简要描述:Proteus Bioscience提供抗体和蛋白产品用于生化,细胞和分子生物学,遗传,免疫神经科学和病毒等领域的研究。并提供用于不同组织来源的蛋白分析预制试剂和相应的免疫蛋白纯化服务。
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Proteus BioSciences was founded in 2002 to develop innovative products to advance proteomic research. We specialize in discovering peptides and proteins with novel biological properties, designing and developing enzyme activity assays for diverse screening applications, and producing innovative protein analysis tools for biomarker identification and characterization.
With extensive research and product development expertise, academic and industrial biotechnology experience, and a solid business development and technology licensing track record, our efforts have contributed to the the publication of hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific articles and the development of thousands of life science research products. These products support studies in numerous fields including biochemistry, cell and molecular biology, genetics, immunology, neuroscience, and virology. We established and continue to collaborate with a network of over 500 scientific investigators worldwide and we intend to continue encouraging these relationships in the future to improve life science, biomedical and health care research.
Proteus BioSciences was founded in 2002 to discover peptides and proteins with novel biological properties, design and develop enzyme activity assays for diverse screening applications, and produce innovative protein analysis tools. Proteus BioSciences’ products support research in such diverse fields as biochemistry, cell & molecular biology, genetics, immunology, neuroscience and virology.
The Proteus BioSciences product range includes:
Enzyme activity assays
Protein analysis
Services offered include production of polyclonal antisera, immunochemistry and purification of fusion-tagged protein.
Proteus Bioscience提供抗体和蛋白产品用于生化,细胞和分子生物学,遗传,免疫神经科学和病毒等领域的研究。并提供用于不同组织来源的蛋白分析预制试剂和相应的免疫蛋白纯化服务。