简要描述:Biolog代理,Biolog中国,Biolog代理,Biolog公司,Biolog专业代理-B体育备用网址 ,具体产品信息欢迎电询:4006551678
世界*实验材料供应商Biolog正式授权上海起发为其中国代理,Biolog 在一直是行业的*,一直为广大科研客户提供zui为优质的产品和服务,上海起发一直秉承为中国科研客户带来的产品,的服务, 签约Biolog 就是为了给广大科研客户带来更加完善的产品和服务,您的满意将是我们zui大的收获
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美国Biolog www.biolog。。com
Biolog, Inc. is a privay held company that began operations in 1984. The company's product lines have been built upon patented technology that greatly simplifies testing of cells. Biolog's first products were introduced in 1988 and by 1990 it had established a profitable growing business in microbiology for the identification and characterization of microbial cells. In 1991, Biolog, Inc. was a recipient of the "R&D 100 Award" for the company's groundbreaking bacterial identification products. These products, marketed under the MicroLog?, MicroStation? and OmniLog? brand names, are sold worldwide through direct sales as well as distribution. The principal customers of our microbiology identification products are laboratories needing state-of-the-art capabilities, especially pharmaceutical, biotech, cosmetics, and medical device companies, university and government research laboratories, labs testing for diseases in animals and plants, labs performing environmental monitoring, and companies or organizations involved in production or testing of food and drink.
From this technology base in 1999 and with an SBIR award from the National Institutes for Health Human Genome Research Institute, Biolog began development of its revolutionary Phenotype MicroArray? technology. This groundbreaking technology allows researchers to evaluate thousands of cellular phenotypes simultaneously in both microbial and mammalian cells. Development of array sets testing 2,000 phenotypes of microbial cells was completed and first introduced in September 2001. Now Phenotype MicroArray technology is being tested under license in many pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies for use in drug and enzyme development programs. Biolog continues to develop and patent unique and proprietary technologies that allow scientists to broadly characterize cellular functions using arrays of phenotypic tests.
In addition to revenue from product sales, Biolog has received funding from private investments and Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grants and contracts from the National Institutes for Health (NIH), Department of Energy (DOE), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Science Foundation (NSF).
2: 货品全,现经营过700多个品牌,基本所有生物试剂耗材都可以进口,特别是冷偏的产品那就更有优势,
5:良好的信誉,大部分客户我们提供货到付款服务,客户包括清华,北大 交大 复旦,中山等100多所大学,ROCHE,阿斯利康,国药 ,fisher等500多家公司
6:我们还是Santa,Advanced Biotechnologies Inc,Biolog,bangs,BBInternational,crystalchem,dianova,FD Neurotechnologies,Inc. FormuMax Scientific,Inc, GePromegaridege, Glycotope Biotechnology GmbH; iduron,Innovative Research of America, Ludger, neuroprobe,omicronbio, Polysciences,prospecbi, QA-BIO,quickzyme,RESEARCH DIETS,INC,sterlitech;sysy,TriLink BioTechnologies,Inc;worthington-biochem,zyagen等几十家国外公司授权代理。
7:我们还是invitrogen,qiagen,Midland BioProducts Corporationam,sigma;Promega,roche,merck, rnd,BD, GE,pierce,BioLegend等*批发,欢迎合作。