可从各种样本中萃取DNA,例如Whole Blood,Cell,Tissue,Fixed tissue and Gram(-)Bacteria,并为每种样本提供了优化的萃取方案
轻松地从细胞,组织和植物等中提取高产量和高纯度的Total RNA。可直接应用于cDNA synthesis,RT-PCR,real-time RT-PCR,Northern blotting等等
使用深青色蓝色溶液轻松分离Aqueous phase/ Phenol phase
使用高纯度Water-saturated phenol进行高效率高纯度的Total RNA萃取
DNA / RNA皆适用
三段激发波长309 / 419 / 514 nm;侦测波段为537 nm
通过Erythrocyte Micronucleus以及Chromosomal aberration test的安全测试
高度Sensitivity及Specificity的One-Step RT-PCR试剂
高品质预分装管,只需添加RNA模版与ddH2O,即可进行One-step RT反应,使用上省时便利,具有出色的灵敏度和专一性
RT Primers同时含有Random hexamers及Oligo(dT)primers,有效率合成cDNA
42-50°C的短暂RT反应30分钟(建议使用45°C),适合各种或高难度的GC-rich RNA模版
从细胞或组织中,高效、快速、简单的萃取Total Protein
经济:已预先混入5种Protease Inhibitors,不需额外购买
产量:5 X 106细胞,平均产量为2 mg;10 mg组织,平均产量为8-9 mg
货号 | 品名 | 规格 | 价格 | 品牌 |
17045 | G-spin™ Total DNA Extraction Mini Kit | 50Col | 2455 | intronbio |
17046 | G-spin™ Total DNA Extraction Mini Kit | 200Col | 8000 | intronbio |
17121 | G-spin™ Genomic DNA Extraction Mini Kit (Bacteria) | 50Col | 2818 | intronbio |
17231 | G-DEX™ IIc Genomic DNA Extraction Kit (Cell/Tissue) | 300Tests | 4364 | intronbio |
17361 | i-genomic BYF DNA Extraction Mini Kit | 50Col | 3636 | intronbio |
17371 | i-genomic Plant DNA Extraction Mini Kit (Plant) | 50Col | 3818 | intronbio |
17384 | i-genomic Clinic DNA Extraction Mini Kit | 50Col | 5455 | intronbio |
17096 | DNA-spin™ Plasmid DNA Purification Kit | 50Col | 1000 | intronbio |
17098 | DNA-spin™ Plasmid DNA Purification Kit | 200Col | 3000 | intronbio |
17013 | Fast DNA-spin™ Plasmid DNA Purification Kit | 200Col | 3273 | intronbio |
17254 | DNA-midi™ GT Plasmid DNA Extraction Kit (Gravity) | 25Tests | 5182 | intronbio |
17253 | DNA-maxi™ SV Plasmid DNA Purification Kit | 12Col | 4000 | intronbio |
17290 | MEGAquick-spin™ plus Total Fragment DNA Purification Kit | 200Col | 4000 | intronbio |
17061 | easy-BLUE™ Total RNA Extraction Kit | 100ml | 3364 | intronbio |
17221 | easy-spin™ Total RNA Extraction Kit | 50Col | 4818 | intronbio |
17491 | IQeasy™ Plus Plant RNA Extraction Mini Kit | 50Col | 5455 | intronbio |
17211 | RNA-spin™ Total RNA Extraction Kit | 50Col | 4182 | intronbio |
17151 | Viral Gene-spin™ Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit | 50Col | 3636 | intronbio |
17154 | Patho Gene-spin™ Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit | 50Col | 4000 | intronbio |
17154.2 | Patho Gene-spin™ Viral DNA/RNA Extraction Kit | 200col | 13600 | intronbio |
21131 | RNase WiPER | 200ml*2ea | 1636 | intronbio |
17081 | PRO-PREP™ Protein Extraction Solution (Cell/Tissue) | 100ml | 2364 | intronbio |
17081.1 | PRO-PREP™ Protein Extraction Solution (Cell/Tissue) (EDTA free) | 100ml | 2364 | intronbio |
21011 | PRO-MEASURE™ Protein Measurement Solution | 100ml | 2455 | intronbio |
21071 | SMART™ BCA Protein Assay Kit | 2,500Test | 2455 | intronbio |
24052 | GangNam Stain™ Prestained Protein Ladder (3 Colors) | 250ul | 1600 | intronbio |
16028 | Miracle-Star™ Western Blot Detection System | 200ml | 2455 | intronbio |
21112 | NomelRT™ Western Blot Stripping Buffer | 500ml | 2364 | intronbio |
25021 | i-Taq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer, dNTPs. | 250Units | 1273 | intronbio |
25022 | i-Taq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer, dNTPs. | 500Units | 2182 | intronbio |
25161 | i-StarTaq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer, dNTPs. | 250Units | 1818 | intronbio |
25162 | i-StarTaq™ DNA Polymerase with Buffer, dNTPs. | 500Units | 3455 | intronbio |
25181 | i-pfu DNA Polymerase with Buffer, dNTPs. | 250Units | 3182 | intronbio |
25261 | i-MAX™ II DNA Polymerase with Buffer, dNTPs. | 250Units | 2364 | intronbio |
25173 | i-StarMAX™ II DNA Polymerase with Buffer, dNTPs. | 250Units | 3000 | intronbio |
25025 | Maxime™ PCR PreMix Kit (i-Taq), 20 ul | 96Tubes(20ul) | 1455 | intronbio |
25026 | Maxime™ PCR PreMix Kit (i-Taq), 20 ul | 96Tubesx5ea | 5818 | intronbio |
25165 | Maxime™ PCR PreMix Kit (i-StarTaq), 20 ul | 96Tubes(20ul) | 1818 | intronbio |
25167 | Maxime™ PCR PreMix Kit (i-StarTaq), 20 ul | 96Tubesx5ea | 7818 | intronbio |
25185 | Maxime™ PCR PreMix Kit (i-pfu), 20 ul | 96Tubes | 2636 | intronbio |
25265 | Maxime™ PCR PreMix Kit (i-MAX II), 20 ul | 96Tubes | 2727 | intronbio |
25281 | Maxime™ PCR PreMix Kit (i-StarMAX II), 20 ul | 96Tubes | 3000 | intronbio |
25027 | 2X PCR Master mix Solution (i-Taq), 0.5 ml x 2vials | 1ml | 909 | intronbio |
25166 | 2X PCR Master mix Solution (i-StarTaq), 0.5 ml x 2vials | 1ml | 1182 | intronbio |
25186 | 2X PCR Master mix Solution (i-pfu), 0.5 ml x 2vials | 1ml | 1455 | intronbio |
25266 | 2X PCR Master mix Solution (i-MAX II), 0.5 ml x 2vials | 1ml | 1455 | intronbio |
25174 | 2X PCR Master mix Solution (i-StarMAX II), 0.5 ml x 2vials | 1ml | 1636 | intronbio |
25081 | Maxime™ RT PreMix Kit (Oligo dT Primer), 20 ul | 96Tubes | 2455 | intronbio |
25082 | Maxime™ RT PreMix Kit (Random Primer), 20 ul | 96Tubes | 2455 | intronbio |
25131 | Maxime™ RT-PCR PreMix Kit, 20 ul | 96Tubes | 4182 | intronbio |
25101 | ONE-STEP RT-PCR PreMix Kit | 50rxn. | 3000 | intronbio |
25087 | HiSenScript™ RH(-) RT PreMix kit | 96tubes | 3000 | intronbio |
25135 | HiSenScript™ RH(-) RT-PCR PreMix Kit | 96tubes | 4818 | intronbio |
25011 | Power cDNA Synthesis Kit | 30rxn. | 4000 | intronbio |
25350 | RealMOD™ Green W² 2x qPCR mix | 100rxn. | 1636 | intronbio |
25352.100 | RealMOD™ Probe W² 2x qRT-PCR mix | 100rxn. | 3000 | intronbio |
25352.500 | RealMOD™ Probe W² 2x qRT-PCR mix | 500rxn. | 10900 | intronbio |
25352.1000 | RealMOD™ Probe W² 2x qRT-PCR mix | 1000rxn. | 18180 | intronbio |
25358.100 | RealMOD™ Probe M² 2X qRT-PCR mix | 100rxn. | 3000 | intronbio |
25358.500 | RealMOD™ Probe M² 2X qRT-PCR mix | 500rxn. | 10900 | intronbio |
25358.1000 | RealMOD™ Probe M² 2X qRT-PCR mix | 1000rxn. | 18180 | intronbio |
15081 | iN-fect™ In vitro transfection reagents | 500ul | 3636 | intronbio |
21023 | NO (Nitric Oxide) Plus Detection kit | ≤1000assay | 4000 | intronbio |
25235 | e-Myco™ Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit (ver.2.0) | 48Tubes | 5455 | intronbio |
25237 | e-Myco™ plus Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit | 48Tubes | 6364 | intronbio |
25239 | e-Myco™ VALiD Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit | 48Tubes | 6364 | intronbio |
25245 | e-Myco™ VALiD-Q Mycoplasma qPCR Detection Kit | 50Tests | 18180 | intronbio |
IP24421 | e-Myco™ VALiD-Q2 Mycoplasma qPCR Detection Kit | 48Tubes | 18182 | intronbio |
21083 | MycoClean™ Mycoplasma Prevention Spray | 200ml | 1091 | intronbio |
11063 | pLUG-Prime® TA-cloning Vector Kit II | 20rxn. | 3636 | intronbio |
17141 | LPS Extraction Kit | 100rxn. | 4000 | intronbio |
21141 | RedSafeTM Nucleic Acid Staining Solution | 1ml | 1273 | intronbio |
32034 | Agarose LE | 500g | 10000 | intronbio |
32292 | dNTP Mixture | 2.5mM/each(2ml) | 2455 | intronbio |
24073 | SiZerTM-100 DNA Marker Solution | 0.5ml | 1455 | intronbio |
24074 | SiZerTM-1000 DNA Marker Solution | 0.5ml | 1273 | intronbio |
24075 | SiZerTM-1000 plus DNA Marker Solution | 0.5ml | 1636 | intronbio |
172R-1000 | G-DEX llb RBC Lysis Buffer | 1L | 2364 | intronbio |
172C-1000 | G-DEX ll Cell Lysis Buffer | 1L | 6636 | intronbio |
172P-0350 | G-DEX ll Protein PPT Buffer | 350ml | 6000 | intronbio |
172D-0500 | G-DEX ll DNA Rehydration Buffer | 500ml | 4000 | intronbio |
17097L-500 | DNA-spin Lysis buffer | 500ml | 3000 | intronbio |
17097C | DNA-spin(Column only) | 500ea | 8000 | intronbio |
17290C | MEGAquick-spin plus (Column only) | 500ea | 8000 | intronbio |
17000GC | G-spin series Column + Collection tube | 500ea | 9000 | intronbio |
C17000IC | i-genomic series Column + Collection tube (CAPS) | 500ea | 18182 | intronbio |
C17000RC | RNA series Column + Collection tube (CAPS) | 500ea | 22000 | intronbio |
IP12181 | LiliF™ FMDV type-O/A/Asia1 RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IPC11031 | LiliF™ FMDV Real-time RT-PCR Kit | 50tests | 9091 | intronbio |
IP12180 | LiliF™ FMDV type-U RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP11002 | LiliF™ ALV PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP11003 | LiliF™ AAV PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP11072 | LiliF™ CAV PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP11283 | LiliF™ ILTV PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IPC12011 | LiliF™ CB type C & C/D PCR Kit | 96tests | 9091 | intronbio |
IP21001 | LiliF™ APEC PCR Kit | 48tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IP21421 | LiliF™ MG_MS PCR Kit | 48tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IP12283 | LiliF™ IBDV RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP12284 | LiliF™ IBV RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP12456 | LiliF™ NDV RT-PCR Kit | 24tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IPC12020 | LiliF™ AIV HA (1-16) Multi-tube RT-PCR Kit | 6tests | 10000 | intronbio |
IPC11009 | LiliF™ AIV Multi-tube RT-PCR Kit | 12tests | 7273 | intronbio |
IPC11002 | LiliF™ AIV RT-PCR Kit | 96tests | 9091 | intronbio |
IP13421 | LiliF™ MDV Nested PCR Kit | 24tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP15004 | LiliF™ AIV M Real-time RT-PCR Kit (Item permission & CFS ver.) | 48tests | 10000 | intronbio |
IP15005 | LiliF™ AIV 5 Real-time RT-PCR Kit (Item permission & CFS ver.) | 48tests | 10000 | intronbio |
IP15006 | LiliF™ AIV 7 Real-time RT-PCR Kit (Item permission & CFS ver.) | 48tests | 10000 | intronbio |
IP15281 | LiliF™ IBV Real-time RT-PCR Kit | 50tests | 10000 | intronbio |
IP15282 | LiliF™ IBDV Real-time RT-PCR Kit | 50tests | 10000 | intronbio |
IP15456 | LiliF™ NDV Real-time RT-PCR Kit | 50tests | 10000 | intronbio |
IP31456 | LiliF™ Neospora PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP21036 | LiliF™ Anthrax PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP11281 | LiliF™ IBR PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP12040 | LiliF™ BVDV RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP12039 | LiliF™ BRV RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP12038 | LiliF™ BERV/BTV RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IP12037 | LiliF™ BD-Multi RT-PCR Kit | 50tests | 10909 | intronbio |
IP12036 | LiliF™ BCoV RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP15036 | LiliF™ BVDV Real-time RT-PCR Kit | 50tests | 9091 | intronbio |
IP13071 | LiliF™ CDV Nested-PCR Kit | 24tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IP12072 | LiliF™ CPIV RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP12071 | LiliF™ CCoV RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP11074 | LiliF™ CPV PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP11073 | LiliF™ CHV PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP41001 | LiliF™ ASP PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP31246 | LiliF™ HW PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP21631 | LiliF™ SAL PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP21425 | LiliF™ Myco-spp PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP21422 | LiliF™ HBN-C PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP21386 | LiliF™ LEPTO PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP21143 | LiliF™ EHR PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP21073 | LiliF™ CLOS PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP21041 | LiliF™ BRU spp PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP21037 | LiliF™ BAB-C PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP12179 | LiliF™ FIP RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP12178 | LiliF™ FLeV RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP12177 | LiliF™ FCV RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP12176 | LiliF™ FCoV RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP11177 | LiliF™ FIV PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP11176 | LiliF™ FHV PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP21666 | LiliF™ TOXO PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP21423 | LiliF™ HBN-F PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP21072 | LiliF™ CHLA PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP24736 | LiliF™ VTEC Real-time PCR Kit | 50tests | 7273 | intronbio |
IP24632 | LiliF™ Salmonella Real-time PCR Kit | 50tests | 7273 | intronbio |
