Cellctis 公司在大范围核酸酶基因工程研究领域处于地位,它的许多研究成果被成功运用于多种作物上,能对基因序列进行插入,删除或者改性操作,使得植物能表达出新的性状(比如抗旱,提高营养成分,抗病害等)目前有四个子公司Cellectis bioresearch, Cellectis therapeutics, Ectycell, Cellectis plant sciences服务于人类健康,生物产业,农业生物技术和干细胞领域,主要的工程技术是基因工程和蛋白工程技术。
- Worldwide pioneer in Genome engineering
- Established in 1999, listed on the NYSE-Euronext Alternext market in Paris since 2007
- Revenues 2010: € 15.8 M (70% sales from abroad)
- Staff: 152 including 60 PhDs
- 4 subsidiaries: Cellectis bioresearch, Cellectis therapeutics, Ectycell, Cellectis plant sciences
- Applications: human health, research and biomanufacturing, agrobiotechnology, stem cells
- Main technologies: Genome engineering, Protein engineering
- IP portfolio: 83 patents granted plus over 260 pending
- Location: Paris (France), Evry (France), Saint-Paul, Minnesota (USA), Cambridge, Massachussets (USA)