脑模具包括大鼠脑模具和小鼠脑模具。脑模具经过精密机械加工和高度抛光,可确保切片过程的可重复性。使用材料为不锈钢,结实耐用,可被加热、冷却、高压灭菌(只限不锈钢型)、擦洗,经得起苛刻的使用条件。冠状脑模具具有矢状中线,可方便的分离左右脑半球。切片精度精确至1 mm,小鼠脑模具也适用于新生大鼠。
These high quality Brain Matrices are designed for freehand slicing of discrete regions of the brain. They allow slicing of either coronal or sagittal sections through the brain at intervals of 1mm and of 2mm for large brains. The all-metal design with a hard, durable chrome coating offers superior cooling properties. They may be heated, sterilized, chilled and scrubbed clean without damaging the surfaces. All Brain Matrices of the same animal are identical to give reproducible sections. They are ideal for precise and reproducible blocking of living or fixed brain tissue in: Anatomy: Precise blocking of the brain prior to microtome sectioning; Neurophysiology: Reproducible blocking of the brain prior to sectioning; and Biochemical Pharmacology: Reproducible removal of small brain regions for biochemical analysis. Below are selected product examples linked to ordering information: |
| These Matrices may be heated, sterilized, chilled and scrubbed clean without damaging the surfaces. Precise, reproducible blocking of living or fixed brain tissue. Immediate soaking in liquid cleaner is advisable after use. To keep tissue cool and viable, chill matrices before use. go to Blades for use in Brain Matrices go to Blades for use in Large Brain Matrices The following are selected product examples that are linked to the ordering information below: |
 15039 Rhesus Monkey, Coronal, 2mm |  15043 Cynomolgus Monkey, Coronal, 2mm |  15044 Cynomolgus Monkey, 2mm Cerebellum |  15041 Cat, Coronal, 2mm |
 15026 Rabbit, Coronal, 1mm |  15022 Guinea Pig, Coronal, 1mm |  15001 Gerbil, Coronal, 1mm |  15007 Rat, Coronal, 1mm |
 15006 Rat Sagittal, 1mm |  15009 Rat, Dorsal/Ventral, 1mm |  15031 Rat, Heart, 1mm |  15002 Gerbil, Sagittal, 1mm |
 15003 Mouse, Coronal, 1mm |  15013 Tissue Matrix, 10 x 10mm Chamber, 1mm |  15019 6mm Spherical Matrix, 1mm |  15017 Tissue Matrix, 10mm rod or V, 1mm |
Matrix Ordering Information
Prod # | Description | Unit | Price | Order / Quote |
| Mouse, 30g adult, Coronal, 1mm | | | |
| Mouse, 30g adult, Sagittal, 1mm | | | |
Prod # | Description | Unit | Price | Order / Quote |
| Rat pup, (12-14 days) 30g, Coronal, 1mm | | | |
| Rat pup, (12-14 days) 30g, Sagittal, 1mm | | | |
| Rat, 125-185g adult, Coronal, 1mm | | | |
| Rat, 125-185g adult, Sagittal, 1mm | | | |
| Rat, 200-400g adult, Coronal, 1mm | | | |
| Rat, 200-400g adult, Sagittal, 1mm | | | |
| Rat, 200-400g adult, Dorsal/Ventral, 1mm | | | |
| Rat, adult, Heart Matrix, 1mm | | | |
Prod # | Description | Unit | Price | Order / Quote |
| Gerbil, 70g adult, Coronal, 1mm | | | |
| Gerbil, 70g adult, Sagittal, 1mm | | | |
Guinea Pig
Prod # | Description | Unit | Price | Order / Quote |
| Guinea Pig, 350g adult, Coronal, 1mm | | | |
| Guinea Pig, 350g adult, Sagittal, 1mm | | | |
Prod # | Description | Unit | Price | Order / Quote |
| Ferret, adult, Coronal, 1mm | | | |
| Ferret, adult, Sagittal, 1mm | | | |
Prod # | Description | Unit | Price | Order / Quote |
| Rabbit, 70g adult, Coronal, 1mm | | | |
| Rabbit, 70g adult, Sagittal, 1mm | | | |
Prod # | Description | Unit | Price | Order / Quote |
| Hamster, 100g, Coronal, 1mm | | | |
| Hamster, 100g, Sagittal, 1mm | | | |
Prod # | Description | Unit | Price | Order / Quote |
| Cat, 35 slots, Coronal, 2mm | | | |
Prod # | Description | Unit | Price | Order / Quote |
| Dog, 40 slots, 2mm | | | |
Prod # | Description | Unit | Price | Order / Quote |
| Monkey, Rhesus, Adult (2-3 year old, weight 2-3Kg) 40 slots, Coronal, 2mm | | | |
| Monkey, Cynomolgus, adult, Cerebrum, 2mm | | | |