IP24386 | LiliF™ Listeria Real-time PCR Kit | 50tests | 7273 | intronbio |
IP21737 | LiliF™ VTEC PCR Kit | 48tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IPC12012 | LiliF™ KSBV RT-PCR Kit | 50tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IPC12002 | LiliF™ CSBV RT-PCR Kit | 50tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IPC12001 | LiliF™ SBV RT-PCR Kit | 50tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IPC11089 | LiliF™ SB PCR Kit | 50tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IPC11088 | LiliF™ CB PCR Kit | 50tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IPC11087 | LiliF™ AFB PCR Kit | 50tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IPC11084 | LiliF™ EFB PCR Kit | 50tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IPC12024 | LiliF™ ABPV/KBV/IAPV/CBPV Real-time RT-PCR Kit | 50tests | 11818 | intronbio |
IPC12023 | LiliF™ SBV/KSBV/DWV/BQCV Real-time RT-PCR Kit | 50tests | 11818 | intronbio |
IPH21501 | LiliF™ EV Real-time RT-PCR Kit (Item permission & CFS ver.) | 50tests | 9091 | intronbio |
IPH62404 | LiliF™ VRE vanC1/vanC2 Real-time PCR Kit (Item permission & CFS ver.) | 96tests | 18182 | intronbio |
IPH62403 | LiliF™ VRE vanA/vanB Real-time PCR Kit (Item permission & CFS ver.) | 96tests | 18182 | intronbio |
IP14841 | LiliF™ YFV/DENV Real-time RT-PCR Kit | 50tests | 10909 | intronbio |
IPC11040 | LiliF™ TSUTSU Nested PCR Kit | 48tests | 6364 | intronbio |
IPC11036 | LiliF™ Q-fever Real-time PCR Kit | 50tests | 9091 | intronbio |
IP21429 | LiliF™ Malaria PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP15316 | LiliF™ JEV/WNV Real-time RT-PCR Kit | 50tests | 10909 | intronbio |
IP13317 | LiliF™ JEV 2nd PCR Kit | 48tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IP13316 | LiliF™ JEV 1st RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IP13246 | LiliF™ HANTA-Multi RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 9091 | intronbio |
IP13142 | LiliF™ EV VP1 2nd PCR Kit | 48tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IP13141 | LiliF™ EV VP1 1st RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IP12597 | LiliF™ Rota RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IPH31501 | LiliF™ DENV Real-time RT-PCR Kit | 50tests | 9091 | intronbio |
IPH31203 | LiliF™ DENV RT-PCR Identification Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP12666 | LiliF™ TGEV/PEDV RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 5455 | intronbio |
IP12632 | LiliF™ SIV-NP RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP12526 | LiliF™ PRRSV RT-PCR Kit | 48tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IP11527 | LiliF™ PCV2 PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP21526 | LiliF™ PAS PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IP21424 | LiliF™ Myco-P PCR Kit | 48tests | 4000 | intronbio |
IPC11017 | LiliF™ RHD RT-PCR Kit | 96tests | 4545 | intronbio |
IR0441246 | CHW Ag | 10Test/kit | 840 | intronbio |
IR0441526 | CPV Ag | 10Test/kit | 800 | intronbio |
IR0431526 | CPV Ab | 10Test/kit | 1200 | intronbio |
IR0441106 | CDV Ag | 10Test/kit | 720 | intronbio |
IR0441071 | CCV Ag | 10Test/kit | 880 | intronbio |
IR0441283 | CIV Ag | 10Test/kit | 1040 | intronbio |
IR0441001 | CAV Ag | 10Test/kit | 1080 | intronbio |
IR0431141 | Ehrlichia canis Ab | 10Test/kit | 1280 | intronbio |
IR0441597 | Rabies Ag | 10Test/kit | 1520 | intronbio |
IR0541526 | FPV Ag | 10Test/kit | 1280 | intronbio |
IR0541387 | FeLV Ag | 10Test/kit | 1160 | intronbio |
IR0531282 | FIV Ab | 10Test/kit | 1000 | intronbio |
IR0541071 | FCoV Ag | 10Test/kit | 1280 | intronbio |
IR0541248 | FHV Ag | 10Test/kit | 1080 | intronbio |
IR0541073 | FCV Ag | 10Test/kit | 1080 | intronbio |
IR0131036 | B.abortus Ab | 10Test/kit | 1080 | intronbio |
IR0431036 | B.canis Ab | 10Test/kit | 1080 | intronbio |
IR5041211 | Giardia Ag | 10Test/kit | 1120 | intronbio |
IR0131176 | FMDV Ab | 10Test/kit | 1120 | intronbio |
IR0241072 | CSFV Ag | 10Test/kit | 1000 | intronbio |
IR0231072 | CSFV Ab | 10Test/kit | 1080 | intronbio |
IR0231527 | PRRSV Ab | 10Test/kit | 1000 | intronbio |
IR0341281 | IBDV Ag | 10Test/kit | 920 | intronbio |
IR0341456 | NDV Ag | 10Test/kit | 920 | intronbio |
IR0341285 | AIV H5 Ag | 10Test/kit | 1000 | intronbio |
IR0341286 | AIV H9 Ag | 10Test/kit | 1000 | intronbio |
IR0341283 | AIV common | 10Test/kit | 1000 | intronbio |
IR1011386 | Sheep Leptospira Ab | 10Test/kit | 1000 | intronbio |
IRH41631 | S.Pneumonia | 10Test/kit | 1200 | intronbio |
IRH41071 | COVID19 Ag | 25Test/kit | 2500 | intronbio |
IRH41596 | Rota | 20Test/kit | 1000 | intronbio |
IBS-BA001 | 7.5M Ammonium Acetate | 250ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BA006 | 6X Agarose gel loading buffer Type I | 10ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BA006-1 | 6X Agarose gel loading buffer | 1ml x 10 | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BA006-2 | 10X Agarose gel loading buffer | 10ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BA007 | 6X Agarose gel loading buffer Type II | 10ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BA008 | 6X Agarose gel loading buffer Type III | 10ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BA009 | 6X Agarose gel loading buffer Type IV | 10ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BA010 | Alkaline Lysis Solution I | 500ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BA011 | Alkaline Lysis Solution II | 500ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BA012 | Alkaline Lysis Solution III | 500ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BA013 | 10% Ammonium persulfate solution | 10ml | 300 | intronbio |
IBS-BA013a | Ammonium persulfate 10% | 10ml | 300 | intronbio |
IBS-BA014 | 10x Anode buffer | 500ml | 1,900 | intronbio |
IBS-BA014a | 10X Anode buffer | 1L | 3,610 | intronbio |
IBS-BA015 | Alkaline transfer buffer | 500ml | 500 | intronbio |
IBS-BA016 | Agarose Triple dye | 10ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BA017 | 1x Anode buffer | 5L | 3,120 | intronbio |
IBS-BA018 | Acetate Buffer pH 5.5 | 500ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BA019 | 0.2M Ammonium Bicarbonate Buffer Solution, pH 8.2. | 1000ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BA020 | 1M Arginine HCL-pH 3.2 | 1000ml | 3,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BA021 | ampicillin (100mg/ml) | 20ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BA022 | Akaline solution for comet assay | 1000ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BA023 | 4M Ammonium acetate Solution | 250ml | 400 | intronbio |
IBS-BA024 | 2mM Ammonium bicarbonate, pH 8.0 | 100ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BA025 | 20mM Ammonium phosphate, pH 9.0 | 100ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BA026 | 20mM Ammonium nitrate, pH 9.0 | 100ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BA028 | Acetic acid, 70% | 1L | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BA029 | 10mM ATP | 1ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BA032 | 2M Ammonium Chloride Solution | 500ml | 900 | intronbio |
IBS-BA034 | 6X DNA Loading Dye (for Southern Blotting) | 1ml x 10 | 900 | intronbio |
IBS-BA035 | 0.1M Acetic acid/acetate, pH x.x | 500ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BA036 | 2M Ammonium acetate, pH x.x | 1L | 2,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BA037 | 2.5M Acetate Solution, pH 5.2 | 200ml | 3,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BA043 | Acrylamide-bis solution 30%, 32:1 | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BA045 | 5M Ammonium Acetate | 500ml | 760 | intronbio |
IBS-BA046 | 1% Ammonium Hydroxide | 1L | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BA047 | 50mM Acetate Buffer, pH 5.0 | 500ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BA048 | Alsever Solution | 500ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BB003 | 5X Binding Buffer | 100ml | 900 | intronbio |
IBS-BB004 | Bis-acrylamide 2% SOLUTION | 100ml | 400 | intronbio |
IBS-BB005 | Blocking buffer | 500ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BB006 | BSA (100mg/ml) | 5ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BB006a | BSA 30% | 5ml | 4,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BB010 | Bicarbonate buffer solution | 500ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BB011 | 0.1M Borate Buffer, pH 8.5 | 500ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BB012 | 1X Borate Saline Buffer II | 1L | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BB013 | Basal Buffer I | 200ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BB014 | Basal Buffer II | 200ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BB015 | BSA(2mg/ml) | 5ml | 720 | intronbio |
IBS-BB031 | Binding Buffer (stock) | 500ml | 4,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BB032 | 1X Blocking solution (IF bf containing) | 500ml | 3,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BC001 | Calcium Chloride E.coli Transformation Buffer | 250ml | 700 | intronbio |
IBS-BC002 | 1M Calcium Chloride Solution | 500ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BC002a | 1M Calcium Chloride Solution | 1L | 1,140 | intronbio |
IBS-BC003 | CHURCH Buffer | 1L | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BC004 | 0.1M Citric Acid | 500ml | 400 | intronbio |
IBS-BC004-1 | 10mM Citrate buffer | 500ml | 400 | intronbio |
IBS-BC005 | Coomassie Blue G-250 Staining solution | 1L | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BC005-1 | Coomassie Blue G-250 Staining solution | 5L | 4,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BC006 | Coomassie Blue R-250 Staining solution | 1L | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BC006-1 | Coomassie Blue R-250 Staining solution | 5L | 4,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BC006A | Coomassie Blue R-250 Staining solution (0.25%) | 1L | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BC006b | Coomassie Blue R-250 Staining solution | 500ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BC007 | CTAB Extraction Buffer | 250ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BC007-1 | CTAB Extraction Buffer (10% CTAB in 0.7M NaCl) | 250ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BC008 | 10X Cathode buffer | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BC008a | 10X Cathode buffer | 1L | 3,420 | intronbio |
IBS-BC009 | ChIP dilution buffer | 100ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BC009-11.0 | 1M Citric acid-Na2HPO4, pH 11.0 | 250ml | 1,500 | intronbio |
IBS-BC009-3.0 | 1M Citric acid-Na2HPO4, pH 3.0 | 250ml | 1,500 | intronbio |
IBS-BC009-4.0 | 1M Citric acid-Na2HPO4, pH 4.0 | 250ml | 1,500 | intronbio |
IBS-BC011 | 1X Cathode buffer | 5L | 3,120 | intronbio |
IBS-BC012 | Coating Buffer | 1L | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BC013 | 10X carbonate Coating Buffer | 100ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BC014 | 3X Citrate Buffered Saline, pH 5.5 | 1L | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BC015 | CHAP Equalibration Buffer | 1L | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BC016 | Carbenicillin, (100mg/ml) | 5ml | 5,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BC017 | Chloramphenicol, 100 mg/mL in ethanol: IPA (95:5) | 10ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BC018 | 1M Citric acid | 1L | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BC019 | 10X Cell suspension buffer | 1L | 4,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BC020 | 2X Cell lysis buffer | 500ml | 4,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BC021 | CHAOS Solution | 100ml | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BC021a | CHAOS Solution | 200ml | 3,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BC022 | Clearing Buffer I | 10L | 6,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BC023 | Clearing Buffer II | 10L | 6,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BC024 | Collagenase Buffer | 500ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BC025 | 10X Citrate Buffer, pH 6.0 | 1L | 2,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BC027 | 5X CES buffer | 5ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BC028 | Cytomix | 500ml | 2,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BC029 | Citric fusion buffer, pH x.x | 500ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BC030 | Cryoprotectant Solution | 500ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BC030-1 | Cryoprotectant Solution | 5L | 10,640 | intronbio |
