdehyde (MDA) Polyclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
STA-032 | Rabbit Anti-Malondialdehyde (MDA) Polyclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
STA-034 | Goat Anti-4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE) Polyclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 9010 | cellbiolabs |
STA-035 | Rabbit Anti-4-Hydroxynonenal (HNE) Polyclonal Antibody | 100 µg | 9010 | cellbiolabs |
STA-077 | Goat Anti-Carbamyl-Lysine (CBL) Polyclonal Antibody | 50 µg | 5270 | cellbiolabs |
STA-078 | Rabbit Anti-Carbamyl-Lysine (CBL) Polyclonal Antibody | 50 µg | 5270 | cellbiolabs |
STA-201 | Recombinant EGFP | 100 μg | 5015 | cellbiolabs |
STA-201-5 | Recombinant EGFP | 5 x 100 µg | 19805 | cellbiolabs |
STA-212 | Malondialdehyde (MDA) Modified Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) | 100 µg | 6035 | cellbiolabs |
STA-214 | Copper (Cu++) Oxidized Human Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) | 100 µg | 6035 | cellbiolabs |
STA-241 | Human Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) | 100 µg | 6035 | cellbiolabs |
STA-301 | OxiSelect™ BPDE Protein Adduct ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 11305 | cellbiolabs |
STA-302 | CEL-BSA Control | 100 µg | 4080 | cellbiolabs |
STA-305 | OxiSelect™ Nitrotyrosine ELISA Kit (1 plate) | 96 assays | 11645 | cellbiolabs |
STA-305-5 | OxiSelect™ Nitrotyrosine ELISA Kit (5 plates) | 5 x 96 assays | 50150 | cellbiolabs |
STA-305-T | OxiSelect™ Nitrotyrosine ELISA Kit, Trial Size | 32 assays | 5695 | cellbiolabs |
STA-307 | OxiSelect™ Protein Carbonyl Fluorometric Assay | 100 assays | 9520 | cellbiolabs |
STA-308 | OxiSelect™ Protein Carbonyl Immunoblot Kit | 10 blots | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
STA-309 | Oxidized Protein Immunoblot Control (Carbonyl-BSA) | 10 μg | 2805 | cellbiolabs |
STA-310 | OxiSelect™ Protein Carbonyl ELISA Kit (1 plate) | 96 assays | 11645 | cellbiolabs |
STA-310-5 | OxiSelect™ Protein Carbonyl ELISA Kit (5 plates) | 5 x 96 assays | 50150 | cellbiolabs |
STA-310-T | OxiSelect Protein Carbonyl ELISA Kit, Trial Size | 32 assays | 5695 | cellbiolabs |
STA-312 | OxiSelect™ Total Glutathione (GSSG/GSH) Assay Kit | 100 assays | 7395 | cellbiolabs |
STA-318 | OxiSelect™ AOPP Assay Kit (200 assays) | 200 assays | 9265 | cellbiolabs |
STA-320 | OxiSelect™ Oxidative DNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHdG Quantitation) (1 plate) | 96 assays | 14195 | cellbiolabs |
STA-320-5 | OxiSelect™ Oxidative DNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHdG Quantitation) (5 plates) | 5 x 96 assays | 61115 | cellbiolabs |
STA-320-T | OxiSelect™ Oxidative DNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHdG Quantitation), Trial Size | 32 assays | 7055 | cellbiolabs |
STA-321 | OxiSelect™ DNA Double-Strand Break (DSB) Staining Kit | 100 assays | 9520 | cellbiolabs |
STA-321-T | OxiSelect™ DNA Double Strand Break (DSB) Staining Kit, Trial Size | 20 assays | 4675 | cellbiolabs |
STA-322 | OxiSelect™ UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD Quantitation) | 96 assays | 9520 | cellbiolabs |
STA-322-5 | OxiSelect™ UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD Quantitation) | 5 x 96 assays | 41395 | cellbiolabs |
STA-322-C | OxiSelect™ UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Combo Kit (CPD / 6-4PP Quantitation) | 96 assays | 12325 | cellbiolabs |
STA-323 | OxiSelect™ UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (6-4PP Quantitation) | 96 assays | 9520 | cellbiolabs |
STA-323-5 | OxiSelect™ UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (6-4PP Quantitation) | 5 x 96 assays | 41395 | cellbiolabs |
STA-324 | OxiSelect™ Oxidative DNA Damage Quantitation Kit (AP sites) | 50 assays | 11475 | cellbiolabs |
STA-325 | OxiSelect™ Oxidative RNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHG Quantitation) (96 tests) | 96 assays | 14195 | cellbiolabs |
STA-325-5 | OxiSelect™ Oxidative RNA Damage ELISA Kit (8-OHG Quantitation) (5x96 tests) | 5 x 96 assays | 61115 | cellbiolabs |
STA-326 | OxiSelect™ Cellular UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD) | 96 assays | 9520 | cellbiolabs |
STA-326-5 | OxiSelect™ Cellular UV-Induced DNA Damage ELISA Kit (CPD) | 5 x 96 assays | 41395 | cellbiolabs |
STA-327 | OxiSelect™ Cellular UV-Induced DNA Damage Staining Kit (CPD) | 96 assays | 9520 | cellbiolabs |
STA-330 | OxiSelect™ TBARS Assay Kit (MDA Quantitation) | 200 assays | 9520 | cellbiolabs |
STA-330-5 | OxiSelect™ TBARS Assay Kit (MDA Quantitation) | 5 x 200 assays | 41395 | cellbiolabs |
STA-330-T | OxiSelect™ TBARS Assay Kit (MDA Quantitation), Trial Size | 20 assays | 4505 | cellbiolabs |
STA-333 | MDA-BSA Control | 100 µg | 4080 | cellbiolabs |
STA-335 | HNE-BSA Control | 100 µg | 4080 | cellbiolabs |
STA-337 | OxiSelect™ 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2a ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 8585 | cellbiolabs |
