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ProteinOne leads the post genome era with its unique high purity, active protein catalog, precision protein purification services and unparalleled protein chemistry expertise.

  • 产品型号:
  • 厂商性质:经销商
  • 更新时间:2024-08-28
  • 访  问  量:2455


ProteinOne leads the post genome era with its unique high purity, active protein catalog, precision protein purification services and unparalleled protein chemistry expertise.


货号 品名 包装 价格 品牌
G501 Group of RXR-alpha   11696 proteinone
G502 Group of RXR beta   8653 proteinone
G503 Group of RAR alpha   13668 proteinone
G504 Group of RAR beta   13668 proteinone
G505 Group of RAR gamma   13430 proteinone
G506 Group of LXR alpha   15147 proteinone
G507 Group of LXR beta   12433.8 proteinone
G508 Group of PPAR alpha   15895 proteinone
G-509 Group of PPAR beta   12433.8 proteinone
G510 Group of PPAR gamma   12433.8 proteinone
G511 Group of FXR   15317 proteinone
G512 Group of TopoI   #VALUE! proteinone
G513 Group of BRG1   11390 proteinone
G514 Group of PXR   9265 proteinone
G515 Group of VDR   10387 proteinone
G516 Group of PC4   12274 proteinone
G517 Group of co-activators (p52, P75)   15232 proteinone
G518 Group of SP1   #VALUE! proteinone
G519 Group of SRC1-RID   #VALUE! proteinone
G520 Group of p53   #VALUE! proteinone
G521 Group of p53 and MDM2   #VALUE! proteinone
G522 Group of splicing factors   17595 proteinone
G523 Group of Oncogenes   15232 proteinone
G524 Group of Glucokinase   15238.8 proteinone
G525 Group of GST   9554 proteinone
G526 Group of HMG1   14752.6 proteinone
G527 Group of Dr1   13192 proteinone
G527 Group of Dr1   13192 proteinone
G528 Group of MEK1   12155 proteinone
G529 Group of Transcription factors   #VALUE! proteinone
G530 Group of P53 for pull down   14696.5 proteinone
G531 Group of TBP   13583 proteinone
G532 Group of TFIIA   13583 proteinone
G533 Group of TFIIEa-p56   13583 proteinone
G534 Group of TFIIEb-p34   9928 proteinone
G535 Group of TFIIF-RAP74   9928 proteinone
G536 Group of TFIIF-RAP30   13583 proteinone
G537 Group of RNA-pol II-p33   9928 proteinone
G538 Group of RNA pol II-p14.5   9928 proteinone
M21001 IFN lambda/IL-28B   3910 proteinone
M21003 MBP-TAF7   3910 proteinone
M21003 MBP-TAF7   3910 proteinone
N11003 TAF7   5610 proteinone
N11003 TAF7   5610 proteinone
P0001 HeLa Cell Nuclear Extract (For in vitro Transcription)   2958 proteinone
P0002 HeLa Cell Nuclear Extract (For in-vitro pre-mRNA Splicing)   2958 proteinone
P0003 293 Cell Nuclear Extract (For in vitro pre-mRNA Splicing)   2958 proteinone
P0004 HeLa Cell Cytosol Extract (S100)   2958 proteinone
P1001 TFIIA-p55   4598.5 proteinone
P1002 TFIIA-p12 (Transcription Factor IIA subunit)   4598.5 proteinone
P1003 TFIIB (Transcription Factor IIB)   4598.5 proteinone
P1004 TBP (TATA box Binding Protein)   4598.5 proteinone
P1005 TFIIE alpha (p56)   4598.5 proteinone
P1006 TFIIE beta (p34)   4598.5 proteinone
P1007 TFIIE (Transcription Factor IIE alpha+beta subunits)   4598.5 proteinone
P1008 TFIIF- RAP74   4598.5 proteinone
P1009 TFIIF RAP30   4598.5 proteinone
P1010 TFIIF   4598.5 proteinone
P1011 TFIIH (native complex)   8525.5 proteinone
P1012 TFIIH-p62   4598.5 proteinone
P1013 TFIID   7553.1 proteinone
P1015 RNA pol II-CTD (1586-1951)   4598.5 proteinone
P1016 RNA pol II-hRPB3   4598.5 proteinone
P1017 RNA pol II-hRPB9   4598.5 proteinone
P1018 GAL4-AH [GAL4(1-147) + AH]   4598.5 proteinone
P1019 GAL4-VP16 [GAL4(1-147) + VP16(411-490)]   4598.5 proteinone
P1020 GAL4-E1A [GAL4(1-147) + E1A(121-223)]   5589.6 proteinone
P1022 RXR-alpha (NR2B1)   4598.5 proteinone
P1023 TR-beta 1   4598.5 proteinone
P1024 Dr1 (NC2b 19 kDa)   4411.5 proteinone
P1025 HMG1 (High Mobility Group 1 protein)   4598.5 proteinone
P1030 p75 Transcriptional Coactivator   5589.6 proteinone
P1031 E2F-1 (RBAP-1) Transcription Factor and Rb-mediator   6562 proteinone
P1032 TFIIA (Transcription Factor IIA reconstituted)   4598.5 proteinone