IBS-BC030a | Cryoprotectant Solution | 1L | 2,660 | intronbio |
IBS-BC031 | Collagenase solution | 500ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BC032 | 10% Cetylpridium chloride solution | 1L | 4,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BC033 | ChIP dilution buffer | 200ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BC034 | 20X Citrate Buffer | 1L | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BC035 | 0.2M Sodium Citrate Buffer, pH x.x | 500ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BC036 | 0.5M Sodium Citrate Buffer, pH x.x | 1L | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BC037 | 2.5% Carboxymethylcellulose sodium Solution | 500ml | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BC048 | 2M Calcium chloride solution | 100ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BC049 | Choi Buffer | 1L | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BC050 | CTAB Buffer (PVP) | 250ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BC051 | CTAB Extraction Solution (0.2% 2-mercaptoethanol) | 250ml | 700 | intronbio |
IBS-BC052 | 10X Casein Blocking Buffer | 1L | 3,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BC053 | CTAB Buffer (from SKKU) | 250ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BC054 | CTAB Extraction Solution (3% CTAB) | 250ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BD001 | 100X Denhards Solution | 50ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BD002 | 10X DEA Buffer | 100ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BD003 | 10X Denaturing Solution | 1L | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BD004 | 10X Detection Buffer | 1L | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BD005 | 10X DIG Washing Buffer | 100ml | 500 | intronbio |
IBS-BD007 | Denaturing Solution ll | 1L | 8,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BD008 | Diluent | 100ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BD015 | DNase I Buffer | 10ml | 360 | intronbio |
IBS-BD016 | Destaining solution for SDS PAGE | 1L | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BD016-1 | Destaining solution for SDS PAGE | 5L | 2,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BD016-2 | Destaining solution for SDS PAGE | 10L | 4,560 | intronbio |
IBS-BD017 | 1M DTT | 50ml | 2,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BD017a | 1M DTT | 10ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BD023 | Denaturation Buffer | 1L | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BE001 | 200mM EDTA, pH 8.0 | 500ml | 400 | intronbio |
IBS-BE001-1 | 250mM EDTA | 500ml | 500 | intronbio |
IBS-BE001a | 200mM EDTA, pH 8.0 | 5L | 3,648 | intronbio |
IBS-BE002 | 500mM EDTA, pH 8.0 | 500ml | 700 | intronbio |
IBS-BE002-2 | 500mM EDTA, pH 8.0 | 5L | 5,950 | intronbio |
IBS-BE002a | 500mM EDTA, pH 8.0 | 1L | 1,260 | intronbio |
IBS-BE002b | 500mM EDTA, pH 8.0 | 100ml | 420 | intronbio |
IBS-BE003 | Ethidium Bromide Solution | 20ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BE003a | Ethidium Bromide Solution | 10ml | 700 | intronbio |
IBS-BE004 | 1M EGTA, pH 8.0 | 10ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BE004-1 | 0.5M EGTA, pH 8.0 | 10ml | 1,080 | intronbio |
IBS-BE005 | EC Lysis buffer | 1L | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BE006 | Enzymeatic lysis buffer | 500ml | 700 | intronbio |
IBS-BE008 | 1M EDTA, pH 8.0 | 500ml | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BE008a | 1M EDTA, pH 8.0 | 100ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BE009 | 500mM EDTA, pH 7.5. | 500ml | 960 | intronbio |
IBS-BE009a | 500mM EDTA, pH 7.4 | 500ml | 960 | intronbio |
IBS-BE009a-1 | 500mM EDTA, pH 7.4 | 5L | 7,296 | intronbio |
IBS-BE010 | Electroblot Buffer | 1L | 700 | intronbio |
IBS-BE011 | Electroporation buffer | 100ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BE012 | Electroporation buffer (E buffer) | 1L | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BE013 | ERK Lysis buffer | 100ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BE014 | 1X ES buffer | 500ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BE015 | ESP buffer | 1L | 5,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BE016 | 500mM EDTA, pH 8.8 | 500ml | 900 | intronbio |
IBS-BE017 | EGTA solution | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BE018 | EDTA solution, pH 7.4 | 5L | 9,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BE019 | Elution Buffer | 100ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BE020 | EtBr Cleaning Solution | 300ml | 760 | intronbio |
IBS-BE021 | 10% EDTA, pH 7.4 | 1L | 1,500 | intronbio |
IBS-BE022 | Extraction Buffer | 500ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BE022a | Extraction Buffer | 1L | 1,900 | intronbio |
IBS-BE023 | Eosin Y Stain Solution | 250ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BE027 | Extraction Buffer (CTAB) | 1L | 5,700 | intronbio |
IBS-BE028 | Extraction Buffer (from SKKU) | 500ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BE029 | 1M Na2 EDTA 2H2O, pH 8.0 - DNase Free | 500ml | 2,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BF001 | 10X Ficoll Loading Buffer | 10ml | 900 | intronbio |
IBS-BF003 | 80% Formamide Loading Buffer | 10ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BF004 | 100% Formamide Loading Buffer | 10ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BF005 | Formamide Loading Buffer | 10ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BF006 | Formamide Stop/Loading Buffer I | 10ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BF007 | Formamide Stop/Loading Buffer II | 10ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BF008 | Ficoll 400 solution, 2% | 100ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BF009 | Factor Xa reaction buffer | 500ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BF010 | 5X First Strand Buffer Solution | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BF011 | 1M FeSO4 | 500ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BF012 | Formamide Loading Dye | 10ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BF013 | 10% Formalin Solution | 1L | 840 | intronbio |
IBS-BF014 | Formaldehyde 10% | 500ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BF015 | Fragmentation Buffer | 1L | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BF016 | Fast Garnet GBC Base Solution | 200ml | 5,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BF025 | Fixing Solution | 1L | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BF026 | FACS Buffer w/ 0.5mM EDTA, w/o FBS | 500ml | 1,300 | intronbio |
IBS-BG001 | 20% Galactose Solution | 100ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BG002 | GTE | 500ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BG003 | 20% Glucose Solution | 250ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BG004 | 40% Glucose Solution | 250ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BG005 | 10 X Glycerol Loading Buffer | 10ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BG006 | 50% Glycerol Solution | 250ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BG006-1 | 80% Glycerol solution | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BG007 | 7M Guanidine-HCl Solution | 500ml | 4,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BG007a | 6M Guanidine-HCl | 1L | 9,504 | intronbio |
IBS-BG007b | 4M Guanidine-HCl | 1L | 8,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BG008 | 2% Gelatin solution | 10ml | 360 | intronbio |
IBS-BG008-1 | 2% Gelatin solution | 400ml | 8,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BG009 | 6M Guanidine Thiocyanate Buffer | 1L | 7,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BG010 | Gel Shift Loading Buffer | 10ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BG011 | 15% Glycerol Electroporation Buffer w/ 272mM Sucrose | 1L | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BG012 | Gel Loading Buffer, Modified | 20ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BG013 | Gel Drying Solution | 1L | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BG014 | 50X GBS PCR Buffer | 500ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BG015 | 25% Glutaraldehyde | 100ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BG016 | 1.5M Glycine-NaOH, 3M NaCl pH 9.0 | 500ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BG017 | 0.2M Glycine-HCl, pH 2.5 | 500ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BG018 | Glycogen Solution (20mg/ml) | 2ml | 2,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BG019 | 2.5% Glycerol | 250ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BG020 | GBSS solution | 500ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BG021 | Gey’s Balanced Salt Solution | 500ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BG026 | Gel Buffer | 500ml | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BG026a | Gel Buffer | 1L | 3,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BG027 | 50mM Glycine-HCl, pH x.x | 1L | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BG028 | 50mM Glycine-NaOH, pH x.x | 1L | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BG030 | 0.2M Glycine Buffer, pH 10.32 | 500ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BH001 | Hybridization Solution I | 1L | 900 | intronbio |
IBS-BH002 | Hypotonic Lysis Buffer | 1L | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BH003 | 1M HEPES , pH 7.0 | 500ml | 2,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BH004 | 1M HEPES , pH 7.5 | 500ml | 2,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BH005 | 10mM HEPES buffer | 100ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BH005-1 | 20mM HEPES, pH 7.2 | 500ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BH006 | Hybridization Solution w/ formamide | 500ml | 4,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BH007 | Hybridization Solution w/o formamide | 500ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BH008 | HEP buffer | 1L | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BH009 | HEPA buffer | 1L | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BH010 | 2X HEPES buffer, pH x.x | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BH010a | 2X HEPES Buffer, pH x.x | 100ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BH011 | 10X HBSS Cell culture | 1L | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BH012 | 0.5M HEPES, pH 7.5 | 500ml | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BH013 | 50mM HEPES Assay Diluent, pH 7.5 | 1L | 1,700 | intronbio |
IBS-BH014 | HPLC Buffer | 1L | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BH015 | 10X HEPES Buffer A Solution | 500ml | 1,300 | intronbio |
IBS-BH016 | 5X HEPES Buffer B Solution | 100ml | 1,500 | intronbio |
IBS-BH019 | HEPES Buffer, pH 6.5 | 500ml | 900 | intronbio |
IBS-BH020 | HEPES-buffered solution | 500ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BH021 | 50X HEPES Buffer | 500ml | 3,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BH024 | 1X HBSS | 1L | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BH025 | Homogenization Buffer | 500ml | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BH029 | HEN Buffer, pH 6.5 | 500ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BH032 | High salt wash buffer | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BH033 | HEPES Buffer-1 | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BH039 | 2X HEPES Buffer saline | 500ml | 2,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BH040 | 1X HBSS, Glucose Free | 1L | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BH041 | 1M HEPES, pH 7.3 | 500ml | 2,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BH042 | 1M HEPES, pH 8.0 | 500ml | 2,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BH044 | 1M HEPES, pH 7.4 | 500ml | 2,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BI001 | IPTG solution (0.1M) | 20ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BI001-1 | 0.5M IPTG Solution | 20ml | 2,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BI001a | 1M IPTG | 20ml | 4,480 | intronbio |