| Monkey, Cynomolgus, adult, Coronal, 2mm | | | |
Tissue Matrix
Prod # | Description | Unit | Price | Order / Quote |
| Tissue Matrix, 10 x 10mm Chamber, 1mm | | | |
| Tissue Matrix, 15 x 15mm Chamber, 1mm | | | |
| Tissue Matrix, 20 x 20mm Chamber, 1mm | | | |
| Tissue Matrix, 25 x 25mm Chamber, 1mm | | | |
| Tissue Matrix, 10mm rod shape or "V", 1mm | | | |
| Tissue Matrix, 4mm spherical chamber, 1mm | | | |
| Tissue Matrix, 6mm spherical chamber, 1mm | | | |
PELCO® Technical Notes, Brain and Tissue Matrices (PDF File)
Blades for Brain Matrices - go to Dissection Tools - Blades
| Stainless Steel Brain Matrices, 1mm Matrices are precisely machined to insure reproducible sections. This will allow the investigator to slice either coronal (perpendicular to center line) or sagittal (parallel to center line) sections at 1mm intervals. Features: - Stainless Steel
- Highly polished
- Precision machined
- Precise blocking of the brain
- Repeatable 1mm segments
| Size | A | B | C | D | E | Cavity depth | 15065, Small rat, coronal (175 - 300g) | 4.76 | 15.9 | 12.7 | 36.6 | 23.8 | 7.61 | 15066, Large rat, coronal (300 - 600g) | 4.76 | 19.8 | 14.7 | 36.6 | 24.7 | 10.91 | 15067, Mouse, coronal (40 - 75g) | 3.18 | 11.1 | 8.73 | 19.1 | 12.2 | 7.4 | 15068, Small rat, sagittal (175 - 300g) | 4.76 | 15.9 | 12.7 | 36.6 | 23.8 | 7.61 | 15069, Large rat, sagittal (300 - 600g) | 4.76 | 19.8 | 14.7 | 36.6 | 24.7 | 10.91 | (all sizes in mm) |
Go to Blades for use in Brain Matrices Prod # | Description | Unit | Price | Order / Quote | | Rat, 175-300g, coronal, 1mm | | | | | Rat, 300-600g, coronal, 1mm | | | | | Mouse, 40-75g, coronal, 1mm | | | | | Rat, 175-300g, sagittal, 1mm | | | | | Rat, 300-600g, sagittal, 1mm | | | | |
 | Stainless Steel Brain/Heart Matrices, 0.5mm These Matrices are made of hard stainless steel. They can be cooled, cleaned, and autoclaved. They have smooth surfaces that do not chip. The investigator will be able to get repeatable coronal or sagittal sections enabling precise blocking prior to microtome sectioning. It is advisable to not let any tissue dry onto the matrix but rather soak the matrix immediay after use for easier cleaning. Features: - Stainless Steel
- Highly polished
- Precision machined
- Precise blocking of the brain or heart
- Repeatable 0.5mm segments
| Size | A | B | C | D | E | Cavity depth | 15045, Mouse, coronal (40 - 75g) | 3.18 | 11.1 | 8.73 | 19.1 | 12.2 | 7.4 | 15046, Mouse, sagittal (40 - 75g) | 3.18 | 11.1 | 8.73 | 19.1 | 12.2 | 7.4 | 15047, Large Rat, coronal (300 - 600g) | 4.76 | 19.8 | 14.7 | 36.6 | 24.7 | 10.91 | 15048, Large Rat, sagittal (300 - 600g) | 4.76 | 19.8 | 14.7 | 36.6 | 24.7 | 10.91 | 15056, Mouse, heart | 8.3 | 12.1 | | | | 4.8 | 15057, Rat, heart | 12.7 | 19.9 | | | | 9.6 | (all sizes in mm) Go to Blades for use in Brain Matrices |
Prod # | Description | Unit | Price | Order / Quote | | Mouse, 40 - 75g, coronal, 0.5mm | | | | | Mouse, 40 - 75g, sagittal, 0.5mm | | | | | Rat, 300 - 600g, coronal, 0.5mm | | | | | Rat, 300 - 600g, sagittal, 0.5mm | | | | | Mouse heart, 0.5mm | | | | | Rat heart, 0.5mm | | | | |
| Acrylic Brain Matrices An economical alternative to metal brain matrices. The acrylic coronal brain matrices have the additional feature of a mid-line sagittal cut to facilitate the separation of the left and right hemispheres. All divisions are 1mm apart. Go to Blades for use in Brain Matrices |
Prod # | Description | Unit | Price | Order / Quote | | Mouse, 30g adult, Coronal, 1mm | | | | | Mouse, 30g adult, Sagittal, 1mm | | | | | Rat, 175-300g adult, Coronal, 1mm | | | | | Rat, 175-300g adult, Sagittal, 1mm | | | | | Rat, 300-600g adult, Coronal, 1mm | | | | | Rat, 300-600g adult, Sagittal, 1mm | | | | |