STA-337-5 | OxiSelect™ 8-iso-Prostaglandin F2a ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 37315 | cellbiolabs |
STA-339 | OxiSelect™ Catalase Activity Assay Kit, Fluorometric | 500 assays | 10965 | cellbiolabs |
STA-340 | OxiSelect™ Superoxide Dismutase Activity Assay Kit | 100 assays | 9265 | cellbiolabs |
STA-340-T | OxiSelect™ Superoxide Dismutase Activity Assay, Trial Size | 20 assays | 4590 | cellbiolabs |
STA-341 | OxiSelect™ Catalase Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 96 assays | 9860 | cellbiolabs |
STA-342 | OxiSelect™ Intracellular ROS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence) | 96 assays | 9180 | cellbiolabs |
STA-342-5 | OxiSelect™ Intracellular ROS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence) | 5 x 96 assays | 39015 | cellbiolabs |
STA-342-T | OxiSelect™ Intracellular ROS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence), Trial Size | 20 assays | 4590 | cellbiolabs |
STA-344 | OxiSelect™ Hydrogen Peroxide / Peroxidase Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 500 assays | 8075 | cellbiolabs |
STA-345 | OxiSelect™ ORAC Activity Assay Kit | 192 assays | 8245 | cellbiolabs |
STA-345-5 | OxiSelect™ ORAC Activity Assay Kit | 5 x 192 assays | 34850 | cellbiolabs |
STA-345-T | OxiSelect™ Oxygen Radical Antioxidant Capacity (ORAC) Activity Assay, Trial Size | 48 assays | 4165 | cellbiolabs |
STA-346 | OxiSelect™ HORAC Activity Assay Kit | 192 assays | 8245 | cellbiolabs |
STA-346-5 | OxiSelect™ HORAC Activity Assay Kit | 5 x 192 assays | 34850 | cellbiolabs |
STA-346-T | OxiSelect™ Hydroxyl Radical Antioxidant Capacity (HORAC) Activity Assay, Trial Size | 48 assays | 4165 | cellbiolabs |
STA-347 | OxiSelect™ In Vitro ROS/RNS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence) | 96 assays | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
STA-347-5 | OxiSelect™ In Vitro ROS/RNS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence) | 5 x 96 assays | 37315 | cellbiolabs |
STA-347-T | OxiSelect™ In Vitro ROS/RNS Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence), Trial Size | 20 assays | 4420 | cellbiolabs |
STA-349 | OxiSelect™ Cellular Antioxidant Assay Kit (Green Fluorescence) | 192 assays | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
STA-350 | OxiSelect™ Comet Assay Kit (3-Well Slides) | 15 assays | 4335 | cellbiolabs |
STA-351 | OxiSelect™ Comet Assay Kit (3-Well Slides) | 75 assays | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
STA-351-5 | OxiSelect™ Comet Assay Kit (3-Well Slides) | 5 x 75 assays | 35615 | cellbiolabs |
STA-352 | OxiSelect™ Comet Assay Slides (3-Well) | 5 slides | 2550 | cellbiolabs |
STA-353 | OxiSelect™ Comet Assay Slides (3-Well) | 25 slides | 4845 | cellbiolabs |
STA-353-5 | OxiSelect™ Comet Assay Slides (3-Well) | 5 x 25 slides | 18615 | cellbiolabs |
STA-355 | OxiSelect™ 96-Well Comet Assay Kit | 96 assays | 5695 | cellbiolabs |
STA-355-5 | OxiSelect™ 96-Well Comet Assay Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 23970 | cellbiolabs |
STA-356 | OxiSelect™ 96-Well Comet Assay Slide | 1 slide | 2040 | cellbiolabs |
STA-356-5 | OxiSelect™ 96-Well Comet Assay Slide | 5 slides | 7140 | cellbiolabs |
STA-357 | OxiSelect™ BPDE DNA Adduct ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 11050 | cellbiolabs |
STA-359 | Human Apo(a) ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10540 | cellbiolabs |
STA-360 | OxiSelect™ Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) Assay Kit | 200 assays | 7395 | cellbiolabs |
STA-361 | Human ApoAI and ApoB Duplex ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 15215 | cellbiolabs |
STA-362 | Human ApoAI ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10540 | cellbiolabs |
STA-366 | Human ApoCIII ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10540 | cellbiolabs |
STA-367 | Human ApoE ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10540 | cellbiolabs |
STA-368 | Human ApoB ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10540 | cellbiolabs |
STA-369 | OxiSelect™ Human Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (MDA-LDL Quantitation) | 96 assays | 11390 | cellbiolabs |
STA-375 | Uric Acid/Uricase Assay Kit | 400 assays | 9265 | cellbiolabs |
STA-378 | Urinary Creatinine Assay Kit | 192 assays | 5950 | cellbiolabs |
STA-380 | Global DNA Methylation ELISA Kit (5’-methyl-2’-deoxycytidine Quantitation) | 96 assays | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
STA-380-5 | Global DNA Methylation ELISA Kit (5’-methyl-2’-deoxycytidine Quantitation) | 5 x 96 assays | 37655 | cellbiolabs |
STA-382 | Urea Assay Kit | 200 assays | 9265 | cellbiolabs |
STA-383 | Human Albumin ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
STA-384 | Total Cholesterol Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 192 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
STA-388 | OxiSelect™ Human Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (CML-LDL Quantitation) | 96 assays | 11390 | cellbiolabs |