IBS-BI002 | IP Binding Buffer, Protein A/G | 500ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BI003 | IP Elution Buffer, Protein A/G | 500ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BI004 | 1M Imidazol solution, pH 8.0 | 500ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BI005 | 2M Imidazole, pH 7.5 | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BI006 | 2.5M Imidazole | 500ml | 2,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BI007 | 2M Imidazole, pH 7.5 | 1L | 3,420 | intronbio |
IBS-BI007-1 | 2M Imidazole, pH 7.5 | 5L | 13,680 | intronbio |
IBS-BI008 | IPP Buffer | 1L | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BI009 | 5M Imidazole, pH 8.0 | 500ml | 4,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BI009a | 5M Imidazole, pH 8.0 | 1L | 7,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BI014 | 1X IF Buffer (1X PBS containing) | 500ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BK001 | Kanamycin | 20ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BK002 | KRPH Buffer | 500ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BK003 | KRPG Buffer | 1L | 1,700 | intronbio |
IBS-BK004 | 1X krebs buffer | 1L | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BK005 | KRB Buffer w/o glucose | 1L | 2,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BK006 | Krebs-Ringer Solution | 500ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BK007 | KALB Lysis Buffer | 500ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BL001 | 4M Lithium Chloride | 100ml | 700 | intronbio |
IBS-BL002 | Lysis buffer for luciferase assay 5X | 50ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BL003 | 1M Lithium acetate | 100ml | 400 | intronbio |
IBS-BL004 | Lysozyme (10mg/ml) | 10ml | 500 | intronbio |
IBS-BL004a | Lysozyme (10mg/ml) | 100ml | 4,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BL005 | L-Buffer | 1L | 1,040 | intronbio |
IBS-BL006 | 5X Laemmli sample buffer | 10ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BL007 | Lysis Solution I | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BL008 | Lysis Solution 2 | 500ml | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BL009 | Lysis Buffer | 500ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BL010 | Lysis Buffer A | 200ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BL012 | Law salt wash bhffer | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BL013 | Lysis buffer | 500ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BL014 | Lysozyme (30mg/ml) | 10ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BL015 | Lysis Buffer (TES) | 1L | 1,140 | intronbio |
IBS-BM001 | 1M Magnesium Chloride | 500ml | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BM001a | 1M Magnesium chloride | 250ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BM002 | 1M Magnesium Sulfate Solution | 500ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BM003 | 10X MOPS Buffer | 1L | 2,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BM005 | MES buffer, pH 6.1, 1 M | 500ml | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BM006 | MOPS buffer, pH 7.2, 1.0 M | 500ml | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BM007 | 0.1M MES buffer | 1L | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BM008 | 20X MOPS/SDS Running Buffer | 500ml | 2,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BM009 | 0.5M MES buffer, pH 6.1. | 500ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BM010 | 20X MES SDS Running Buffer | 500ml | 2,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BM010-1 | 20X MES SDS Running Buffer | 5L | 18,240 | intronbio |
IBS-BM011 | 25mM Magnesium chloride | 250ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BM012 | 50mM Magnesium Chloride | 250ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BM013 | 30mM MES Buffer pH 6.5 | 1L | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BM013-1 | 50mM MES Buffer pH 6.5 | 500ml | 720 | intronbio |
IBS-BM014 | 10X MOPS Sodium Acetate Solution | 500ml | 1,500 | intronbio |
IBS-BM015 | 0.1M MES buffer, pH 4.5 | 1L | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BM016 | 500 mM MOPS, pH 7.4 | 500ml | 1,300 | intronbio |
IBS-BM017 | Methyl Green-Pyroin Solution | 50ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BM018 | MES Buffer(20mM MES,0.1M NaCl pH 5.0) | 1L | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BM019 | 5X MAB Buffer | 500ml | 0 | intronbio |
IBS-BM020 | 0.1M MES Buffer pH 6.5 | 500ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BM020-6.0 | 0.1M MES Buffer pH 6.0 | 500ml | 1,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BM021 | 0.05M MES Buffer pH 4.5 | 500ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BM022 | 1M Magnesium Chloride (RNA용) | 100ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BM023 | Mounting Solution | 1L | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BM030 | 1% Methylene Blue Solution | 250ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BM031 | 0.5M MES Buffer, pH 8.0 | 500ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BM032 | MES Buffer | 500ml | 2,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BN001 | Neutralization buffer, pH 7.4 | 500ml | 500 | intronbio |
IBS-BN002 | 0.16M Nitric Acid | 100ml | 500 | intronbio |
IBS-BN003 | Neutralization buffer I | 1L | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BN004 | Neutralization buffer II | 500ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BN005 | Neutralization buffer III | 500ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BN005a | Neutralization Solution III | 1L | 1,440 | intronbio |
IBS-BN007 | Ni-NTA Denaturation Lysis buffer A | 500ml | 2,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BN008 | Ni-NTA Denaturation Lysis buffer B | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BN009 | Ni-NTA Denaturation Wash buffer C | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BN010 | Ni-NTA Denaturation Elution buffer D | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BN011 | Ni-NTA Denaturation Elution buffer E | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BN012 | Ni-NTA Native Lysis buffer | 500ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BN013 | Ni-NTA Native Wash buffer | 500ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BN014 | Ni-NTA Native Elution buffer | 500ml | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BN015 | 10% NP-40 | 500ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BN016 | 1M Nikel chloride | 100ml | 1,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BN017 | 5X Native Gel Loading Buffer | 10ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BN018 | Nuclear Extraction Buffer | 500ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BN019 | 10% Neutral Buffered Formalin | 1L | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BN020 | Neutralization Buffer | 1L | 1,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BN021 | 2X Neutralization Buffer | 100ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BN022 | Neutraliztion solution | 1L | 1,020 | intronbio |
IBS-BN023 | Native Sample Buffer for Protein Gels | 50ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BN030 | 4X Nematode Lysis Buffer | 50ml x 10 | 3,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BO003 | O+ Buffer, pH 6.8 | 100ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BP001 | P1 solution for Qiagen Plasmid preperation | 500ml | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BP002 | P2 solution for Qiagen Plasmid preperation | 500ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BP003 | P3 solution for Qiagen Plasmid preperation | 500ml | 900 | intronbio |
IBS-BP004 | 1X PBS | 1L | 700 | intronbio |
IBS-BP004-1 | 1X PBS | 5L | 2,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BP004-10.0 | 1X PBS, pH 10.0 | 500ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BP004-12.0 | 1X PBS, pH 12.0 | 500ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BP004-2 | 1X PBS | 10L | 5,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BP004-3 | 1X PBS, pH x.x | 500ml | 1,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BP004-3a | 1X PBS w/ Ca, Mg, pH x.x | 500ml | 1,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BP004-4.0 | 1X PBS, pH 4.0 | 500ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BP004-7.0 | 1X PBS, pH 7.0 | 1L | 700 | intronbio |
IBS-BP004a | 1X PBS | 500ml | 600 | intronbio |
IBS-BP005 | 1X PBS, Dulbecco’s w/o Ca,Mg | 500ml | 500 | intronbio |
IBS-BP006 | 1X PBS with Tween 20, pH 7.4 | 1L | 800 | intronbio |
IBS-BP006-1 | 1X PBS with Tween 20, pH 7.4 | 5L | 3,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BP006-2 | 1X PBS with Tween 20, pH 7.4 | 10L | 7,296 | intronbio |
IBS-BP006a-2 | 1X PBS Tween 20, pH x.x | 10L | 6,680 | intronbio |
Customizing | PBS, pH7.2 500ML | 500ml | intronbio | |
Customizing | PBS, pH7.2 W/O CAMG USA 500ML | 500ml | intronbio | |
IBS-BP007 | 20X PBS | 1L | 65,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP007-1 | 20X PBS | 5L | 260,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP007-1R | 20X PBS (refill) | 5L | 250,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP007-2 | 20X PBS | 10L | 494,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP007a | 10X PBS | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP007a-1 | 10X PBS | 5L | 200,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP007a-2 | 10X PBS | 10L | 380,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP007b | 10X PBS, pH 7.3 | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP008 | 30% PEG Solution | 250ml | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP009 | PEG/ NaCl Solution for M13 phage DNA | 250ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP010 | PEG/ NaCl Solution for plasmid DNA | 250ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP011 | 5M Potassium Acetate Solution | 500ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP011a | 5M Potassium Acetate Solution, pH x.x | 500ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP012 | 3M Potassium Acetate Solution, pH 4.8 | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP012a | 3M Potassium Acetate Solution, pH5.5 | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP014 | 1M Potassium Chloride Solution | 100ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP014a | 1M Potassium Chloride Solution | 500ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP015 | 2M Potassium Chloride Solution | 100ml | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP015a | 4M Potassium Chloride | 100ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP015b | 2M Potassium chloride - DNase & RNase Free | 100ml | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP015c | 3M Potassium Chloride Solution | 100ml | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP029 | proteinase K solution (20mg/ml) | 5ml | 170,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP029a | Proteinase K Solution (23mg/ml) | 2mlx5 | 400,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP029b | Proteinase K Solution (22mg/ml) | 1mlx5 | 200,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP030 | PIPES buffer, pH 6.8, 1M | 500ml | 180,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP030a | PIPES buffer, pH 6.8, 1M | 1L | 342,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP032 | Prehybrization / Hybridization Solution | 500ml | 85,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP033 | Potassium Acetate, 8M, pH8.0 | 100ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP034 | 1M Potassium Phosphate, Monobasic | 1L | 53,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP035 | 1M Potassium Phosphate, Dibasic | 1L | 53,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP036 | 0.01M PBS Buffer with 0.01% Tween-80, pH 7.5 | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP037 | 0.01M PBS Buffer with 0.01% Tween-80, pH 7.5 | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP038 | 1X PBS Solution, 0.05M NaCl, pH 7.4 | 1L | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP039 | 1X PBS Solution with 0.05% Tween-20, pH 7.4 | 1L | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP040 | 1X PBS with EDTA, pH 7.4 Solution | 1L | 42,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP040a | 1X PBS with 2mM EDTA, pH 7.4 Solution | 1L | 42,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP041 | 1X PBS Solution, pH 7.2 | 1L | 42,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP042 | 1X PBS Solution, pH 7.5 | 1L | 42,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP043 | 1 X PBS with 0.05% Sodium Azide | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP044 | 1X PBS with 0.1% Tween 20 | 1L | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP045 | 1X PBS with 1% Tween 20 | 1L | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP046 | 1X PBS-TBN Buffer | 1L | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP047 | 1X PBS with 0.1% Tween 80 | 1L | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP048 | 1X PBS-TBN Buffer with 0.05% Tween,1% BSA, 0.1% Sodium Azide | 1L | 120,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP049 | 1X PBS Solution, 0.05M NaCl, pH 2.6 | 1L | 48,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP050 | 1X PBS with 2% Sodium Citrate, pH 7.6 | 500ml | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP051 | 1X PBS with 1% BSA, | 1L | 72,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP051a | 1X PBS with 0.5% BSA | 1L | 72,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP052 | 10X DPBS without Calcium and Magnesium, pH 7.4 | 500ml | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP053 | 10X DPBS with Calcium, Magnesium | 500ml | 42,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP054 | 10X DPBS Tween 20, pH 7.4 | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP055 | 20 x PBS with 0.1% Tween 20. pH 7.5 | 1L | 67,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP056 | 20X PBS with 2% Tween-20 | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP057 | 20X PBS, pH 7.9 | 1L | 65,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP058 | 10X PBS with 0.5% Tween20 pH 7.4 | 1L | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP058-1 | 10X PBS with 0.5% Tween20 pH 7.4 | 5L | 240,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP058a | 10X PBS with 0.5% Tween-20 pH 7.5 | 1L | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP058a-1 | 10X PBS with 0.5% Tween-20 pH 7.5 | 5L | 240,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP058a-2 | 10X PBS with 0.5% Tween-20 pH 7.5 | 10L | 480,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP059 | 5X PBS-TBN Buffer | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP060 | 10X PCR Buffer. | 5ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP061 | 20mM Phosphate with 0.9% Saline, pH 7.0 | 1L | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP062 | PBSF Buffer | 1L | 0 | intronbio |
IBS-BP063 | PBSM Buffer | 1L | 0 | intronbio |
IBS-BP064 | Phage Lysis Buffer | 1L | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP065 | 20X PBS with 1% Tween-20 | 1L | 78,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP065-1 | 20X PBS with 1% Tween-20 | 5L | 312,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP066 | 17% Phosphoric Acid | 500ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP067 | 3% Potassium Hydroxide Solution | 100ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP068 | 1X Dulbecco′s Phosphate Buffered Saline in 5% BSA | 1L | 240,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP069 | 1X Dulbecco′s Phosphate Buffered Saline in 0.5% BSA | 1L | 72,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP070 | 1M Potassium Glutamate Solution | 1L | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP071 | PPB Solution | 1L | 65,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP072 | 0.04% Phenol Red Solution | 100ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP073 | 16.67% PEG / 3.33M NaCl solution | 1L | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP074 | 50mM Potassium Phosphate, pH x.x | 250ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP074a | 50mM Potassium phosphate, pH 7.0 | 250ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP075 | 0.1M PBS Buffer | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP076 | Ponceau S Solution | 1L | 110,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP076a | Ponceau S Solution | 500ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP077 | 1M Potassium Phosphate, pH x.x | 500ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP078 | PNPP Solution | 500ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP079 | 16% Paraformaldehyde | 500ml | 180,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP079a | 16% Paraforamaldehyde | 1L | 342,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP080 | 500mM Potassium phosphate, pH x.x | 500ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP081 | 16% Paraformaldehyde (1X PBS) | 500ml | 180,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP082 | PFGE Lysis Buffer | 1L | 120,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP083 | PFGE ES Buffer, pH 8.0 | 1L | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP086 | Potassium Borate Buffer | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP087 | 10X PBS, pH 7.4 | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP088 | 0.5M Potassium hydroxide (KOH) | 1L | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP089 | PIV buffer | 1L | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP090 | 4% Paraformaldehyde in 0.1M Phosphate Buffer | 1L | 120,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP091 | 1X PBS Buffer pH 7.0 | 1L | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP092 | Permeabilization Buffer | 500ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP094 | 20X PBS with 0.1% Tween 20, pH 7.4 | 1L | 67,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP096 | 10X Plasmidsafe Reaction buffer | 10ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP098 | 10X Permeabilization Solution | 500ml | 150,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP098a | 1X Permeabilization Solution | 500ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP099 | 1X PBS, pH x.x | 1L | 57,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP100 | 1M Phosphoric acid | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP102 | Phosphate Buffer (PO4) | 500ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP103 | 0.2M Phosphate Buffer(PO4) | 500ml | 75,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP105 | 0.1M Phosphate Buffer | 5L | 432,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP106 | 0.5M Phosphate Buffer | 5L | 450,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP107 | 0.2M Phosphate Buffer(PO4) | 1L | 142,500 | intronbio |
IBS-BP107-1 | 0.2M Phosphate Buffer(PO4) | 5L | 570,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP108 | Phosphate Buffer Solution, pH 7.2 | 2L | 150,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP109 | 1X Protein Lysis Buffer | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP118 | 2X PBlec washing solution in PBS, pH 7.0 | 250ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP130 | 10X PBS with 1% Tween-20 | 1L | 55,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP131 | Protein Washing Buffer | 100ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP135 | 1X PBS Triton X-100 pH7.4 | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP136 | 1X PBS with 1% BSA, Triton-X-100, pH7.4 | 1L | 84,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP137 | 1X PBS, pH 7.2 Solution with DEPC Treated | 500ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP137a | 1X PBS, pH 7.2 Solution with DEPC Treated | 1L | 95,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP138 | 1X DPBS with Tween-20 | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP138-1 | 1X DPBS with Tween-20 | 5L | 180,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP138-2 | 1X DPBS with Tween-20 | 10L | 350,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP139 | 1X PBS endo free / DNase RNase free, pH7.2 | 1L | 190,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP139a | 1X PBS endo free / DNase RNase free, pH7.2 | 500ml | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP139b | 1X PBS endo free / DNase RNase free, pH7.2 | 100ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP140 | 10X PME Buffer (IF only) | 500ml | 170,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BP141 | 1X Permeabilization solution (1X PBS containing) - IF only | 500ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BQ001 | QB Citrate Buffer | 100ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BQ002 | QBT solution for Qiagen Plasmid prep | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BQ003 | QC solution for Qiagen Plasmid prep | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BQ004 | QF solution for Qiagen Plasmid prep | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BQ005 | Qiagen column regeneration solution | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR001 | 10% Raffinose Solution | 100ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR002 | RIPA Buffer | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR002a | RIPA Buffer | 100ml | 20,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR003 | RNase A solution (10mg/ml), DNase Free | 10ml | 150,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR003-1 | RNase A solution (10mg/ml), DNase Free | 1ml | 20,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR003-2 | RNase A solution (10mg/ml), DNase Free | 20ml | 285,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR003a | RNase A Solution (100mg/ml) | 5ml | 600,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR004 | 5X RIPA buffer | 100ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR005 | 10X RBC lysis buffer | 100ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR006 | 1X RBC lysis buffer | 100ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR007 | RNA-Loading Buffer | 10ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR009 | 2X RIPA Buffer | 100ml | 20,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR010 | 10X Reservoir Buffer | 1L | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR011 | RIPA Buffer (NP-40) | 100ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR013 | RIPA Buffer (w/o SDS) | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR014 | Native RNA Sample Buffer 10X | 10ml | 90,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR015 | Denature RNA Sample Buffer 2X | 10ml | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR019 | RAB Buffer, pH 7.0 | 500ml | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BR020 | RIPA Buffer, pH 8.0 | 500ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS001 | 10% Sarkosyl Solution | 250ml | 150,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS002 | 5X SDS-PAGE loading buffer w/ DTT | 10ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS002a | 5X SDS-PAGE loading buffer w/ DTT | 20ml | 57,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS003 | 20% SDS Solution | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS003a | 10% SDS Solution | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS003b | 10% SDS Solution | 100ml | 20,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS004 | SM Buffer | 100ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS005 | 3M Sodium Acetate, pH 5.2 | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS006 | 5M Sodium Chloride Solution | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS006-1 | 5M Sodium Chloride Solution | 5L | 228,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS006a | 5M Sodium chloride Solution | 1L | 57,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS007 | 100mM Sodium Phosphate, pH x.x | 250ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS007-1 | 0.1M Sodium phosphate Buffer, pH x.x | 500ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS007-2 | 0.1M Sodium phosphate, pH x.x | 1L | 108,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS008 | 1M Sodium Phosphate, Dibasic | 