Enzyme Research ,Enzyme Research 介绍,Enzyme Research 代理,Enzyme Research 总代,Enzyme Research *代理,Enzyme Research 中国代理
Enzyme Research 是一家拥有超过25年的酶研究的实验室,生产和开发多种用于基本凝血研究的多种酶和辅因子。在过去的十年Enzyme Research Laboratories为科学家参与止血和血栓形成的研究提供了宝贵支持。Enzyme Research通过不断追求产品的zui高品质,赢得了世界各地凝血研究实验室的信任。
LPg 2002 Human Lys-Plasminogen
Purified from homogeneous glu-plasminogen by activation with Plasmin. This activation results in the release of a 76 amino acid residue peptide (Glu-Lys76). This Lys77-Plasminogen can be readily converted to Lys77-Plasmin by any of the common plasminogen activators. The protein purity is determined by SDS-PAGE.
Buffer composition =50 mM Tris-HCl/0.1 M NaCl /pH 7.4
*Extinction Coefficient (1%) = 17.0
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