STA-389 | OxiSelect™ Human Oxidized LDL ELISA Kit (HNE-LDL Quantitation) | 96 assays | 11390 | cellbiolabs |
STA-390 | Total Cholesterol Assay Kit | 192 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
STA-391 | HDL and LDL/VLDL Cholesterol Assay Kit | 192 assays | 9520 | cellbiolabs |
STA-394 | HDL-Cholesterol Assay Kit | 96 assays | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
STA-396 | Serum Triglyceride Quantification Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
STA-397 | Serum Triglyceride Quantification Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
STA-398 | Free Glycerol Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
STA-399 | Free Glycerol Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
STA-400 | Pan-Ras Activation Assay | 20 assays | 10880 | cellbiolabs |
STA-400-H | H-Ras Activation Assay | 20 assays | 10880 | cellbiolabs |
STA-400-K | K-Ras Activation Assay | 20 assays | 10880 | cellbiolabs |
STA-400-N | N-Ras Activation Assay | 20 assays | 10880 | cellbiolabs |
STA-401-1 | Rac1 Activation Assay | 20 assays | 10880 | cellbiolabs |
STA-401-2 | Rac2 Activation Assay | 20 assays | 10880 | cellbiolabs |
STA-402 | Cdc42 Activation Assay | 20 assays | 10880 | cellbiolabs |
STA-403-A | RhoA Activation Assay | 20 assays | 10880 | cellbiolabs |
STA-404 | Rac1/Cdc42 Activation Assay Combo Kit | 2 x 20 assays | 15980 | cellbiolabs |
STA-405 | RhoA/Rac1/CDC42 Activation Assay Combo Kit | 3 x 10 assays | 15980 | cellbiolabs |
STA-406-1 | Rap1 Activation Assay Kit | 20 assays | 10880 | cellbiolabs |
STA-407-1 | Arf1 Activation Assay | 20 assays | 10880 | cellbiolabs |
STA-410 | Raf-1 RBD Agarose Beads | 400 μg | 7990 | cellbiolabs |
STA-411 | PAK1 PBD Agarose Beads | 400 μg | 7990 | cellbiolabs |
STA-412 | Rhotekin RBD Agarose Beads | 400 μg | 7990 | cellbiolabs |
STA-415 | ROCK Activity Immunoblot Kit | 20 assays | 8585 | cellbiolabs |
STA-416 | 96-Well ROCK Activity Assay Kit | 96 assays | 12070 | cellbiolabs |
STA-416-5 | 96-Well ROCK Activity Assay Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 51850 | cellbiolabs |
STA-418 | RalGDS RBD Agarose Beads | 400 µg | 7990 | cellbiolabs |
STA-419 | GGA3 PBD Agarose Beads | 400 µg | 7990 | cellbiolabs |
STA-432 | Rac1 G15A Agarose Beads (Active Rac-GEF) | 800 μg | 9945 | cellbiolabs |
STA-433 | Cdc42 G15A Agarose Beads (Active Cdc42-GEF) | 800 μg | 9945 | cellbiolabs |
STA-440 | 96-Well Ras Activation ELISA Kit (Colorimetric) | 96 assays | 13005 | cellbiolabs |
STA-441 | 96-Well Ras Activation ELISA Kit (Chemiluminescent) | 96 assays | 13005 | cellbiolabs |
STA-500 | cAMP ELISA Kit (Colorimetric) | 96 assays | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
STA-500-5 | cAMP ELISA Kit (Colorimetric) | 5 x 96 assays | 33150 | cellbiolabs |
STA-501 | cAMP ELISA Kit (Chemiluminescent) | 96 assays | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
STA-501-5 | cAMP ELISA Kit (Chemiluminescent) | 5 x 96 assays | 33150 | cellbiolabs |
STA-505 | cGMP ELISA Kit (Colorimetric) | 96 assays | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
STA-505-5 | cGMP ELISA Kit (Colorimetric) | 5 x 96 assays | 33150 | cellbiolabs |
STA-506 | cGMP ELISA Kit (Chemiluminescent) | 96 assays | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
STA-506-5 | cGMP ELISA Kit (Chemiluminescent) | 5 x 96 assays | 33150 | cellbiolabs |
STA-600 | Phosphatidylcholine Assay Kit | 96 assays | 7395 | cellbiolabs |
STA-601 | Sphingomyelin Assay Kit | 96 assays | 7395 | cellbiolabs |
STA-602 | Acetylcholine Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 96 assays | 7395 | cellbiolabs |
STA-603 | Acetylcholine Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 96 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
STA-606 | LDL/VLDL Purification Kit (Ultracentrifugation Free) | 10 preps | 6035 | cellbiolabs |
STA-607 | HDL Purification Kit (Ultracentrifugation Free) | 10 preps | 6035 | cellbiolabs |
STA-608 | LDL/VLDL and HDL Purification Kit (Ultracentrifugation Free) | 10 preps | 8160 | cellbiolabs |
STA-610 | Lipoprotein Lipase (LPL) Activity Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
STA-612 | Lipid Extraction Kit (Chloroform-Free) | 50 preps | 7055 | cellbiolabs |
STA-612-T | Lipid Extraction Kit (Chloroform-Free), Trial Size | 10 preps | 3315 | cellbiolabs |
STA-613 | Lipid Quantitation Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 7565 | cellbiolabs |
STA-614 | Human Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein (CETP) ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 9690 | cellbiolabs |
STA-617 | Lipid Quantification Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 7565 | cellbiolabs |
STA-618 | Free Fatty Acid Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
STA-619 | Free Fatty Acid Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
STA-620 | Alcohol Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 7395 | cellbiolabs |
STA-621 | Alcohol Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 7395 | cellbiolabs |