250ml | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS009 | 1M Sodium Phosphate, Monobasic | 250ml | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS010 | 50mM Sodium Phosphate, pH 8.5 | 250ml | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS011 | 20X SSC - Molecular Biology Grade | 1L | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS012 | 20X SSP - Molecular Biology Grade | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS013 | 20X SSPE - Molecular Biology Grade | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS013a | 20X SSPE - Molecular Biology Grade | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS014 | STET Solution - Molecular Biology Grade | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS015 | STET-E1 Solution - Molecular Biology Grade | 1L | 75,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS016 | STM Buffer - Molecular Biology Grade | 1L | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS017 | 10N NaOH (Sodium hydroxide solution) | 1L | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS017-2 | 10N NaOH (Sodium hydroxide solution) | 10L | 300,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS017a | 5N NaOH (Sodium hydroxide solution) | 1L | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS017b | 10N NaOH (Sodium hydroxide solution) | 2L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS018 | Stripping Buffer | 500ml | 48,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS018-1 | Stripping Buffer | 5L | 364,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BS018a | Stripping Buffer | 1L | 91,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BS019 | 5X siRNA Buffer | 100ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS020 | 1M Sodium phosphate buffer, pH x.x | 500ml | 85,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS020a | 1M Sodium phosphate buffer, pH x.x | 1L | 161,500 | intronbio |
IBS-BS020b | 1M Sodium phosphate buffer, pH x.x | 250ml | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS021 | 0.5M Sodium phosphate, pH x.x | 500ml | 0 | intronbio |
IBS-BS022 | Sorbitol buffer | 500ml | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS022-2 | Sorbitol Buffer | 10L | 549,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BS023 | 1M Sodium citrate, pH x.x | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS023-10.1 | 1M Na2CO3-NaHCO3, pH 10.1 | 250ml | 55,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS023-4.0 | 1M Sodium Citrate, pH 4.0 | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS023-6.5 | 1M Sodim Citrate, pH 6.5 | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS023a | 1M Sodium citrate, pH x.x | 1L | 90,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS024 | 5X SDS-PAGE loading buffer w/2-mercaptoethanol | 10ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS025 | 2X SDS-PAGE loading buffer w/2-mercaptoethanol | 10ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS026 | 100mM Sodium Phosphate with EDTA, Tween-20,pH 7.4 Solution | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS027 | 3M Sodium Chloride Solution | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS028 | 4M Sodium Chloride Solution | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS029 | Stringent Buffer, Rnase Free, | 1L | 110,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS031 | Stain Extraction Buffer SEB without DTT | 100ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS032 | Organic Stain Extraction Buffer | 100ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS033 | Organic Sperm Wash Buffer | 100ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS034 | 5% w/v Sodium Azide | 500ml | 120,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS035 | 10% Sodium Azide | 100ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS036 | 10mM Sodium Phosphate, 150mM Sodium Chloride, 0.01% Polysorbate 80, pH 7.2 | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS037 | 0.9% Saline Solution | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS038 | 1M Sodium Citrate, pH 5.0 | 1L | 90,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS039 | 1M Sodium Citrate, pH 6.0 | 1L | 90,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS040 | 5mM Sodium Actetate, 0.9% Saline, pH 4.0 | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS041 | 10mM Sodium Actetate, 0.9% Saline, pH 4.0. | 1L, | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS042 | 20X secondary wash buffer, pH 10.0 | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS043 | 10X STE Buffer | 500ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS044 | Stop solution for ELISA | 200ml | 18,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS046 | 0.4M Sodium Phosphate Dibasic | 1L | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS049 | SPG Buffer | 1L | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS050 | Streptomycin (50mg/ml) | 10ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS051 | 1M Sodium Acetate, pH 4.6 | 1L | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS052 | 1M Sodium Succinate Buffer, pH 6.0 | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS053 | 4X Sample buffer Native-PAGE | 10ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS054 | 4X SDS-PAGE Loading Buffer | 10ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS055 | 1M Sucrose Buffer | 500ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS056 | 2X Reducing SDS-PAGE sample buffer | 10ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS058 | 5X Native PAGE loading buffer | 10ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS059 | Stripping Buffer-1 | 1L | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS059a | Stripping Buffer-1 | 500ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS060 | 20mM sodium acetate pH5.2 | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS061 | 1M Sodium Carbonate, pH x.x | 500ml | 85,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS062 | 10mM Sodium Citrate, pH x.x | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS063 | SHE Buffer(100mM Sodium chloride 20mM HEPES 1mM EDTA) | 500ml | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS064 | 5mM Sodium phosphate buffer, pH x.x | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS064a | 5mM Sodium phosphate buffer, pH x.x | 1L | 57,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS065 | 25mM Sodium chloride solution | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS066 | 0.1M Sodium bicarbonate, pH 8.3 | 100ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS067 | Siraganian buffer | 500ml | 200,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS068 | Substrate buffer | 100ml | 300,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS069 | 5X SDS-PAGE loading buffer w/o DTT | 10ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS070 | 0.1M Sodium acetate, pH x.x | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS072 | 1% Sodium Azide | 100ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS073 | SDS Lysis Buffer | 200ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS074 | SDS Equilibration Buffer Mix | 250ml | 90,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS075 | Stripping Buffer-2 | 500ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS076 | 1M Sodium Chloride | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS077 | Sodium Citrate Buffer | 1L | 57,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS078 | Substrate buffer | 500ml | 900,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS079 | Stop solution for ELISA-1 | 200ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS080 | 0.1M Sodium Carbonate, pH x.x | 500ml | 65,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS080a | 0.2M Sodium Carbonate, pH x.x | 500ml | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS081 | Sodium Nitrite Solution | 200ml | 180,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS092 | 4N NaOH (Sodium hydroxide solution) | 1L | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS092a | 4N NaOH (Sodium hydroxide solution) | 500ml | 20,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS093 | 1.5M Sodium Acetate, pH 6.5 | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS094 | 5X Sample Buffer | 10ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS095 | 50mM Sodium Citrate, pH x.x | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS097 | 0.5% SDS Solution | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS098 | 25mM NaOH / 0.2mM EDTA | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS100 | 0.15 M Sodium chloride in 0.01 M Phosphate Buffer solution pH 7.0 | 500ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS102 | 0.1M Sodium Citrate tribasic, pH 4.0 | 500ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS103 | 1M NaOH (Sodium hydroxide solution) - DNase Free | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS104 | 0.2M Sodium Phosphate Buffer, pH 7.4 | 1L | 108,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS105 | 0.1M Citric acid-0.2M Sodium Phosphate dibasic, pH 4.6 | 500ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BS106 | 0.4% Na2HPO4, pH 6.4 | 1L | 126,350 | intronbio |
IBS-BS106a | 0.4% Na2HPO4, pH 6.4 | 500ml | 66,500 | intronbio |
IBS-BS107 | 6X SDS-PAGE Loading Buffer w/ DTT | 10ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT001 | 10X TA Buffer | 1L | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT002 | 50X TAE Buffer | 1L | 62,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT002-1 | 50X TAE Buffer | 5L | 248,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT002-1a | 1X TAE Buffer | 5L | 120,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT002-2 | 10X TAE Buffer | 1L | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT002-2a | 10X TAE Buffer | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT002-3 | 1X TAE Buffer | 1L | 24,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT002a | 25X TAE Buffer | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT002a-1 | 1X TAE Buffer | 10L | 228,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT002-B | 50X TAE Buffer | 500ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT005 | 10X TBS Buffer | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT005-1 | 10X TBS Buffer | 5L | 280,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT005-2 | 10X TBS Buffer | 10L | 532,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT006 | 10X TBS with Tween-20 V3 | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT006-1 | 10X TBS with Tween-20 V3 | 5L | 280,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT007 | 10X TBS with Tween-20 | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT007-1 | 10X TBS with Tween-20 | 5L | 280,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT007-2 | 10X TBS with Tween20 | 10L | 532,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT008 | 20X TBS Buffer | 1L | 110,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT008-1 | 20X TBS Buffer | 5L | 440,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT008-2 | 20X TBS Buffer | 10L | 836,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT008a | 20X TBS with Tween-20 | 1L | 110,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT008a-1 | 20X TBS with Tween-20 | 5L | 440,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT008a-1R | 20X TBS with Tween-20 | 5L | 430,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT008a-2 | 20X TBS with Tween-20 | 10L | 836,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT008B | 20X TBS with Tween-20, pH 7.6 | 1L | 110,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT009 | 10X TE Buffer | 500ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT010 | T10E0.1 Buffer | 500ml | 20,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT011 | TE Buffer, pH 8.0 | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT011a | TE Buffer, pH 8.0 | 1L | 47,500 | intronbio |