P1033 Sp1 GC-box Binding Protein (Natural)   6842.5 proteinone
P1034 Sp1 GC-box Binding Protein (Recombinant)   6562 proteinone
P1035 CTF1   6562 proteinone
P1036 TOPO I   5589.6 proteinone
P1037 Topo I (C651-765)   5589.6 proteinone
P1038 Topo I (197-651)   5589.6 proteinone
P1039 Topo I (N1-197)   5589.6 proteinone
P1040 Topo I (Y723F)   5589.6 proteinone
P1041 BRG1 (Brahma-related Gene 1 protein, wild type)   6562 proteinone
P1042 BRG1-mt (K798R, ATPase-deficient)   5589.6 proteinone
P1043 RXR alpha-LBD [200-462]   4411.5 proteinone
P1044 FXR (Farnesoid-X-activated Receptor)   4579.8 proteinone
P1045 LXR-alpha (NR1H3)   4579.8 proteinone
P1046 LXR-beta (NR1H2)   4579.8 proteinone
P1047 LXR alpha-LBD [215-447]   4411.5 proteinone
P1048 PPAR-alpha   4579.8 proteinone
P1049 PPAR-beta   4579.8 proteinone
P1050 PPAR-gamma   4579.8 proteinone
P1051 GR (Glucocorticoid Receptor)   5589.6 proteinone
P1052 TR-alpha1   5196.9 proteinone
P1053 RXR-beta (NR2B2)   5196.9 proteinone
P1054 RAR-alpha   5814 proteinone
P1055 RAR-gamma   5589.6 proteinone
P1056 RAR-beta   5814 proteinone
P1057 ER (Estrogen Receptor)   6842.5 proteinone
P1058 HMG1 (Native from Calf Thymus)   5589.6 proteinone
P1062 USF1   5196.9 proteinone
P1063 PPAR alpha-LBD [170-468]   5159.5 proteinone
P1064 PPAR beta-LBD [165-441]   5159.5 proteinone
P1065 PPAR gamma-LBD [204-477]   5159.5 proteinone
P1066 LXR beta-LBD [211-461]   5159.5 proteinone
P1067 FXR-LBD [217-472]   4579.8 proteinone
P1068 RAR alpha-LBD (154-462)   5159.5 proteinone
P1069 RAR beta-LBD (173-409)   5159.5 proteinone
P1070 RAR gamma-LBD (154-415)   5159.5 proteinone
P1071 STAT3 (Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3)   4598.5 proteinone
P1074 STAT2 (Signal transducer and activator of transcription 2)   4411.5 proteinone
P1085 CAR-LBD [101-348]   5196.9 proteinone
P1088 LRH-1 (NR5A2)   5589.6 proteinone
P1090 AR-LBD [650-920]   5589.6 proteinone
P1092 N-CoR1 (Nuclear Receptor Co-Repressor 1)   6562 proteinone
P1094 VDR-LBD (118-427)   5589.6 proteinone
P1095 SRC1-RID (Flag tagged)   4224.5 proteinone
P1096 CAR   5196.9 proteinone
P1098 PXR-LBD (138-434)   4824.6 proteinone
P2001 p53 (wild type)   5907.5 proteinone
P2002 p53 (1-363) C-terminal deletion   5907.5 proteinone
P2003 p53 (1-342) C-terminal deletion   5907.5 proteinone
P2005 BRCA1 (Tumor Suppressor Protein and Transcription Factor)   6562 proteinone
P2007 pRB (Retinoblastoma protein)   6562 proteinone
P2008 WT-1 (+KTS)   6562 proteinone
P2009 WT-1 (-KTS)   6562 proteinone
P2010 VHL (von Hippel-Lindau tumor suppressor protein)   5776.6 proteinone
P2011 BCL-10 (B Cell Lymphoma 10)   5776.6 proteinone
P2013 c-fos (proto oncogene)   5589.6 proteinone
P2014 c-jun (proto oncogene)   5589.6 proteinone
P2015 c-myc (proto oncogene)   5589.6 proteinone
P2016 RAD51   4598.5 proteinone
P2017 FGF-1 (acidic fibroblast growth factor)   5196.9 proteinone
P2018 FGF-2 (Low Molecular Weight, 134-278)   5196.9 proteinone
P2019 SV40 T-Antigen (Simian Virus 40 Large Antigen)   5196.9 proteinone
P2020 FRA-1 (Fos-related antigen 1)   5196.9 proteinone
P2021 MDM2 (Mouse double minute 2) Human Oncoprotein   5196.9 proteinone
P2025 HIF-1a CTAD [776-826]   5159.5 proteinone
P2026 HIF-1a NTAD [530-698]   5159.5 proteinone
P3000 MBP (maltose binding protein)   2448 proteinone
P3001 ASF/SF2 (SFRS1 or SRp30a from E Coli)   4785.5 proteinone
P3002 ASF/SF2 (SFRS1 or SRp30a from Baculovirus)   6562 proteinone
P3003 SC35 (SFRS2 or SRp30b) Pre-mRNA Splicing Factor   5589.6 proteinone
P4000 GST   2278 proteinone
P4000 GST   2278 proteinone
P4001 GST-TBP   4411.5 proteinone
P4002 GST-p53 (1-81) wt   3850.5 proteinone
P4003 GST-p53 (1-81) mt   3850.5 proteinone
P4004 GST-TFIIA-p55   4411.5 proteinone
P4005 GST-RPB8   4411.5 proteinone
P4006 GST-TFIIA [p12]   4411.5 proteinone
P4007 GST-TFIIB   4411.5 proteinone
P4008 GST-TFIIEa(p56)   4411.5 proteinone
P4010 GST-RAP30   4411.5 proteinone
