1、Cryo replicator系列:包括不同直径的针用于冷冻复制器,用于菌株的冷冻保存和复制。
2、Sandwich cover系列:提供多种类型的三明治盖,适用于不同孔径和深度的微孔板,有些型号还特别设计以减少蒸发。
3、Replacement seals系列:提供各种替换密封圈,用于三明治盖和通用盖子,有不同的孔径和材料选择。
Polystyrene transparent square 24-deepwell microplates with polystyrene lid
Polypropylene square 96-deepwell microplates
Sandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs
货号 | 品名 | 规格 | 价格 |
CR1206 | Sandwich cover for extra high 6 deepwell MTPs(with black solid silicone, hole size 7 mm) | ea | 1813.9 |
CR1206a | Sandwich cover for extra high 6 deepwell MTPs(with black solid silicone: hole size: 4 mm, low evap.) | ea | 1813.9 |
CR1224 | Sandwich cover for all types of 24 deepwell MTPs(with closed cell silicone, 2.5 mm holes) | ea | 1701.7 |
CR1224a | Sandwich cover for all types of 24 deepwell MTPs(with closed cell silicone, 1.2 mm holes, low evap.) | ea | 1701.7 |
CR1224b | Sandwich cover for 24 deepwell MTPs CR1424a & CR1424cl(with closed cell silicone, fixed with pins, 2.5 mm holes) | ea | 1701.7 |
CR1224c | Sandwich cover for 24 deepwell MTPs CR1424a & CR1424cl(with closed cell silicone, fixed with pins, 1.2 mm holes, low evap.) | ea | 1701.7 |
CR1224d | Sandwich cover for all types of 24 deepwell MTPs(with black solid silicone, 2.5 mm holes) | ea | 1813.9 |
CR1224e | Sandwich cover for all types of 24 deepwell MTPs(with black solid silicone, 1.2 mm holes, low evap.) | ea | 1813.9 |
CR1224f | Sandwich cover for 24 deepwell MTPs CR1424a, cl, d & dg(with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 2.5 mm holes) | ea | 1888.7 |
CR1224g | Sandwich cover for 24 deepwell MTPs CR1424a, cl, d & dg(with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 1.2 mm holes, low evap.) | ea | 1888.7 |
CR1224h | Sandwich cover for extra tall 24 deepwell MTPs (hitplates)(with closed cell silicone, 2.5 mm holes) | ea | 1888.7 |
CR1224i | Sandwich cover for extra tall 24 deepwell MTPs (hitplates)(with closed cell silicone, 1.2 mm holes) | ea | 1888.7 |
CR1224t | CO2 release Sandwich cover for all types of 24 well MTPs(solid silicone, with 24 FEP tubes, 0.1 mm I.D. x 5mm ) | ea | 2412.3 |
CR1296 | Sandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs(with closed cell silicone, 1.5 mm holes) | ea | 1701.7 |
CR1296a | Sandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs(with black solid silicone, 0.8 mm holes, low evaporation) | ea | 1813.9 |
CR1296as | Sandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs(with black solid silicone, with 0.5mm tubes, extra low evaporation) | ea | 3422.1 |
CR1296b | Sandwich cover for CR1496a MTPs(with closed cell silicone, fixed with pins, 1.5 mm holes) | ea | 1888.7 |
CR1296c | Sandwich cover for CR1496a MTPs(with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 0.8 mm holes, low evap.) | ea | 1888.7 |
CR1296d | Sandwich cover for all types of 96 deepwell MTPs(with black solid silicone, 1.5 mm holes) | ea | 1888.7 |
CR1296e | Sandwich cover for CR1496a MTPs(with black solid silicone, fixed with pins, 1.5 mm holes) | ea | 1888.7 |
CR1296t | CO2 release Sandwich cover for all types of 96 well MTPs(solid silicone, with 96 PEEK tubes, 0.075 mm I.D. x 5mm ) | ea | 3683.9 |
CR1406 | 4x Extra high square deepwell MTP (polystyrene, 85 mm high6 wells of 82 ml volume, Pyramid bottom, gamma irradiated) | ea | 1458.6 |
CR1406b | 4x Extra high square deepwell MTP (polystyrene, 85 mm high,6 wells of 82 ml volume, Pyramid bottom, gamma irradiated, with barcode) | ea | 1552.1 |
CR1406b4 | 4x Extra high square deepwell MTP (polystyrene, 85 mm high,6 wells 82 ml volume, pyramid bottom, gamma irradiated, barcode, 4 in one bag) | ea | 1552.1 |
