Cellabs 是一家总部位于澳大利亚悉尼的生物技术公司,专门从事热带和传染病免疫诊断试剂盒的设计、开发和制造。
“正牌代理商"栏目设立的初衷是为了让读者在购买产品时能更快找到厂家授权的代理商,不用一张一张地翻名片,也不用担心买到水货和假货。基于这个初衷,我们收录了多个品牌的代理商,并在签订合同时进行了严格的审核。各厂家或代理商以合同的形式对其代理信息的真实性和准确性进行了保证。 然而,由于生物产品市场的复杂性,尽管我们进行了严格的审核,也不能保证信息的*准确和实时更新。基于此,今后我们会尽我们最大的努力去进行更严格的审核,也希望各厂家和代理商配合和谅解。
Cellabs 标准 IFA 50 测试套件包含足够用于 50 次测试的试剂:1.25mL 试剂瓶、一次性阳性对照载玻片和 2.5mL 特制封固液瓶。
Cat. No. | Product Name | Description |
KR1 | Crypto Cel | 50 Test Direct Immunofluorescence Test for the detection of Cryptosporidium. |
RR1 | Crypto Cel Reagent 5mL | Standard formulation |
RR1N | Crypto Cel Reagent 5mL | No Evans blue formulation |
RR1F | Crypto Cel Reagent 5mL | FAST Reagent 15 minutes incubation |
RR1FN | Crypto Cel Reagent 5mL | FAST Reagent 15 minutes incubation, formulated without Evans Blue |
KR2 | Crypto/Giardia Cel | 50 Test Direct Immunofluorescence Test for the detection of Cryptosporidium & Giardia |
KG1 | Giardia Cel | 50 Test Direct Immunofluorescent Test for the detection of Giardia |
KC1 | Chlamydia Cel | 50 Test Direct Immunofluorescence Test for the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis |
KC2 | Chlamydia Cel LPS | 50 Test Direct Immunofluorescence Test for the detection of Chlamydia group lipopolysaccharide (LPS) |
KC3 | Chlamydia Cel Pn | 50 Test Direct Immunofluorescence Test for the detection of Chlamydia pneumoniae |
KP1 | Pneumo Cel | 50 Test Direct Immunofluorescence Test for the detection of Pneumocystis carinii |
KP2 | Pneumo Cel Indirect | 50 Test Indirect Immunofluorescence test for the detection of Pneumocystis carinii (P.jirovecii) |
KP2-Bulk | Pneumo Cel Indirect Reagent | 200 Test Reagent |