P4011 GST-RPB3   4411.5 proteinone
P4012 GST-RPB6   4411.5 proteinone
P4013 GST-RPB9   4411.5 proteinone
P4014 GST-RPB10   4411.5 proteinone
P4015 GST-RPB12   4411.5 proteinone
P4016 GST-CTD   4411.5 proteinone
P4017 GST-VP16 (411-490)   4411.5 proteinone
P4018 GST-CTF1   4411.5 proteinone
P4019 GST-Sp1(270-620)   4411.5 proteinone
P4020 GST-Dr1   4224.5 proteinone
p4053 GST-p53 full length   4224.5 proteinone
P5007 PIP5K2B   5589.6 proteinone
P5013 PKACA (Protein Kinase A Catalytic subunit alpha)   5589.6 proteinone
P5049 MAPK14 (From bacterial system)   5589.6 proteinone
P5050 I-GLK (Glucokinase isoform 2)   5589.6 proteinone
P5051 I-GLK (Glucokinase Isoform 1)   5589.6 proteinone
P5052 L-GLK (Glucokinase Isoform 3)   5589.6 proteinone
P5053 SNARK(SNF1-like kinase 2) wild Type   5814 proteinone
P5054 SNARK NUAK2-MT (SNF1-like kinase 2) Mutant K85R   5814 proteinone
P5055 MEK1- MAP Kinase Kinase (MAPKK)   5814 proteinone
P5057 ATF2 (CRE-BP1, CREB2, TREB7, HB16)   5589.6 proteinone
P5059 MEK3   5589.6 proteinone
P5101 HCV-NS4A/NS3-1b Protease (strain HC-J4)   5589.6 proteinone
P5102 HIV Protease   5589.6 proteinone
P5103 HCV-NS4A/NS3-1a Protease (strain H77)   5589.6 proteinone
P5104 HCV-NS4A/NS3-2a Protease (strain HC-J6)   5589.6 proteinone
P5105 HCV-NS4A/NS3-3 Protease (strain NZL1)   5589.6 proteinone
PA100-01 GST antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA100-02 GST antibody   2278 proteinone
PA101-01 TBP antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA102-01 Anti -TFIIA (anti-p55) antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA103-01 Anti -TFIIEa (anti-p56) antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA104-01 Anti -TFIIEb (anti-p34) antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA105-01 Anti -TFIIF (anti-RAP74) antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA106-01 Anti -TFIIF (anti-RAP30) antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA108-01 Anti -RNA Pol II (anti-CTD) antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA109-01 Anti -RNA Pol II (anti-RPB3) antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA110-01 Anti -RNA Pol II (anti-p14.5) antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA111-01 DR1 antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA112-01 HMG-1 antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA113-01 DNA Topoisomerase I antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA114-01 Anti -RXR (anti-RXR-LBD) antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA115-01 p53 antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA116-01 VHL antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA117-01 PC4 antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA118-01 p52 antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA119-01 p75 (a-LEDGF) antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA216-01 MDM2 antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA301-01 SC35 antibody   6094.5 proteinone
PA302-01 ASF/SF2 antibody   6094.5 proteinone
R1072 STAT1 (Signal transducer and activator of transcription 1)   6842.5 proteinone
R1073 STAT4 (Signal transducer and activator of transcription 4)   4598.5 proteinone
R1082 PXR (Pregnane X Receptor, NR1I2)   5196.9 proteinone
R1083 Rev-ErbA-beta (RVR, NR1D2)   5196.9 proteinone
R1084 VDR   5589.6 proteinone
R1089 AR (Androgen Receptor)   6842.5 proteinone
R5008 PLK1 (polo-like kinase 1)   5589.6 proteinone
R5024 LCK (Lymphocyte Specific Protein Tyrosine Kinase)   5589.6 proteinone
R5048 MAPK14 (From Baculovirus system)   5589.6 proteinone
RO7909 (5mg) Avidin   1785 proteinone
RO7910 (20ug) Streptavidin   3298 proteinone
RO7911 (10mg) Protein A   1785 proteinone
RO7912 (10mg) Protein G   3417 proteinone
RO7913 (10mg) Protein A/G   3417 proteinone
RO7914 (20mg) HRP   1785 proteinone
RO7915 (1,000 units) Tev   2278 proteinone




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