S-腺苷甲硫氨酸(SAM-e,SAMe,SAM,AdoMet,ademetionine)由GL Cantoni于1952年在意大利发现。它是由三磷酸腺苷(ATP)和甲硫氨酸经甲硫氨酸腺苷转移酶制成的。S-腺苷甲硫氨酸是大多数生物体中的关键代谢物。它通过脱羧作用发挥重要的转甲基、转硫和氨丙基化功能。
由于 SAM 是一种本质上不稳定的分子,其 258-260 nm 的最大光密度不是显着的吸收,因此测定其在各种生物体液和组织中的浓度一直是一项具有挑战性的任务。一种不需要昂贵仪器(LC、MS 和组合)的简单、方便的方法显然是确定 SAM 的生物浓度以及监测其在体液、组织和细胞器中的变化和代谢路径的理想选择。
据称 SAM-e 有助于以下疾病:抑郁症、帕金森病、骨关节炎症状、肝病、肝内胆汁淤积症(尤其是妊娠期)、纤维肌痛、艾滋病相关的脊髓病(与艾滋病相关的脊柱和神经疾病)。也有有限的研究参考了 SAMe 在以下情况中的作用:注意力缺陷多动障碍 (ADHD)、经前期综合征 (PMS)、经前期烦躁症 (PMDD)、慢性疲劳综合征 (CFS)、心脏病、智力缺陷表现、多发性硬化、痴呆、阿尔茨海默病、肌腱炎、滑囊炎、脊髓损伤、癫痫发作、偏头痛、慢性腰痛、铅中毒和衰老。
如今,当 SAM 每天用作营养补充剂时,了解其影响和后果也是至关重要的。它已被广泛用作非处方药,以缓解抑郁症、骨关节炎等系统。
Arthus Biosystems 很高兴提供一系列研究试剂和试剂盒,以帮助开展与蛋氨酸循环相关的科学研究,蛋氨酸循环是所有生物体进化过程中保守的关键生化途径。我们的 SAM 和 SAH 单克隆抗体具有非常高的滴度和亲和力,让您只需一瓶即可完成大部分研究。迄今为止,我们的抗 SAM 和 SAH 抗体均具有*佳灵敏度。我们还提供经过验证的 SAM 和 SAH 偶联物以及生物s等示踪分子,以帮助您研究生物分子-生物分子的相互作用并开发进一步的检测方法。
Catalog No. | Name | Description | Packaging |
Immunoassay Kits and Strips | |||
IK00201 | SAM ELISA | S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit | 96 tests |
IK00201s | SAM ELISA s | S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples | 96 tests |
IK00202 | SAM ELISA 2 | S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit, broad range | 96 tests |
IK00202s | SAM ELISA 2s | S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples, broad range | 96 tests |
IK00203 | SAM ELISA 3 | S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit, broad range | 48 tests |
IK00203s | SAM ELISA 3s | S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples, broad range | 48 tests |
IK00204 | SAM ELISA 4 | S-adenosylmethionine ELISA kit for cell culture supernatant or other samples | 96 tests |
IK00301 | SAH ELISA | S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit | 96 tests |
IK00301s | SAH ELISA s | S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples | 96 tests |
IK00302 | SAH ELISA 2 | S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit, broad range | 96 tests |
IK00302s | SAH ELISA 2s | S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples, broad range | 96 tests |
IK00303 | SAH ELISA 3 | S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit, broad range | 48 tests |
IK00303s | SAH ELISA 3s | S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit for plasma, serum, or tissue/cell homogenate samples, broad range | 48 tests |
IK00304 | SAH ELISA 4 | S-adenosylhomocysteine ELISA kit for cell culture supernatant or other samples | 96 tests |
IK00401 | MAT Activity Assay | Methionine Adenosyltransferase (MAT) activity assay kit | 96 tests |
IK00403 | MAT Activity Assay 3 | Methionine Adenosyltransferase (MAT) activity assay kit | 48 tests |
Antibodies and Conjugates | |||
MA00201-50 | Mouse anti-SAM 1b | Mouse monoclonal antibody to S- denosylmethionine Clone 118-6 | 100µg |
MA00201-100 | Mouse anti-SAM 1a | Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylmethionine Clone 118-6 | 50µg |
MA00202-50 | Mouse anti-SAM 2a | Mouse monoclonal antibody to S- denosylmethionine Clone 84-3 | 50µg |
MA00202-100 | Mouse anti-SAM 2b | Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylmethionine Clone 84-3 | 100µg |
MA00203-50 | Mouse anti-SAM 3a | Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylmethionine Clone 118-18 | 50µg |
MA00204-50 | Mouse anti-SAM 4a | Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylmethionine Clone 84-19 | 50µg |
PA00201-50 | Rabbit anti-SAM a | Rabbit polyclonal antibody to S-Adenosylmethionine | 50µg |
PA00201-100 | Rabbit anti-SAM b | Rabbit polyclonal antibody to S-Adenosylmethionine | 100µg |
