Boston BioProducts由哈佛医学院的科学家于1995年创立。自成立以来,Boston BioProducts一直致力于为生物技术行业和学术界的生命科学研究提供高质量的产品和服务解决方案。Boston BioProducts在cGMP质量管理体系下运营,为全球4000多个实验室提供全面的生物缓冲液和解决方案,以及灵活的定制缓冲液制造服务,旨在满足每个客户的特定需求。
Boston BioProducts提供全面的生物缓冲液产品,可用于研究、诊断、药物开发和制造。缓冲液通过中和氢离子的作用来调节恒定的pH范围,这对涉及蛋白质研究、分子生物学和表征的研究非常重要。pH水平的波动会对生物样本造成损害,因此对于储存和分析DNA/RNA和蛋白质等娇贵样本非常重要。生物缓冲液溶液还在细胞生物学应用中维持生物环境至关重要。我们的生物缓冲液溶液可以保护生物样本免受pH值的变化造成的影响,并帮助研究人员取得稳定准确的结果。
货号 | 产品名称 | 规格 |
BBT-95 | Tris-HCl Buffer (1.0 M, pH 9.5)(起发现货) | 1 L |
IBB-180X | Tris Buffered Saline-Tween (20X, with 2% Tween-20, pH 7.4) | 1 L |
IBB-171 | Phosphate Buffered Saline-Tween (10X, with 0.5% Tween-20, pH 7.4) | 500 mL |
BM-324 | Tris-HCl Buffer 1 M, pH 9.5 | 1 L |
BB-2328 | Sodium Phosphate Buffer (0.5 M, pH 8.0) | 250 mL |
BB-2375-250mL | TAPS Buffer (1 M, pH 8.5) | 250 mL |
BM-300-2L | Tris Buffered Saline (10X, pH 7.4) | 2 L |
BBT-90 | Tris-HCl Buffer (1.0 M, pH 9.0) | 500 mL |
BM-300 | Tris Buffered Saline (10X, pH 7.4) | 1 L |
微生物培养是分子生物学中一种重要的研究手段。无论是培养细菌以分离质粒,还是研究微生物污染,我们都有一系列专注于酵母和细菌培养基,适合任何应用。通常,肉汤和其他液体营养培养基用于培养大批量的酵母或细菌。Boston BioProducts的微生物培养基系列包括适用于酵母和细菌培养的液体和固体培养基产品,包括传统的生长培养基、肉汤和粉末。
货号 | 产品名称 | 规格 |
BM-372 | Terrific Broth | 500 mL |
BM-330 | LB-Medium (Miller) | 500 mL |
BM-332 | LB-Broth (Lennox) | 500 mL |
可视化DNA、RNA或蛋白质是许多生命科学实验的重要组成部分,从基因分型到检测组织中的蛋白质,需要最高质量的DNA、RNA和蛋白质试剂才能提供最佳结果。Boston BioProducts为许多应用提供DNA、RNA和蛋白质试剂,包括凝胶电泳、蛋白质印迹和免疫组织化学。Boston BioProducts的辅助试剂包括广泛的dNTP溶液和混合物,以及蛋白酶和磷酸酶抑制剂、DNA Ladder、琼脂糖和适用于凝胶电泳和印迹的负载染料。我们还提供用于免疫组织化学的蛋白质试剂,如用于阻断固定组织和细胞的理想血清产品。
货号 | 产品名称 | 规格 |
ST-180 | Ponceau S Solution | 500 mL |
BM-102F | Orange-G Blue Loading Dye (6X) | 10 mL |
BM-106 | Ethidium Bromide (10 mg/ml) | 10 mL |
BM-102G | Orange-G Loading Dye (6X, Glycerol-Based) | 25 mL |
WB-100 | Luminol & Oxidizing Solutions | 100 mL |
Boston BioProducts为生命科学研究的许多应用提供即用的解决方案。这包括抗生素、酸碱、糖、洗涤剂、金属、螯合剂、平衡盐溶液等等。
货号 | 产品名称 | 规格 |
BM-155 | Paraformaldehyde (4%, PBS) | 250 mL |
BM-150 | EDTA (0.5 M, pH 8.0) | 250 mL |
BM-244 | Sodium Chloride (5 M) | 250 mL |
BM-705 | Formalin (10%, Phosphate Buffer) | 250 mL |
MT-200 | Magnesium Chloride (1 M) | 50 mL |
BM-721 | EGTA (0.5 M, pH 7.4) | 50 mL |
BSS-370 | Tyrode's Solution (with HEPES & 0.25% BSA) | 500 mL |
BZ-8036 | Potassium Hydroxide (1 N) | 250 mL |
BB-2702 | Citric Acid (1 N) | 250 mL |
Boston BioProducts为生命科学实验室的许多应用提供分子级水,包括细胞培养、分子生物学、稀释和样品制备,适用于广泛的实验室应用,如填充加热浴和高压灭菌器、稀释缓冲液和pH溶液等。并经过认证,不含RNase、DNase和蛋白酶,低内毒素,非常适合在高度敏感的应用中制备缓冲液,如细胞培养、蛋白质化学、细胞生理学、分子生物学应用,如DNA测序以及电泳和印迹溶液的制备。
货号 | 产品名称 | 规格 |
WT-045 | Cell Culture Water | 500 mL |
WT-020 | General Molecular Biology Grade Water | 500 mL |
WT-055 | Distilled Water | 2 x 1 L |
BM-705 | DNase/RNase Free Distilled Water (Non-DEPC Treated) | 500 mL |
WT-005 | Nuclease Free Water (DEPC Treated) | 1 L |
WT-040 | Reverse Osmosis Deionized Water | 4 L |
BSS-370 | Tyrode's Solution (with HEPES & 0.25% BSA) | 500 mL |
BZ-8036 | Potassium Hydroxide (1 N) | 250 mL |
BB-2702 | Citric Acid (1 N) | 250 mL |
更多其它产品详情请查询Boston BioProducts网站或咨询Boston BioProducts中国代理上海起发。
下图为Boston BioProducts公司授权上海起发作为中国区域代理的授权书。
Boston BioProducts热卖产品
货号 | 产品名称 | 规格 | 品牌 |
BBT-95 | Tris-HCl Buffer (1.0 M, pH 9.5)(起发现货) | 1 L | Boston BioProducts |
BSS-370 | Tyrode's Solution (with HEPES & 0.25% BSA) | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BP-115D | RIPA Buffer (with EDTA) | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BB-2375 | TAPS Buffer (1 M, pH 8.5) - Products - #BB-2375 | 100 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BSS-365 | Tyrode's Solution (with HEPES & 0.25% BSA, without Calcium)(起发现货) | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-180X | Tris Buffered Saline-Tween (20X, with 2% Tween-20, pH 7.4) | 1 L | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-181X | Tris Buffered Saline-Tween (20X, with 1% Tween-20, pH 7.4) | 4 L | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-181-1L | Tris Buffered Saline-Tween (10X, with 0.5% Tween-20, pH 7.4) | 1 L | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-171 | Phosphate Buffered Saline-Tween (10X, with 0.5% Tween-20, pH 7.4) | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-181X-1L | Tris Buffered Saline-Tween | 1 L | Boston BioProducts |