STA-631 | Total Bile Acid Assay Kit | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
STA-674 | Glutamate Assay Kit | 200 assays | 7310 | cellbiolabs |
STA-675 | Hydroxyproline Assay Kit | 96 assays | 7310 | cellbiolabs |
STA-680 | Glucose Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 500 assays | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
STA-681 | Glucose Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 500 assays | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
STA-682 | Total Carbohydrate Assay Kit | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
STA-800 | OxiSelect™ Intracellular Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 96 assays | 6885 | cellbiolabs |
STA-800-5 | OxiSelect™ Intracellular Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 5 x 96 assays | 29495 | cellbiolabs |
STA-801 | OxiSelect™ In Vitro Nitric Oxide (Nitrite / Nitrate) Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 100 assays | 6715 | cellbiolabs |
STA-801-5 | OxiSelect™ In Vitro Nitric Oxide (Nitrite / Nitrate) Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 5 x 100 assays | 27880 | cellbiolabs |
STA-802 | OxiSelect™ In Vitro Nitric Oxide (Nitrite / Nitrate) Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 100 assays | 5950 | cellbiolabs |
STA-802-5 | OxiSelect™ In Vitro Nitric Oxide (Nitrite / Nitrate) Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 5 x 100 assays | 26350 | cellbiolabs |
STA-803 | OxiSelect™ Myeloperoxidase Chlorination Activity Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 200 assays | 7905 | cellbiolabs |
STA-804 | OxiSelect™ Myeloperoxidase Chlorination Activity Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 192 assays | 8075 | cellbiolabs |
STA-810 | OxiSelect™ Protein Radical ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
STA-811 | OxiSelect™ Methylglyoxal (MG) Competitive ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 11645 | cellbiolabs |
STA-811-5 | OxiSelect™ Methylglyoxal (MG) Competitive ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 50150 | cellbiolabs |
STA-812 | OxiSelect™ Glutathione Reductase Assay Kit | 100 assays | 5695 | cellbiolabs |
STA-813 | OxiSelect™ Nε-(carboxyethyl) lysine (CEL) Competitive ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 11645 | cellbiolabs |
STA-814 | OxiSelect™ s-Glutathione Adduct Competitive ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 8925 | cellbiolabs |
STA-816 | OxiSelect™ Nε-(carboxymethyl) lysine (CML) Competitive ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 11645 | cellbiolabs |
STA-816-5 | OxiSelect™ Nε-(carboxymethyl) lysine (CML) Competitive ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 50150 | cellbiolabs |
STA-817 | OxiSelect™ Advanced Glycation End Product (AGE) Competitive ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10880 | cellbiolabs |
STA-817-5 | OxiSelect™ Advanced Glycation End Product (AGE) Competitive ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 46920 | cellbiolabs |
STA-817-T | OxiSelect™ Advanced Glycation End Product (AGE) Competitive ELISA Kit, Trial Size | 32 assays | 5355 | cellbiolabs |
STA-832 | OxiSelect™ MDA Adduct Competitive ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 11645 | cellbiolabs |
STA-832-5 | OxiSelect™ MDA Adduct Competitive ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 50150 | cellbiolabs |
STA-832-T | OxiSelect™ MDA Adduct Competitive ELISA Kit, Trial Size | 32 assays | 5695 | cellbiolabs |
STA-838 | OxiSelect™ HNE Adduct Competitive ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 11645 | cellbiolabs |
STA-838-5 | OxiSelect™ HNE Adduct Competitive ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 50150 | cellbiolabs |
STA-838-T | OxiSelect™ HNE Adduct Competitive ELISA Kit, Trial Size | 32 assays | 5695 | cellbiolabs |
STA-844 | OxiSelect™ Hydrogen Peroxide/Peroxidase Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 500 assays | 7565 | cellbiolabs |
STA-859 | OxiSelect™ Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) Assay Kit | 200 assays | 7225 | cellbiolabs |
STA-860 | OxiSelect™ Ascorbic Acid Assay Kit (FRASC) | 200 assays | 7990 | cellbiolabs |
STA-869 | OxiSelect™ Human Oxidized HDL ELISA Kit (MDA-HDL Quantitation) | 96 assays | 11390 | cellbiolabs |
STA-877 | OxiSelect™ Protein Carbamylation Sandwich ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 11390 | cellbiolabs |
STA-888 | OxiSelect™ Human Oxidized HDL ELISA Kit (CML-HDL Quantitation) | 96 assays | 11390 | cellbiolabs |