CR1424 | Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable,24 wells of 11 ml volume, flattened, detoxified) | ea | 411.4 |
CR1424n | Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable,24 wells of 11 ml volume, not flattened, not detoxified) | ea | 168.3 |
CR1424a | Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable, 24 wells 11 ml,flattened, detoxified, with 4 cavities to fit covers with pins) | ea | 448.8 |
CR1424an | Polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable, 24 wells 11 ml,not flattened, not detoxified, with 4 cavities to fit covers with pins) | ea | 205.7 |
CR1424cl | 8 x transparent polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable,24 wells of 11 ml volume, gamma-irradiated, with PS lid, no barcode) | ea | 1365.1 |
CR1424clb | 8 x transparent polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable,24 wells of 11 ml volume, gamma-irradiated, with PS lid, with barcode) | ea | 1458.6 |
CR1424d | 8 x grey polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable,24 wells of 11 ml volume, transparant bottom, gamma-irradiated) | ea | 2543.2 |
CR1424dg | 8 x greyish-White polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable,24 wells of 11 ml volume, transparant bottom, gamma-irradiated) | ea | 2543.2 |
CR1424dgc | 8 x greyish-white polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable,24 wells of 11 ml volume, transparant bottom, gamma-irradiated) | ea | 3814.8 |
CR1424dh | 8 x greyish polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable,24 wells of 11 ml volume, transparant bottom, gamma-irradiated) | ea | 2543.2 |
CR1424f | 16 x Roundwell MTP Porvair, white walls, transparent bottom24 wells of 3 ml volume, with lid, gamma irradiated) | ea | 3796.1 |
CR1424h | Extra high polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable,24 wells of 25 ml volume, “Hitplate 25", untreated, 90 mm high) | ea | 205.7 |
CR1424hd | Extra high polypropylene square deepwell MTP (re-usable,24 wells of 25 ml volume, “Hitplate 25", flattened, detoxified, 89.5 mm high) | ea | 523.6 |
CR1496c | 16x transparent polystyrene square half deepwell MTPIndividually packed, 96 wells of 1.1 ml volume, gamma-irradiated | ea | 1720.4 |
CR1496c10 | 20x transparent polystyrene square half deepwell MTPpacked per 10, 96 wells of 1.1 ml volume, gamma-irradiated | ea | 2131.8 |
CR1496cp | Polypropylene half-deepwell MTP made from polypropylene(96 wells of 1.1 ml volume, round bottoms, flattened, detoxified) | ea | 411.4 |
CR1496cpn | Polypropylene half-deepwell MTP made from polypropylene(96 wells of 1.1 ml volume, round bottoms, untreated) | ea | 168.3 |
CR1801h | Extra high universal clamp with 4 positions, also suitablefor extra high deepwell MTPs (fits various shaker platforms), | ea | 18887 |
CR1496cp | Polypropylene half-deepwell MTP made from polypropylene | ea | 411.4 |
CR1496cpn | Polypropylene half-deepwell MTP made from polypropylene | ea | 168.3 |
CR1424d | 8 x grey polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable, | ea | 2543.2 |
CR1424dg | 8 x greyish-White polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable, | ea | 2543.2 |
CR1424dgc | 8 x greyish-white polystyrene square deepwell MTP (disposable,in gastight box (fits Kuhner shaker platform) | ea | 3814.8 |
CR1700 | Cover clamp for 4 deepwell MTPs | ea | 13838 |
CR1702a | Cover clamp for 2 deepwell MTPs (fits Kuhner shaker platforms only) | ea | 7480 |
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