IBS-BT011b | TE Buffer, pH 8.0 | 100ml | 15,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT012 | TE Buffer, pH 7.2 | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT012a | TE Buffer, pH 7.0 | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT013 | 10X Termination Solution | 100ml | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT014 | 10X Tris-Glycine Buffe r(w / SDS) | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT014-1 | 10X Tris-Glycine Buffer (w / SDS) | 5L | 200,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT014-2 | 10X Tris-Glycine Buffer (w / SDS) | 10L | 380,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT015 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 6.8 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT015-1 | 1.5M Tris-HCl, pH 6.8 | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT015A | 10mM Tris-HCl, pH 6.8 | 500ml | 21,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BT015b | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 6.8 | 1L | 41,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BT016 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.2 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT016a | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.0 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT017 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.4 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT017-1 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.5 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT017a | 10mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4 | 500ml | 21,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BT017a-1 | 10mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4 | 1L | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT017b | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.4 | 1L | 41,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BT018 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.6 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT018a | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.6 | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT019 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT019-1 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.9 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT019-1a | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 7.9 | 1L | 41,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BT019a | 10mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 | 1L | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT019b | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 | 1L | 41,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BT020 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8.3 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT020-1 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8.3 | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT020a | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8.2 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT021 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8.5 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT021-1 | 1.5M Tris-HCl, pH 8.8 | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT021-1a | 1.5M Tris-HCl, pH 8.8 | 1L | 57,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT021-2 | 2M Tris-HCl, pH 8.8 | 500ml | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT021-2a | 2M Tris-HCl, pH 8.8 | 1L | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT021-3 | 3M Tris-HCl, pH 8.8 | 500ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT021-4 | 1.5M Tris-HCl, pH 8.5 | 1L | 57,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT021A | 10mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5 | 1L | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT021B | 10mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.5 | 500ml | 21,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BT022 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 9.0 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT022a | 10mM Tris-HCl, pH 9.0 | 1L | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT022b | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 9.0 | 1L | 41,800 | intronbio |
IBS-BT023 | 0.5M Tris-Cl, pH 6.8 w / SDS (Stacking gel buffer) | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT023a | 0.5M Tris-HCl, pH 8.8 | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT024 | 1.5M Tris-Cl, pH 8.8 w / SDS (Resolving gel buffer) | 500ml | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT025 | Tris, Tween, MgCl2 Buffer | 250ml | 72,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT026 | Tris-HCl, pH 8.0/EDTA with RNase(TE RNase) | 500ml | 120,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT026a | Tris-HCl, pH 7.5/EDTA with RNase(TE RNase) | 500ml | 120,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT027 | Triton Lytic Mix | 250ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT028 | 10 X TTE DNA Sequencing Grade | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT029 | 10X Tris-Glycine Buffer(w/o SDS) | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT029-1 | 10X Tris-Glycine Buffer(w/o SDS) | 5L | 200,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT029-2 | 10X Tris-Glycine Buffer(w/o SDS) | 10L | 380,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT030 | TE buffered Lithium acetate | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT031 | 5X Transfer Buffer | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT031-1 | 5X Transfer Buffer | 1L | 57,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT031-2 | 5X Transfer Buffer | 5L | 228,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT031a | 10X Transfer Buffer | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT031a-1 | 10X Transfer Buffer | 5L | 200,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT031a-2 | 10X Transfer Buffer | 10L | 380,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT031b | 10X Transfer Buffer | 1L | 95,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT032 | 10X TEN buffer | 500ml | 53,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT033 | 0.5M Tris-Cl, pH 6.8 | 500ml | 21,600 | intronbio |
IBS-BT033a | 0.5M Tris-Cl, pH 6.8 | 1L | 34,200 | intronbio |
IBS-BT034 | 10X Tricine running buffer | 500ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT034a | 10X Tricine Running Buffer | 1L | 152,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT035 | 10% Tween-20 solution | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT036 | Tris-HCl and Magnesium Chloride Buffer | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT037 | 0.1M Tris, 0.05% Triton X-100, and 0.2M NaCl, pH 8.0 | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT038 | 5X TE Buffer Solution | 1L | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT039 | TE Buffer, pH 7.4 | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT040 | TE Buffer, pH 7.6 | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT041 | 10X TBS minus potassium chloride, pH 7.4 | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT042 | 20X TBS minus potassium chloride, pH 7.4 | 1L | 110,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT043 | TES Sucrose Buffer, pH 8.0 | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT044 | TE Buffer / NaCl | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT045 | 100X TE Buffer, pH 8.0 | 500ml | 120,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT046 | TE Buffer with 0.1% Tween-20 Solution, pH 8.0. | 1L | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT047 | 50mM Tris- HCl, pH 9.0 Solution | 1L | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT048 | Tail Buffer | 500ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT049 | Tris-DTT Buffer | 1L | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT050 | Tris Glycerol Buffer, pH 8.0 | 1L | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT051 | 250mM Tris, pH 7.5 | 1L | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT052 | 0.25M TAPS buffer, pH 9.35 | 200ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT053 | Tfbl Buffer | 200ml | 120,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT054 | TfbII Buffer | 100ml | 72,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT055 | 10mM Tris-Acetate Buffer, pH 8.0 with 1mM EDTA | 1L | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT056 | 10mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 | 1L | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT057 | TS Buffer | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT058 | 4X Ten Salts Solution | 1L | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT059 | 2X Ten Salts Solution | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT060 | BSA/TBS Concentrate | 500ml | 240,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT061 | 20X TBS with 2% Tween-20 | 1L | 110,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT062 | BSA-TBS buffer, pH 8.0. | 1L | 110,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT063 | tetracycline | 20ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT064 | TMB Solution | 500ml | 130,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT065 | 0.5M Tricine, pH 7.5 | 1L | 150,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT066 | 2M Tris-HCl, pH 7.5 | 1L | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT070 | 0.1M Tris-Maleate, pH 6.0 | 500ml | 90,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT071 | 10X TE Buffer, pH 7.6 | 1L | 144,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT072 | 20X TAE Buffer | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT073 | 100mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4 | 1L | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT074 | TE Buffer, DEPC | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT075 | 0.2M Tris-HCl, pH x.x | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT076 | TE Buffer (T50E20) | 500ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT077 | Target Retrieval Solution, pH 9.0 | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT078 | 1X TBS with Tween20 | 10L | 360,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT078-1 | 1X TBS with Tween-20 | 5L | 243,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT078a | 1X TBS with Tween-20 | 1L | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT079 | 10X TE with 0.05% Tween-20 | 100ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT080 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8.8 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT081 | 10mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.6 | 50ml | 20,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT084 | TE Buffer, pH 9.0 | 500ml | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT085 | 10X TE with 0.5% Tween-20 | 500ml | 160,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT086 | TE Buffer, pH 7.5 | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT087 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 6.3 | 500ml | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT088 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 8.4 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT089 | 2X TNM Buffer | 500ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT090 | 2X TNM-T Buffer | 500ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT091 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 9.5 | 500ml | 22,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT092 | Tris-buffered Saline with 0.05% Tween 20 | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT094 | 1M Tris-Phospahte Buffer, pH x.x | 1L | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT095 | 50mM Tris/KOH, pH 11 | 1L | 65,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT096 | 0.5M Tris-HCl, pH 6.8 w/SDS (4%) | 500ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT097 | 10X Tango Buffer | 10ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT098 | Tyrode-HEPES Buffer, pH 7.4 | 500ml | 90,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT099 | 1X TBS( 20mM Trizma base, 150mM NaCl, pH 7.2-7.4) | 1L | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT100 | 20mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0 | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT101 | 10X TBS with 1% Tween20 | 10L | 542,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT102 | Tween-20 | 100ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT103 | Trypan Blue solution 0.4%, for microscopy | 50ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT104 | TE Buffer(0.5M Tris-HCl, pH 8.0/ 10mM EDTA) | 500ml | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT104a | TE Buffer(50mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0/ 10mM EDTA) | 500ml | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT105 | 5X TBS Buffer | 1L | 42,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT106 | 1M Tris-Acetate Buffer, pH x.x | 500ml | 45,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT106a | 1M Tris-Acetate Buffer, pH x.x | 1L | 85,500 | intronbio |