STA-889 | OxiSelect™ Human Oxidized HDL ELISA Kit (HNE-HDL Quantitation) | 96 assays | 11390 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-099 | ViraBind™ Adenovirus Miniprep Kit | 10 preps | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-106 | QuickTiter™ Adenovirus Quantitation Kit | 20 assays | 10115 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-107 | QuickTiter™ Lentivirus Titer Kit (Lentivirus-Associated p24 ELISA) | 96 assays | 10965 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-107-5 | QuickTiter™ Lentivirus Titer Kit (Lentivirus-Associated p24 ELISA) | 5 x 96 assays | 46750 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-107-T | QuickTiter™ Lentivirus Titer Kit (Lentivirus-Associated HIV p24), Trial Size | 32 assays | 5440 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-108-H | QuickTiter™ HIV Lentivirus Quantitation Kit (p24 ELISA) | 96 assays | 9860 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-108-H-5 | QuickTiter™ HIV Lentivirus Quantitation Kit (p24 ELISA) | 5 x 96 assays | 42755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-109 | QuickTiter™ Adenovirus Titer Immunoassay Kit | 100 assays | 10285 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-109-T | QuickTiter™ Adenovirus Titer Immunoassay Kit, Trial Size | 20 assays | 5015 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-110 | QuickTiter™ Adenovirus Titer ELISA Kit | 2 x 96 assays | 10285 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-111 | Rapid RCA Assay Kit | 30 assays | 7650 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-111-5 | Rapid RCA Assay Kit | 5 x 30 assays | 33150 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-112 | QuickTiter™ Lentivirus Quantitation Kit | 20 assays | 10115 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-120 | QuickTiter™ Retrovirus Quantitation Kit | 20 assays | 10115 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-140 | ViraBind™ AAV Purification Kit | 10 preps | 10285 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-141 | ViraBind™ AAV Purification Mega Kit | 2 preps | 8160 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-141-5 | ViraBind™ AAV Purification Mega Kit | 10 preps | 35615 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-145 | QuickTiter™ AAV Quantitation Kit | 20 assays | 10115 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-145-T | QuickTiter™ AAV Quantitation Kit, Trial Size | 4 assays | 5015 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-150 | QuickTiter™ HBV Core Antigen ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 13515 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-150-5 | QuickTiter™ HBV Core Antigen ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 58650 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-151 | QuickTiter™ HCV Core Antigen ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 13515 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-156 | QuickTiter™ MuLV Core Antigen ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 13515 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-205 | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Packaging System, Ecotropic | 1 kit | 12325 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-206 | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Packaging System, Pantropic | 1 kit | 12325 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-211 | pSMPUW Universal Lentiviral Expression Vector (Promoterless) | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-211-ECO | ViraSafe™ Universal Lentiviral Expression System, Ecotropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-211-PAN | ViraSafe™ Universal Lentiviral Expression System, Pantropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-212 | pSMPUW-Puro Lentiviral Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-212-ECO | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Expression System (Puro), Ecotropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-212-PAN | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Expression System (Puro), Pantropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-213 | pSMPUW-Neo Lentiviral Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-213-ECO | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Expression System (Neo) Ecotropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-213-PAN | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Expression System (Neo), Pantropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-214 | pSMPUW-Hygro Lentiviral Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-214-ECO | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Expression System (Hygro), Ecotropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-214-PAN | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Expression System (Hygro), Pantropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-215 | pSMPUW-IRES-Puro Lentiviral Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-215-ECO | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Bicistronic Expression System (Puro), Ecotropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-215-PAN | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Bicistronic Expression System (Puro), Pantropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-216 | pSMPUW-IRES-Neo Lentiviral Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-216-ECO | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Bicistronic Expression System (Neo), Ecotropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-216-PAN | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Bicistronic Expression System (Neo), Pantropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-217 | pSMPUW-IRES-Hygro Lentiviral Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-217-ECO | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Bicistronic Expression System (Hygro), Ecotropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-217-PAN | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Bicistronic Expression System (Hygro), Pantropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-219 | pSMPUW-IRES-Blasticidin Lentiviral Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-219-ECO | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Bicistronic Expression System (Blasticidin), Ecotropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-219-PAN | ViraSafe™ Lentiviral Bicistronic Expression System (Blasticidin), Pantropic | 1 kit | 16320 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-250 | RAPAd® Universal Adenoviral Expression System | 1 kit | 14450 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-251 | RAPAd® RSV Adenoviral Expression System | 1 kit | 14450 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-252 | RAPAd® CMV Adenoviral Expression System | 1 kit | 14450 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-253 | RAPAd® miRNA Adenoviral Expression System | 1 kit | 14450 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-254 | RAPAd® CMV Adenoviral Bicistronic Expression System (GFP) | 1 kit | 14450 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-300 | Platinum Retroviral Expression System, Ecotropic | 1 kit | 16405 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-301 | Platinum Retroviral Expression System, Amphotropic | 1 kit | 16405 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-302 | Platinum Retroviral Expression System, Pantropic | 1 kit | 16405 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-303 | Platinum ES/EC Retroviral Expression System, Ecotropic | 1 kit | 16405 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-304 | Platinum ES/EC Retroviral Expression System, Amphotropic | 1 kit | 16405 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-305 | Platinum ES/EC Retroviral Expression System, Pantropic | 1 kit | 16405 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-306 | Platinum HSC Retroviral Expression System, Ecotropic | 1 kit | 16405 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-307 | Platinum HSC Retroviral Expression System, Amphotropic | 1 kit | 16405 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-308 | Platinum HSC Retroviral Expression System, Pantropic | 1 kit | 16405 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-400-DJ | AAV-DJ Helper Free Packaging System | 1 kit | 13515 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-400-DJ-8 | AAV-DJ/8 Helper Free Packaging System | 1 kit | 13515 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-401 | AAV-1 Helper Free Packaging System | 1 kit | 13515 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-402 | AAV-2 Helper Free Packaging System | 1 kit | 13515 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-403 | AAV-3 Helper Free Packaging System | 1 kit | 13515 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-404 | AAV-4 Helper Free Packaging System | 1 kit | 13515 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-405 | AAV-5 Helper Free Packaging System | 1 kit | 13515 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-406 | AAV-6 Helper Free Packaging System | 1 kit | 13515 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-410 | pAAV-MCS Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-410-DJ | AAV-DJ Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-410-DJ-8 | AAV-DJ/8 Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-410-SER1 | AAV-1 Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-410-SER2 | AAV-2 Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-410-SER3 | AAV-3 Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-410-SER4 | AAV-4 Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-410-SER5 | AAV-5 Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-410-SER6 | AAV-6 Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-411 | pAAV-MCS Promoterless Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-411-DJ | AAV-DJ Helper Free Promoterless Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-411-DJ-8 | AAV-DJ/8 Helper Free Promoterless Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-411-SER1 | AAV-1 Helper Free Promoterless Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-411-SER2 | AAV-2 Helper Free Promoterless Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-411-SER3 | AAV-3 Helper Free