MA00301-50 | Mouse anti-SAH 1a | Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 301-1 | 50µg |
MA00302-50 | Mouse anti-SAH 2a | Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 301-10 | 50µg |
MA00303-50 | Mouse anti-SAH 3a | Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 301-3 | 50µg |
MA00304-50 | Mouse anti-SAH 4a | Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 301-16 | 50µg |
MA00305-50 | Mouse anti-SAH 5a | Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 844-1 | 50µg |
MA00306-50 | Mouse anti-SAH 6a | Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 844-2 | 50µg |
MA00307-50 | Mouse anti-SAH 7a | Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 839-6 | 50µg |
MA00308-50 | Mouse anti-SAH 8a | Mouse monoclonal antibody to S-Adenosylhomocysteine Clone 839-12 | 50µg |
MAF00201-25 | AF6-anti-SAM 1a | Alexa Fluor® 647 (AF6) conjugated anti-SAM monoclonal antibody Clone 118-6 | 25µg |
MAF00201-50 | AF6-anti-SAM 1b | Alexa Fluor® 647 (AF6) conjugated anti-SAM monoclonal antibody Clone 118-6 | 50µg |
MAF00202-50 | AF6-anti-SAM 2a | Phycoerythrin (PE) conjugated anti-SAM monoclonal antibody Clone 84-3 | 50µg |
MAF00301-25 | AF488-anti-SAH 1a | Alexa Fluor® 488 (AF488) conjugated anti-SAH monoclonal antibody Clone 301-3 | 25µg |
MAF00301-50 | AF488-anti-SAH 1b | Alexa Fluor® 488 (AF488) conjugated anti-SAH monoclonal antibody Clone 301-3 | 50µg |
MAF00302-50 | AF488-anti-SAH 2a | Alexa Fluor® 488 (AF488) conjugated anti-SAH monoclonal antibody Clone 839-6 | 50µg |
MAH00201-50 | HRP-anti-SAM 1a | Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-SAM monoclonal antibody Clone 118-6 | 50µl |
MAH00202-50 | HRP-anti-SAM 2a | Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-SAM monoclonal antibody Clone 84-3 | 50µl |
MAH00203-50 | HRP-anti-SAM 3a | Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-SAM monoclonal antibody Clone 118-18 | 50µl |
MAH00204-50 | HRP-anti-SAM 4a | Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-SAM monoclonal antibody Clone 84-19 | 50µl |
MAH00301-50 | HRP-anti-SAH 1a | Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-SAH monoclonal antibody Clone 301-3 | 50µl |
MAH00302-50 | HRP-anti-SAH 2a | Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) conjugated anti-SAH monoclonal antibody Clone 301-16 | 50µl |
MAH00701-50 | HRP-anti-DIG | Peroxidase-conjugated IgG Fraction Monoclonal Mouse Anti-Digoxigenin | 50µl |
PA00401-50 | Rabbit anti-MAT s | Rabbit polyclonal antiserum against methionine adenosyltransferase | 50µl |
PA00401-50 | Rabbit anti-MAT g | Rabbit polyclonal antiserum against methionine adenosyltransferase (with glycerol) | 50µl |
Compounds and Conjugates | |||
AST00201 | Aza-SAM | A series of S-adenosylmethionine analog Aza-SAM standards: 500nM, 250nM, 125nM, 62.5nM, 31.25nM, 15.625nM, 7.8125nM, 0nM | 1ml |
AST00201-1 | Aza-SAM a | S-adenosylmethionine analog Aza-SAM standard. Buffer (4 ml) for serial dilution may be supplied (additional $15 each). | 1ml (500nM) |
AST00201-200 | Aza-SAM b | S-adenosylmethionine analog Aza-SAM standard. Buffer (10 ml) for serial dilution may be supplied (additional $15 each). | 200ul (5µM) |
AST00201-1s | Aza-SAM as | S-adenosylmethionine analog Aza-SAM standard for serum/plasma. Buffer (3.2 ml) for serial dilution may be supplied. | 1ml (1µM) |
ACT00201-5 | PLL-aza-SAM a | Poly-lysine was conjugated to S-adenosylmethionine analog Aza-SAM (AST00201). Coating for 10-20 96-well micro-titer plates. | 5µg |