IBS-BT107 | Tyrodes buffer, pH 7.4 | 500ml | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT108 | 0.1M Tris-HNO3, pHx.x | 500ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT109 | 1M Tris-HNO3, pH x.x | 500ml | 110,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT110 | 10% Triton X-100 | 1L | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT111 | 1M Tris-Cl, pH 6.8 w/ SDS (Stacking gel buffer) | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT112 | Tris-Buffered NaCl Solution with Tween 20, pH 7.6 | 500ml | 90,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT113 | TE Buffer | 200ml | 20,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT114 | 20X TE, pH 9.0 | 1L | 280,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT115 | TEM Fixing Buffer | 100ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT116 | TN Buffer, pH x.x | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT117 | Tris EDTA Buffer | 1L | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT118 | 1mM Tris-HCl, pH 9.0 | 1L | 26,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT119 | Trizma hydrochloride solution,pH 9.0 | 100ml | 20,400 | intronbio |
IBS-BT120 | Tartrate Solution | 200ml | 180,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT139 | 50mM Tris-HCl, pH x.x | 1L | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT140 | 1.88M Tris-HCl, pH 8.8 | 500ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT141 | 40mM Tris-HCl, pH x.x | 1L | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT142 | TE Buffer, pH 8.0 (Endotoxin Free) | 500ml | 55,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT143 | 0.1M Tris-NO3 w / Mg(NO3)2 | 1L | 120,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT144 | 50mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.5, 5mM MgSO4, 0.1% Tween | 1L | 133,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT145 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 10.0 - DNase Free | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT147 | 1X TBS Buffer (IF only) | 500ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT148 | TMS-P | 500ml | 0 | intronbio |
IBS-BT149 | 8M TIUES-Urea | 500ml | 140,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT150 | 10X TBS with 0.05% Tween-20 | 1L | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BT151 | 10mM Tris pH 8.5 with 0.1% Tween 20 | 100ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BU001 | 8M Urea Solution | 500ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BU002 | Urea extraction buffer | 10ml | 90,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BU003 | Urea-Arginine Phosphate Buffer | 100ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BU004 | 100mM Uric acid | 100ml | 150,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BV001 | 50X VB salts | 1L | 450,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW001 | 10X Washing buffer, pH 7.5 | 1L | 75,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW002 | 20X Washing solution | 500ml | 63,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW003 | Wash solution, V2 | 500ml | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW004 | Water, DEPC treated | 500ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW004-1 | Water, DEPC treated | 5L | 380,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW004a | Water, DEPC treated | 1ml x 81 | 130,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW004a-1 | Water, DEPC treated | 1ml x 50 | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW004a-P | Water, DEPC treated | 1ml x 81 | 200,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW004b | Water, DEPC treated | 1L | 76,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW005 | Western blocking buffer | 100ml | 35,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW005a | Western blocking buffer | 500ml | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW006 | Water, Ultra Pure | 1L | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW006-1 | Water, Ultra Pure | 5L | 140,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW006-2 | Water, Ultra pure | 250ml | 12,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW006a | Water, Ultra Pure | 500ml | 20,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW006a-2 | Water, Ultra Pure | 10L | 266,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW007 | Water, RNase and DNase Free, PCR Certified Solution with e-tube | 1ml x 81 | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW007a | Water, RNase and DNase Free, PCR Certified Solution | 500ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW007-P | Water, RNase and DNase Free, PCR Certified Solution with Screw type & label | 1ml x 81 | 180,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW008 | 10X Western transfer buffer, carbonate | 1L | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW009 | Water, RNase and DNase Free | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW010 | Water, Ultra pure | 1ml x 100 | 150,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW011 | Water, Ultra Pure PCR Certified | 1L | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW012 | Water, RNase and DNase Free, PCR Certified Solution. | 1ml x 50 | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW013 | Water, Ultra pure, pH 7.4 | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW014 | Washing Buffer, pH 7.0 | 500ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW015 | Water, DEPC treated | 100ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW016 | Wash Buffer | 475ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW017 | Water, Nuclease Free | 50ml x 10 | 110,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BW018 | Water, Endotoxin Free | 1L | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BX001 | X-gal Solution 20mg/ml | 5ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BX002 | X-gal solution 40mg/ml | 5ml | 100,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BZ001 | Z-buffer | 1L | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BZ002 | 2X Zymogram Sample Buffer | 30ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BZ003 | 10X Zymogram Renaturation Buffer | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-BZ004 | 10X Zymogram Development Buffer | 500ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB001 | 1X DPBS, with Ca, Mg | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB002 | 1X DPBS, with Ca, Mg | 1L | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB003 | 1X DPBS without Ca, Mg | 500ml | 25,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB004 | 1X DPBS without Ca, Mg | 1L | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB005 | 10X DPBS with Ca, Mg | 1L | 67,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB006 | 10X DPBS, without Ca, Mg | 1L | 65,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB006a | 10X DPBS without Ca, Mg | 50mlx20 | 105,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB007 | 20X DPBS, with Ca, Mg | 1L | 88,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB008 | 20X DPBS, without Ca, Mg | 1L | 86,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB008-2 | 20X DPBS, without Ca, Mg | 10L | 653,600 | intronbio |
IBS-CB009 | HBSS, 1X with Ca, Mg | 1L | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB010 | HBSS, 1X without Ca, Mg | 1L | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB011 | HBSS, 10X with Ca, Mg | 1L | 67,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB012 | HBSS, 10X without Ca, Mg | 1L | 65,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB013 | 1X PBS | 1L | 55,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB013a | 1X PBS, pH 7.4 | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB014 | 10X PBS | 1L | 65,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB014a | 10X PBS | 500ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB015 | 20X PBS | 1L | 85,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB016 | Water for Cell Culture | 1L | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB017 | HEPES | 100ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB018 | Sodium Bicarbonate | 100ml | 20,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB019 | 5M Sodium chloride-cell culture grade | 500ml | 50,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB020 | 10X DPBS with out Ca, Mg, pH x.x | 1L | 85,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB021 | 1X PBS with Ca, Mg | 500ml | 30,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB022 | 1X PBS with Ca, Mg | 1L | 55,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB023 | HEPES Buffer (Cell culture grade) | 100ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB024 | 1X HBSS-modified | 500ml | 80,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB075 | Water, DEPC treated | 500ml | 60,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB076 | 1X PBS with 2mM EDTA, pH 7.4 Solution | 1L | 55,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB077 | 1M Tris-HCl, pH 9.0 (Cell Culture grade) | 500ml | 52,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB078 | 1M Glycine-HCl, pH 2.0 (Cell Culture grade) | 500ml | 70,000 | intronbio |
IBS-CB079 | 0.1M Sodium bicarbonate, pH 8.0 | 100ml | 40,000 | intronbio |
INT-50104 | Miracle-AutoXT Nucleic Acid Extraction System | System | 520000 | intronbio |
17168-48 | AutoXT PGS Virus Extraction Kit | 48T | 4545.454545 | intronbio |
17168-96 | AutoXT PGS Virus Extraction Kit | 96T | 8363.636364 | intronbio |
17188-48 | AutoXT Total gDNA Extraction Kit | 48T | 5090.909091 | intronbio |
17188-96 | AutoXT Total gDNA Extraction Kit | 96T | 9090.909091 | intronbio |
INT-50104.tip-96 | Plunger Tip | 12ea/pk | 600 | intronbio |
INT-50104.tip-480 | Plunger Tip | 60ea/pk | 2400 | intronbio |
IPY-10090 | Petri dish(Ø90xH15mm) | 500ea/cs | 1000 | intronbio |
IPY-10015 | i-poly Conical tube(15ml) | 500ea/cs | 1400 | intronbio |
IPY-10050 | i-poly Conical tube(50ml) | 500ea/cs | 1800 | intronbio |
IPY-31006 | i-poly Cell Culture Plate (6 well) | 50ea/cs | 1000 | intronbio |
IPY-31024 | i-poly Cell Culture Plate (24 well) | 50ea/cs | 1000 | intronbio |
IPY-31096 | i-poly Cell Culture Plate (96 well) | 50ea/cs | 1000 | intronbio |
IPY-10060 | i-poly Cell Culture Dish (Ø60 x H15mm) | 500ea/cs | 1600 | intronbio |
IPY-11100 | i-poly Cell Culture Dish (Ø100 x H20mm) | 200ea/cs | 1000 | intronbio |
3240-00 | 8-STRIP,NATURAL (PCR Tube with caps) | 120 strips/pk | 1079 | intronbio |
3240-01 | 8-STRIP,BLUE (PCR Tube with caps) | 120 strips/pk | 1102 | intronbio |
3240-02 | 8-STRIP,GREEN (PCR Tube with caps) | 120 strips/pk | 1102 | intronbio |
3131-00 | 8-STRIP TUBE&CAP, N | 125 strips/pk | 1185 | intronbio |
3133-00 | 12-STRIP TUBE&CAP, N | 80 strips/pk | 1383 | intronbio |
3135-00 | 8-STRIP TUBE&CAP,Nat | 125 strips/pk | 1185 | intronbio |
3135-40 | 8-STRIP TUBE&CAP | 125 strips/pk | 1242 | intronbio |
3136-00 | 12-strip tube/cap | 80 strips/pk | 1383 | intronbio |
3136-40 | 12-strip tube/cap | 80 strips/pk | 1431 | intronbio |
3145-00 | LP STRIP&CAP, NAT, low profile | 125 strips/pk | 1185 | intronbio |
3145-40 | LP STRIP&CAP, WHT, low profile | 125 strips/pk | 1242 | intronbio |
3210-00 | 0.2mL PCR TUBE,NAT | 1000 dome top tb/pk w/o adapt | 760 | intronbio |
3220-00 | 0.2mL PCR TUBE, NAT | 1000 flat top tb/pk | 668 | intronbio |
3225-00 | 0.2mL PCR TUBE, NAT | 1000 flat top tb/pk | 668 | intronbio |
3310-00 | 0.5mL PCR TUBE,NAT | 1000 dome top tubes/pk | 704 | intronbio |
3320-00 | 0.5mL PCR TUBE, NAT | 1000 flat top tubes/pk | 618 | intronbio |
21141 、 RedSafeTM核酸染色溶液 、easy-spin、e-Myco、17141大量现货