Promoterless Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-411-SER4 | AAV-4 Helper Free Promoterless Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-411-SER5 | AAV-5 Helper Free Promoterless Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-411-SER6 | AAV-6 Helper Free Promoterless Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-415 | pAAV-IRES-Puro Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-415-DJ | AAV-DJ Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Puro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-415-DJ-8 | AAV-DJ/8 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Puro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-415-SER1 | AAV-1 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Puro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-415-SER2 | AAV-2 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Puro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-415-SER3 | AAV-3 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Puro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-415-SER4 | AAV-4 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Puro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-415-SER5 | AAV-5 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Puro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-415-SER6 | AAV-6 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Puro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-416 | pAAV-IRES-Neo Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-416-DJ | AAV-DJ Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Neo) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-416-DJ-8 | AAV-DJ/8 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Neo) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-416-SER1 | AAV-1 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Neo) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-416-SER2 | AAV-2 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Neo) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-416-SER3 | AAV-3 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Neo) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-416-SER4 | AAV-4 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Neo) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-416-SER5 | AAV-5 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Neo) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-416-SER6 | AAV-6 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Neo) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-417 | pAAV-IRES-Hygro Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-417-DJ | AAV-DJ Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Hygro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-417-DJ-8 | AAV-DJ/8 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Hygro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-417-SER1 | AAV-1 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Hygro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-417-SER2 | AAV-2 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Hygro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-417-SER3 | AAV-3 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Hygro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-417-SER4 | AAV-4 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Hygro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-417-SER5 | AAV-5 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Hygro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-417-SER6 | AAV-6 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Hygro) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-418 | pAAV-IRES-GFP Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-418-DJ | AAV-DJ Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (GFP) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-418-DJ-8 | AAV-DJ/8 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (GFP) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-418-SER1 | AAV-1 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (GFP) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-418-SER2 | AAV-2 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (GFP) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-418-SER3 | AAV-3 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (GFP) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-418-SER4 | AAV-4 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (GFP) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-418-SER5 | AAV-5 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (GFP) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-418-SER6 | AAV-6 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (GFP) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-419 | pAAV-IRES-Bsd Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-419-DJ | AAV-DJ Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Blasticidin) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-419-DJ-8 | AAV-DJ/8 