ACT00201-10 | PLL-aza-SAM b | Poly-lysine was conjugated to S-adenosylmethionine analog Aza-SAM (AST00201). Coating for 20-40 96-well micro-titer plates. | 10µg |
ACT00202-50 | Bio-SAM a | Biotin is conjugated to NH2 group of S-adenosylmethionine. | 50µg |
ACT00202-100 | Bio-SAM b | Biotin is conjugated to NH2 group of S-adenosylmethionine. | 100µg |
ACT00203-50 | Bio-6C-SAM 1a | Biotin is conjugated to NH2 of SAM through 6-aminohexanoic acid. | 50µg |
ACT00203-100 | Bio-6C-SAM 1b | Biotin is conjugated to NH2 of SAM through 6-aminohexanoic acid. | 100µg |
ACT00204-5 | BSA-aza-SAM a | Bovine serum Albumin was conjugated to S-adenosylmethionine analog Aza-SAM (AST00201). Coating for 10-20 96-well micro-titer plates. | 5µg |
ACT00205-10 | Bio-6C-aza-SAM 1a | Biotin is conjugated to the NH2 of aza-SAM through 6-aminohexanoic acid. | 10µg |
ACT00205-50 | Bio-6C-aza-SAM 1b | Biotin is conjugated to the NH2 of aza-SAM through 6-aminohexanoic acid. | 50µg |
ACT00205-100 | Bio-6C-aza-SAM 1c | Biotin is conjugated to the NH2 of aza-SAM through 6-aminohexanoic acid. | 100µg |
ACT00206-10 | Bio-12CN-aza-SAM 1a | Biotin is conjugated to the NH2 of aza-SAM through a 10-carbon and 2-nitrogen linker. | 10µg |
ACT00206-50 | Bio-12CN-aza-SAM 1b | Biotin is conjugated to the NH2 of aza-SAM through a 10-carbon and 2-nitrogen linker. | 50µg |
ACT00206-100 | Bio-12CN-aza-SAM 1c | Biotin is conjugated to the NH2 of aza-SAM through a 10-carbon and 2-nitrogen linker. | 100µg |
AST00301-1 | SAH-Na | S-Adenosylhomocysteine standard ( SAH Sodium). Buffer (18 ml) for serial dilution may be supplied (additional $15 each). | 1ml (4µM) |
AST00301-1s | SAH-Na s | S-Adenosylhomocysteine standard ( SAH Sodium) for serum/plasma. Buffer (8ml) for serial dilution may be supplied (additional $60 each). | 0.5ml (4µM) |
ACT00301-50 | BSA-SAH | BSA was conjugated to S-Adenosylhomocysteine. Coating for 10 96-well micro-titer plates. | 50µg (20µg) |
ACT00302-50 | Bio-SAH a | Biotin is conjugated to NH2 group of S-adenosylhomocysteine. | 50µg |
ACT00302-100 | Bio-SAH b | Biotin is conjugated to NH2 group of S-adenosylhomocysteine. | 100µg |
ACT00303-50 | Bio-6C-SAH 1a | Biotin is conjugated to NH2 of SAH through 6-aminohexanoic acid. | 50µg |
ACT00303-100 | Bio-6C-SAH 1b | Biotin is conjugated to NH2 of SAH through 6-aminohexanoic acid. | 100µg |
ACT00304-25 | Dig-6C-SAH 1a | Digoxin is conjugated to NH2- of SAH through 6-bromocaproic acid | 25µg |
ACT00304-50 | Dig-6C-SAH 1b | Digoxin is conjugated to NH2 of SAH through 6-bromocaproic acid. | 50µg |
ACT00304-100 | Dig-6C-SAH 1c | Digoxin is conjugated to NH2 of SAH through 6-bromocaproic acid. | 100µg |
ACT00305-10 | Bio-12CN-SAH 1a | Biotin is conjugated to NH2 of SAH through a 10-carbon and 2-nitrogen linker. | 10µg |
ACT00305-50 | Bio-12CN-SAH 1b | Biotin is conjugated to NH2 of SAH through a 10-carbon and 2-nitrogen linker. | 50µg |
ACT00305-100 | Bio-12CN-SAH 1c | Biotin is conjugated to NH2 of SAH through a 10-carbon and 2-nitrogen linker. | 100µg |
AST00401-50 | MAT a | Recombinant methionine adenosyltransferase (E.C., E. Coli expression | 50µg |
AST00401-500 | MAT b | Recombinant methionine adenosyltransferase (E.C., E. Coli expression | 500µg |
ACT00501-100 | BSA-HCY | Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was conjugated to homocysteine (HCY). | 100µg |
AST00601-50 | HMT a | Recombinant Homocysteine S-methyltransferase (E.C., E. Coli expression | 50µg |
AST00601-500 | HMT b | Recombinant Homocysteine S-methyltransferase (E.C., E. Coli expression | 500µg |