BM-324 | Tris-HCl Buffer 1 M, pH 9.5 | 1 L | Boston BioProducts |
BB-2328 | Sodium Phosphate Buffer (0.5 M, pH 8.0) | 250 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BM-181SC | Hybridization Soln(2X) | 30 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BB-2375-250mL | TAPS Buffer (1 M, pH 8.5) | 250 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BM-300-2L | Tris Buffered Saline (10X, pH 7.4) | 2 L | Boston BioProducts |
BBT-90 | Tris-HCl Buffer (1.0 M, pH 9.0) | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BM-300 | Tris Buffered Saline (10X, pH 7.4) | 1 L | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-171-4L | Phosphate Buffered Saline-Tween (10X, with 0.5% Tween-20, pH 7.4) | 4 L | Boston BioProducts |
BBH-70-500mL | HEPES Buffer (1 M, pH 7.0) | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-290-250mL | Gelatin Veronal Buffer (10 mM Barbital) | 250 mL | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-290 | Gelatin Veronal Buffer (10 mM Barbital) | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BBT-90-1L | Tris-HCl Buffer (1 M, pH 9.0) | 1 L | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-180X-2L | Tris Buffered Saline-Tween (20X, with 2% Tween-20, pH 7.4) | 2 L | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-181 | Tris Buffered Saline-Tween (10X, with 0.5% Tween-20, pH 7.4) | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BP-119 | NP-40 Lysis Buffer | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BP-115-500mL | RIPA Buffer | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BP-111R-50mL | LaemmLi SDS-Sample Buffer (6X, Reducing) | 50 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BP-111NR | LaemmLi SDS-Sample Buffer (6X, Non-Reducing) | 50 mL | Boston BioProducts |
C-10499B-250mL | RNA Cell Lysis Buffer (with 0.25% IGEPAL) | 250 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BM-220 | Phosphate Buffered Saline (10X Solution, pH 7.4) | 1 L | Boston BioProducts |
BM-150-DR-100mL | EDTA (0.5 M, pH 8.0, RNase Free) | 100 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BBT-95-500mL | Tris-HCl Buffer (1 M, pH 9.5) | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BBT-85-500mL | Tris-HCl Buffer (1.0 M, pH 8.5) | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BB-2505 | Arginine-HCl Buffer (0.5 M, pH 7.0) | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BBH-80-500mL | HEPES Buffer (1 M, pH 8.0) | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BBH-80 | HEPES Buffer (1 M, pH 8.0) | 250 mL | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-370 | Glucose Veronal Buffer | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
BBH-70 | HEPES Buffer (1 M, pH 7.0) | 250 mL | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-594-2L | Tris Buffered Saline-Wash Buffer (20X, pH 7.4) | 2 L | Boston BioProducts |
C-7758Y—1L | Buffer pH 7.0 (Yellow) – 1 L | 1 L | Boston BioProducts |
WB-100-KITx500mL | Luminol & Oxidizing Solutions | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-592-4L | Tris Buffered Saline-Wash Buffer (10X, pH 7.4) | 4 L | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-594 | Tris Buffered Saline-Wash Buffer (20X, pH 7.4) | 1 L | Boston BioProducts |
BSS-375 | Balanced Salt Tyrode's Solution (Modified II) | 1 L | Boston BioProducts |
P-878 | Polyethylene Glycol PEG-8000 | 250 g | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-180X-4x1L | Tris Buffered Saline-Tween (20X, with 2% Tween-20, pH 7.4) | 4x1 L | Boston BioProducts |
R-225 | RNAse Free Sodium Acetate (1 M, pH 4.5) | 100 mL | Boston BioProducts |
P-935 | Tween-20 (20%) | 500 mL | Boston BioProducts |
IBB-596-1L | Tris Buffered Saline-Wash Buffer (10X, pH 7.6) - #IBB-596 | 1 L | Boston BioProducts |
BP-190 | Transfer Buffer (10X, Electro Blotting) | 1 L | Boston BioProducts |
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