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Blasticidin) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-419-SER1 | AAV-1 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Blasticidin) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-419-SER2 | AAV-2 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Blasticidin) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-419-SER3 | AAV-3 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Blasticidin) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-419-SER4 | AAV-4 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Blasticidin) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-419-SER5 | AAV-5 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Blasticidin) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-419-SER6 | AAV-6 Helper Free Bicistronic Expression System (Blasticidin) | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-420-DJ | pAAV-DJ Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-420-DJ-8 | pAAV-DJ/8 Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-421 | pAAV-RC1 Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-422 | pAAV-RC2 Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-423 | pAAV-RC3 Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-424 | pAAV-RC4 Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-425 | pAAV-RC5 Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-426 | pAAV-RC6 Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-430 | pscAAV-MCS Expression Vector | 10 µg | 8755 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-430-DJ | scAAV-DJ Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-430-DJ-8 | scAAV-DJ/8 Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-430-SER1 | scAAV-1 Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-430-SER2 | scAAV-2 Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-430-SER3 | scAAV-3 Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-430-SER4 | scAAV-4 Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-430-SER5 | scAAV-5 Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-430-SER6 | scAAV-6 Helper Free Expression System | 1 kit | 17425 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-5003 | QuickTiter™ Hepatitis B "e" Antigen (HBeAg) ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 13515 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-5003-5 | QuickTiter™ Hepatitis B "e" Antigen (HBeAg) ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 58650 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-5004 | QuickTiter™ Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 13515 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-5004-5 | QuickTiter™ Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 58650 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-5112 | PureVirus™ Adenovirus Purification Kit | 10 preps | 10115 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-5118 | AAV Rep ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 8415 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-5145 | SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10625 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-5145-5 | SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 45560 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-5146 | QuickTiter™ AAV Titer ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 11050 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-5146-5 | QuickTiter™ AAV Titer ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 47005 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-5154 | West Nile Virus Envelope Protein ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10625 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-5155 | SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein S1 ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 10625 | cellbiolabs |
VPK-5155-5 | SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein S1 ELISA Kit | 5 x 96 assays | 45560 | cellbiolabs |
XAN-5040 | OxiSelect™ Trolox Equivalent Antioxidant Capacity (TEAC) Assay Kit (ABTS) | 200 assays | 6885 | cellbiolabs |
XAN-5077 | OxiSelect™ Flavonoid Assay Kit | 200 assays | 6885 | cellbiolabs |
XAN-5084 | OxiSelect™ Free Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Assay Kit | 100 assays | 5610 | cellbiolabs |
XAN-5126 | Chitosan Assay Kit | 96 assays | 7395 | cellbiolabs |
XDN-5114 | Poly (ADP-Ribose) ELISA Kit | 96 assays | 7820 | cellbiolabs |
XPX-5000 | OxiSelect™ Monoamine Oxidase Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 96 assays | 6205 | cellbiolabs |
XPX-5000-5 | OxiSelect™ Monoamine Oxidase Assay Kit (Fluorometric) | 5 x 96 assays | 27115 | cellbiolabs |
XPX-5006 | OxiSelect™ Monoamine Oxidase Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 96 assays | 6205 | cellbiolabs |
XPX-5006-5 | OxiSelect™ Monoamine Oxidase Assay Kit (Colorimetric) | 5 x 96 assays | 27115 | cellbiolabs |
XPX-5107 | OxiSelect™ Polyamine Oxidase Assay Kit | 100 assays | 5950 | cellbiolabs |